同义词 common place


Very commonly encountered or observed
common standard usual regular normal everyday routine ordinary conventional typical habitual familiar frequent ubiquitous quotidian household unexceptional unremarkable daily widespread garden-variety day-to-day common or garden customary stock general average prevalent accustomed wonted natural run-of-the-mill established prevailing expected traditional popular orthodox characteristic workaday accepted archetypal prosaic typic representative archetypical classic plain set universal matter-of-course mainstream standard-issue settled pervasive standardized bog-standard classical emblematic quintessential indicative standardised model old hat cut-and-dried exemplary cut-and-dry ideal recognized garden variety prototypical illustrative vanilla symbolic paradigmatic essential in keeping in character recognised fixed public suggestive archetypic prototypal rife rampant current endemic patterned garden overall prototypic mundane domestic a dime a dozen constant stereotypical predominant formulaic going majority shared acknowledged basic proverbial ruling staple regulation undistinguished received generic stereotyped humdrum family predictable well established broad chronic canonical recurring simple collective native par for the course across the board numerous vulgar middle-of-the-road time-honoured widely held unoriginal mediocre overused adopted indifferent favoured extensive pervading diurnal inconspicuous persistent congruous monotonous familial true fashionable formal repeated known ongoing confirmed boilerplate dull orderly methodical domiciliary terrestrial casual unimaginative banal informal admitted acquainted well-known superabundant one-size-fits-all whitebread unsophisticated favorite favourite uneventful acquired honored homey home homely in use recognizable run of the mill hackneyed derived well worn favored great homespun humble recognisable ten a penny two a penny definitive honoured nitty-gritty periodic well known time-honored cheap and commonplace dime-a-dozen recurrent periodical textbook common variety matter-of-fact perpetual mass wide inherent symptomatic consistent imitable foreseen reliable anticipated foreseeable prescriptive intermittent global national joint blanket communal overarching outright distinctive unsurprising idiosyncratic proper steady likely distinguishing individualistic clichéd cliched comprehensive sweeping in force epidemic in vogue broad-brush all-round broad-spectrum nationwide societal wholesale all-around across-the-board total in circulation true to form to be expected on the cards only to be expected … all over true to type occurring often plastic grind so-so white-bread most common


Repeated often to the point of being stale or commonplace
hackneyed stale banal tired trite stereotyped threadbare hack timeworn shopworn hackney cliche musty obligatory cobwebby well-worn moth-eaten unoriginal stock clichéd overworked overused corny common platitudinous dull old hat prosaic vapid pedestrian run-of-the-mill derivative uninspired routine bromidic hacky unimaginative worn-out conventional played out cliché ordinary stereotypical worn out flat cornball hokey warmed-over worn set time-worn bathetic predictable ready-made truistic familiar tune jejune exhausted chain drained mildewed stereotypic platitudinal cliched used-up humdrum old hoary cliché-ridden overdone well worn dime-store antiquated boring out of the ark everyday tedious familiar obsolete mawkish formulaic repetitious tripe old-fashioned frayed passé faded warmed-up old-hat outworn out of date uncreative past their sell-by date cliché inane orthodox standard vieux jeu standardized tarnished defunct insipid unsophisticated imitative ineffective conventionalized dated cheesy kitschy sentimental feeble antwacky mass-produced typecast aged cut and dried fuddy-duddy mundane dreary monotonous tiresome vanilla silly used uneventful uninteresting mind-numbing ho-hum oft-repeated unvaried wearisome stupid facile nothing cornfed noplace pabulum zero trivial square dumb nowhere bland blah standardised world-worn ho hum worn thin dull as dishwater outdated outmoded quotidian out-of-date played-out old-chestnut old-saw tattered distressed shabby bedraggled damaged tacky seedy ripped wrecked washed run-down


