同义词 a get


To come into possession of
acquire obtain come by come to have come into possession of receive gain earn win come into come in for take possession of take receipt of be given buy purchase procure possess oneself of secure gather collect pick up appropriate amass build up hook net land achieve attain get hold of get your hands on grab bag get one's mitts on score snag glean nab collar have cop latch onto rack up access lock up swing inherit take realize realise capture garner find reap bring in draw make accomplish wangle reach pull down lay hold of chalk up knock down carry annex annexe get possession of hit derive seize snap up record lay hands on notch up clock up log be awarded accept have conferred on one ring up pull off clinch register splash out on corral tally be presented with scoop compass pay for retrieve occupy come away with shop for fetch recover pocket take over wrap up get at be provided with grasp get one's fingers on get into one's hands hustle prehend haul in pull in gather up assume walk off with walk away with locate scare up be in receipt of invest in make a purchase of make the purchase of knock up accumulate turn in latch on to arrive at go shopping for pierce extricate gain possession of understand know catch feel sense contract adopt meet accrue clean up consummate cinch come up with hold guarantee ice ensure assure guaranty insure expropriate confiscate sequestrate encounter steal captivate carry off be paid accept delivery of take into one's possession agree to receive possess retain enjoy own get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot search out bring to fruition induce solicit bank pot take home pull command come across come upon happen upon luck into fall upon stumble upon mark up maneuver manoeuvre work return bring about make sure make sure of win possession of give security commandeer conquer requisition impound sequester claim source cull take delivery of corner be sent fix succeed in making trace track lay claim to hit up hold out for notch poll track down arrange bring around attach disseize help oneself to distrain hijack poind actualize do produce tie up buy out manage to get buy up prevail upon make a haul make attain fix up sort out carry out get done wind up knock off take control of succeed in bring off answer hoard schlenter salvage save effect blag drum up scrape up lay up gobble up scrape together make use of succeed to accede to market redeem beg borrow or steal put money into be granted fall heir accede succeed take up respond to take responsibility for be elevated to take on bargain for go shopping contract for barter for sign for get in exchange


To comprehend what someone is saying
understand comprehend grasp see take in fathom follow puzzle out work out perceive apprehend get to the bottom of unravel decipher get the drift of catch on to latch on to make head or tail of figure out get the picture get the message appreciate register twig suss out assimilate suss be cognizant of be wise to cognize conceive of cotton on to decode deduce digest discern envisage get the drift get your head round intuit latch onto make sense of pick up recognise recognize savvy be aware of notice make out know realize tumble to catch dig sense conceive realise compass absorb grok seize interpret behold cotton to make catch on read identify get a fix on get the hang of take on board get it get the idea learn penetrate cotton on be conscious of divine crack accept see the light get one's head around disentangle discover untangle keep up with piece together get to know take have an aha moment note ascertain construe master distinguish hear get the point fathom out think have find out latch on infer have knowledge of acknowledge become cognizant of get the point of sort out dope out get to the bottom sympathize with receive resolve acquire gather imagine translate find believe get wise to soak up solve envision be aware become aware of unriddle wrap one's mind around pierce become conscious of unscramble see daylight apperceive get a grip make sense be with it catch the drift soak in get the idea of remember tumble process get the gist establish determine get one's mind around feel identify with empathize with sympathise with relate to agree with empathise with incorporate imbibe affect ingest explain define search out ferret out tap into observe accept the validity of acknowledge the validity of commiserate with be able to see admit the validity of explicate ken take meaning take on detect suspect pinpoint measure gage gauge figure unfold pick up what someone is putting down see the light about be familiar with be au fait with become clear to see through perceive the meaning of throw light on take to mean break down have information be informed drink in absorb mentally take up have a handle on click with wrap one's mind round catch the drift of think through tell see into listen to clear up make heads or tails of have knowledge be conscious see what's what scent guess image vision visualise fancy wise up feature visualize taste smell deem have experience of become conscious of the fact that become aware of the fact that get on to be aware of the fact that be conscious of the fact that hold consider credit anticipate get the message about get the picture about be schooled have down pat feel certain be read be learned be versed see the point of have a hunch just know get the impression come to know get the impression of get vibes feel in one's bones have a funny feeling feel in gut have a feeling become conscious are aware of take account be alert to get through one's head be sensitive to be alive to answer settle break rectify fix brainstorm lick unlock remedy smooth over get right patch up find an answer to put to rights find the key to get around iron out determine a solution to find the answer to put right pan out set right make a dent riddle out straighten out set to rights work on think out find the solution to decide on deal with find a solution to hit upon


To go somewhere, typically with some degree of difficulty
arrive reach come make it turn up appear approach enter be along come along materialise materialize show up come up show present oneself roll in come on the scene drop in make an appearance pop in put in an appearance roll up blow in bob up check in clock in pop up show your face unfold come out be visible be conspicuous attend stick out crop up stand out put in appearance catch your eye come to light emerge punch in be present turn out surface land report get in get there punch the clock come into view loom get here get through sign in make the scene present itself get to pull in come into sight become visible breeze in ring in issue visit punch the time clock clock on fall by fall in spring up sky in fetch up wind up at be peep appear partly appear slowly peek hit show itself arrive on the scene get as far as walk on set foot on show its face show oneself come in make it to peer out come to present yourself end up at reach one's destination come on reveal itself reveal oneself pitch up settle access gather go drop by spring in burst through close in buzz through assemble buzz in hit town disembark bust in dismount barge in draw near drop anchor alight issue from roll out peep out peek from show partially appear briefly pile out announce oneself make oneself known be at hand arise present make reappear weigh in proceed rise come forth break through haunt fetch up at land up find oneself stop finish up end up wash up land up at pull up wind up draw up begin occur start emanate manifest patronize frequent spring patronise take part be in attendance go to be there be a guest show yourself be at take place kick in pass in set foot come into go on become apparent manifest itself hove into view be revealed heave into view make appearance expose itself be seen manifest oneself become evident manifest yourself heave in sight enter into the picture


To begin doing something


To induce someone to do something
persuade induce prevail on coax convince influence cajole encourage talk round motivate entice inveigle impel prevail upon incite incline talk into win over bring around cause seduce stimulate sway wheedle convert move sell prompt bring urge tempt instigate draw press make inspire drive coerce argue into lead provoke compel lure prod dispose satisfy impress trigger sweet-talk pressure spur pressurize beguile exhort coax into goad flatter force rouse reason activate actuate hook con gain argue worm stir affect twist someone's arm pressurise inspirit soft-soap get round bring round butter up sell one on work on twist one's arm allure charm decoy blarney propel blandish push get around brainwash advise palaver suck in put across wangle plague pester importune tease jawbone soothe barter animate touch energize invigorate nudge spark hearten galvanize wheedle into steel occasion incentivize exhilarate excite embolden quicken prod into strike galvanise incentivise envigorate energise rope in arm-twist come on spur on fire up nag into have crack promote honey talk condition bring over court predispose work put the heat on put the screws on turn effect overcome smooth-talk bias kowtow banter finagle snow soap oil prove indoctrinate give determine set going impress on make willing make a believer enkindle prevail effectuate soften up sweeten up bring to reason bring round to the idea of bring home to gain one's confidence bring pressure to bear on spread it on lay it on goose get somebody on your side counsel procure steamroll squeeze bulldoze enthuse propagandize enlist proselytize rally elicit impassion instil proselyte propagandise proselytise evoke inflame instill imbue enliven infuse uplift impact arouse empower vitalize draw in cajole into fire fillip refresh prick help necessitate incentify plead with cause to believe pressurize into work over reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do buoy up be responsible for reassure start off commove bear up carry work up chirk up fire with enthusiasm set up fire the imagination of give impetus elate give one an idea spark off endue infect buck up gee up beghast exalt cheer up cheer on hint to stir up whip up pep up boost up pump up egg on suggest to exert influence on put someone up to something bring to senses lead to believe wear down gain confidence of win argument prove to woo maneuver manoeuvre talk someone into something pique put up to turn on sting set off badger dragoon initiate entreat sic hound implore harass beseech admonish foment kindle bully enjoin start adjure charge direct kick-start key up get going beg oblige nag awaken whip touch off hassle solicit bid favour favor countenance advocate challenge titillate mobilize whet control rev up mobilise try to persuade remind light a fire under appeal to jog run trigger off constrain precipitate prejudice ask plead buoy insist electrify recommend sound sanction agitate guide root on suggest further lean on set on bring about operate use pressure on put pressure on insist on push for produce chivvy initialize set in motion put in motion enable drive on appeal request warn call on propose back initialise thrill needle advance support expedite abet prime commend rowel forward fuel boost caution endorse call trip govern wake act upon foster originate champion bend jumpstart spirit up impact on generate put a bomb under act as a stimulus to prescribe railroad into switch on command bulldoze into give rise to wake up make of a mind to tout bring on crank up shake catapult adapt beget preach crowd grab roust lash egg waken predetermine increase create pick brew raise ferment work into lather put into action shock jolt startle hustle bother ride herd on call upon begin enhance fan set afoot give incentive to give incentive set astir impose on orient set breed craze taunt juice psych browbeat dig act as an incentive to prepare inspan agitate for lead to intimidate strengthen intensify scheme plot insinuate hint plan rabble-rouse obligate harry railroad get to keep at dictate warm intoxicate dynamize augment flip throw release pull speed up fan the fire tend add fuel steam up make waves please push around strong-arm put the screws to get something going cultivate teach discharge engage tickle tantalize press-gang decide renew cue stun astonish innervate zap frighten give the incentive to pour it on dragoon into act as a incentive to revivify summon up alert tantalise send get someone going steamroller into manipulate colour reach harp on go on at ride harp on at scold verge look fire the enthusiasm of call forth make wild make expectant jaundice mould slant heat up browbeat into bear down on go to town on use strong-arm tactics on revamp give someone a kick conduct mold color nobble give a shot in the arm help out brush up lead by the nose tell on turn one's head regulate be willing gravitate toward be partial lean to be predisposed not mind be disposed make you of a mind to hit the ground running aid keep on at show a preference for lobby clamour demand campaign form channel blaze a trail assist train get at be recognized have a part in pull strings have an effect on bring to bear rule carry weight bay petition order pursue clamor sue requisition exact espouse extol instruct give someone a cue supplicate quest stipulate apply plug nominate tip give advice give one's suggestions to tip off give one's opinion to give direction to give two cents wise up give guidance to give pointer steer enquire inquire bug drum second indorse opine succour vouch for be in favor of speak in favor of go on record for lobby for speak for root for call for be all for stump for subscribe to offer recommendation press for put forward argue for speak favorably of campaign for beat the drum for head condone backstop sustain uphold ask authoritatively make a claim ask brusquely ask forcefully rationalize rationalise conjure actify cooperate with collaborate with work with lend a hand collude with connive with side with crank succor prop up connive go along with start up be in collusion with participate in connive at front give a push to back up be hand in glove with pioneer launch boss captain psych up make active take out of mothballs call up be in the van quarterback be in the vanguard of lead the way in trail-blaze spearhead be in the forefront of lay the first stone go out in front be in the front line of blaze the trail lead the way organise introduce helm run things be in the van of be the driving force behind get the jump on shepherd lead the way for organize


