同义词 extremely irritable


Having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
angry cranky cross grumpy irascible sulky tense testy uptight critical fiery fractious fretful grouchy peevish petulant ratty surly temperamental touchy argumentative bristly cantankerous choleric crabby curt disgruntled feisty glum gruff huffish huffy impatient moody prickly querulous sensitive shirty snappy sullen unsociable volatile whingy bilious bitter brusque chippy contentious crabbed cynical difficult disagreeable discontented dyspeptic harsh hotheaded ireful misanthropic narky obstinate ornery oversensitive pertinacious perverse pettish pouty quarrelsome shrewish snappish sour splenetic truculent acrimonious captious churlish contrary crotchety crusty crybaby curmudgeonly displeased eggy exasperated grumbling hypercritical miserable peckish peppery resentful snarky snarling soreheaded stroppy tetchy uncooperative ungracious whining whiny annoyed bearish brooding disputatious edgy fussy gloomy iracund iracundulous liverish mean miffy morose pouting scratchy snaky snippety snippy stuffy tough waspish waxy acid acrid awkward blunt carping caviling cavilling childish chuffy complaining cussed dissatisfied dour filthy fretting griping grousing growling hasty malicious malignant mardy mumpish nasty obstreperous on edge out of humor passionate raspy saturnine sharp short sore sorehead spiteful tart trying venomous vindictive vinegary waspy whingeing bad-tempered ill-tempered out of humour ugly hot-tempered thin-skinned having got out of bed the wrong side hot-blooded foul-tempered ill-humoured ill-natured quick-tempered short-tempered ill-humored easily offended fault-finding hot under the collar in a mood nasty-tempered out of sorts short-fused cross-grained having got out of bed on the wrong side out-of-sorts out of temper in a bad mood on a short fuse as cross as two sticks like a bear with a sore head unfriendly bloody-minded excitable unpleasant piqued bellicose irritated scowling scrappy irked peeved vexed hostile upset combative rude hot-headed aggressive confrontational mopey glowering belligerent put out uncivil unhelpful agitated riled pugnacious moping jumpy unsmiling twitchy narked emotional nervous furious discourteous impolite hypersensitive highly strung antagonistic abrupt frowning anxious fierce militant miffed threatening aggravated humourless humorless indignant tooshie wrathful vicious froward incensed embittered ticklish infuriated easily upset worked up worried irate neurotic unhappy offended fed up teed off rancorous warlike galled violent aggrieved agonistic hacked off arsey defiant ticked off discordant provoked mean-spirited not best pleased assaultive overwrought nervy bothered in a huff disturbed nettled ruffled ill-mannered enraged vitriolic vex unresponsive uncommunicative melodramatic snuffy wired mercurial refractory harassed malevolent unkind cheesed off wound up boorish catty disobliging fidgety unmannerly browned off peed off high-strung jittery insecure mad snarly angered apprehensive gladiatorial litigious uncomfortable troubled faultfinding uneasy joyless impetuous tempestuous stressy brawly wild flustered crook hoha sourpussed salty disapproving sulking explosive crying recalcitrant acerbic ill at ease shaken fuming bent out of shape raving inhospitable inconsiderate foaming at the mouth brassed off in a temper thrawn abusive sharp-tongued uncharitable obstructive bolshie sombre somber stressed grim perturbed contumacious bad uncongenial malcontent antsy balky distressed terse unreasonable restless grumbly unaccommodating affronted dithery moaning overstrung mopish unpredictable queazy censorious unruly ferocious hurt queasy severe warring ropeable toey agitable nagging fearful taciturn disputative impulsive quibbling malign unquiet maddened overemotional impassioned battling inflammable factious fighting intense bellyaching restive atrabilious dismal afraid steamed up criticizing scunnered stormy skittish het up shaky bickering wrangling headstrong brawling dramatic wrath negative sarcastic hysterical frantic inflamed hottempered willful wilful in a lather criticising on the warpath cheerless unstable steamed-up ready for a fight strung out in high dudgeon strung up keyed up hung up prima donna-ish in bad mood all shook up responsive whingey destructive inimical loudmouthed adversarial pigheaded stung choked disrespectful scornful offensive contrarious foul