同义词 go ahead with


To take the first step into something
begin start commence undertake initiate tackle inaugurate instigate institute effectuate trigger prompt create elicit induce precipitate kickoff kick off kick-start produce start up invoke start off tear into embark on start on start to take up jump into launch into proceed with make a start on get down to get going with get on with get to enter into get going on get stuck into set upon set about go about attack enter on engage in enter address oneself to set out set to move into embark upon enter upon start out get to work on buckle down to tee off go into start out on approach launch open make a start attempt embark get cracking on take on plunge into have a crack at have a go at have a shot at knuckle down engage turn to get to work take to accept get off set off get to grips with plunge venture into settle down to drive off begin undertaking get going turn one's hand to become involved in set the ball rolling concentrate on focus on go in for deal with concentrate focus get on go get cracking with start the ball rolling on commence on begin work on consider get get down adopt espouse embrace break into strike up go whole hog go the limit immerse yourself shoot the works take a flyer borrow get underway strike into set out on take the first step resort to resume continue reopen assume recommence renew proceed restart get under way set the wheels in motion roll up one's sleeves put one's hand to the plough put the wheels in motion get one's finger out put one's shoulder to the wheel get cracking get the ball rolling get things moving get weaving get down to business carry on go on follow through resound take off pipe up be off set forth be on your way be heard broach make a habit of have recourse to access go in take upon oneself develop be absorbed in get into gain admittance get involved with step in address confront jump off field negotiate manage handle essay pursue try cope with try to cope with come to grips with take a shot at apply oneself try to deal with take measures about have a go give something a whirl take the bit between your teeth hammer away at go for knuckle down to take forward try on for size see to wade in take care of wade into contend with give something a go take in hand grapple with get to work at make a run at peg away at attend to get weaving on busy oneself with give something a try go for it set your hand to have a stab at plug away at square off bang away at step up to the plate try to solve apply oneself to dive into try to sort out sink your teeth into work on start the ball rolling go at devote oneself to throw yourself into pitch into

反义词 go ahead with

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