To seek retribution
take revenge on be revenged on exact revenge on wreak revenge on avenge oneself take vengeance on get even with settle a score with settle the score with pay back pay out retaliate against retaliate on get back at take reprisals against exact retribution give someone their just deserts give someone a dose of their own medicine give someone a taste of their own medicine give like for like return like for like give tit for tat take an eye for an eye take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth give someone their comeuppance get revenge on get your own back on let someone see how it feels reciprocate retaliate revenge oneself take revenge get even punish repay hit back at settle accounts with fight back even the score give as good as one gets settle the score get your own back square get someone make somebody pay be avenged take vengeance avenge revenge turn the tables on counterattack react respond reply strike back have one's revenge get revenge settle accounts pay someone back in their own coin hit back be revenged wreak revenge give someone a Roland for an Oliver return fire take reprisals get back at someone settle a score take the bait return the compliment put up a fight exact revenge rise to the bait requite redress venge sort out turn the tables make reprisal get even for get you back square accounts wreak vengeance turn upon give as good as you get recompense counter get square demand an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth return tit for tat fix someone fix wreak vengeance on hurt cook someone's goose take retribution square with take retribution on deal with settle someone's hash vindicate recriminate kick back pay back in spades seek payback for exact revenge for make reprisal for take reprisals for give comeuppance make retaliation for settle with get your own back for take an eye for an eye for get redress for settle up square things up get satisfaction for give just desserts take vengeance for pay someone back for get revenge for take revenge for fix one's wagon retaliate for repay in kind for hit back for be out for blood even the score for get even with someone for stick it to


(usually used in third person form "gets") To annoy or irritate
annoy irritate exasperate anger irk vex inflame put out nettle needle provoke incense infuriate madden rub up the wrong way aggravate peeve miff rile get to hack off give someone the hump drive mad drive crazy drive nuts make someone see red wind up agitate bother bug nark get across tee off perturb tick off displease eat grate ruffle burn up chafe disturb frustrate enrage gall fire up upset be a thorn in someone's flesh get in your hair get on one's nerves get on your nerves get someone's wick get under your skin get up someone's nose get your back up get your dander up get your goat get your hackles up gnaw harry make somebody's hackles rise make your blood boil rattle someone's cage ruffle one's feathers try your patience pique rasp persecute spite gripe frost itch rankle ride gravel hassle harass hump offend exacerbate drive up the wall goad rark trouble antagonize plague pester bum out roil worry antagonise make angry hack you off affront rub the wrong way tease drive to distraction nag torment fret outrage make cross distress disgruntle drive round the twist drive round the bend badger give someone the pip bedevil give a hard time abrade grate on hurt rankle with pain molest put your back up burn niggle make waves hound get on your wick insult rattle bait sting jar on pick on be on your back put someone's nose out of joint raise your hackles disgust discompose taunt discountenance grieve discomfit wound T-off mad injure get across someone dog mortify give someone grief get at wear on be at steam up send into a rage shake up rub you up the wrong way set one's teeth on edge be on the back of afflict affect disconcert fluster disquiet nudge inconvenience beset embarrass mither devil discommode dissatisfy ire enflame incommode heavy try pursue bum egg on hack browbeat harm cheese off intimidate bully embitter work up turn off shock torture excite traumatize crucify get a rise out of hit where one lives stick in one's craw drive bananas eat away at drive you up the wall traumatise dump on put down hurt somebody's feelings do in cut to the quick ache press distract squeeze pinch compress cramp jar rouse chide steam brown off confound break henpeck acerbate beleaguer sour eat at distemper impose upon push button heat up work on wig rile up empurple try the patience of ask for it tatter erode fray incite stroke someone's hair the wrong way get someone snit pet tiff huff stew criticize awake quicken goose motivate absorb grab ignite attract interest prick grill get on the wrong side of make an enemy of somebody start thwart foil concern scour wear down depress put on the spot jar upon grate upon fuss rasp one's nerves wear upon confuse unsettle set on stir up work into lather set off take a rise out of chagrin give the business cavil get on someone unnerve begrudge crab grudge bite victimize flurry wear away exercise wear out rage guy criticise terrorize rag rib mock hang up get even upset the applecart louse up slight faze stir ridicule find fault with nag at throw put off scrape away bite into wear to shreds discombobulate make nervous scar damage aggrieve dragoon expel victimise wrong beat hunt hector exile terrorise be a pain in the neck mix up give a bad time be a thorn in someone's side gibe heckle haze chaff throw off balance discomfort gnaw away at stump furbelow cow bluster floor frill disrupt flummox wear fuddle anguish slap dis disrespect diss sadden put someone off their stroke razz get the knife into single out be on one's case make things hot for someone make it hot for someone stick the knife into rattle one's cage put into a flap cause someone to lose their composure throw into a tizz throw into tizzy make miserable take the mickey get on the nerves of get in the hair of take the piss out of give offence to cause suffering to gnaw at tear to pieces hurt the feelings of devastate overwhelm dismay inflict trauma deeply upset knock for six stress chivvy perplex chivy scare tantalize interrupt bore impede cross hinder tantalise intrude upon impose on bend someone's ear breathe down someone's neck carp at get on someone's case oppress ail agonize rack alarm agonise burden harrow unhinge frazzle strain curse besiege freak out weird out excruciate derail alarum hagride undo importune horrify sicken haunt keep after make anxious keep on at appal make uneasy abash go on at weigh down tax appall disoblige crush frighten bewilder pother humiliate nauseate puzzle disaffect lie heavy on prod nonplus discourage dishearten dun tire disappoint shake arouse scandalize cause offense abuse josh shame repel banter weary prey on your mind blight smite quiz grind assail craze lead on obsess scandalise fester martyr be offensive scold tyrannize be a nuisance to wring umbrage harp on at rag on tyrannise make uncomfortable cause anxiety make a monkey of roast discontent kid deride dispirit curdle satirize attack zing alienate jive joke test rally daunt twit sound grip disgrace envenom cause trouble to demoralize raise hell fun chiack estrange panic make discontented spook shuck startle bullyrag smoke jangle demoralise rot intensify psych possess worsen sledge make somebody's blood boil mistreat confront make unhappy intrude hang over coerce demean satirise enslave push eat up laugh at infest make you see red muddle preoccupy put the squeeze on make someone fed up jeer at dumbfound scoff at flip out make fun of indispose jibe at poke fun at mess with send up barrage ply weigh heavily on make jokes about goof on dominate cause anxiety to be sarcastic about poke mullock at make sport of sling off at make fretful flirt with interfere complicate put on have on flout at make self-conscious cause anguish to key up turn on poke borak at put in a spot weigh heavily on one's mind do someone's head in make a scene tyrannize over make wretched weigh on face fool around spur tell off rattle someone's chain bristle question tweak examine stress out cause resentment to cause annoyance to scorn push one's buttons boil macerate noodge despoil foray excoriate misplease wing revolt cool cap insist remind kid around blow up give someone hell chill unman jerk around cut pressurize run up the wrong way repulse make sore lose one's temper breath down someone's neck pressurise make see red play dirty stretch sap drain exhaust drive insane pick at punish bone irritate greatly despair cause to panic be hurtful to bleed mourn cause anguish cause suffering lambaste cause sorrow mess occupy disorder insist on peck at consume be in someone's way unquiet roust be prey to deject disarrange scratch around yap at turn incapacitate flip debilitate bulldoze search high heaven be disagreeable to push the buttons of call names be a pest to tear poison sweat fear arouse hostility in drive you crazy lean on be like a red rag to a bull push someon's buttons make restless blackjack muddy foul accost encroach terrify put pressure on obtrude daze derange resent set someone's teeth on edge shatter bring pressure to bear on put lay up inflict anguish on lie heavily on cause agony to put through wringer bogart nit-pick strap desolate be in someone's hair be the victim of get on someone's back thumb nose at entangle hamper rock the boat amaze astound get in the way drive you to distraction make livid make someone scratch their head occupy thoughts aggress grind on grind at dispraise slander mess with someone's head sweat out be a great weight on recur snub bring down lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse rub salt in wound disaccord disharmonize discord drive you round the twist drive you round the bend deflate humble beleague be bothered weigh heavily on someone's mind be a weight on someone's mind do a number on cut up arouse anxiety in push buttons make it tough for lose patience entice titillate slur tire out come back to stay with prey on be a weight on one's mind be ever present drive you off your head cause concern to cause discomfort to deter mystify disorientate take aback dampen spirits break one's heart cast down disillusion start on be disadvantage abase lash at give a zinger give the cold shoulder menace make blue drag down put a damper on break the heart of chasten put into a funk jump on one's case become bored grate at drive you out of your mind drive out of mind have had enough exhaust someone's patience break in fall upon fall on threaten make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on start in on put someone off their stride worst make someone laugh on the other side of their face take the wind out of your sails make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth set someone back on their heels suffer be unwell give the needle dishonour discredit jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter berate disparage belittle degrade make awkward make ashamed show up own lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind tempt intrigue beguile fascinate lure allure be indisposed be crook be disagreeable be an affront to give offence tread on someone's toes cause someone difficulty discommodate meddle lose the affection of dishonor stun put out of countenance let down throw into a tizzy put in a hole catch one short reproach revile domineer be ill be weak be sick be wrong with feel pain be in pain hit a sour note feel unwell be the matter with be a problem to baffle charm override upbraid mau-mau strong-arm take down give trouble make someone go out of his way make it tough give someone bother put to trouble get one's comeuppance make someone eat humble pie put to shame make turbid take down a peg take the wind out acidulate make rancorous bitter venom keep someone hanging on keep hanging make your mouth water strike be autocratic visit take buffet fulminate spout rant rave smoulder ferment brew suppress subjugate maltreat subdue repress hegemonize overpower master overcome ill-treat ulcerate gather ulcer cause bitterness cause annoyance blister canker cause resentment cause vexation smolder eat away at one's mind gnaw at one's mind exploit subject scourge heighten increase compound slang keep down treat harshly magnify make worse amplify augment encumber overload saddle be cruel to grind down bring under the yoke tyrranize rule with an iron hand trample underfoot weigh heavy upon hold down smother handicap beat down be brutal to rule with a rod of iron trample on rule over hold sway over walk all over put screws to bring someone to their knees ride roughshod over overthrow trample despotize rule force put upon bring to heel grumble complain spoof make matters worse to make matters worse go from bad to worse rub salt in the wounds feed the fire add fuel to the flames hit on fan the flames compound the problem add insult to injury impair add fuel to the fire add to rub salt in a wound fan the flames of slam snap mess around pull someone's leg swipe at pull one's leg


