同义词 a wandering


Wandering from place to place, having no settled home
roving itinerant roaming drifting journeying nomadic peripatetic rambling travelling vagrant wayfaring unsettled vagabond voyaging migratory rootless errant homeless floating migrant restless strolling touring ambulant ambulatory fugitive galavanting gallivanting gypsy nomad perambulatory peregrine ranging Romany displaced jaunting migrating mobile transient trekking winding deviating devious erratic landloping planetary straying traveling on the go on the move on the wing moving shifting perambulant seasonal footloose of no fixed abode itinerate jet-setting destitute walking stray globetrotting discursive meandering immigrant of no fixed address down and out lost wayward hiking prodigal strayed fly-by-night afoot temporary changing tramp casual migratorial immigrating migrative emigrating impermanent refugee down-and-out abandoned derelict migrational transmigratory houseless unhoused adrift living rough moving around sleeping rough without a roof on the streets passing over passing through locomotive rangy pastoral vagarious expatriate idle tzigane didicoi shiftless ambling Gypsy rubbernecking globe-trotting gadabout unstationary cruising commuting driving flying riding constantly traveling translocating relocating active desultory digressive arrant sweeping spanning extensive widespread traversing covering on foot on tour excursioning riding the rails bustling straggling sauntering mendicant aimless able-bodied fancy-free having itchy feet promenading marching unclaimed plantigrade ambulate digitigrade strutting exiled dispossessed gone astray dossing outcast poor unwelcome estranged disinherited friendless forsaken desolate deported uncared-for banished forlorn without a roof over one's head


Unsteady and prone to unexpected changes
erratic unstable fickle variable changeable inconstant volatile unpredictable fluctuating inconsistent unsteady irregular fluid unsettled mutable changing changeful varying wavering uncertain unreliable shifting undependable protean uneven fitful labile flaky flakey fluctuant turbulent unequal vagarious iffy roving rambling desultory dubious directionless meandering dicey incalculable nomadic undirected ever-changing blowing hot and cold full of ups and downs dynamic temperamental alternating moving whimsical deviating oscillating vacillating mercurial nonuniform spasmodic sporadic episodic haphazard altering swaying random irresolute flighty scattershot developing capricious growing unmethodical episodical skittish flickery waffling mobile discontinuous always changing impulsive wayward quicksilver kaleidoscopic up and down moody movable excitable up-and-down giddy bipolar irrepressible yo-yo chameleonic up in the air active elastic chameleon-like unfixed untrustworthy faithless variational peaky wild reckless freakish versatile intermittent untrue disreputable arbitrary ephemeral patchy transitory floating flexible jerky momentary fleeting transient everchanging impermanent short-lived shifty not conscientious constantly changing unbalanced broken tempestuous progressive multiform stayless polymorphous many-sided bitty fluky evolving adaptive quirky alterable flickering adaptable unequable inexact chancy not constant ungovernable faddish irrational slippery chance unsteadfast continuously changing ever-shifting crotchety ambiguous unsound suspect weaving doubtful frivolous vicissitudinous not fixed in a state of change transitional transformable restless variant agitated irresponsible reversible vagrant revocable indecisive commutative brief passing evanescent short temporary fugacious flitting flying flash deciduous fading fly-by-night quick here today and gone tomorrow fugitive


Digressing from subject to subject
discursive digressive meandering rambling diffuse maundering roundabout long-winded prolix circuitous desultory lengthy circumlocutory digressional digressionary excursive leaping long loose periphrastic verbose wordy ambagious logorrhoeic pleonastic waffly broad conversational deviating erratic free informal musing roaming roving spreading windy garrulous indirect logorrheic tortuous circumlocutionary redundant convoluted tautological overlong protracted gassy palaverous tedious long-drawn-out prolonged episodic diffusive repetitious repetitive voluble chatty turgid loquacious gabby bombastic rhetorical flowery gossipy prosy vague oblique circumlocutional circumlocuitous circumlocutious anfractuous waffling divergent anecdotal drifting devious errant flatulent inflated circular traveling travelling nomadic tangential profuse copious exuberant random drawn-out lavish dull laborious ponderous interminable unending boring verbal endless tiresome wearisome spun out dragged out full of verbiage orotund prattling blathering jabbering babbling expansive prating gushing mouthy talkative yakking multiloquent big-mouthed gobby wittering multiloquous talky effusive magniloquent fustian grandiloquent tautologous pompous yacking repeating involved pretentious full of air with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone communicative chattering forthcoming motormouthed blabby glib vocal loose-lipped gossiping chattery extended outgoing fluent open able to talk the hind legs off a donkey expressive dragging informative articulate unreserved eloquent slick smooth gibbering marathon lingering sustained time-consuming slow full of hot air superfluous having kissed the blarney stone iterative alliterative reiterating uninhibited conversable sesquipedalian loudmouthed padded lengthened rattling demonstrative outspoken elongate elongated spun-out enduring longish motormouth dragged-out lasting gaseous great seemingly endless delayed having kissed the Blarney Stone intimate empty oratorical boastful over-talkative disquisitional silver-tongued frank very long noisy plainspoken king-size oversized king-sized communicable enlightening unrestrained uncalled-for reiterative inelegant unneeded unnecessary bigmouthed vociferous cooperative helpful obliging candid running on tonguey loose-tongued blabbermouth yakkity wind-bag yakky newsy king size free-spoken spontaneous personal multieloquent relaxed flap jaw rhapsodic lyrical blessed with the gift of the gab familiar everyday ordinary spoken running on at the mouth windbag long-lived far long-lasting long-term perissological overextended tardy late boundless dilatory limitless never-ending for ages forever and a day without end big mouthed all jaw drawn out stretched out drivellous excessively communicative remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high running far-reaching complicated spread out complex ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy cunning byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult difficult to follow


