同义词 barely adequate


Mediocre or unexceptional in standard or quality
adequate average ordinary medium mediocre moderate unexceptional middling indifferent commonplace undistinguished unremarkable unexceptionable run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road so-so bog-standard plain vanilla nothing to write home about nothing to shout about fair tolerable passable common everyday workaday fair-to-middling no great shakes vanilla OK uninspired unexciting half-pie not so hot second-rate not up to much pedestrian modest decent prosaic inferior lacklustre forgettable lackluster amateurish run-of-the-mine run-of-mine amateur second-class fairish limited acceptable normal standard mean insignificant intermediate conventional not very good small fair to middling median common or garden satisfactory usual midsized midsize O.K. middle typical okay meh all right characterless dull nothing out of the ordinary ornery scanty in-between unimportant immaterial light meagre skimpy poor banal sparse certain serviceable of no consequence mainstream colourless colorless humdrum traditional good unimpressive meager midway stock of poor quality neutral inconsequential sufficient inconsiderable unpretentious cut-and-dry routine cut-and-dried garden-variety standard-issue nondescript anonymous unnoteworthy plain unmemorable uneventful inconspicuous nothing special bog standard par for the course not much cop respectable enough not bad regular mundane quotidian uninteresting bland customary boring habitual uninspiring general natural familiar characteristic prevalent archetypal representative archetypical trite a dime a dozen old hat accustomed simple expected hackneyed predictable typic orthodox frequent established wonted stale classic garden variety insipid monotonous drab unoriginal quintessential emblematic ubiquitous indicative model exemplary ideal standardized prevailing dreary garden nothing to get excited about classical prototypical illustrative symbolic paradigmatic standardised household matter-of-course essential in keeping in character derivative suggestive archetypic prototypal corny day-to-day featureless tedious patterned hacky unimaginative prototypic flat popular lowly homespun formulaic tame settled set homely ho-hum bush-league daily dime-a-dozen run of the mill overused anaemic tired gray grey lifeless dry sterile plastic vapid unspectacular anemic stereotyped basic ponderous slow stodgy unvaried generic fixed stereotypical indistinctive chronic true ten a penny blah unambitious overworked unadventurous overdone spiritless low time-worn cornball accepted unaspiring unimposing yawn suburban bourgeois unchallenging current worn out wearisome casual terrestrial informal unchanging dime-store barren white-bread nothing boilerplate played out humble practical recognized plebeian nowhere platitudinous clichéd tiresome going regulation nitty-gritty staple middle of the road jejune recognised unintellectual middlebrow acknowledged numbing wearying desolate jading drudging arid heavy tiring leaden stuffy stupid old weary mind-numbing monochromatic methodical plodding impersonal no-frills soulless matter-of-fact trivial jake passionless derived unspecial straightforward formalistic periodic two a penny scheduled uninventive widespread family domestic quiet universal empty canonical whitebread vacuous limp feeble businesslike unimpressed unmoved bromidic uncreative heavy-handed orderly useless seasonal unfateful indecisive noneventful inconclusive moderately good zestless lame non-stimulating irrelevant paltry plain-Jane unextraordinary off-the-shelf antiseptic pointless piddling worthless one-size-fits-all blending into the background rife meaningless whatever bleak dowdy constant faceless monolithic pabulum diddly lusterless zero actual practicable irksome prosy square prose clean dull as dishwater phoned in grind matter-of- fact inherent symptomatic consistent not worth mentioning of no importance of no account of little consequence of little importance of no great concern anticipated foreseeable foreseen reliable prescriptive definitive unspecified unidentified distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper steady distinguishing proverbial individualistic native cliched textbook true to form to be expected only to be expected on the cards time-honoured … all over true to type imitable soul-destroying unstimulating bloodless dusty repetitive raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy downcast dry as dust worn-out familiar tune boiler plate

反义词 barely adequate

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