同义词 conduct an inquiry into


To study or check into thoroughly
investigate examine explore research consider study analyse analyze inspect look into go into probe review scrutinise scrutinize look over sift audit delve into evaluate query appraise brainstorm case dissect enquire into eyeball inquire into inquisite interrogate prospect question scout scrutinate bug canvass excogitate frisk muckrake poke recce reconnoitre reconnoiter search spy survey tap test underseek vet wiretap check into check out check over check up check up on conduct an enquiry into conduct an investigation into deliberate on dig into feel out follow up go over listen in look-see make enquiries about make inquiry pore over probe into pry into read into search for take stock of weigh up brood over chew over cross-examine dive into inquire about look at look at carefully mull over nose around poke around read up on run down scope out search into size up sound out stake out suss out work over ask questions of be all ears do research into make inquiries about put questions to put to the test give the once over give the once-over search the evidence concerning sift the evidence concerning subject to an examination try to get to the bottom of pursue enquire about find out about make sure make enquiries into ask questions about chase up get back to make inquiries into check scan assess inquire enquire quiz go through view catechize ask delve grill observe discuss ponder weigh dig verify assay interview seek go over with a fine-tooth comb watch try out peruse anatomize overlook determine try cross-question cover pump look give the third degree find out experiment with oversee tackle screen monitor interpret think about confirm read scout out sample con sweat think through contemplate trial conduct investigations into deconstruct cut treat deal with experiment prove put through the wringer regard break down eye give something a going-over roast debrief give something a once-over take a look at identify shake down pick at inquire of fathom carry out trials on scope sound try on for size penetrate put the screws on gauge plumb estimate concern judge measure gage sort out parse pry sift through concern itself with experimentalize pertain to diagnose skim pick apart pilot hit see reexamine scout around make inquiries understand try on make a survey of take a dekko at test the waters make a recce of hit up turn over pick one's brains put something through its paces give a tryout make a trial run give the third degree to put the screws to put through the third degree establish kick around be about ask about solicit clock pierce candle peg compare canvas write about resolve spot recon ascertain patrol look around debate substantiate report spy out describe validate demonstrate report on hunt consult have to do with have a look at make a reconnaissance of take stock do research examine closely bombard appertain to see how the land lies run through talk about open up give something a look-see prove out stack up put under a microscope palpate make an observation of learn get a load of play around with match up take apart case the joint dive in seek an answer double-check seek information of request information request information of seek information give details of take a shufti round follow a line of investigation treat of dig deep worm something out of someone run over have a look-see put through the mangle dig deeper find out the lie of the land put to the proof winnow revise rehearse practice repeat reiterate revisit keep an eye on check something out taste contextualize contextualise balance redact censor track snoop make enquiries knock request poll eye up discern perceive quarter get down to brass tacks traverse quest conduct an enquiry divide separate sit in behold burrow into nitpick grade turn ruminate deliberate cogitate meditate revolve perpend sum up pass under review esteem notice spy on third-degree unpack criticize comprehend unravel feel dissolve leave no stone unturned size apprise rate valuate value riffle through practise thumb through certify note think over wrestle with conduct research into figure entertain range over have a taste of clarify supervise criticise grasp superintend make enquiries as to run hands over take a reading of look through pass through wade into surveil give something a whirl look upon think of look on put on the hotseat ask pointed questions tell look out keep an eye out root rummage look closely know account for get the lie of the land carry out an inquest into bone up read over sweep correct count ensure skirr give it a go take account of attend to fossick forage consult the archives look up decompose decompound press scour carry out trials conduct experiments conduct research put out a feeler find fault pick holes follow mine pan dowse drill see how wind blows send up a balloon run something up the flagpole see how it flies run idea by someone run it up a flagpole put someone through their paces record register tally petition frain ask questions do tests lay bare carry out tests do tests on inquisition conduct a survey of think out test out go through with a fine-tooth comb sort through go after seek answers hold out for put to the question search for answers raise question sweat it out of show curiosity put to trial fool with mess around futz around field-test road-test test drive practice with rake subject to an inspection kick the tires put a question to enquire of needle want to know make sure of look see keep account comb get to the bottom of deal put out feelers buzz surf glass glance over perlustrate stare take soundings smoke pop the question riffle riff stare at gaze at flash browse rumble dig down search high and low turn inside out turn upside down tell of gen up read up be concerned with regulate skim through take a gander cast an eye over glance at dip into run your eye over look up and down talk converse reconsider commentate on broadcast details of write up recognize address relate to distinguish examine carefully overhaul debug burn up take the measure of detect drill down detail affect involve document have a discussion with confer with get for the record hold a meeting with have a dialogue with talk to converse with give oral examination hold inquiry write an account of discover strip down give something a check-up re-examine place be connected with refer to reference pinpoint touch on encompass be regarding do give an account of provide details of contend with expound on give the facts on give a rundown of recount be in connection with give details on track down diagnosticate sweat out swot up on take a course in take classes in be taught depict talk through comprise of embody explain apply to confer on be relevant to comment on speak about bear upon inform of bring up take on have a bearing on determinate pronounce run reconnaissance take in look out for set eyes on look for rustle up make a reconnaissance recognise make out make a diagnosis identify problem

反义词 conduct an inquiry into

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