Unremarkable or ordinary in character, standard or quality
ordinary dull prosaic common unremarkable humdrum average uninteresting routine pedestrian unexceptional everyday mundane unexciting bland uninspired normal mediocre workaday banal stale trite vanilla usual characterless undistinguished standard lacklustre indifferent lackluster hackneyed middling uneventful tired unmemorable quotidian unoriginal colourless colorless derivative predictable mainstream customary forgettable overused unnoteworthy ornery hacky overworked corny clichéd garden overdone prevalent lowly cornball plebeian natural run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road so-so bog-standard garden-variety plain vanilla half-pie standard-issue cut-and-dried cut-and-dry no great shakes time-worn garden variety not so hot a dime a dozen old hat dime-a-dozen worn out not up to much bush-league nothing to write home about worn-out played out dime-store not much cop ten a penny nothing to get excited about boiler plate familiar tune boring conventional uninspiring plain common or garden fair typical simple medium OK second-rate passable nondescript modest insipid tolerable familiar dreary moderate adequate monotonous drab stock regular run-of-the-mine run-of-mine unpretentious tame fair-to-middling inferior generic second-class unimaginative insignificant flat mean homespun stereotyped tedious nothing special amateur amateurish dry lifeless spiritless vapid anaemic homely platitudinous anemic humble ho-hum decent intermediate nothing bog standard fairish day-to-day unexceptionable inconspicuous household featureless fair to middling ubiquitous frequent unimpressive general suburban formulaic habitual traditional dead blah inconsequential not very good run of the mill neutral matter-of-fact gray grey plodding straightforward unadventurous dim listless muted jejune anodyne nothing out of the ordinary unspectacular practical yawn nitty-gritty terrestrial apathetic torpid unanimated leaden plastic unvaried nowhere basic accustomed deadpan white-bread okay wearisome unimportant established stereotypical median immaterial midway draggy middle popular inconsiderable middle of the road midsize midsized par for the course of no consequence unspecial acceptable anonymous threadbare no-frills in-between soulless empty casual informal trivial slow unchanging wonted periodic formalistic antiseptic meh passionless derived quiet scheduled worn boilerplate blending into the background poor heavy serviceable O.K. sterile uninventive not bad noneventful unfateful inconclusive indecisive good satisfactory vacuous hack timeworn staple seasonal chronic methodical jake mind-numbing two a penny all right set of poor quality businesslike unimpressed uncreative unmoved bromidic ponderous barren heavy-handed stodgy unpoetic literal unemotional unsentimental unvarnished factual unembellished clear unadorned unaspiring unambitious sufficient limited off-the-shelf plain-Jane unextraordinary sombre somber useless irrelevant paltry nothing to shout about barely adequate restrained unsophisticated unimposing unfussy unostentatious unshowy blank expressionless pointless piddling worthless pabulum lusterless diddly zero actual practicable irksome prosy square prose clean prevailing going current meaningless whatever unnoticeable phoned in indistinctive faceless noncommittal mid medial intermediary halfway not worth mentioning of little consequence of little importance of no importance of no great concern of no account formal canned ready-made central midmost mediate matter-of- fact par neither one thing nor the other medium-sized middle-sized no big deal well worn readily available widely available