To acquire complete knowledge or skill in


To arrive at after searching, study, or effort
ascertain determine descry detect find find out track down learn turn up dig out dig up discover dredge up ferret out hit upon hunt down locate nose out root out rummage run down scare up scout up hit on rout out hunt up discern establish identify realize deduce recognize see divine recognise realise figure out work out catch on grasp appreciate uncover unearth perceive suss fathom out come to know get to know apprehend know comprehend twig note savvy cognize notice observe verify catch on to tumble to confirm fathom intuit diagnose stumble on pin down latch on to cotton on to make certain of make out get a fix on read wise up become aware size up pick up edge out sniff out reveal retrieve glean bring to light come upon sense spot add up contrive have a hunch conceive figure fix settle decide tell understand register check peg dig pick up on make sure look-see get down pat make certain suss out become aware of get on to get the hang of check out double-check take in check up on get down cold catch distinguish behold rumble get the picture get the message get the drift get wise have an aha moment catch on to the fact substantiate ensure validate corroborate pinpoint place diagnosticate see to it take care describe finger be in no doubt flag name isolate separate tag certify point out decide on ID tab analyze settle on button down determinate pick out put one's finger on analyse seek disclose mention list judge encounter sight trip over search for or out smoke out stumble upon look for evaluate measure pronounce calculate gauge assess appraise gage quantify rate interpret compute count investigate assure identify problem make a diagnosis estimate calibrate take remember recall recollect be sure to guarantee affirm insure do not forget to satisfy oneself select call to mind single out know again know by sight put the finger on put a name to formal mark out label check up control for eye prove eyeball render card key out key make up your mind on assure yourself


To attain through effort
earn attain acquire draw bag gain reap secure garner land make obtain bring in capture come by knock down procure pull down realise realize win net collect achieve gather carry receive score fetch pick up produce clear accumulate clinch derive pull in cop glean pocket hook amass rake in take home gross get hold of yield collar snag get paid have take in notch up rack up return raise seize harvest hit log take be paid profit chalk up pull clock up ring up scoop establish manage nab accomplish grab haul in wangle clean up swing fulfil reach arrive at carry off fulfill bring come to have catch walk off with snap up walk away with make a profit of summon bring home solicit round up get your hands on canvass generate retrieve enlist snare annexe annex find deserve come away with consummate effectuate merit warrant reify grasp wrest conquer justify effect cull strike turn bear lay hands on arrive in time for be deserving of hustle sell for have a right to scrape together be entitled to be worthy of be in time for be in line for get to be worth go for call for gather in engage bank develop claim nail snatch trap corral glom blag walk away form appropriate profit with make a profit access take possession of cash in on realize a profit of win possession of notch pull off make it to come into possession of be appointed to grow be sold for possess oneself of petition attract bid for polish off glom onto latch onto pluck extract pot recover ingather be given be awarded advance complete ameliorate accrue build up pay perform wrangle sock get in get as a result recoup drum something up scare up be gainfully employed make it big make fast buck pay dues demand bring home the groceries bring home the bacon eke out provide incur engender afford beget rate supply induce give create have a claim to lay claim to have coming be qualified for have the right to be good enough for have a claim on ask for occasion wax tender catalyze catalyse grow into pay out result in turn out bring forth bring on translate into run into reach in time page call out phone up