Not going in a direct course or line
indirect roundabout circuitous winding meandering deviant tortuous curving serpentine zigzag backhanded circular circumlocutory divergent evasive implied oblique rambling anfractuous devious long-drawn-out periphrastic sidelong ambiguous complicated crooked discursive duplicitous erratic eventual inferred long long-winded obscure out-of-the-way sinister sinuous snaking sneaking sneaky subsidiary tacit twisting underhand understood unforeseen unplanned vagrant hinted at long way home twisted convoluted snaky windy bending flexuous curvy curved curling curled crazy meandrous mazy twisty coiling digressive deviating ambagious zigzagging labyrinthine spiraling spiralling involved intricate circumlocutionary serpentiform looping excursive collateral irregular spiral undulating errant turning gyrating wriggly jagged twisting and turning digressionary digressional desultory leaping maundering confusing misleading obliquitous lengthy roaming askew verbose involute awry bent sinuate ogee meandry full of twists and turns elliptical implicit inexplicit writhing bendy vague entwined roving vermiculate remote detouring digressory removed confounding straying digressing diverting episodic diffusive snakelike lithe asymmetric asymmetrical non-linear slinky deviative flowing contorted unsymmetrical distorted uneven aslant slanting slanted skewed lopsided tilted wiggly tacking squiggly coiled tipping slantwise diffuse atilt circling corkscrew swirling taking the long way wavy pitched complex listing cock-a-hoop topsy-turvy knurly incurving kinky angular screwy crippled catawampus agee tortile kinked traveling travelling nomadic unstraightforward tricky oscillating transverse fluctuating inclined crinkled sloping waggling serrated diagonal deceptive overlong long way going around back road winding around cunning byzantine difficult perverse long way around by way of difficult to follow curvilinear bowed arched rounded hooked sweeping warped loopy wry curvilineal bowing arching twining veering warping wrenched twined gnarled braided tangled wound knotty humped crescent parenthetical tangent aberrant aberrative tangential excursional excursionary heteroclite vaulted arced arcuate falcate concave domed aquiline convex falciform curviform swirly arciform embowed curly curvaceous arrondi enbowed looped biflected sigmoid declinate S-shaped flexural turned wreathed incurved compass incurvate round circumflex


Characterized by incongruity in shape or form
crazy asymmetric asymmetrical contorted crooked askew distorted irregular twisted twisting uneven unsymmetrical aslant awry bending lopsided skewed slanted slanting tilted winding coiled coiling curled curling curved curving looping oblique slantwise spiral spiraling spiralling tipping windy atilt circling circuitous corkscrew curvy devious jagged meandering roundabout swirling zigzag zigzagging indirect pitched rambling serpentine sinuous tortuous cock-a-hoop listing anfractuous flexuous snaking meandrous snaky deviating mazy twisty convoluted labyrinthine maze-like turning bendy undulating bent excursive confounding straying ambiguous remote out-of-the-way detouring erratic digressing misleading obscure errant digressory confusing diverting removed involute vermiculate cockeyed off-kilter sloping tilting canted diagonal leaning squint skewwhiff inclined angled slant skew wonky out of true at an angle sloped off-centre raked cant graded askance turned skew-whiff cock-eyed off-center to one side out of line curvilinear out of plumb warped misaligned thrawn squiffy serpentiform twisting and turning bowed arched rounded hooked sweeping wavy loopy cater-cornered agley aslope not straight knurly tortile kitty-corner catty-cornered involved intricate askant catawampus out of kilter off balance on one side on the bias wry snakelike unequal one-sided inclining slinky unbalanced sinuate ogee bowing arching twining veering warping disproportionate wrenched twined lithe pitching strained diverging tipped buckled curvilineal deviative vagrant flowing on the skew wrong off-balance cambered sideways dipping shelving at an oblique angle topsy-turvey yaw ways off centre gnarled complicated braided tangled wound knotty unevenly balanced unsteady disproportional inclinatory top-heavy nonsymmetrical overbalanced out of shape on an incline kinky crippled topsy-turvy incurving angular screwy agee kinked gyrating wriggly on a slope full of twists and turns humped crescent vaulted arced off course arcuate falcate concave domed aquiline convex falciform curviform swirly arciform circular embowed curly curvaceous arrondi enbowed elliptical looped biflected sigmoid declinate S-shaped flexural wreathed incurved compass incurvate round circumflex


Departing from an accepted standard
aberrant abnormal anomalous odd irregular peculiar atypical deviant strange eccentric extraordinary divergent curious exceptional singular uncommon weird deviating digressive erratic nonconformist queer rambling rogue straying untypical aberrated aberrational defective deviate devious especial exceeding extraordinaire freak freakish oddball off-the-wall phenomenal preternatural quirky rare transgressing uncustomary unique unnatural unusual unwonted daggy outré perverted twisted wacko warped bizarre different flaky flakey mental nonstandard off-base off-color psycho uncharacteristic out of line wayward perverse bent non-typical kinky non-standard unrepresentative sick unorthodox idiosyncratic distorted freaky sicko pervy off-key variant unexpected varying heteroclite heretical out of the ordinary outlandish unconventional funny remarkable offbeat unfamiliar wacky off the wall out-of-the-way off-centre rum quaint crazy unaccustomed kooky far-out uncanny way-out screwy bizarro wild surprising unprecedented fantastic way out out of the way mysterious kookie novel cranky incongruous whacky prodigious queerish unaccountable weirdo funky off-kilter isolated eerie zany unparalleled exotic original unco puzzling special spaced-out mystifying whimsical perplexing baffling unheard of out there inconceivable outstanding dubious spooky amazing foreign incredible unheard-of suspicious fishy surreal droll left-field infrequent creepy noteworthy distinctive new scarce unthinkable inexplicable monstrous fresh particular notable anomalistic far out questionable heterodox avant-garde characteristic alien fanciful signal striking miraculous capricious out of the common unreal unknown unimaginable something else outre supernatural quizzical out in left field astonishing grotesque unconforming alternative conspicuous individual nutty revolutionary incomparable marvellous sporadic unexampled absurd distinct marvelous malformed off-center informal seldom superior jarring sensational unceremonious radical astounding nonconforming wonderful contrary awesome ludicrous unordinary wondrous ridiculous tremendous preposterous stupendous mad extreme cockeyed momentous beat limited inconsistent distinguishing corrupt aberrative unhealthy individualistic unlikely occasional distinguished unpredictable chance eminent specialized paranormal errant incomprehensible newsworthy maverick specific superlative atypic unlike disparate stunning unbelievable significant madcap esoteric spectacular fabulous impressive deviative mind-boggling mind-blowing terrific doubtful comical make-believe out-there suspect outrageous unmatched unequalled unrivalled obscure specialised fantastical nonsensical untraditional irrational Bohemian dilly unrivaled foolish cockamamie insane matchless unexcelled unequaled extravagant record groundbreaking peerless pioneering first-time in a league of its own without equal out of this world beyond compare ground-breaking sui generis one of a kind newfangled without parallel intriguing odd strange marked humorous arbitrary typical disorderly bohemian vagarious teratoid changeable fitful sparse dotty custom customized exclusive signature personalized progressive advanced essential private representative alternate inimitable unearthly eccentrical scattered intermittent batty experimental unrecognized excentrical personal unnormal heteromorphic loner cool not typical hippy unrecognised other fluky aperiodic boho marginal episodic casual episodical discontinuous kookish unforeseen fortuitous unforeseeable unanticipated surprise rummy thin on the ground few and far between pretend concocted labored laboured ersatz made-up imitation staged memorable awe-inspiring prominent refreshing shady slang avant garde off the beaten track transcendental transcendent magical interesting discordant unharmonious breaking new ground separating rarefied periodical scant periodic dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy off the air in left field problematical problematic single scanty spasmodic semioccasional otherworldly superhuman metaphysical supernormal unworldly other-worldly mystical out of character unhinged touched demented unbalanced off-beat off the rails bugged out not normal remote unexplored uninvestigated untried recondite unfrequent seldom seen personalised customised magnificent staggering beyond your ken little known improbable unforgettable eye-catching arresting depraved only alone breathtaking ghostly supermundane occult unrealistic out of keeping all your own dissenting dissident nonorthodox heretic iconoclastic dissentient brilliant surpassing stellar funny peculiar serious eye-popping implausible grandiose funny strange digressing divagating immoral improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal amazeballs degenerate beatnik anarchic sectarian schismatic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious unusually good heavy flash gnarly forby hare-brained deformed far-fetched sadistic substantial huge great off beaten path never to be forgotten all-time off the beaten path misshapen ugly too good to be true extra special licentious unsavoury degenerated unsavory masochistic hideous unsightly misproportioned inscrutable mangled mutilated gnarled like nothing on earth unhandsome unbeautiful ill-favored homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile uncomely fugly huckery flamboyant antic grody ill-favoured surrealistic laughable gross parenthetical obliquitous tortuous tangential excursional excursionary excursive tangent serpentine circuitous


Occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals
episodic sporadic irregular spasmodic intermittent erratic fitful occasional unsteady aperiodic discontinuous spotty choppy uneven casual patchy periodic disconnected catchy scattered rambling intervallic disjointed on and off in fits and starts on again and off again episodical broken interrupted random variable inconstant shifting fluctuating periodical infrequent desultory uncertain on-and-off unstable inconsistent unsettled recurrent recurring changeable haphazard capricious cyclical seasonal odd alternate hit-or-miss on-again-off-again volatile varying fragmentary wavering changing unreliable nonuniform cyclic continual disrupted isolated jerky alternating unmethodical shaky scattershot unequal isochronal isochronous epochal rhythmic serial ever-changing disturbed broken up impulsive restless convulsive spurtive twitching impermanent flickering freelance outsourced outside in bits and pieces herky-jerky gaping unconnected inchoate incohesive muddled unorganized disordered incoherent part-time off and on unorganised regular repeated unsystematic dynamic temperamental turbulent indiscriminate mutable fluid moving whimsical fickle deviating oscillating mercurial vacillating constant habitual frequent steady eccentric unpredictable designless aimless unpunctual every once in a while orbital annual continuing perennial weekly routine at fixed intervals every so often daily on certain occasions monthly hourly yearly centennial at various times purposeless unconsidered altering changeful irresolute roving swaying flighty undependable flakey flickery vagarious fluctuant iffy developing growing skittish flaky waffling mobile up and down off-and-on non-periodic always changing full of ups and downs punctuated checked iterative rhythmical arrested metrical discontinuing iterant stop-go stop-and-go every other here and there now and then by bits and pieces labile protean blowing hot and cold disorganized arbitrary wayward chaotic up-and-down disorganised undirected kaleidoscopic movable moody jumbled quicksilver bipolar irrepressible excitable yo-yo up in the air orderless disorderly slapdash giddy active elastic confused all over the place helter-skelter chameleonic unfixed careless unthinking untrustworthy faithless entropic reckless fluky slipshod fractal non-linear unfocused variational directionless stray offhand chameleon-like uncoordinated catch-as-catch-can loose all over the map peaky without purpose illogical uncontrolled sketchy rough untrue disreputable sloppy bitty flexible incalculable floating messy chancy scrambled paroxysmal mixed up irrational dubious incidental unplanned chance uncontrollable abrupt undisciplined shifty unpremeditated heedless unguided not conscientious sudden thoughtless all over the shop blind lost without goal wanton without direction non-uniform fragmented scrappy violent evolving systemless inexact tempestuous checkered chequered incomplete alterable shambolic lax everchanging hit and miss indeterminate progressive unintelligible piecemeal unsystematized adaptable freakish quirky adaptive not constant garbled frenzied promiscuous stochastic aleatory unsteadfast unequable slippery in disarray ungovernable faddish wild versatile without a goal mixed-up ill-thought-out ephemeral transitory vicissitudinous crotchety ambiguous unsound suspect weaving doubtful frivolous transitional variant irresponsible vagrant revocable commutative transformable agitated reversible indecisive inelegant in a state of change momentary transient fleeting uncontinuous not fixed constantly changing accidental all over the lot short-lived hit-and-miss rugged higgledy-piggledy unconcerned spontaneous unselective willy-nilly devil-may-care unexpected fluke unconscious twitchy perfunctory hit or miss cursory remiss lackadaisical any which way any old way meandering dicey nomadic shaking bumpy tremulous slap-happy jumpy bouncy jolting trial and error juddering shuddering