Boring or severely lacking in interest
jejune boring dull tedious uninteresting monotonous tiresome dreary humdrum wearisome pedestrian flat drab stale slow ponderous dry tiring heavy wearying leaden colorless stodgy unexciting stuffy tame numbing jading old drudging arid monochromatic insipid prosaic weary dusty lifeless stupid bland vapid colourless unimaginative banal uninspiring mundane uneventful lacklustre trite lackluster routine sterile workaday samey quotidian unstimulating deadly monochrome dreich barren inane dullsville unrelieved innocuous empty ornery meagre meager mind-numbing ho-hum run-of-the-mill dry as dust lacking variety dull as ditchwater lacking variation nothing to write home about characterless unvaried ordinary tired unremarkable uninspired spiritless common blah repetitious bromidic ho hum vanilla hackneyed everyday unvarying dull as dishwater wishy-washy repetitive bloodless usual vacuous lame prosy nothing plain vanilla unoriginal anaemic limp plodding feeble plain mediocre zestless derivative nowhere weariful banausic nondescript middle-of-the-road anemic weak lustreless soporific day-to-day fatiguing normal platitudinous featureless torpid hacky well-worn unenjoyable unentertaining antiseptic zero draggy pabulum common or garden a dime a dozen big yawn pointless uncreative stereotyped matter-of-fact non-stimulating pallid interminable irksome desolate overlong milk-and-water unexceptional customary unanimated stiff typical regular conventional dragging dismal depressing prolix yawnsome monotone dim long-drawn-out inoffensive garden variety lacking excitement lacking interest no great shakes not up to much mindless clichéd stereotypical irritating annoying laborious soul-destroying poor inadequate half-hearted namby-pamby long moth-eaten dead bomb threadbare bummer drag cloying plebeian drear boresome vexatious mechanical unmemorable static nitty-gritty terrestrial passionless soulless wooden mortal enervating exhausting poky snooze unchanging bleak dowdy wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy downcast unspirited driveling soft drivelling nebbish beige corny fatuous tenuous slight subdued endless prosing treadmill white-bread toneless garden-variety workday lowly deadening sluggish deadly dull not fun pathetic worn-out inert wordy long-winded lacking personality lacking charisma not amounting to much run-of-the mill predictable uninventive unartistic useless average unadventurous derived turgid futile unromantic half-pie bog-standard OK so-so vain profitless truistic run of the mill square unrewarding undistinctive not so hot unproductive fruitless worthless unappealing waterish flavourless sapless flavorless nerdy wimpy aimless valueless purposeless unprofitable otiose unavailing hollow unsuccessful ineffectual bootless inefficacious ineffective abortive unfruitful vacant unprolific unfilled clear tasteless watery gray grey unpalatable savorless unsavoury laboured labored unpleasant unattractive unsavory lusterless uniform heavy-going staid neutral joyless verbose depressed fuddy-duddy difficult distasteful clinical sleepy uninviting repeated quiet safe expressionless tepid pedantic disagreeable institutional stagnant stilted unappetizing flat tire unseasoned one-horse sombre iterative reiterative sad dead-and-alive heavy going constant gloomy ceaseless deep forlorn shadowy tenebrous glum miserable insistent dingy depressive macabre funereal lonely dark grim dolorous morbid somber continual cheerless sedate usual thing familiar pompous unlively unpassioned uninterested serious droning sleep-inducing indistinct over-serious impersonal trying frustrating unshareable cardboard trivial puerile duplicative slack earthbound forced formal unfeeling mat unexpressive matte unexcited dulled backward undistinguished uninflected unprogressive inactive backwoods comatose whitebread blind muted without variety weighty reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged unobjectionable harmless mainstream behind the times halfhearted diluted lead balloon unprepossessing unsympathetic ugly flat as pancake boiled down without punch hard to digest least Milquetoast thin puts one to sleep apathetic listless savourless passive lethargic incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent emotionless cold unflavoured slothful dense unreadable off-putting mild inexpressive lank spent unpleasurable lacking vitality disgusting two-dimensional badly written watered-down without spice repulsive yucky charmless yucko yukky revolting loathsome nauseating foul abhorrent nasty brackish inedible uneatable detestable gross icky sick-making grody unenticing stinky frequentative