To be victorious, typically as revenge for a previous defeat
beat defeat best win against prevail over surmount triumph over dispatch lick take conquer get around master overbear overcome overmatch skunk stop subdue trim upend worst do down get the better of vanquish overpower trounce crush overwhelm clobber thrash subjugate rout quash wipe the floor with whip overthrow hammer demolish drub stuff make mincemeat of slaughter cream shellac own quell walk all over surpass paste run rings around outdo undo bring someone to their knees take to the cleaners blow out of the water tank destroy outstrip murder crucify outclass excel annihilate flatten outplay throw smash slam knock for a loop blow out give someone a hiding suppress top exceed wallop transcend marmalize better overrun pulverize trample down drop pound reduce hurdle massacre trash total cane whomp floor zap triumph outrun pulverise lambaste skin bear down knock out give someone a drubbing pip at the post wipe out turn inside out tame break dominate humble bust kill smother outperform curb steamroll whack outwit repress deck ruin sink overturn whitewash upset pommel outshine get over flog slay torpedo edge tan subvert prevail put down route obliterate swamp outjump outmaneuver shipwreck outmanoeuvre flax outflank butcher outhit decimate ambush entrap knock over go one better than do better than walk over shut down gain a victory over win over be victorious rise above bring to ruin take to cleaners take it all be victorious over put paid to roll back finish off work over run roughshod over put an end to edge out pwn run rings round KO plow under mow down pick apart nose out win a victory over humiliate outsmart knock off unseat bury get one up on make a fool of gain the advantage over do in beat hollow eclipse control smoke cap whup tromp check weather survive devastate whop bomb dust wax whap overtop trump shock oppress stun outlive render win outmatch overshadow outgun come out on top come out on top of grind down knock your socks off render incapable render powerless render helpless put in the shade tower over knock spots off outrival be better than overtake hose outdistance improve on shoot ahead of restrain bridle pass blow away snow under endure resist govern hegemonize manage regulate vault over climb crest leap negotiate gain control of gain mastery over rule direct get a grip on command cope with deal with be unstoppable by get through thwart foil checkmate circumvent frustrate spank strike confound discomfit override overmaster wipe off map bring to knees succeed over trample underfoot put someone in their place slap about subject pacify subordinate extinguish chasten beat down gain ascendancy over get the upper hand over gain the upper hand over get the upper hand prostrate whelm squash squelch bowl over astonish daze stagger dumbfound amaze stifle crack down on knock for six end finish astound stupefy stir silence take aback dazzle shake get rid of impress knock sideways put a stop to terminate abolish stamp out surprise bewilder affect touch bring down spellbind move come through nip in the bud quench withstand put the kibosh on snuff out put away clamp down on slap down topple confuse solve take care of flabbergast awe ride out eradicate strike dumb outlast demoralize startle wreck take your breath away extirpate defeat utterly demoralise distress fascinate resolve bedazzle leave speechless find a solution to find an answer to hypnotize overawe live through pull through stand stand up to crack sweep someone off their feet shatter disturb sort out oust eliminate baffle tyrannize depose excite render speechless disconcert dethrone hypnotise brave dismay rock waste dumfound razzle-dazzle suffer stick out thunderstrike find the answer to find the solution to arrest break down win out tyrannise paralyse be the victor bear up against win a resounding victory over numb abash shake up blast paralyze put to shame carry the day keep down run circles around take the crown hold down put the lid on put out knock down do away with knock the stuffing out of get round scotch succeed dispirit weed out enslave seize sap ride weaken persecute annex traumatize downgrade degrade abuse defeat heavily outfox cow out-think blind nonplus handle appropriate expose maltreat strangle steamroller unsettle outjockey occupy puzzle undermine surprize enervate dismantle coerce force outrage supplant cripple enfeeble demote gain gain the victory finish first win through flummox deaden lower get to rule over blur bear wrong fell capture traumatise abase outpace bring to heel come out ahead crack down perturb bemuse muddle petrify hit for six make it vaporize shame scourge be successful level annexe chagrin bulldoze treat bring under the yoke hold sway over take down make it through come through unscathed take off vaporise come first take the honours inhibit take over give someone a pasting take out last out sit out bear down on cast down trample on tyrannize over shake off fake out shoot ahead stem prevail against pull down tear down sit on bear the brunt of hit like a ton of bricks block out rule with an iron hand take possession of rule with a rod of iron contend with blow your mind take the prize stick it out grapple with shoot down bring low persist nullify enchant captivate defeat easily make emotional immobilize immobilise stamp something out weather storm intimidate grind blow glitz capsize turn over cut to pieces balk curtail scrunch squish get control of outrank settle beat up quelch ice improve upon greatly upset prevent disable outfight overpass suffocate perplex mop up take apart colonize sweep off feet make it past domineer over make it over psych gobsmack befog benumb baulk wear down clamp down put an stop to bring to screeching halt enthrall compel underyoke befuddle disorder fuddle addle distract mystify dizzy take by surprise force down blot out dampen unthrone uncrown limit hinder colonise enthral execute smash down pour cold water on throttle rein in gain control over throw cold water on depress unhorse dwarf upstage incapacitate disrate impair mix up hold sway kick around make speechless stop someone in their tracks remove from power remove from office discontinue impoverish exterminate assassinate throw for a loop sweep halt liquidate keep under thumb reel back in lead ail deject trouble dishearten asphyxiate outwear put lid on keep inside cut off keep in put kibosh on drive underground interrupt bottle clamp hold in shush bring to naught spike psych out address expropriate field appal snow outvie tower above cook trip maneuver discourage sadden devitalize diminish daunt horrify manoeuvre see through pull out of it tough out make a comeback land on your feet recover from live out pass through break through tackle secure usurp offend revolt disgust gain on leave behind play sicken nauseate scandalize dispose of bowl down throw down trip up set down throw to the ground rugby-tackle knock to the ground bring to the ground invade manipulate cause instability debilitate bother weary hit fog disquiet jolt agitate acquire spoil demean hack rub out bump off choke get ahead of go one better draw away from leave standing repel debase gain a victory win hands down get last laugh take the cake gain mastery of bash disgrace carry off take someone's life hijack pirate arrogate commandeer weigh down bum out dull damp down get further ahead of be head and shoulders above pull a fast one be one up on blow out of water walk away from score points off be a cut above bring around tolerate brook give the coup de grâce administer the coup de grâce drive to the wall move in for the kill unnerve displease provoke discompose mortify lather swing ravage put out of action jar appall sustain wear abide confiscate desolate queer belittle antagonize anger cast a pall over put a damper on submit take control of get to grips with take in hand dishonor cheapen discredit raze scandalise antagonise electrify insult hold out against deflate pop one's balloon snub bemean make someone eat humble pie make someone eat crow dishonour bring down a peg cause to lose face cut down to size embarrass preempt take down a peg settle someone's hash foul make one feel small put one away fix someone's wagon smirch take down a peg or two make eat dirt force to eat humble pie cut to the quick bring home the bacon topscore deliver the goods give offence to throw a curve raise someone's eyebrows gross out shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks take the wind out of your sails completely surprise give a turn make someone's blood run cold set someone back on their heels wrack gut dynamite crash reign overrule put up with be impermeable to die hard against hold out hang tough be proof against be impervious to stay the course persevere against persist with be resistant to explode smite nuke break up be the winner edge the opposition achieve success take first prize beat the opposition pull it off reign supreme defenestrate dislodge eject ill-treat lay claim to cook one's goose fix one's wagon wipe off the mat trick outthink overreach outslick fox raze to the ground blow to bits mutilate ravish spoliate blow sky-high mess up maim blow to pieces blow up maraud imperil endanger exploit gain victory be first upset the opposition overwhelm the opposition achieve first place achieve mastery domineer prove carry treat harshly sink the opposition have hoodwink cheat con outgeneral gyp bamboozle dupe defraud jip hoax finagle juke goose outguess mislead swindle deceive gull make liable put in danger lay open put through encumber overload saddle beset be cruel to aggrieve press harass torture worry tyrranize harry hound strain handicap be brutal to plague annoy despotize torment vex tax gain ascendancy gain mastery prove superior finish in front win the day overcome the opposition make a clean sweep run circles around the opposition come in first defeat the opposition sweep the board toughen make out luck out be usual get there carry all before one go places be happening gain the palm exist generally move out pick on ride roughshod over put upon harden season weigh heavy upon put screws to put the squeeze on go great guns hit pay dirt erode coarsen acclimate make rings round end run put one over on figure out lead astray be cleverer than take in pull a fast one on steal a march on sweep over grow strong become toughened grow hardened


To move into a desired direction of discourse


To kill or execute
assassinate execute kill take out bump off dispatch knock off murder put away whack do in ice liquidate neutralise neutralize off rub out slay snuff terminate croak eliminate slaughter exterminate waste do away with destroy butcher put to death blow away top stiff wipe out do to death massacre smoke mow down polish off eradicate dispose of finish off scrag shoot down cut down take the life of snuff out hit finish erase annihilate zap end the life of do for cut to pieces put to sleep shoot wax make away with fell cause the death of put down get rid of dust off decimate grease hang claim guillotine give someone the works garrotte lynch terminate with extreme prejudice cool garrote blot out carry off gun down put an end to extirpate chill electrocute behead decapitate crucify take abolish stretch out down purge asphyxiate strangle euthanize take someone's life deep-six put out of its misery stab dust silence remove blast obliterate cancel kill in cold blood blackball put to the sword wipe off the face of the earth vaporise vaporize nix smite wipe from the face of the earth suffocate sacrifice immolate fry bowstring take care of murk send to the chair stone to death send to the gas chamber put before a firing squad send to the gibbet carry out a sentence of death on string up send to the electric chair gas smother garotte defeat do extinguish knife blow someone's brains out take a life put end to expunge stamp out quash efface end root out annul nullify black out abate delete sweep away void strike down clean up undo rescind invalidate negate disannul revoke raze abrogate repeal vacate countermand demolish axe avoid scrub null ax reverse total roll back dissolve excise ruin retract squash devastate withdraw put paid to smash set aside wipe off the map declare null and void kill off recall trash obviate wreck crush render invalid vitiate shatter nuke desolate wash out blue pencil render null and void overturn discard overrule scratch cross out cut suppress strike out bring down torpedo bring to an end bag blank out X-out cut out cancel out pulverize wrack cream choke head overwhelm drop stop abort overthrow put a stop to pulverise scrap blue-pencil tear down neck pull down override veto repudiate send to the gas chambers trim gut dele score out send to the gallows strike ink out quell make void discharge KO call off put a line through cast aside incapacitate mutilate lop squelch incinerate overcome decollate obscure gibbet put out beat uproot burn exclude scratch out bowdlerize exsect edit out take away sink amputate take back renege edit censor discontinue hang by the neck elide bowdlerise launder dispense with dump put the lid on declare invalid backpedal dismantle lift renig give the chop cut off the head of block out weed out remove all traces of bring to the block X out banish fix stun clear poison depopulate bomb disrupt mass murder upset maim vanquish stick torture mangle see the back of stone rout overpower drag sterilise sterilize check worst ethnically cleanse kayo disable send to kingdom come best declare plug pot clear away take down drag down break off redact wipe off cause to die disallow get off the hook cut off somebody's head blank blot scrape off put someone out of their misery burn away deprive rule against weasel out opt out stand down throw over back out worm out blow take off cork up hush up watergate bottle up shut down put damper on drive to the wall move in for the kill disclaim call abandon renounce recant omit make swing douse quench disown dismiss deny black abjure counterorder forswear expurgate pump full of lead pick off put a bullet in cry off back out of x out stroke out call back white out cost downstroy administer the coup de grâce hunt down give the coup de grâce cross through counteract ditch blow up junk make ineffective countervail rebut turf shed level contravene countercheck frustrate ding break with impugn traverse stonewall cross oppose belie turn thumbs down disprove redress turn down fly in the face of counterbalance restrict compensate limit forget it nig bring to naught call all bets off confine offset cull cover ravage benothing jettison blow out dampen exscind slash throw out cause the loss of result in the loss of cause the sacrifice of lead to the end of knock out wipe off face of earth blow to bits blow sky-high mark out destroy root and branch take apart rub off subvert mop up clear up deal with thin out chop scissor out cut up lop off deracinate turn out detect stub out damp down close down supersede disestablish prohibit put kibosh on inhibit knock something on the head put the kibosh on account for strangulate throttle stifle thin out the population of reduce the numbers of put out of action make an end of truncate offer constrict drown put on the block chop off one's head offer up protest offer as a sacrifice commit suicide make an offering of choke to death kill as a sacrifice