objectionable mighty antipathetic rotten contemptible cruel unsympathetic uncontrollable apt to fly off the handle unlikable stewed insulted vehement plaintive murmuring livid apoplectic quick grudging vinegarish eristic tempersome owly beefing envenomed frustrated harried forceful wicked jaundiced steamed hurtful hateful hard-nosed bad-humored lugubrious like a bear hassled indomitable uncompliant indocile got up on wrong side of bed goaded ungenerous dicey hazardous unsafe perturbable negativistic zowerswopped reactive wroth viperous snitty spunky acute aerated unindulgent sober pessimistic perversely irritable unamused bemoaning whimpering wailing deploring lamenting grizzly chafed passive-aggressive Eeyorish wired up dejected broody scolding snide bundle of nerves hopping mad dark aloof distraught blue wounded kittle mopy up in arms backbiting cattish with a long face having short fuse hot under collar in a paddy withdrawn depressed wreck rattled evil-minded brittle in a bate fit to be tied like a cat on a hot tin roof a bundle of nerves sharp-tempered hard to please vixenish defensive wrought up psyched up angerful frenzied ranting cold convulsed stern exasperating stubborn forbidding huffy irascible paranoid rebellious rough down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop flinty steely uninviting serious unapproachable formidable crass conservative over-emotional stony pushy biffo aggers aflutter intimidating louring menacing austere lowering solemn grave crude easily frightened easily agitated ungentlemanly hinky ungallant goosey intractable troublesome unchivalrous have a bone to pick having a chip on one's shoulder self-assertive ready to fight itching to fight atwitter disquieted vulgar coarse ignorant tiresome pesky discomposed base rustic alarmed clodhopping lowbred unneighborly vexatious renitent pervicacious dismayed umbrageous hyper-sensitive discomfited mean-looking embarrassed dissentious controversial polemical polemic tormented obdurate unmanageable discommodious incommodious bad-mannered suspicious easily affected easily hurt anguished ructious arguesome fraught hard to handle wrung turbulent war difficult to handle mildly annoyed in turmoil self-conscious all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive concerned strained frightened disparaging deprecating overcritical excited scared disappointed pedantic niggling pettifogging nit-picking have chip on shoulder discontent hesitant disaffected hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking judgemental rejective panicky ungratified spooked malcontented adrenalized unrelaxed pass-remarkable pernickety kvetching febrile crabbing uncontent kicking nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty demanding exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky out of joint bad tempered offhand unceremonious bluff thoughtless wretched insolent impudent uncouth melancholy no-nonsense melancholic mournful ill-bred unmannered mirthless low impertinent insulting dreary doleful off obnoxious brisk unwelcoming cavalier undiplomatic graceless ungentle stark unladylike disconsolate loutish bleak downhearted downcast oafish uncalled-for short-spoken forlorn unhandsome desolate despondent sad crestfallen mannerless virulent dispirited sepulchral woebegone long-faced woeful chapfallen in low spirits abrasive caustic down in the dumps brusk offish crisp derogatory downright gross hard uncomplimentary insensitive tactless vile disdainful down uncultured poisonous wounding low-spirited indelicate dirty contumelious flip gray grey fresh peremptory discouraged disheartened adverse alien adversary unrefined demoralized depressive indecorous sorrowful godforsaken unpropitious maleficent biting unreceptive malefic cast down morbid heavy-hearted droopy sorry heavyhearted heartsick hangdog heartsore saddened heartbroken brokenhearted inconsolable foreboding adust dolorous chap-fallen demoralised in the doldrums boot-faced dragged oppressed blue funk weary in the dumps boisterous pointed brief poker-faced gauche rugged breviloquent direct pithy unforgiving outraged unamicable unfortunate distant misbehaved uncultivated hard-faced stringent revengeful laconic implacable presumptuous ominous subdued strict unneighbourly unaffable antagonized unsocial matter-of-fact to the point obloquious derisive frightening savage fell stiff sinister feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny rankled