Of mediocre or inferior quality
second-rate inferior mediocre poor low-grade shoddy substandard bad rubbishy deficient tacky terrible abject abysmal appalling below par below standard cheap defective faulty imperfect miserable pants rotten trashy unsatisfactory wretched atrocious awful bum dismal dreadful execrable inadequate jerry-built low-rent third-rate crude crummy deplorable lamentable pitiful tinny unacceptable diabolical dire end-of-the-pier frightful insufficient low-quality sad tawdry two-bit bargain-basement bush-league cheapjack cheesy coarse common cut-rate dime-a-dozen duff gimcrack grotty junky lousy piss-poor ropy rubbish schlock schlocky sleazy tatty tenth-rate trumpery bodger direful egregious half-pie tinhorn el cheapo second-best shabby cheap and nasty no great shakes strictly for the birds a load of pants not much cop second class paltry pathetic worthless lame dissatisfactory wanting subpar useless sorry poxy not up to snuff suboptimal second-class not up to scratch base poor-quality below average hopeless woeful unsound punk under par middling junk cruddy laughable disappointing sub-par average crumby not up to par wack ordinary contemptible lemon abominable downmarket disagreeable off not up to much leaving much to be desired dodgy bush horrible sucky wrong pitiable poor quality subnormal chronic valueless hack good-for-nothing poorer indifferent disgraceful twopenny-halfpenny inept déclassé weak disastrous flawed unexceptional pedestrian garbage nasty the pits lacking cheapo low quality low mean low-end sour less-than-stellar run-down of poor quality of low quality ill flimsy ratty God-awful second rate very bad gaudy not up to standard unworthy horrendous amateurish Brummagem naff impaired pits no good displeasing not good enough beastly dime-store dilapidated seedy rough lowbrow dingy trifling broken-down slipshod scruffy cheap-jack cheapie sketchy careless kitsch damnable grungy unimpressive two a penny grubby incompetent unspeakable odious shameful meager tattered derisory meagre a dime a dozen ghastly godawful found wanting rinky-dink no-good from hunger grim insalubrious tinpot dubious questionable sordid makeshift of little value feeble garbagy unpleasant of no value weak sauce objectionable run down meretricious down at heel negligent of no financial value repulsive horrid ramshackle unsuitable dud rickety bungling reject regrettable insubstantial ridiculous trivial stinking worse grody scurrilous indefensible irremediable unsatisfying absurd entry-level pinchbeck ludicrous for the birds bottom-rung patchy of a sort not acceptable unfortunate foolish-looking second best silly god-awful calamitous thrown together hellacious low cost piddling failing insignificant half-baked scroungy not good gross brassy catchpenny down scale corny cheeseball down-market undistinguished uninspired craptacular doubtful off-form not cutting it low in quality ineffectual puny amiss bad quality twopenny broken brummagem inexpert throwaway poopy poorly off-colour hateful off-color uncomfortable badly built unsaleable meritless desperate unfit plastic pretentious inglorious low-down catastrophic hideous rueful tragic cataclysmic affecting harmful ersatz fair slovenly minor-league negligible minor league small potatoes not satisfying minimal distressing damaged Mickey Mouse jerrybuilt uncultured low-class unfashionable unsophisticated shlocky unsightly scummy scurvy godforsaken dirty yucky shlock scabby bottom-of-barrel unrefined unpolished not up to expectations incomplete of negligible value without value scrappy downscale iffy intolerable inadmissible third string second string second fiddle ailing insupportable repugnant small-time condemnable out inacceptable not on won't do undesirable less than ideal bereft not okay scant inconsiderable too little of no worth of little worth nickel-and-dime bogus nugatory disreputable revolting would fetch nothing squalid underwhelming of little financial value repellant repellent raunchy downer icky diddly bummer blah reprehensible stinky bad news fallacious detestable erroneous not the best slummy bathetic not all it's cracked up to be unfulfilling uninteresting distasteful falling short ineffective anticlimactic disillusioning hellish rancid rebarbative disgustful loathly insufferable ten a penny mangy minor second choice flashy dumbed down garish scuzzy showy ostentatious scrubby flash bedraggled decrepit untidy threadbare worn-out unkempt vulgar neglected dumpy bombed-out tumbledown rundown moth-eaten beat-up dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels down-at-heel timeworn menial tasteless loud in bad taste ragged raggedy worn filthy frayed worse for wear unstable frail faded torn deteriorated gone to seed in tatters battered fragile breakable shaky light wobbly tottery slight ragtag in rags desolate decaying worn to shreds ruined worn out warped rugged blemished in disrepair beat up slapdash patched holey well worn in ribbons crumbling delicate malfunctioning in holes ripped vulnerable cracked frangible time-worn old scratched buckled deformed inoperative non-functioning deteriorating falling to pieces wonky reduced frazzled little decayed raggedy-ass rent warby teetery rude knocked together clapped out knackered messy not working degenerated disheveled not functioning ruinous sick dishevelled indigent impoverished falling apart at the seams gone wrong unreliable out of order jerry-rigged having seen better days on its last legs in shreds poorly made badly worn poverty-stricken full of holes all the worse for wear on the blink torn to pieces rough-hewn the worse for wear thin frowzy distorted ropey noddy chipped inefficient limited cheap-looking chintzy sloppy inconsistent impotent frumpy sparing restricted inappreciable stodgy poky overused overworked used busted destroyed lined dinged totaled wizened clumsy under-strength piecemeal incorrect tainted marred botched fallible artless skanky worn-down wrung out pegged out well-worn rank mucky sticky gunky gungy patchwork decrepit. in ruins jury-rigged carelessly built rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready depleted scarce falling apart falling down broken down scraggy sparse shredded brittle shaggy scanty diminished pieced together measly skimpy unsteady ill-constructed shy nominal short small few dreary dwindling buggy bleak depressing cut in short supply at a low level unfinished injured unhealthy abnormal seconds unsubstantial gloomy sombre drab foul despicable dark uninviting cheerless superficial disheartening discouraging unpromising joyless sullen morose drear piteous vile solemn somber rinkydink unhappy heartbreaking grievous heartrending funereal morbid easily broken dreich forlorn lugubrious saturnine glum scungy depressive destitute sepulchral comfortless on the bum sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome black tenebrific elegiac elegiacal easily damaged house of cards Cimmerian crass tired uncouth uncultivated ill-mannered disfigured bare cure pot boorish uncivilized impolite uncivilised unsavoury roughneck unmannered clodhopping incult oafish unladylike brutish slobbish mannerless cloddish churlish graceless ungentlemanly lowbred raffish unsavory unmannerly ill-bred illiberal