To prepare, or arrange for, a meal
prepare get ready for cook make put together assemble muster dish up concoct fix rustle up fix up knock up brew heat microwave blend produce infuse cook up fit prep ready warm make ready make up get ready scare up whip up bake pressure-cook scramble melt broil saute mull simmer ruin boil parch reduce stir-fry brown fry curry sizzle toast imbue sear decoct scorch grill seethe steep blanch devil scald fricassee barbecue escallop nuke panfry steam spoil coddle roast burn percolate braise parboil stew casserole griddle poach warm up french fry deep fry prepare food singe char heat up zap swelter flame frizzle churn throw together blacken wither ignite thaw incinerate blaze spit-roast brand warm through dry pot-roast blister hot up take the chill off crisp rotisserie reheat desiccate shrivel smolder dehydrate cauterize torch chafe smoulder hot enflame kindle enkindle cook over an open pit carbonize carbonise fire inflame cauterise make hot rattle off dry up set on fire burn up make warm soften create stir fry fry up deep-fry precook bring to the boil sauté pan fry seal mark stale boil lightly charbroil sauté crisp up jack up mash charcoal-broil blast jug smoor oven-bake color colour bring back to life decrepitate effervesce bubble ferment boil slowly cook slowly oven overheat dry-roast smelt fizz sun incandesce tepefy flush glow pan-fry cook gently raise the temperature raise something's temperature blight discolour exsiccate boil gently dry out get too hot grow hot solder tan harden discolor wilt thaw out warm over combust light increase in temperature raise the temperature of become warm become hot put on the fire flare conflagrate smoke burn to the ground burn down set light to be on fire be in flames destroy by fire go up in smoke cremate be ablaze touch off set alight reduce to ashes be afire set burning burn away set fire to be ardent go up gut consume put a match to set a match to be alight rekindle burn to a crisp be aflame go up in flames


To trick successfully


(followed by for) To look for or seek
search seek hunt look ask comb delve entreat explore invite offer petition query request solicit struggle undertake forage pursue ferret scan chase ask for aspire to cast about cast around cast round ferret about ferret around find out fish about fish around have a go at inquire about look for look high and low root about root around rummage about rummage around scout out quest desire apply for plead for bespeak investigate petition for call on call for beg for put in for appeal for sue for probe sift rummage examine scour look up track down scout chase down forage for shop for cast about for cast around for inspect seek out nose around fossick inquire enquire survey dig study scrutinize rummage round prospect analyse research analyze scrutinise scavenge look into search for search for or out fine-tooth-comb look around ransack question nose about discover skirr trace reconnoitre reconnoiter pry scratch around ferret out rootle around check out go over search high heaven make inquiries go after search out consult grope scrabble fumble feel stalk fish consider make enquiries snoop appraise canvas dig around check conduct an enquiry pioneer burrow case stake out hunt around look round look about raid plunder suss out poke around hunt down recce poozle scrounge go in search of scratch about pilfer nose round ravage grub beat rake go over with a fine-tooth comb run reconnaissance give something a going-over give something a look-see give the once-over look up and down seek an answer subject to an examination scrounge around come upon hunt for confirm find peruse experiment review assess work over enquire into dive in dig into do research play around with consult the archives follow a line of investigation make enquiries into make inquiries into inquire into do tests conduct investigations into delve into grill roast quiz hit knock interrogate catechize rootle drag winnow dowse mine pan drill request information test the waters request information of feel out hit up seek information of seek information scour around rootle about be on the prowl fish for grope around try to find look all over hell be on the lookout go into forage around forage about make a survey of


Used to tell somebody to leave one alone
bug off go depart exit vamoose quit begone part bail scarper move book leave scram split clear out take off clear off push off shove off buzz off bug out walk out run along pull out go off step along push on bail out cut out peel off sally forth dig out get off beat it pack up pack off pike off pike out hit the road take a hike move out get lost go away skedaddle decamp withdraw take a powder make oneself scarce escape get going run away run off get away scoot bolt retire fly hightail be off set off get out flee make off sling your hook take leave be on your way light out take flight retreat blow absent yourself make tracks set out make a break for it voetsak hamba pull stakes hop it scat rack off head off hook it disappear cut and run hit the trail bog off beat a hasty retreat make a run for it avaunt abscond beat a retreat head for the hills skip off vacate hightail it move off take yourself off duck out do a bunk check out walk off take wing shoo run vanish break run for it say goodbye slope off evacuate say your goodbyes pack your bags make a quick exit naff off start out desert sod off haul off hop the twig get along fly the coop skip out push along get stuffed move along make an exit show a clean pair of heels nick off pop off do a runner go jump in the lake go and jump in the lake get moving hop the stick skidoo leg it go out turn tail lam go your way do a disappearing act go through make a start take to your heels abstract oneself up sticks abandon on your bike shoot through back out take a long walk on a short pier make a break slip away step out peel out make a move draw away get out of my sight make a getaway be off with you git alight embark kite remove oneself skiddoo avoid wend range mosey cruise make for make one's way go and chase yourself shun walk get on your bike go to hell post security put up bail stand surety obtain somebody's release be gone make one's departure go offstage flake off exeunt issue do vanishing act bid farewell levant run out drop out strand take a walk forsake maroon jump make your escape make quick exit elude scamper take it on the lam evade hotfoot step on it step on the gas march separate say adieu do a fade get up and go storm off leave suddenly storm out flounce out go off in a huff make a sudden departure say farewell break up ship shove flow leap bustle off-load move about hurry break off conk out split up quit the scene ship out say one's farewells dedomicile make one's farewells walk out on ease out go one's ways go their separate ways part company go separate ways leave flat skip advance absent go forth flit blast off move on migrate remove start set forth proceed break camp betake oneself march out emigrate sally abdicate repair troop hit the bricks go south take French leave go on the lam steal away break out make a quick getaway sneak away dog it do a vanishing act break out of do a moonlight flit break free do a Skase depart secretly go AWOL make scarce jump ship strike out head make dash fall back bound dart rush pull back hustle recoil back off race hotfoot it career draw back hasten escape from scurry hie withdraw from abscond from give ground shrink sprint speed clear zip scuttle shoot barrel gallop give way course canter run away from break away step spring ditch disengage relinquish go like lightning get under way trip break loose gambol have it away tear elope trot move away disappear from retire from sneak off be gone from go away from flee from fly from slip out depart from exit from make haste take oneself off from move out of pull out of back away cut loose move back get a move on charge hop disregard caper dump dance dodge shirk ignore get free scatter recede prance absquatulate duck romp yeet hare frisk hurtle zoom defect cavort bob beetle lope whisk belt pelt empty bundle run out on set out from bomb break with cut motor scramble blast buzz blaze absent oneself from get cracking turn your back on shrink away whip drive careen whirl rustle breeze rocket nip travel cannonball scutter chase jet decamp from hurry up bowl drop back hurl rip ram hump highball take your leave of buck shake a leg get out of bust out tiptoe skirr graze skitter hippety-hop crack on take to flight leave in a hurry amble make a escape egress make away spread fade away bounce tear off pull away balk retract free oneself extricate oneself regress fold curvet hide lollop book it baulk hasten away go back depart suddenly have it away on one's toes be lost void run from distance oneself spur expedite whiz leave town get out of someone's clutches resile defect from jog disentangle yourself sweep skidaddle retreat from displace go absent without leave go missing go west flit from turn around run scared aim beeline steer bear veer leave hastily leave abruptly go secretly make time move fast kick rocks frolic run for the hills stampede opt out cop out kiss goodbye leave high and dry shut eyes to cop out of pay no attention to take no notice of shy away step back turn away make a U-turn desert under fire make a dash for it leave in the lurch jump bail leave holding the bag run like scared rabbit rush off speed away turn on a dime bail out from clear from clear out from pull out from head out from streak plunge pace bucket whoosh neglect betray fleet dispatch press whizz haste spurt clip wheech reject vroom push boogie burst out sunder out run off from take off from move out from burst out of make vacant make empty break loose from eject from come out make one's escape from tear along waste no time post get your skates on whip around move quickly cover ground go hell for leather burn rubber barrel along go like the clappers not lose a minute burn speed up shift get the lead out cut along flash express go like a bat out of hell go fast go quickly lay rubber discard discount jettison repeal forget renounce shrink back secede become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate disclaim jilt stir disown abort revoke screw disavow drop go from head out rescind ride off bolt from abstain from bail on refrain from cheat on disengage from give the slip slope off from step down come away do away with back out on be disloyal to break up with be unfaithful to fail do a bunk from walk away ricochet carom skim glance


To arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning
derive obtain gain gather extract glean procure take acquire collect conclude decide deduce draw extrapolate infer judge reason receive understand attain elicit arrive assume determine develop educe elaborate evolve excogitate follow formulate make make out reach trace put together work out originate stem reap be given pick up spring come by assimilate feel experience take on take up hold have undergo encounter maintain face know garner cull come into contact with partake in accumulate harvest select pick amass sift winnow surmise figure suppose reckon conjecture construe believe come to the conclusion presume intuit guess think consider draw the inference imagine hypothesize suspect deem estimate conceive hypothesise theorize induce fancy postulate expect speculate discover divine theorise calculate assess analyze gauge evaluate regard presuppose establish anticipate predict discern gage analyse foretell ratiocinate ascertain appraise count figure out forecast philosophize take it have a hunch be led to believe be given to understand generalize generalise comprehend deduct philosophise cogitate esteem dare say see resolve project hear approximate learn foresee call adjudge put draw conclusions posit draw a conclusion tell suss out come to understand guesstimate read into notice be afraid compute add up boil down sum up dope out be informed count on hear tell observe vapor be metaphysical stay in the clouds evince evoke solve think out accept vapour syllogize trust calculate roughly count up number the way one sees it be of the view be of the opinion suss put a figure on concede interpret think likely bank on sense contextualize take something on board take for granted see the light rationalize differentiate detect see through contemplate valuate rationalise feel for contextualise stumble on draw inference arrive at reach conclusion theorize that think it likely that come to the conclusion that postulate that read between lines read between the lines put two and two together find view say rank distinguish rate class envision appreciate allow place weigh value see ahead make an educated guess regard as class as see as rank as rate as form the opinion look on as take to be look at realize realise take to mean