Tending to not remember
daydreaming distracted preoccupied dreamy inattentive pensive dreaming woolgathering unmindful distant negligent fantasising fantasizing imagining lost in thought in a world of your own careless neglectful heedless vague absent-minded oblivious disregardful lax slapdash slipshod mooning forgetful out of it apt to forget indifferent to inclined to forget pipe dreaming scatty slack absent negligent about nirvanic looking out window moony insensible remiss in not on the job remiss about unwitting having a memory like a sieve airheaded asleep on the job out to lunch oblivious to like an absent-minded professor sloppy remiss unfocused amnemonic lax about bemused inattentive to abstracted musing absorbed faraway distrait unaware thoughtful engrossed in a brown study miles away far away wool-gathering absentminded introspective rapt lost brooding unheeding speculative not with us meditative vacant reflective ruminative unconscious intent unobservant scatterbrained unthinking somewhere else intangible unreal misty shadowy fantastic chimerical phantasmagoric phantasmagorical otherworldly excellent astral unsubstantial mythical marvelous imaginary whimsical nightmarish immaterial introvertive removed out of this world deep deep in thought blank with your head in the clouds withdrawn remote marvellous ditzy inadvertent cogitative contemplative immersed ruminant not there wrapped up broody pondering immersed in thought inconscient in a dream in a daze with a mind like a sieve gentle visionary fanciful lulling soothing utopian quixotic impractical calming relaxing idealistic detached empty unseeing thoughtless vacuous out in space omitted minus bare hollow deficient devoid spacey surroundings idle hung up worried wrapped-up spellbound taken up fascinated caught up anxious asleep engaged bugged elsewhere head in the clouds with a memory like a sieve space cadet unaware of events goofing off studious in short supply reflecting thinking attentive in brown study unsystematic disorganized unreliable undependable giddy feather-headed empty-headed erratic dizzy birdbrained feather-brained dippy dappy mystified disorganised nonplussed puzzled baffled bewildered not with it dreamlike beautiful superb illusory wistful in a reverie diverted distraught regardless inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless dozy lacking concentration not concentrating off-guard off in a world of one's own


Showing or feeling insecurity or uncertainty
unquiet aflutter antsy anxious atwitter dithery edgy goosey hinky insecure jittery jumpy nervous nervy perturbed queasy queazy tense troubled uneasy upset uptight worried active agitated bustling changeable disturbed fidgeting fidgety fitful footloose fretful het up hung up hurried inconstant intermittent irresolute itchy nomadic roving sleepless spasmodic transient turbulent unpeaceful unruly unsettled unstable unsteady ill at ease on edge strung out bundle of nerves tossing and turning apprehensive restless twitchy keyed up overwrought bothered wired on tenterhooks stressy concerned worked up on pins and needles restive disquieted fearful distressed stressed uncomfortable overstrung like a cat on a hot tin roof discomposed flustered strung up alarmed in a state shaky frightened in a tizzy spooky strained ruffled shaken afraid toey scared like a cat on hot bricks windy disconcerted a bundle of nerves all of a dither rattled spooked excited unrestful squirrelly in a state of agitation in a stew irritable in a flap in a tizz unrelaxed having kittens trembling dismayed unnerved panicky discombobulated wrought up hyper uncertain hesitant in a state of nerves self-conscious all of a lather distraught timid quaking timorous impatient fazed shaking vexed highly strung adrenalized unsure in a sweat in a twitter wound up in a cold sweat in a twit shook up excitable embarrassed shy touchy shrinking fractious retiring flurried annoyed taut febrile irascible peevish discomfited sensitive neurotic quivering tormented irked confused anguished worried sick harassed choked under stress unglued angsty bricking oneself hot and bothered stressed out beside oneself all of a doodah having butterflies in the stomach inhibited awkward tetchy testy querulous fretting bashful diffident creepy hysterical crotchety doubtful crabbed captious distracted wavering discountenanced unhappy unconfident fraught short-tempered bad-tempered fevered hassled suspicious ill-tempered beset riled perverse ornery introverted tortured plagued angstful solicitous withdrawn bugged white-knuckled muddled inconvenienced irritated frantic clutched wreck critical thrown perplexed a wreck high-strung in a dither worried stiff moved in a spin all of a flutter with one's stomach in knots put out shot to pieces in a flat spin with your heart in your mouth like a fish out of water twittering indecisive tentative dithering vacillating swithering caught up weak cross complaining under pressure exercised frisky petulant under a strain disorderly careful reserved fussy frazzled miserable unbalanced unsettling unnerving pressured out of place faltering unnatural gauche disturbing disquieting palpitant wrung recalcitrant moving fluttery shot overanxious shivery watchful cowering daunted cowed hurt blushing lacking social skills discomforted tongue-tied refractory aghast dreading in suspense charged hairy tied up in knots biting one's nails inflamed cowardly pusillanimous faint-hearted obstinate stubborn unyielding grumpy ill-natured exciting in turmoil all nerves up the wall nervous wreck white knuckled overactive frenzied hectic heated feverish hyperactive afflicted asea grieved distressful on the qui vive a basket case sweating bullets skittish yellow chicken stirred up flapping agitating exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed provoked terrified gutted sad brittle cranky splenetic out of sorts whining crabby grumbling ratty distrustful hot under the collar in a panic in a lather aroused self-doubting unassertive self-effacing prickly saddened hot-tempered snappy temperamental chippy quick-tempered meek lacking confidence unforthcoming champing at the bit offended angered disappointed fretted snappish contrary caviling faultfinding carping huffy mean rigid worrisome oversensitive moody not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive shocked low stressful frightened of one's own shadow strict conventional cautious verklempt blue unzipped wounded mousy distressing cavilling come apart psyched out bummed out broken up cut up at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed concerning vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised nerve-racking nail-biting nerve-wracking touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice old-fashioned on the defensive shaking in one's shoes grouchy pettish cantankerous choleric sullen waspish surly narky liverish soreheaded ill-humoured disagreeable ill-humored crusty sulky peppery eggy miffy fiery dyspeptic peckish scratchy snaky churlish sour curmudgeonly snippy bilious snarky stroppy snippety stuffy raspy whingy bitter shirty angry in a bad mood whingeing sorehead exasperated morose like a bear with a sore head waxy mardy resentful thin-skinned out of humor disgruntled discontented acrimonious spiteful quarrelsome out of temper dissatisfied cynical difficult volatile nasty on a short fuse tart shrewish waspy mumpish out of humour fault-finding in a mood as cross as two sticks harsh glum piqued peeved fed up pouty whiny tough unsociable pouting scrappy trying acrid sharp gloomy grousing gruff bearish griping sore acid dour trepidatious waiting with bated breath cross-grained short-fused having got out of bed the wrong side argumentative hostile feisty truculent arsey unfriendly huffish frustrated contentious malcontent disaffected snarly brusque misanthropic pertinacious crybaby ungracious aggrieved plaintive discontent snarling envious salty curt ungratified malicious venomous malignant vindictive grudging jaundiced malcontented picky kvetching cheesed off growling saturnine blunt cussed childish chuffy ireful uncooperative waiting for the axe to fall brooding brassed off ugly tooshie browned off short hacked off ticked off teed off wild foul-tempered out of joint nasty-tempered out-of-sorts having got out of bed on the wrong side not best pleased in a funk embittered flighty skittery belligerent ticklish violent bellicose antagonistic destructive vicious bad wicked uncongenial atrabilious zowerswopped inhospitable inimical fierce loudmouthed confrontational pugnacious adversarial ungenerous perversely irritable easily frightened easily agitated abusive malevolent warlike threatening defiant combative militant jerky froward mopey irate indomitable uncompliant indocile squirmy wiggly wriggly offensive galled bloody-minded bristly unsatisfied unfulfilled livid apoplectic anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting hotheaded rancorous unkind mighty assaultive antipathetic agonistic discordant disorientated mad hypercritical glowering mopish scowling steamed iracund iracundulous disputatious steamed up crook vex ropeable sharp-tongued restlessly moving moping dark aloof hoha wroth passionate vinegary hasty filthy obstreperous aerated disoriented bewildered disapproving regretful in a paddy up in arms on the warpath foaming at the mouth in a bate hopping mad bent out of shape fit to be tied frowning sourpussed sulking dismal depressed cheerless strange lost ennuied sniveling put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable fed-up unappeased not satisfied unsated jealous hot-blooded aggressive easily offended snivelling in a huff down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in the sulks in a strop intimidated petrified horrified startled terrorized affrighted afeared hysteric sick and tired sick to death peed off feart frozen stunned frit terrorised murmuring in awe horror-struck in a blue funk alarmed at terror-stricken running scared apprehensive about scared to death intimidated by scared out of your wits shaking like a leaf panic-stricken in a fluster scared stiff horror-stricken having cold feet scared witless frightened out of your wits terror-struck censorious fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing negative crying deploring lamenting hard to please huffy irascible