roiled ticked disgusted seething butthurt resolute scathing degrading berating scurrilous reproachful reviling denigratory belittling pejorative defamatory brash not on speaking terms cast-iron mortified unappeasable audacious slighted boiling steaming ballistic rabid dishonored humiliated unglued evil-intentioned hate-filled low-bred ill-disposed vituperatory calumniating contemptuous vituperative dishonoured beside oneself gnashing one's teeth antagonised in a frenzy cheeky arrogant black unpolished despicable cocky execrable annoying ignominious sordid ignoble currish despiteful dishonorable detestable paltry at daggers drawn disgracious chill dreich murky sunless darkening plutonian dire tenebrous drear lonesome Cimmerian elegiac funereal lonely elegiacal comfortless depressing cloudy ungenteel mouthy smart alecky lippy smart-alecky brazen unsportsmanlike overbearing ungraceful out-of-line underbred inaffable insubordinate malapert intrusive yokelish bounderish ruthless dishonourable low-minded low-down monosyllabic tenebrific outspoken plain-spoken not afraid to call a spade a spade bummed out


Bad-mannered, rude, or uncivilized
impolite disrespectful rude discourteous ungracious bad-mannered boorish churlish ill-bred rough uncivil unmannerly ill-mannered insolent loutish unrefined indecorous indelicate ungentlemanly ungallant unladylike uncouth audacious brassy cheeky derogatory impertinent impudent inconsiderate insulting offensive pert brash crude fresh ignorant lippy thoughtless uncalled-for unhandsome unmannered vulgar contumelious disgracious malapert mannerless oafish sullen underbred coarse brusque blunt curt gruff abrupt crass short uncultured unpolished gross surly uncultivated crusty sharp unceremonious offhand graceless insensitive tactless unpleasant terse unkind snippy uncivilized snappy abusive tasteless uncivilised lowbred common bluff improper undiplomatic bearish inelegant unfriendly unseemly unsophisticated harsh presumptuous snappish indecent disagreeable roughneck rustic disparaging raffish flip rough-hewn low lowbrow barbaric rugged contemptuous incult philistine uneducated brutish cloddish bold yobbish tart indiscreet grouchy shameless bad-tempered ill-tempered crabbed cocky unchivalrous brusk illiberal sassy cantankerous ill-humored insubordinate grumpy ill-humoured short-spoken downright unbecoming disdainful ill-natured insensible mean forward loud raw uncharitable cruel brazen shocking saucy obnoxious scandalous caustic untoward out-of-line irreverent nervy classless outrageous sour clodhopping barbarous off uncaring immodest nasty crabby impatient cross slobbish impetuous truculent cavalier tetchy smart-alecky ornery objectionable testy clownish derisive undignified hick brisk unfitting short-tempered degrading plebby thuggish barbarian unsympathetic inurbane profane crisp spiteful hurtful irascible peremptory cocksure wise ungenteel unacceptable sulky petulant inappropriate ungraceful prickly brassbound unmindful arch crotchety quarrelsome scurrilous unbefitting incongruous curmudgeonly splenetic dyspeptic morose plain-spoken savage brazen-faced bold-faced out of keeping uncomplimentary provincial brief malicious clumsy unhelpful loud-mouthed arrogant unsavoury Neanderthal unfeeling hostile misbehaved slighting unsavory unconsiderate foul-mouthed no-nonsense dirty unsuitable snippety dour touchy unthoughtful beyond the pale impious blasphemous scornful sacrilegious offish moody exceptionable gauche vindictive wounding flippant dusty annoying antisocial reprehensible personal affronting perverse plebeian displeasing peevish fractious asocial glum pouty mouthy frank difficult raunchy aweless scowling malapropos smart irritating chippy upsetting primitive procacious provocative choleric gawky infelicitous censurable low-bred stiff humourless humorless incorrect inapposite inapt wrong querulous inept unapt ungodly provoking mean-spirited unsmiling mopey pouting distasteful brass-necked moping vexing awkward wooden bellicose uncomfortable uneasy badly behaved uptight ocker unpoised abrasive contentious foul rustical unsociable bad obscene inhospitable inaffable overbearing brutal bitter selfish shameful disregardful unneighborly cheap snide dismissive direct intrusive iconoclastic heedless filthy smart alecky careless hateful callous vicious unfit unhappy amiss clipped detestable unlikable hooligan outspoken disreputable cool wild lewd despiteful