Of little value or importance
trivial insignificant minor unimportant inconsequential slight trifling little negligible petty small incidental inconsiderable meaningless paltry fiddling nugatory worthless frivolous everyday footling inessential non-essential piddling flimsy minute nickel-and-dime of no account pettifogging piffling chicken de minimis foolish idle insubstantial measly niggling no-account nominal of little account of little consequence of no consequence peanut penny-ante picayune piddly pimping pointless puny small-fry trite twopenny-halfpenny Mickey Mouse not worth mentioning of little importance of no importance small-bore valueless wanky atomic diminutive evanescent ignorable immaterial inappreciable irrelevant marginal meagre meager mean microscopic momentary nonessential not worth bothering about scanty skin-deep vanishing beside the point inadequate insufficient minimal miserable derisory tiny light exiguous pitiful pathetic superficial inferior mingy poor peripheral lightweight dinky casual secondary low minuscule scant poxy skimpy lesser infinitesimal unsubstantial unnecessary small-time useless stingy deficient wretched modest limited base contemptible ungenerous unessential of no moment shallow miserly beggarly sparse extraneous token silly subordinate minimum two-bit shoestring neither here nor there second-rate minor-league bush-league cheap imperceptible inconsequent pitiable subsidiary futile mere lower empty expendable weak dispensable senseless nothing unsatisfactory not worth speaking of shabby smaller unproductive of no great concern lowly junior needless gratuitous slender mediocre purposeless vain sorry unneeded lame purportless second-string neglectable lean low-ranking unremarkable frugal nondescript of no matter ordinary short barren tenuous time-wasting hollow unprofitable trashy ineffectual subnormal lousy profitless superfluous extrinsic peppercorn ignoble unwarranted inane unrequired substandard reduced forgettable under accessory dependent bogus of no value redundant excessive small potatoes unmemorable uncalled-for all the same no-good not required uncalled for fussy scarce sparing common restricted fractional unavailing potty feeble ineffective scrimpy illogical disappointing unusable unimpressive mild ancillary tangential scratch unsound supplementary inutile younger tacky subaltern minus fruitless frothy disposable vapid sterile waste bitty counterproductive smallish abandoned abject banal null subpar unacceptable dissatisfactory shoddy of minor importance too little too late crummy insipid less important inappropriate of no merit rubbishy defective unwanted smalltime below the mark optional junky bad wack wanting crumby punk unmerited no big deal suboptimal lamentable humble low priority rubbish additional cosmetic unconsiderable off bush sour wrong ill no great shakes lower-level to no avail obscure surplus to requirements not needed low-grade low-quality from hunger poor-quality below par hair-splitting impractical hairsplitting niggly wee faint small-scale twopenny insulting bland uneventful little bitty lilliputian toytown unconsequential spare quibbling picky ridiculous absurd ludicrous outrageous laughable risible preposterous unconsidered wimpy runt shrimp surplus local aimless diddly hardly worth mentioning jejune loitering idling drossy despicable cavilling finicky nit-picking no biggie two bit big zero entry level of no significance skimp slim rinky-dink lacking substance exorbitant irrational caviling skippable replaceable unreasonable fatuous puerile flippant unhelpful thin motiveless uncelebrated flighty no big thing unconvincing removable no use subservient feckless of little import woeful not enough sad invalid a minor point second-class chaffy unreasoning background auxiliary occasional unbelievable unfructuous pants of no benefit bootless fallacious vacant unpurposed throwaway unimposing least smallest littlest slightest incredible nonrational tinpot zero zilch zip indifferent lowest inconceivable by-the-way by-the-by good-for-nothing two a penny not much cop tributary collateral substract subject second reserve of less importance unpersuasive crude minutest tiniest fewest merest basal a dead loss low precedence low preference not a priority imperfect faulty nasty rotten unworthy of no use third-rate empty-headed without depth a dime a dozen not worth a hill of beans illegitimate disregardable unsatisfying junk lemon ropy duff unsuitable controvertible displeasing distressing damaged wishful not up to par next to none very little jerry-built smallest amount of below average second rate no good not up to scratch minor league tenth-rate below standard least possible not satisfying not up to snuff next to no weakly plebeian simple transparent inept undistinguished proletarian extra baseborn underprivileged fortuitous undesired wanton uncritical unrefined severe unwashed rough luxury deadwood wasted avoidable prodigal haphazard noncompulsory causeless unpretentious vulgar lowborn prole inglorious random undesirable chance accidental scrubby uncouth lumpen unfit plebby sordid humdrum no need excess baggage working-class of low birth low-life of low rank low-born lower-class to no purpose inapposite irrelative inapplicable not worth worrying about unrelated not pertaining to unconnected impertinent off the topic off the point not at issue not the issue not connected with off the subject nothing to do with the case not germane mean-minded petty-minded narrow-minded