In an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence
delirious feverish mad frenzied incoherent raving wild babbling demented deranged insane irrational unhinged crazed ferocious fierce frantic frenetic furious hysterical rabid violent swivel-eyed aberrant bewildered confused crazy deviant deviate disarranged disordered disturbed fevered flipped hallucinating hallucinatory hot lightheaded light-headed lunatic maniac maniacal manic rambling restless unreasonable unsettled flipped out off your head out of one's head out of one's skull unbalanced nutty mental cuckoo psychotic unstable barmy batty daft wacko loopy wacky screwy nuts loco gaga kooky certifiable psychopathic loony bonkers unsound crackpot cracked crackers whacko bats meshuga psycho looney distracted cranky crackbrained sectionable daffy touched non compos mentis bananas haywire buggy fruity scatty barking dippy nutsy distraught whacky kookie balmy meshugge brainsick bughouse moonstruck bushed squirrelly wud dotty barking mad raving mad of unsound mind bedlam nutso round the bend not all there not right in the head up the pole not quite right in the head not together not right upstairs porangi stark mad not the full shilling round the twist schizoid mad as a hatter as daft as a brush away with the fairies mentally ill foaming at the mouth nutty as a fruitcake off the wall slang mad as a March hare looney tunes loony tunes stark raving mad stark staring mad sick in the head berserk yarra silly have kangaroos in the top paddock eccentric have bats in the belfry out to lunch foolish have a screw loose fanatical uncontrolled stupid sick excited unglued off your trolley unrestrained potty off one's gourd around the bend off one's nut sociopathic gonzo doolally flaky flakey out there unwise senseless enthusiastic idiotic preposterous energetic zany schizophrenic psychopathological raging unscrewed freaked out off your rocker out of one's mind off-the-wall one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck severely mentally ill a few sandwiches short of a picnic with a screw loose agitated absurd hectic nonsensical overwrought brainless screwball hyperactive diseased zealous ridiculous illogical mindless fatuous paranoid obsessive exciting invalid impatient dazed bizarre erratic odd passionate phrenetic keen intense peculiar queer strange schizo demoniac tumultuous ardent corybantic berko wrong oddball not in your right mind ape having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos not of sound mind mentally deranged having a screw loose having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out dysfunctional paranoiac paranoic outlandish unrealistic unchecked unbridled unzipped dingy baked fried unsafe fantastic maddened schizzo off the chain psyched out over the top daggy panic-stricken yampy screwed up neurotic schitzy out of control off the air off your chump off the rails abandoned derailed bemused moonstricken off dreamy boisterous bedlamite fraught witless asinine ebullient full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited turbulent touched in the head harebrained as mad as a hatter as mad as a March hare crazy as a loon one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end in the ozone simpleminded bubbleheaded ludicrous lunkheaded gay riotous chaotic furibund wired confusing hyper cockeyed featherheaded injudicious jerky tomfool sappy inept fool weak unthinking unreasoning laughable implausible weirded out fast and furious wigged out lost it nonrational unjustifiable weird fallacious untenable inconsequential goofy unfounded unconventional groundless impractical in a lather idiosyncratic illegitimate twisted extreme cockamamie half-witted half-baked inconsequent weak-minded baseless arbitrary specious fervent unscientific sophistic heated reasonless mentally unbalanced freaky intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted counterintuitive disconnected disjointed nervous over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard overactive desperate eager biased prejudiced one-sided partisan illiberal gung-ho infuriated intemperate narrow-minded perfervid busy worked up disoriented keyed up dedicated overboard infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist sizzling bitten unwell militant obsessed virulent ill avid agog enthused in a tizzy disorientated high-strung like one possessed pumped raring spirited lively desirous antsy anxious exhilarated vivacious stoked muddled thirsty athirst addled befuddled geeked hungry juiced vehement voracious solicitous uproarious at sea discombobulated all at sea senile untrammeled untrammelled absent-minded out-of-joint very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho in a frenzy on fire with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed pixilated muzzy gone addlepated shell-shocked punchy shot to pieces dopey shook up zonked fouled up pixillated slaphappy spaced out mixed-up spacey zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out dizzy punch-drunk spacy dopy not with it not knowing if one is coming or going addle-brained muddle-headed uncontrollable gibbering ranting rampant inane hare-brained imbecilic moronic farcical risible imprudent dumb unintelligent comical cockamamy foolhardy pointless reckless doltish outrageous ill-advised rash irresponsible empty-headed simple derisory unreal dim-witted ill-considered fanciful fantastical derisive thoughtless pathetic unthinkable giddy dim madcap cock-eyed unbelievable derisible birdbrained incautious unworkable indiscreet impracticable funny pea-brained incredible cretinous thickheaded dunderheaded gormless damfool ill-conceived chowderheaded dotish glaikit dull imbecile wooden-headed puerile vacuous thick scatterbrained lamebrained comic boneheaded way out slow-witted simple-minded flighty far-fetched feeble-minded feebleminded grotesque halfwitted troubled impossible divvy muttonheaded chuckleheaded amusing dof hilarious fat-headed incongruous extravagant feather-brained droll meaningless dozy diverting shocking slow frivolous blockheaded clownish ill-thought-out brain-dead kinky short-sighted mixed up heedless humorous faulty impolitic chucklesome curious unusual ignorant obtuse careless extraordinary inconsistent improbable childish monstrous braindead unfeasible dense ill-judged astonishing pinheaded quirky non-viable dappy useless futile gelastic softheaded off-centre soft in the head too much off beam dead from the neck up impulsive beside oneself dull-witted far-out freakish amok infantile surreal flawed defective rum dunce-like inappropriate incorrect misguided vapid outré light-hearted unreasoned a bit lacking immature clueless witty romantic inconceivable unlikely brash hasty inadvisable contradictory changeable amazing humoristic facetious joshing camp campy capricious nonfunctional whimsical unpractical slapstick exorbitant unimaginable retarded sidesplitting comedic entertaining visionary daft as a brush backward inconsiderate hotheaded antic unattainable vain killing screaming hysteric hopeless unviable naive nerdy unearthly theoretical side-splitting rib-tickling priceless slow on the uptake unrealizable without foundation without basis ivory-tower incompetent full of holes infeasible pie-faced not making sense good-humoured good-humored beyond the bounds of possibility out of sight out of the question thick-witted half-cracked birdy bathetic clock incomprehensible rattlebrained unsteady psychoneurotic few X short of a Y bovine pig-ignorant disorganized excessive nerdish offbeat topsy-turvy dimwitted burlesque unconsidered bugged out mentally incompetent nobody home callow way-out tangled shambolic obstinate donkeyish avant-garde green credulous vacant bone-headed goofy loony harum-scarum out of your mind fanatic wonky broken fuddled sublime contemptible thick as two short planks not quite right idiotical improvident addle-pated waggish unpredictable null inexperienced insipid complacent unaware insensate mirthful Boeotian taking the cake orderless amiss disorganised messy idiotish unorthodox Bohemian far out foolheaded mystifying puzzling bewildering baffling severely mentally disordered dope jocose jocular not right funky queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way remarkable bizarro smoothbrained not functioning properly out of order extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible dilly worthy of scorn jolly demonic demoniacal not well thought out ineffectual very stupid smooth-brained out of one's box excellent mentally slow out of commission on the fritz in pieces up the spout daredevil spare consumed postal crook barro hot-headed ditzy overhasty wrong-headed unseemly out of whack in a mess on the blink feather-headed acting crazy embarrassing in vain in left field O.T.T. OTT a bit much starry-eyed quixotic up the wall through the roof on the rampage featherbrained fickle skittish daring adventurous as thick as two short planks wet behind the ears for grins to no avail overexcited high up false idealistic frothy forgetful light-minded yeasty inconstant ditsy temerarious audacious overbold overconfident possessed soft undiplomatic indelicate tactless inexpedient graceless spurious dubious doubtful unplanned utopian unworldly perfectionist delusory erroneous bird-brained risky badly planned radge unjustified imaginary nitwitted very good unconvincing incredulous grandiose illusory heady unachievable unformed sophomoric undeveloped ambitious unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial nonrealistic reachy floating hopped up turned out off the top of your head sheepheaded unobtainable suppositious illusive different singular underdeveloped on cloud nine not applicable not sensible blue sky sophistical forlorn undoable insurmountable hollow casuistic poorly planned not thought through not fully developed make-believe ludicrous. laughable insuperable irresoluble insolvable unsolvable inconclusive unsubstantial cock-and-bull perverse irreconcilable paradoxical irresolvable unproved cheery cheerful happy hearty irrelevant unconnected unserviceable inoperable insoluble inaccessible impassable impervious inexecutable irrealizable nonpractical unusable not to be thought of not possible beyond one hardly possible no-go hundred-to-one contrary to reason not on no-way not a prayer not worth considering like herding cats beyond you self-contradictory beyond belief not following nonviable chimerical speculative inapplicable otherworldly unbusinesslike abstract inefficacious won't fly no go