To travel, usually with some measurable distance
journey travel go fly sail traverse voyage jaunt proceed cruise exodus head jet roam scramble wander advance pass peregrinate trek approach backpack barnstorm bus bustle cab coach continue depart escape galavant gallivant gig globetrot junket migrate motor move navigate perambulate race road-trip roll speed spring take off tour traipse transition transport trundle wend rove circuit hop process ramble range safari fare hie globe trot go on an excursion go on an expedition go on a tour go on a trip go on safari go places knock about make one's way meander push on take a trip wayfare wend your way progress pace come crack on make your way press forward move forward go ahead move ahead forge ahead go on keep on go forward move on move out carry on make headway go off get going get ahead keep moving march get on press on go along move along drift hike trip pilgrimage cross walk tramp stray stroll prowl drive course bat pass over go walkabout pass through hit the road saunter amble cover do maunder float explore ride track transit knock around mooch cut across straggle circumambulate proceed along gad about kick around trudge steam itinerate trog stravaig swan mosey scour set out coast set forth streel vagabond travel around gad sweep globe-trot travel through range over glide journey across travel over journey over go through repair venture shuttle go on a journey go on a excursion travel about go hither and thither slog tootle pootle footslog bum negotiate trek through shift plod yomp bum around struggle along foot trail emigrate encompass search reconnoiter reconnoitre run flow immigrate leave transmigrate nomadize transfer voyage across sail across sail over voyage through travel across voyage over cruise through go across make your way across put behind one tramp over make circuit hit the trail spread through follow one's nose stream circumnavigate follow stroke pass by run out move onwards run through drag run by crawl blow past be on the move be on the trail move around move about potter breeze transmit spin waltz overnight go round move round truck toddle automobile go riding cover ground get through make a journey go into orbit tool pick your way find your way wind one's way canter gallop jockey trot sit cycle travel round take a plane take a boat take a train go by car travel on wheels travel by car ride by car stump swing voyage around holiday in trek around holiday vacation journey through sightsee in sightsee be carried hitch a ride thumb a ride be borne be supported be conveyed roam in trek round wander through journey round rove through go on the road go on an excursion in go on a trip through boat ferry travel along go boating go sailing travel by boat take a cruise go yachting set sail take a boat trip ship out take a sea trip ride the waves take a sailing trip


To hear with attention, obedience, or compliance
hearken heed attend mind hark hear harken listen catch overhear eavesdrop apprehend auscultate descry devour give read strain take make out give attention be all ears become aware give ears pick up get an earful get wind of give an audience to listen to pay attention to take notice of attend to understand perceive detect discern give ear to give attention to be all ears for listen in to hark to eavesdrop on hearken to take in note pay attention mark notice observe regard watch lend an ear pay heed concentrate on pay heed to take note of follow respect hear out take heed of get a load of be heedful of take into consideration bear in mind take to heart obey give ear be attentive pick up on tune in to give heed goose-step to give a thought to comply with adhere to take notice follow orders behave according to lend an ear to do as you are told give thought to be mindful of have regard for conform to keep listen up yield to register give one's undivided attention remark eye see behold view focus on keep one's mind on listen up to apply your mind to devote oneself think about check out be attentive to look on keep one's eye on occupy oneself with behear tune in auscult monitor concentrate consider keep your ears open tune in on prick up ears accept listen intently concentrate on hearing agree believe assent pin back one's ears hang on someone's words hear tell pin your ears back dig hang on take note pay regard to give heed to toe the line be guided by do as one is told by take into account take heed abide by do one's bidding


To penalize someone for wrongdoing
punish discipline penalise penalize chastise chasten correct castigate abuse beat cane lash mistreat murder scalp sentence thump wallop whip batter flog harm hurt injure misuse oppress scourge manhandle recompense visit admonish blacklist cuff debar defrock dismiss drop on execute exile expel fine immure incarcerate lecture mete out punishment to paddle rebuke reprimand reprove skin skin alive spank switch tear down train bring to book come down on make an example of slap someone's wrist attend to beat up do in give it to someone give someone what for rap knuckles crack down on give a lesson to give someone the works give something a going-over knock about rough up teach a lesson give a going over throw the book at come down on like a ton of bricks punish severely have someone's guts for garters fix someone's wagon thrash belt hammer strike whale hide tan birch baste lick pummel lambaste pound bash drub buffet hit maul pummelled pommel whup leather flagellate lambast lather slate bludgeon thresh work over slog whop tromp whap scold curry chide flail bung up flay mess up belabor horsewhip strap pelt belabour club give someone a hiding bat lace slash fib do upbraid berate take to task punch out smack attack clout clobber whack censure lay into reprehend beat the living daylights out of objurgate reproach cowhide rawhide excoriate punch slam cudgel slap condemn tell off call down criticize carpet knock deal with trounce dress down trash bruise tongue-lash larrup tick off smash give someone a dressing-down criticise afflict amerce lace into have a go at rake over the coals paste rag destroy crush thwack assail keelhaul rate assault score jaw rap break rap over the knuckles give someone a roasting scorch pulverize sock trim slug lam rant at give a rocket bawl out whomp shellac smother bang rail at give someone a good hiding chew out tan someone's hide rain blows on ream out pitch into haul over the coals rail against maltreat read the riot act box let someone have it pulverise sanction curse torment dock overwhelm rout mulct torture denounce remonstrate with blast impose defeat judge bullwhip revile terrorize harass slaughter annihilate diss deck bollock vituperate smite scathe best quirt flame terrorise hit with exact a penalty from slap with wreck marmalize cream bury fulminate against put on the mat massacre worst flatten smoke demolish disable blister roll crucify tank tonk biff welt bop drum pan lacerate ram swat skunk bomb dust own plug give someone a drubbing defeat utterly give someone a telling-off slag off blow away take a stick to be victorious over put down snow under give someone a bollocking blow out rip into walk all over make mincemeat of whip someone's hide tan one's hide lay one on walk over knock around bring someone to their knees run rings around maim beat hollow triumph over blow out of the water blow up at do over give a talking-to give someone an earful mutilate wipe the floor with get the better of mash jump down one's throat mangle take to the cleaners win a resounding victory over take a strap to tear off a strip kill give someone a rollicking knock into the middle of next week turn inside out tear into sort out ground scapegoat crack chin yerk flop flutter flap ferule harangue tap fill in paddlewhack dust someone's britches warm someone's seat wax yell at have words rap across the knuckles severely reprimand thong stripe discipline someone for repress soften exprobate try suppress subjugate smear deride call over the coals roast lash into have your knife in strafe wound damage slipper disfigure contuse cripple lame deface brutalize dash against aim blows at brutalise tear a strip off have someone on the carpet impair scud skelp incapacitate gash graze give someone a hot bottom put over one's knee give someone a licking put someone over your knee blip flax warm someone's bottom scratch put out cause pain to total cut bang up pinch scrape cause injury to take disciplinary action against handicap blame inflict plague put on the carpet imprison decry reprobate wreak befall lay down the law devastate disparage deplore deprecate trouble harrow impose penalty inflict a penalty on impose a sentence on inflict handicap slag dis dispraise anathematize execrate disapprove inveigh against fault bump ruin ravage impact bother arraign find fault with award a penalty against impose a penalty on put at disadvantage jerk shake whisk send up point finger at frame pronounce hang something on depreciate belittle denunciate blow whistle on proscribe give something a bad press send up the river thumbs down on pin it on name put away give someone a bad press lay at one's door adjudge descend on avenge descend upon force upon pain bring down on wear out beset burden bedevil charge levy put exact cause suffering to sting assess sconce impose a fine on pay through the nose throw book at make pay confiscate extort punish by fining seize tax sequestrate monster savage wig row rail potshot ream scarify pull up give someone a caning give someone a mouthful give someone a wigging send someone away with a flea in their ear slap on the wrist give someone hell criticize severely give someone some stick jump on rap someone the knuckles drag over the coals slap down give someone a row lay out give someone a rating lean on