Belonging to, or characteristic of, values and attitudes of the middle class


A word or phrase, especially an idiomatic one, used to convey an idea
maxim saying adage proverb aphorism axiom saw byword dictum precept motto gnome epigram truism apothegm apophthegm slogan formula word catchphrase platitude sententia watchword principle truth rule cliche tenet moral law theorem enthymeme epithet guideline brocard device belief canon prescript bon mot epigraph words of wisdom pearls of wisdom phrase expression quotation quote colloquialism by-word chestnut ditty old chestnut pithy saying idiom repartee tag mantra interjection proposition statement witticism utterance axioma tagline paroemia articulation remark catchline assertion cry declaration postulate shibboleth turn of phrase catch phrase pearl of wisdom folk wisdom tag line idiomatic expression accepted truth signature phrase general truth sound bite old saying a few words of wisdom decree statute edict ordinance regulation order command direction mandate dictate injunction directive decretum code doctrine ruling instruction commandment fundamental act fiat prescription ukase pronunciamento reg convention precedent enactment dogma bill institute criterion standard requirement pronouncement constitution proclamation behest mitzvah guide bidding bylaw writ by-law custom ground rule standing order authorization authorisation sanction resolution demand covenant measure promulgation motion credo creed ratification ethic decalogue stipulation diktat practice foundation charge cause notice reason equity warrant divestiture proposal assize garnishment generalization decision generalisation exigency ground principium caveat base working principle kaupapa due process action teaching preception


A generally accepted theory or belief

反义词 common place

Music ♫

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