Without purpose, direction, or guidance
adrift directionless lost aimless drifting purposeless bewildered confused disorientated disoriented rootless unsettled goalless off course off track at sea floating all at sea off the right track without goal without purpose in limbo without direction at a loose end at loose ends astray off-course perplexed at a loss off-track going round in circles undirected unguided out objectless stray having lost one's bearings having lost one's way thrown unstable unhinged rudderless going in circles unbalanced discombobulated nonplussed not adjusted off-beam mixed-up out-of-joint wildered mazed mixed up in a muddle in a state of confusion not knowing whether one is coming or going all over the place befuddled dazed muddled confounded puzzled baffled stupefied bemused bushed addled stumped stunned bamboozled distracted fuddled flummoxed disconcerted dizzy mystified muddleheaded dopey addlepated dopy bedeviled befogged flustered shell-shocked thrown off balance at sixes and sevens bedevilled dumbfounded astonished astounded shaken floored fazed taken aback silly muzzy pixillated slaphappy pixilated spacey punchy zonked-out spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked fogged discomposed discomfited unnerved troubled clueless surprised shaken up absent-minded addle spaced raddled rattled out to lunch not with it demented unglued deranged dumbstruck flabbergasted startled staggered speechless foxed vexed shocked beaten gone uncertain muddle-headed spaced out shook up fouled up bowled over in a dither dismayed embarrassed hard-pressed discountenanced strayed woolly woozy foolish disturbed upset hard put frustrated slap-happy shook wooly addlebrained dazzled agog aghast awed agape maladjusted distraught giddy thunderstruck gaga hazy dumb come apart disorganised disorganized roaming roving lost one's bearing out of it balled up confusional off-balance awe-struck off balance overwhelmed amazed blown away had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted confusticated got caused to be at a stand gravelled beat graveled buffaloed thrown off made to scratch their head preoccupied engrossed fuzzy delirious irrational unsound senile psychotic crazy whacko with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed addle-brained not knowing if one is coming or going