To make contact or communication with
address direct send aim cast level point post present set turn contact forward mail reach remit communicate convey route consign dispatch mark postmark ship transmit transport transfer freight deliver carry shoot express pack off impart bear move take disseminate relay shift issue conduct circulate send off label designate superscribe inscribe locate relocate bring run hand-carry send out pay square settle ferry put on board export make payment of smuggle drop go aboard hand over distribute haul embark make payment ship out spread pass on channel diffuse give transfuse mediate hand on radiate funnel instill translate hand down siphon instil syphon bequeath break traject put out advance redirect airmail commission refer assign drop off put in the mail put in the post send on broadcast publish promulgate make known publicize publicise proclaim disclose divulge announce reveal make public tell report propagate declare advertise advertize air give out release purvey get across blazon cart put about relate herald trumpet tote enunciate pass flash blare annunciate placard sound blaze pack feed disperse pipe fetch state lug truck propagandize put across propagandise recount bring to public attention get through share bring to public notice channelize bruit abroad put over canalize bruit about schlepp scatter supply guide leak unfold promote inform email expose canalise spread around get out get around get about convoy repeat transplant dispense exchange proliferate drag displace stream set forth make understood make clear print spill preach import strew let out let on about shuttle hump out remove splash explain spotlight send by post drum leak out spread about get round be passed around come out send by e-mail suffuse beam bare unveil readdress support infect contaminate spread out dissipate dispel discover lead e-mail chauffeur pour filter blow puff port ride unbosom blab retail gazette shoulder piggyback patch wire instruct admit teach furnish provide peddle broadcast electronically show travel RT retweet heave connect sync bring in have printed blow wide open articulate televise stage telecast screen waft control shout from the rooftops put in print let it be known decree notify move across buck gossip put round tattle whisper heft schlep dispatch by post include display get something over go public with call endorse pronounce make official pass the word toot make the rounds move around concentrate focus get off bruit sow draw offer bandy about pass around tell all about carry across bill immortalise headline extol soft-sell skywrite immortalize spot press-agent billboard cry blazon abroad go the rounds noise abroad bring out send by mail allot bring into the open send forth turn over celebrate hard sell make a pitch for put on the map write up play up develop upload share out make available switch splatter flourish renown depict describe boast sweep administer hand out construe spell out bring home expound clear up clarify demystify demonstrate illuminate interpret get over explicate elucidate illustrate pass round pass out dispose of hand round dish out dole out deal out give away mention signify write suggest raise advise let on ring up


To discover (something) by guesswork or intuition
divine guess suppose suspect conjecture deduce infer discern intuit perceive postulate surmise apprehend gather hazard hypothesise hypothesize presume speculate theorise theorize approximate assume estimate figure glean premise understand anticipate ascertain cognize esteem fancy fathom gauge grasp imagine opine predict presuppose recognise recognize savvy venture appreciate calculate call comprehend conceive daresay deem foresee imply judge predicate prevision realise realize reckon see tumble to conclude determine discover figure out forefeel foreknow suggest suss twig evaluate gage guesstimate pick place visualise visualize work out catch on to dare say dare-say cotton on to latch on to size up get the picture be of the opinion dream up hazard a guess take a stab make a guess at pick out take a shot take a shot at take a stab at be given to understand go out on a limb make an estimate of take for granted think likely cook up form an opinion of jump to a conclusion have a sneaking suspicion of think believe consider expect reason feel hold trust sense take it take it as read have a sneaking suspicion posit say come to the conclusion have a hunch take as read draw the inference accept forecast hypothecate suspicion philosophise philosophize be inclined to think take it as given construe read contemplate make think it likely maintain count on ween dope out get the idea have sneaking suspicion be afraid have a feeling find project extrapolate pretend adjudge be of the view foretell decide assess take derive regard bet have as one's opinion detect be under the impression appraise weigh up regard as likely be convinced theorize that call it think it likely that psych out notice count upon postulate that be led to believe bank on interpret grant look upon compass risk assuming require venture a guess fall for be of the opinion that hold that have an idea that credit repute give need take it for granted take as fact rate put grok sum up decipher register dig observe view know assimilate decode note happen upon solve select survey chance concede learn call for hear get the impression make out come to the conclusion that feel in one's bones contextualize take something on board see the light rationalize compute differentiate count be informed see through valuate tell rationalise feel for hear tell contextualise stumble on have a funny feeling decree depend rely have a suspicion just know have a sneaking feeling wonder declare muse jump the gun envisage envision prophesy prognosticate pronounce settle establish proclaim have a foreboding get vibes be aware have the impression have funny feeling have vibes soothsay augur adjudicate resolve order direct dictate deliberate meditate portend forewarn espy forebode entertain vaticinate plan presage cogitate ordain foretaste auspicate previse preknow foreshadow spae adumbrate ponder reflect brainstorm excogitate form theories scheme ruminate run it up flagpole reflect on call the turn chew over build castles in air beat one's brains read between lines kick around review head trip pipe-dream study cerebrate make guesses make suppositions weigh dope asseverate crystal ball bargain for see something coming contemplate the possibility of see it coming plan on watch for bargain on be hopeful of reckon on count chickens have a hunch of wait for be prepared for allow for prepare for pre-empt see in the cards figure on be afraid of hope for look for fix set make a judgement rule announce lay down lay down the law pass upon prescribe command


To attempt to get a (free) ride in a passing vehicle


(of a thought or idea) To come into one's mind or consciousness
strike hit cross inspire impact influence overcome reach stir sway affect impress move overwhelm touch tell on occur to come to dawn on present itself spring to mind cross your mind register with come to the mind of leave a mark on come to mind make an impact make an impact on come into one's consciousness emerge to enter one's head excite grab arouse stimulate carry have an impact on make an impression on make an impression impassion involve mark quicken get to touch a chord strike a chord leave an impression on have an effect on get through to amaze astonish dazzle galvanize awe overawe rouse overpower electrify faze thrill astound score enthuse provoke galvanise enforce grandstand bulldoze slay buffalo kill pique register feel admiration feel respect take aback push around knock out blow away be conspicuous make splash show off make a hit cut a figure stick in someone's mind knock your socks off daze bowl over floor spellbind fascinate stun bedazzle shake stagger sweep someone off their feet leave speechless hypnotize take your breath away stupefy dumbfound captivate hypnotise surprise disturb enchant engage engross enthrall whelm grip swamp absorb hook preoccupy enthral occupy snow under knock for six prostrate blind devastate overmaster shock crush confuse oppress attract intrigue confound bewilder immerse razzle-dazzle upset arrest please appeal to rivet mesmerize shatter beguile bewitch make emotional interest enrapture mesmerise knock sideways strike dumb sweep off feet render speechless hit for six blow your mind blur glitz grind down sweep over soften melt disquiet agitate psych impact on carry weight with get through flabbergast startle psych out tug at your heartstrings choke seize nonplus move to tears render unable to continue carry away reduce to tears throw enmesh consume obsess dumfound thunderstrike benumb dismay rock surprize jolt disconcert perplex alarm leave open-mouthed leave aghast connect mire lose assimilate draw tempt shake up snare lure tantalize titillate entertain knock for a loop take by surprise stop someone in their tracks boggle the mind put one away concern amuse pull perk up distract be interesting to turn on be attractive to bemuse catch your eye hold tickle your fancy capture your imagination light someone's fire tantalise float someone's boat enwrap sit up matter to arouse curiosity divert hold your attention engage one's attention be of interest to busy whet one's appetite seem to appear to look to give the impression to give the impression of being transfix wreck demoralise grind subordinate steamroller destroy downgrade demoralize puzzle charm entrance do in run circles around hold spellbound hold in awe hold the attention of grab the attention of


Try, sample
dip into browse through riffle through skim through appropriate browse dabble glance peruse read quickly sample scan seize skim take taste try flick through flip through glance at glance over leaf through look through play at rifle through run over run through thumb through give something a once-over give the once-over cast your eye over have a quick look at thumb riffle read run your eye over flip leaf glance through examine look flick surf scrutinize survey inspect study con riff have a look at look over scrutinise look at hit the high spots skip through get the cream check eyeball speed-read pass an eye over riff through inspect loosely wade through thumb through wander read here and there examine cursorily check over once over lightly view pore over give the once over cast an eye over have a quick look turn the pages go once over lightly brush over read swiftly turn over page nibble graze cast your eyes over feed turn pages go over go through plough through bury oneself in devour be absorbed in follow refer to work over analyse analyze search sweep eye scour contemplate regard clock rake take a dekko at oversee review inquire flash stare at audit enquire size up have a look-see watch recce get a load of consider check out look into glass gaze at rumble investigate take stock of scope take a gander overlook look up and down glint peek dip glimpse run look round cruise observe probe explore see assess vet behold appraise research note monitor evaluate notice spy witness sift case stare rubberneck gaze go over with a fine-tooth comb spot perceive take in test dissect canvass peer screen discern descry enquire into espy remark sight gape distinguish catch weigh up slang pay attention to have a gander at have a squint at gawp at take a shufti at scrutinate read through heed delve into take a look at give something a going-over dig surveil take a gander at go into track leer supervise have a dekko at ogle pry peep goggle gawp keep an eye on superintend keep watch on keep a tab on keep under surveillance keep under observation keep tabs on catch sight of gawk lay eyes on inquire into blink keep a beady eye on glare discuss examine closely sift through eagle eye subject to an examination feast your eyes on scope out put under a microscope look something over take notice of check up on frisk gaze upon comb prospect assay reconnoiter mark snoop pierce penetrate have a shufti at estimate candle squint reconnoitre watch like a hawk record keep a weather eye on gage gauge parse clap eyes on give the eye peer at question judge ponder anatomize set eyes on have a butcher's at read over verify rubberneck at take note of traverse mind focus look around glim search into admire eye up look on keep track of find out give something a look-see keep a check on dig into look see focus on take stock take a good look get an eyeful look vacantly look fixedly revise rehearse practice repeat reiterate revisit look through something make out interpret balance pay heed to earmark tackle adjudicate diagnose grade practise check into redact censor delve peg examine carefully perlustrate weigh smoke pass through give attention to gawk at report keep in sight feast one's eyes range over see over make enquiries take a good look at scout catechize interrogate be shown over spectate sum up make enquiries into conduct investigations into pore sit in bone up check something out pipe believe beam establish cover beware ogle at gape at eagle-eye burn up seek query conduct an enquiry make inquiries into subject to an inspection hunt through read intently leer at concentrate on kick the tires rummage around hunt have a look-see at certify confirm ascertain pass under review make eyes at not take one's eyes off take a butcher's at suss out leave no stone unturned in go through with a fine-tooth comb delve in triangulate have a tour of have a look round go on a tour of tour have a look around size graph plot valuate summarise chart summarize go tell take the measure of listen to outstare mine ransack compare prove correct count quiz ensure glower seek an answer enquire about look closely look intently stare in wonder stare open-mouthed have a good look fix on look hard rivet on watch closely wade test out try out scout out look earnestly make sure of keep account keek rake through get a bird's-eye view of look upon stake out check up map out squinny trawl swing gloat try to see pin bore winnow undersee squiz look through narrowed eyes sneak a look look quickly move look briefly have a shufti glance one's eye take a quick look catch a glimpse of take a dekko squint at narrow your eyes screw up eyes look at carefully turn circle spy on take a look keep under scrutiny swing round pan separate wash twig have take a glance at have a look keep eagle eye on