suggestive out of place unthinking base untactful matter-of-fact apathetic unwholesome bilious rowdy ungainly angry barefaced swinish undesirable saturnine lumpen irreverential unhallowed unholy humiliating uncomely insufferable exasperating hillbilly backwoods naughty narky galling illiterate discreditable acid lubberly ratty fiery shirty poor unworldly hotheaded malodorous in bad taste stilted ugly off-base out of line bloody-minded out of the way outlandish corrupt bold as brass hot-tempered quick-tempered socially unsure lacking in social graces socially inept socially awkward pointed ill-behaved unfortunate breviloquent aloof uncourtly ungentlemanlike mannish manlike tomboyish unfeminine unwomanly hoydenish ill tacky self-centered obloquious acerbic blundering to the point imperious monosyllabic shrewish charmless distant yokelish bounderish scathing violent berating reproachful reviling sarcastic denigratory belittling pejorative defamatory boisterous unsubtle perfunctory regardless injudicious common as muck poisonous contrary vituperatory calumniating vituperative uncoordinated impure prying inquisitive interfering meddling meddlesome nosy venomous bungling not afraid to call a spade a spade standoffish bumptious unworthy disobliging unlovable self-centred unperceptive sketchy stolid impolitic trailer-park countrified parochial shoddy overfamiliar off base disgraceful ill-advised assumptive tough overbold doltish lumpish bullying tense piqued unbearable agrestic backward immature mischievous benighted in poor taste tawdry ruffian severe ribald hard boldfaced unblushing blatant unabashed arrant defiant embarrassing sleazy sordid disgruntled peeved vehement aggravated irritated unloveable ballsy whiny eristic pettish waspish disputatious hoonish dense heathen heathenish Neandertal natural presumptive intolerant forbidding fierce stern austere bawdy roughcast grim vulgarian uncourteous smart-assed pithy dictatorial annoyed indignant malign unconcerned speaking as one finds uncalled for calling a spade a spade magisterial untutored intimidating louring steely stark inhuman appalling imperative laconic breezy out of sorts displeased eggy narked disgusting deplorable unwelcome abhorrent contemptible repugnant in a state of nature unconscionable uncontrolled flinty onerous ungentle heavy artless hardhanded oppressive smart-arsed loose immoral unvirtuous wanton unfair heartless reckless incautious hasty out of humour having short fuse irked discontented hot under collar unindulgent lacking civility bad mannered unfilial profanatory atrocious unmentionable murderous lowering insupportable intolerable out of order put down unamicable uncongenial heavy-handed unwelcoming unneighbourly unaffable unsocial not on speaking terms cussed cross-grained baseborn low-minded low-born repulsive libellous libelous vile odious catty biting politically incorrect decisive businesslike assuming as bold as brass hardy headstrong bantam prejudiced impish in-your-face deprecatory unaware smart-mouthed slanderous unaccommodating un-PC reserved unapproachable uncommunicative frosty impersonal cold uncordial ridiculing uncooperative discrediting uncompromising unamenable obstructive ungregarious mortifying depreciating salacious inflexible unreasonable unobliging earthy licentious stand-offish scatological scatologic unyielding horrible Rabelaisian unamiable dreadful colourful haughty awful pompous supercilious debased lordly pretentious revolting terrible lofty superior overweening uppity dishonorable hifalutin repellent horrendous colorful dishonourable uppish highfalutin off colour huffy loathsome sniffy important near the knuckle proud huffish close to the bone toplofty ghastly chesty toploftical snooty presuming condescending masterful patronizing hellish rancid repellant grotty hideous nauseating God-awful evil bogging noisome frightful abominable fulsome noxious hellacious lousy beastly sickening nauseous snotty rebarbative yucky yucko disgustful loathly invidious horrid cutting glib cursory patronising high-handed high-and-mighty self-assertive self-asserting high-hat stiff-necked


Distressing to the mind or senses