A movement of animals or people from one region to another
migration emigration relocation exodus departure flight movement journey expatriation moving travel voyage shift transfer passage hegira immigration defection posting trek resettling resettlement roving run transhumance move moving abroad Völkerwanderung peregrination crossing march transmigration traveling removal travelling displacement colonization leaving exile settling transplanting diaspora reestablishment uprooting homesteading drifting colonisation stroll vagabondage roaming vagrancy shifting withdrawal evacuation settlement entry arrival moving overseas itinerancy perambulation nomadism vagabondism rootlessness migrancy obambulation adventure expedition trip campaign venture pilgrimage course quest odyssey journeying progress scramble exploration excursion jaunt wayfaring globetrotting travels approach procession commutation route walkabout drive spin errand retreat sortie commute outing slog ride visit walk hike lift constitutional itinerary promenade circuit tour junket beat traverse patrol round caravan tramp safari range sally ramble transit saunter grand tour period of travelling exit exiting egress going escape egression retirement mass departure transition fleeing flow transference leave-taking decamping quitting departing farewell parting decampment traversal leave outgo desertion abandonment getaway congé adieu embarkation goodbye going away lighting out bow out walking out transportation conveyance transplantation transferal leavetaking disappearance sea change transferral repositioning voyaging passing outpour outflow outpouring gush advance motion progression offgoing advancement headway onrush process traversing furtherance changeover translocation change substitution switch transmittance flood transmittal transmission traject moving on trajection going out chicken run flit flitting change of job change of house change of address retiral resignation going off running away walkout takeoff withdrawing separation sailing recession taking off start setting off taking leave stampede vanishing act vacation setting forth powder starting out setting out


Different from that expected
aberration lapse irregularity straying aberrancy abnormality deviation eccentricity error mistake rambling transgression departure difference distortion diversion oddness unusualness anomaly peculiarity divergence singularity oddity idiosyncrasy strangeness nonconformity weirdness unnaturalness aberrance variation quirk deviance flaw exception discrepancy deviancy preternaturalness unconventionality extraordinariness freakishness uncommonness twist variance disparity bizarreness inequality unorthodoxy kink waywardness change individualism digression curiosity erraticism atypicalness quirkiness foible imperfection dissimilarity mannerism inconsistency shift crotchet queerness deformity distinction caprice unorthodoxness divagation dissimilitude diversity quip quiddity asymmetry tic trick anomalism hereticism divergency contrast alteration disagreement variability unconformity curiousness break unlikeness outlandishness capriciousness unevenness whimsicality whimsicalness idiocrasy unexpectedness disproportion characteristic malformation perversion particularity dent stop uncertainty spasm roughness hole bump hump crookedness bumpiness deflection disparateness contrariness otherness separation trait variety rarity dissemblance atypicality oddment anomalousness jaggedness noncomformity defect fault abnormalcy whim uniqueness distinctness outlier fluctuation vagary modification malfunction detour distinctiveness breach whimsy incongruity diverseness fad distance dysfunction thing contrariety hang-up polarity opposition heterogeneity discongruity preternaturality antithesis discrepance separateness mutation fluidity coarseness untypicalness fetish dorkiness bent entanglement proclivity failing weakness differentiation infrequency scarcity incomparability perverseness irrationality disobedience unreasonableness rebelliousness decay straggler aberrant waif maverick patchiness one-sidedness gap gulf contradiction contradistinction imbalance split rareness monstrosity quaintness freakiness dottiness nuttiness screwiness metamorphosis transformation revision mysteriousness crankiness zaniness wackiness kookiness sparseness shortage scarceness obsession diversification nonconformance displacement tolerance accident equivocation coincidence varying incompatibility mismatch idée fixe veering turn swerve departure from the norm curve break in routine intermittence paucity fewness variableness conflict clash turning aside turning difference of opinion crotch disagreeing ramification alterity radiation twisting corruption misrepresentation misinterpretation falsification misconstruction travesty divarication debasement subversion vitiation randomness


A change or development
movement fluctuation change flux variation alteration changing development evolution evolving shift unrest roaming fall rise rise and fall oscillation instability inconstancy swing unsteadiness variability motion see-sawing yo-yoing rising and falling undulation vacillation wavering alternation changeability ebb and flow fluidity changeableness unpredictability fitfulness irregularity modification unreliability fickleness continuous change transition mutation mutability ripple swell rolling shifting dynamics activity stirring agitation mobility motility stir kinesis drift sway kinetics move coming and going toing and froing to and fro full swing modulation variance vicissitude upheaval switch distortion ups and downs unevenness seesawing regulation chanciness wave vicissitudes swaying adjustment reversal veering adaptation changes deviation transformation revision diversification amendment reformation recasting swap diversity variety readjustment correction rearrangement conversion refashioning displacement flip-flop about-face deformation imbalance volatility disequilibrium capriciousness uncertainties swinging waving rotation uncertainty downturn reverse interchange repetition transposition systole and diastole peaks and valleys wax and wane reworking fold crinkle wrinkle furrow metamorphosis revamping transmogrification makeover transfiguration rectification life's ups and downs review wobble refinement transmutation remodeling good and bad times roll waviness remodelling repeated rotation mid-course correction deviations waverings waves displacements realignment turnaround reshaping turn renewal redirection rectifications refashionings wobbles reviews revolution retraction about-turn reordering rowback changeover substitution permutation bend yaw deflection sea change U-turn