To cause to be attracted or to show interest in someone or something
pull attract draw lure allure entice beguile enthral enthrall excite grab hook rivet tantalise tantalize tempt woo absorb arouse bewitch captivate charm enchant engage entrance interest seduce titillate wile wow beckon court fascinate inveigle magnetise magnetize obtain secure win pull in bring in catch the eye of turn on pick up rope in win over be a hit with suck in appeal to draw attention sweep off feet whet the appetite of invite intrigue persuade coax decoy betray solicit cajole bait lead on tickle your fancy engross induce grip involve occupy mesmerize busy immerse bemuse enwrap mesmerise steer draw in be of interest to float someone's boat kill witch inspire ensnare arrest gain please preoccupy hold hypnotize entrap move hypnotise pique divert be attractive to arouse curiosity catch your eye light someone's fire come on influence bedevil give the come-on to call engage someone's attention arouse the curiosity of be a source of fascination to enrapture trick spellbind snare entertain lead endear dazzle drag train rope hit on stimulate concern be interesting to affect amuse perk up touch distract appeal incline whet someone's appetite take someone's fancy matter to exert influence on exert a pull on turn someone's head make a hit with make your mouth water summon demand indicate ask sign command bid sit up capture your imagination hold your attention engage one's attention whet one's appetite inhale catch respire capture deceive earn delude suck wheedle dupe make mislead net gross fix seize attach gulp sucker clear pocket enamour maneuver manoeuvre trap mousetrap monopolise monopolize enamor breathe in bribe catch up string along come on to tie up take home delight ravish thrill transfix rapture carry away gratify tickle pink urge sweet-talk take gladden slay send bowl over knock dead tease con transport blandish delectate soft-soap tickle butter up bedazzle rouse infatuate flatter tickle to death enslave blarney convince provoke cheer plague pester vamp satisfy hold spellbound talk into argue into knock out put under a spell press encourage blow away overwhelm overpower content rap palaver wangle worm importune jawbone soothe barter intoxicate overjoy smooth-talk exhilarate toll elicit pleasure prevail upon make happy lead astray elate rejoice prevail on arm-twist turn someone on humour work on flirt with humor groove arride turn one's head call forth go over big hit the spot be the ticket give someone a kick give a buzz please greatly sweep sombeody off his/her feet strike honey stroke inflame subjugate spark solace flatter into ensorcell tout shill waken whet egg on elevate prompt stir up make an impression on overcome compel hold in awe score jubilate glory exult flannel fawn lead up garden path root to the spot trance get going get someone going give someone a thrill do it for someone stun tickle the fancy of hold the attention of give someone a charge give great pleasure to do one's heart good give joy to forspeak control voodoo bat eyes at freak out ingratiate send into raptures kindle subdue animate fire interest greatly stir fill with delight motivate persuade to buy arouse someone's interest in sell catch hold of bring around dangle a carrot in front of toady caress cast a spell on put horns on bring forth torture torment put the whammy on put under magic spell entangle pander to enmesh taunt lick someone's boots generate frustrate thwart badger annoy baffle harass worry harry gnaw beleaguer fool cause foster bag immesh implicate embroil mesh ensnarl entoil tangle hoodwink mollify appease engender incite create take in land placate convert bamboozle blind betrap benet keep hanging wind up gull double-cross conciliate pacify propitiate sweeten cheat snooker entreat issue countenance assuage gentle keep someone hanging on misguide shaft have humbug spoof juggle snow misinform burn buffalo gammon hornswoggle bluff cozen gaff hoax diddle welcome receive hearten indulge uplift make happen beg for bring on oneself call for leave the door open to bring on lead to ask for reel in lay for box in set a trap for befool enliven regale fulfill warm exploit flimflam rook manipulate gyp stick have on scam take advantage of jockey shave play fake out finesse chisel set at ease win the affection of put off guard unarm disarm undermine someone's resistance fulfil suit glad lead up the garden path play for a sucker take for a ride impose on put one over on pull a swifty on pull a fast one on do someone's heart good give someone pleasure give pleasure to buck up make someone feel good cheer up buoy up bring joy to give a lift agree with warm the cockles of the heart make content brighten up get one's kicks have over send invitation have someone round call upon ask out include as guest take out ask over request the pleasure of someone's company invite out get round talk someone into something twist one's arm own get under your skin


To observe or undergo events contributing to one's knowledge
experience undergo face feel go through live through suffer accept assimilate become familiar with be faced with be forced to contend with come across come into contact with come up against confront digest endure have have experience of know meet observe partake participate in receive run into see witness appreciate come into contact come to grips with comprehend live pass perceive taste tolerate try watch withstand behold sample sustain apprehend bear run the gauntlet encounter meet with brave weather submit to put up with brook take stand cope with stomach swallow be subjected to abide thole countenance support wear handle hack enjoy come in for sweat out bear the brunt of absorb sit through bide resist ride out maintain stick out partake in survive resign oneself to subject oneself to grin and bear allow deal with savor acquire assume find incur lead savour spend submit oneself to possess defy admit permit face up to take on pocket run up against tough out come face to face with take patiently be confronted by stick with stand up to abide by have dealings in be afflicted with smell contract undertake fall on defer yield share engage in bow take part in shoulder sip benefit from be blessed with realise bear up be affected by front bear with carry live with bear brunt derive realize draw run the gauntlet of run against be confronted with have to bear be the object of have to endure hold stand for stand firm against hold with go along with hold out against get by with subsist on gain glean preview come through get through recognize recognise touch have dealings with develop obtain partake of allow for approve of be doing with be exposed to have to put up with extract procure have knowledge of eat live out tackle dare reconcile oneself to become accustomed to become resigned to be patient with become reconciled to get used to engage learn to live with fight make the best of battle court oppose beard eyeball risk cross challenge never say die in the face of venture affront outbrave outface play brazen accost breast contend with brace for be drawn against meet head-on make a stand face off take the bull by the horns go up against grapple with square off fly in face of bit the bullet play against go stick condone sanction grin and bear it approve indulge endorse admit of agree to hang in hang in there warrant consent to cope authorize yield to authorise wait out tough it out take it stick it out nod at give green light stay the course lump it hang tough concede acknowledge sweat accede to forbear excuse see through okay sit tight concede to let take something lying down acquiesce favour favor bow to be patient humour humor sit out hear of show forbearance make allowance sit still for take kindly to green-light sit and take it bear up under make allowances for make allowance for give the green light to take it like a man stick in there never say die keep up suck it up bear the brunt gut it out submit manage persist persevere lump be big consent reconcile be reconciled to surrender to adjust to license licence be big about ignore acclimatize oneself to sit and take acquiesce to capitulate to withtake onfang accommodate oneself to brave out tough out it see out see through to the bitter end pass through reconcile oneself resign yourself keep up with wink at hear bite the bullet get on with give permission to be subject to allow to give the go-ahead to permit to grant grant permission to struggle with wait string along blink at understand fall for encourage pardon back help approbate show forbearance towards turn a blind eye to abet commend aid champion forgive confirm invite advocate applaud uphold sport be in favour of go for smile on get behind thumbs up give the nod give the okay to sign off on laugh off accept apology for harness put John Hancock on give the go ahead to give stamp of approval give the thumbs up to


Something that has come into one's possession


Income, typically derived from an investment or business
revenue earnings income proceeds profit yield return takings gain profits receipts gains returns take pay gate salary turnover net wages reward incomings payoff emolument dividend interest wealth bunce receipt gravy rewards means annuity split perquisite resources acquirement credit fruits fund stock bottom line cash flow net sales gross royalty comings in revenue stream remuneration lucre stipend winnings pickings take-home pay payment wage compensation honorarium paycheck money received benefit fee pay envelope harvest hire recompense allowance packet dividends spoils output commission killing fees emoluments percentage outturn reimbursement consideration gross pay gate money net pay pay dirt drawings business surplus product accumulation purse produce production gross revenue perks boot payments received bounty cash turnout remittance requital handout payback acquisition take-home net profit operating profit defrayment gross profit financial return financial gain score goods cleanup riches vail taking capital incoming buck issue products holding payment received finances result till handle flow charge financial returns gate receipts handouts Mammon crop haul accrual accruement advantage excess meed volume catch sales productivity cut pittance bread bacon indemnity stipendium box office rake-off perquisites premium results avail booty attainment gainings whack divvy ill-gotten gains hand-outs fruit honoraria buildup share benefits avails assets livelihood velvet groceries salt balance fringe benefits slice of the cake take home pay packet rate price volume of business piece of the pie alimony advance pension pay-off sum down amends support restitution subsidy repayment refund portion amortization amortisation redress indemnification outlay expense reparation retaliation defrayal part acquittal award quittance

反义词 a get

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