反义词 a tell


Opposite of to communicate information to someone in spoken or written words


(tell on) Opposite of to impact or take its toll on


Opposite of to reveal secrets or gossip
withhold suppress conceal keep hide hold mask reserve cloak enshroud shroud veil cover up hold on to keep back sit on be quiet keep a secret keep secret repress hold back secrete cover secret keep quiet refrain refuse protect stifle deny disguise obscure censor bury inhibit contain fail to disclose control keep under wraps belie refuse to give keep quiet about check restrain misrepresent bottle up listen curb keep from disavow take obfuscate silence keep a lid on hush up dissemble bridle repudiate resist mumble hold out keep hidden muffle deceive be discreet sweep under the carpet sweep under the rug keep dark defend harbour harbor support camouflage retain mute gag screen burke redact cloud neglect ask ban blanket delude praise approve falsify hold in muzzle hold out on confuse mislead keep mum keep to oneself keep in check not tell a soul keep the lid on be the soul of discretion guard obstruct shield stick up for reject constrain ignore pick up clean up dispute disallow reprobate erase strangle contradict draw a veil over maintain receive write dissociate block bottle internalize disapprove fail question decline not disclose keep under control keep silent about close rein in forbear abstain hold down internalise be loyal be faithful keep hold of implore request shut up be silent pretend fool lie trick betray say nothing shush stop talking close up stash keep something secret put the lid on ensconce blot out block out belt up pipe down quieten down clam up quiet down button up not tell lock up remain silent stow away tuck away stay silent store away hold your tongue button your lip smother keep under your hat be unwilling to talk refuse to speak befog distort muddle skew pervert muddy misstate twist warp garble misdescribe becloud complicate befuddle


Opposite of to find the sum of (a collection of things)


Opposite of to make someone (or a group) familiar with or knowledgeable about something


Opposite of to instruct or order (someone) to do something


Opposite of to reveal confidential or personal information


Opposite of to learn or come to an awareness of something


Opposite of to give an authoritative or peremptory order


Opposite of to feel, notice or detect with one's senses


Opposite of to impart information or knowledge to


Opposite of to prepare (someone) for a situation, typically by supplying them with relevant information


Opposite of to have significance or be influential in a matter or decision


Opposite of to inform someone in advance of a possible danger or problem


Opposite of to give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something)


Opposite of to state as a fact, usually forcefully

同义词 a tell

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