Present participle for to walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way
roaming rambling ranging strolling meandering roving walking drifting traipsing gallivanting maundering ambling cruising sauntering dawdling mooching pottering prowling coasting peregrinating stravaiging trekking floating galavanting jaunting knocking about moseying straggling tramping trudging batting bimbling gadding hiking rolling tootling circumambulating circumlocuting circumnutating hopscotching trailing vagabonding gadding about globe-trotting knocking around milling about milling around milling round going walkabout kicking around mooching around following one's nose walking the tracks stretching your legs straying travelling traveling perambulating moving pootling journeying toddling touring promenading traversing swanning marching plodding shuffling loitering going puttering tromping proceeding going for a walk globetrotting taking a walk voyaging migrating hitting the road lumbering dallying slogging striding taking the air moping streeling backpacking trooping idling loafing travelling around traveling around pacing shifting stumping sashaying treading lingering departing stepping ambulating hanging about parading walking slowly progressing crossing advancing bumming going on foot going slowly lagging hoofing passing footslogging padding lolling prancing strutting emigrating trogging yomping tarrying deviating crawling exploring erring dilly-dallying shambling patrolling making your way immigrating taking a stroll legging it hanging around hoofing it wending your way moving around tripping wandering aimlessly taking a trip filing running around cantering transmigrating bumming around pounding footling stooging drooping scuffing percolating ankling dabbling changing limping taking a turn footing it creeping tailing getting some exercise getting some air dillydallying scouring wending scrambling sloughing poking falling behind lollygagging following getting sidetracked skulking dragging batting around hitting the trail passing over going for a stroll pilgrimaging walking casually setting out shilly-shallying making one's way footing hanging setting forth bringing up the rear traveling on foot travelling on foot hanging out moving slowly getting no place fast dragging your feet dandering quitting removing going astray wandering around roaming about moving abroad travelling about flitting running trekking through trundling trolling struggling along schlepping trilling oozing going hither and thither divagating twining extravagating recoiling swinging sweeping climbing transitioning winding zigzagging fiddling tinkering going adrift clambering venturing wayfaring reconnoitering searching reconnoitring encompassing wandering about twisting and turning getting off the point breezing delaying walking around going aimlessly going off at a tangent frittering fribbling waltzing spreading through going for a constitutional strolling along taking it easy pushing on moving aimlessly boogying boogieing trucking going on a excursion going on a trip going on a journey staggering hobbling galloping making circuit socializing raving partying messing about mincing finding your way picking your way slouching lallygagging diddling jaunting around roaming around socialising flitting around skipping ascending descending tiptoeing stumbling itinerating lounging pressing on going by foot moving forward going down going up going forward covering going partying going clubbing stepping out dragging oneself trotting lurking slackening halting hovering frittering away passing time procrastinating flagging putting off pausing racing locomoting stalking poking along tottering lazing hanging back tagging along raving it up living it up leaving transferring nomadizing riding plodding on dragging along tagging along behind waddling doddering coursing transiting navigating tracking circumnavigating walking up and down marching up and down painting the town red galumphing floundering clumping barging scuffling stamping lumping stomping walking to and fro walking back and forth junketing transmitting hopping sailing cutting across junketting lazying mooning chilling droning chillin languishing flogging lurching having a night on the town overnighting moving round proceeding along going round moving about covering ground taking a train going riding going into orbit getting through taking a boat passing through taking a plane making a journey vegging out kicking back hacking around goofing off dangling sagging spreading straddling hanging down lagging behind dropping behind trailing behind poking around strining out


Present participle for to move slowly away from a fixed point or place
digressing departing deviating diverging swerving veering roaming divagating drifting sidetracking shifting straying meandering turning aside turning turning away detouring swinging wheeling bending turning off sheering moving away branching off slewing parting angling off getting sidetracked turning from taking a turn bearing off leaving beaten path rambling differing maundering excursing shying removing varying straggling abandoning deserting aberrating wandering away skewing weaving twisting inclining curving tacking deflecting zigzagging changing direction dipping swinging over erring lurching sideslipping moving veering off wavering getting off course winding sluing slueing skidding going off course sheering off sidestepping turning sharply training off departing from changing course diverting pivoting redirecting whipping yawing sliding swiveling swivelling cutting breaking changing altering course zagging zigging bearing curling slipping whirling slithering heading ricocheting ricochetting putting about averting contorting deforming switching going around going about arching hooking warping altering coming about buckling bowing flexing refracting leaning crooking curving around leaving-one-out aquaplaning doglegging jackknifing derogating rotating hydroplaning running dispersing careering proceeding forking gliding angling turning on your heel leading going making extending whirling around turning around beating coasting tilting lying being skimming incurvating veering away getting around crimping stooping verging careening drooping tobogganing turning round changing heading making a right making a left evolving going into skid angling away spinning out sailing into the wind morphing transforming rerouteing rerouting fluctuating metamorphosing transferring channeling channelling converting transmogrifying mutating progressing modifying channeling away changing the course of offleading drawing away heading off modulating snapping backing vacillating distorting misshaping malforming screwing torturing kinking gnarling disfiguring wrinkling making crooked becoming curved brutalising becoming misshapen making curved damaging going out of shape brutalizing squinching becoming crooked becoming deformed becoming distorted


Present participle for to lose one's concentration


Present participle for to speak incoherently
babbling rambling talking nonsense speaking incoherently chattering gabbling jabbering prattling prating gabbing twittering maundering driveling drivelling gassing blathering blethering waffling going on running on blithering jawing rattling yakking nattering spouting yabbering yattering chuntering rabbiting rabbitting wittering clacking twattling twaddling yackety-yakking gossipping gossiping shooting one's mouth off rattling on running off at the mouth rabbiting on burbling pattering gibbering mumbling yapping gushing chatting spluttering bumbling yammering chaffering conversing sputtering blabbing gaggling drooling cackling blabbering palavering chinning rapping muttering slabbering earbashing schmoozing shmoozing talking blubbering raving ranting paltering kibbitzing talking foolishly talking incoherently talking trivially talking nonsensically kibitzing digressing rattling away expatiating amplifying blathering on talking randomly talking aimlessly droning on going on and on harping on rambling on ranting and raving wittering on tattling chit-chatting visiting murmuring talking at length clavering talking nineteen to the dozen tittle-tattling talking incessantly talking a lot slabbering on shooting the breeze talking the hind legs off a donkey flannelling bleating flanneling babbling on talking rubbish chewing the fat going off at a tangent drifting straying stumbling meandering stuttering hesitating carrying on talking footling talking unintelligibly talking rapidly verbalizing uttering talking on and on talking idly boiling confusing keeping going carrying on verbalising circumlocuting chinwagging chewing the rag shooting the bull running off at mouth going on about confabulating humming and hawing bloviating having a chat making small talk talking the hind leg off a donkey talking wildly spieling yakety-yakking holding forth blurting talking gibberish spilling the beans laboring the point keeping on overstressing dwelling on banging on

反义词 a wandering

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