bad disconcerting disheartening disappointing discouraging dispiriting unpleasant depressing difficult dismaying displeasing distressing disturbing grim horrific troubling unfortunate alarming austere awful dismal dreadful ghastly melancholic parlous regrettable sad shocking testing unfavorable unfavourable unhappy unlucky unnerving unwelcome upsetting worrying bewildering bitter bleak cheerless daunting depressive dire distressful foreboding frustrating glum hopeless horrible irksome macabre off-putting perturbing poignant somber sombre troubled appalling disagreeable distasteful dreary gloomy inauspicious melancholy morose ominous painful sinister unpropitious woeful distressed frightening perplexing sullen tragic troublesome agonising agonizing unkind abhorrent aggravating galling unamusing uncongenial unpalatable unpleasing vexing annoying hellish irritating loathsome mephitical repellant repellent repugnant revulsive harsh severe terrible wretched nasty forbidding grievous hard grave objectionable rotten horrendous hostile frightful horrid miserable disquieting excruciating tough horrifying inhospitable harrowing traumatic poor uncomfortable foul nightmarish torturous unsettling cruel discomforting adverse rough abominable atrocious brutal stressful threatening doleful tormenting lousy vile unlovely oppressive sour rugged offensive hellacious solemn agitating hairy gruesome trying worrisome comfortless heartrending stark grisly unsavory yucky icky unsavoury revolting yukky wicked direful monstrous tragical serious menacing execrable lamentable heartbreaking troublous hurtful fraught unpromising dangerous burdensome sober critical dark heavy inhuman injurious searing deplorable inopportune onerous mean disadvantageous saddening black dour ugly untoward infelicitous savage undesirable humourless humorless repulsive vexatious disgusting uninviting sickening nauseating afflictive obnoxious afflicting unfriendly hardhanded harmful lurid untimely heart-rending ill-fated vicious oppressed gut-wrenching intense sedate perilous unwelcoming ruthless fierce mortifying merciless concerning odious stiff evil unacceptable hideous ferocious desolate murderous abysmal damaging unendurable joyless detestable godawful exacting ill-boding unrelenting very bad unattractive calamitous taxing baleful rigorous heart-breaking portentous dislikable minatory tortuous acute jarring sorry doomy pitiless strong grinding intolerable impoverished unappealing bodeful drear ill glaring unbearable backbreaking pitiful spartan stringent overwhelming pathetic fearsome morbid funereal crushing intimidating treacherous demanding gross terrifying unpopular unsatisfactory negative beastly nauseous uncool disastrous unsuitable grewsome terrific fateful intemperate inclement formidable too bad fearful ill-omened chilling biting nerve-racking straitened hair-raising unsympathetic unhealthy discordant unappetizing untempting minacious unwholesome cursed jinxed drab nagging poverty-stricken desperate unsuited ill-timed grating hateful inconvenient abject rueful extreme glary unenticing dicey yucko wild inapt inappropriate unseasonable forlorn blinding dazzling Spartan bare-bones insufferable barren cataclysmic drag bothersome pain relentless ill-suited downbeat pessimistic sore remorseless great unstable chronic dodgy scandalous outrageous provoking wearing terribly bad scabrous stern inexorable disgraceful unaesthetic catastrophic unadvantageous ruinous challenging undesired hard-hearted murky unspeakable coarse cataclysmal fatal detrimental exigent rejected unwanted crummy discomposing obscene inadequate not okay weighty chill plutonian Cimmerian sepulchral stinking diabolical arduous strenuous toilsome grotesque sharp stupefying scary hard-pressed shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful gray mournful strained grey pressing precarious messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky blameworthy reprehensible excluded inimical devastating damning destructive heartstopping grotty grody awkward affecting grueling gruelling stunning rancid astonishing noisome startling fulsome amazing noxious staggering nightmare acheronian acherontic peracute ill-favoured exceptionable inadmissible deadly catastrophal anguished sorrowful redoubtable surprising significant hefty uphill heinous wounding disagreeing unwished for unwished-for rough going crippling shattering spine-chilling from hell moiling sweaty laborious herculean mortal not wanted ill-advised ill-favored looking on the black side killer drastic effortful nail-biting nerve-wracking unjust extremely bad baneful sinistrous impending unchancy ill-starred

反义词 extremely irritable

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