同义词 greatly fear


An unpleasant emotion caused by the perception of danger, pain, or harm
terror fright fearfulness horror alarm panic agitation trepidation dread consternation dismay distress anxiety worry angst unease uneasiness apprehension apprehensiveness nervousness nerves timidity disquiet disquietude discomposure unrest perturbation foreboding misgiving doubt suspicion creeps willies shakes collywobbles jitteriness twitchiness butterflies funk blue funk abdabs cravenness qualms tremors alarum scare worriment inquietude butterflies in the stomach heebie-jeebies paranoia concern anxiousness concernment nervosity agita sweat care solicitude uncertainty tension trouble restlessness hesitation mistrust shock anguish confusion jitters awe disturbance upset misery stress fretfulness strain trepidity perplexity torment skepticism presentiment cold sweat vexation scepticism distrust dubiety misgivings qualm incertitude dubitation malaise wariness flap sorrow edginess discomfort cold feet tizzy reservation mistrustfulness doubtfulness goose bumps scruple suffering bother grief worriedness hesitancy hesitance misdoubt chill woe turmoil trembling sudden fear tenseness torture lack of faith fluster agony pain fear and trembling jumps stage fright burden suspense compunction reservations botheration suspicions query distrustfulness questions insecurity indecision hysteria second thoughts affright shudder disruption ferment upheaval excitement shiver yips state a blue funk disconcertment tizz dyspathy dysphoria doubts turbulence chagrin forebodingness pressure mortification premonition depression jim-jams incredulity emotion dither annoyance disbelief discontent heartache irritation instability remorse distraction watchfulness scruples hardship screaming abdabs fuss affliction downer shivers drag fidgets issues uncertainties diffidence Joe Blakes nail-biting bewilderment worries objections difficulty all-overs unsureness difficulties unbelief irresolution wonder chariness ants in pants pang lack of confidence pins and needles suspiciousness ailment storm gremlin disquietedness surprise quaking shuddering flinching aversion phobia seizure fidgetiness niggle intimidation first-night nerves needles living day to day extreme fear sadness heart attack tribulation embarrassment penitence constraint displeasure queasiness nervous excitement disconcertion nag sense of foreboding reluctance indecisiveness twit stew swivet circumspection responsibility jam frenzy crush rush getting by struggling surviving caution dubiosity caginess demur regret blues Weltschmerz burdens jumpiness nerviness habdabs trauma mid-life crisis palpitation disinclination stupefaction puzzlement state of fear tiz-woz twinge second thought hassle a cold sweat screaming habdabs despair hopelessness survival mode repentance remonstrance contrition objection conscience shame oppression tumult passion flutter urgency expectancy nervous tension overextension albatross trial distention heat intensity impatience uproar disorder chaos questioning rebellion forlornness despondency anarchy insurrection cynicism uprising restiveness rioting vacillation conflict despondence disheartenment despond wretchedness discord strife misbelief wavering dissatisfaction sedition protest demurral inhibition dubiousness unquietness defeatism discouragement unhappiness resignedness pessimism fighting ructions quarrel leeriness queries ambiguity quandary discontentment fermentation disaffection dejection gloom desperation melancholy harassment desolation disconsolateness faltering lack of trust lack of certainty faithlessness lack of conviction umbrage question mark change dissension dissent altercation bickering controversy debate contention moodiness crisis disease ennui Sturm und Drang


The chance of something unpleasant happening
likelihood likeliness prospect possibility chance odds probability expectation conceivability feasibility plausibility risk danger hazard threat hope liability peril imminence promise chances potential opportunity menace presumption fifty-fifty contingency concern foreboding portent foreshadowing anticipation fortuity fluke potentiality omen presage scope worry contingence case eventuality event contingent fix impendence impendency expectance expectancy lookout dream writing on the wall calculation forecast opening irons in the fire in the cards unpredictability uncertainty source of fear source of fright source of dread source of terror source of apprehension riskiness perilousness speculation insecurity precariousness exposure instability exposedness leap in the dark tendency trend direction reasonableness toss-up outside chance strong possibility good chance even break shot at coin flip long shot fair shake fighting chance outlook percentage practicability shot capability emergency prayer achievability workableness attainability occurrence balance bet off chance indication favour favor credibility chance event happenstance snowball's chance vulnerability susceptibility capacity happenchance attainableness accident vulnerableness advent play stab instance circumstance occasion predicament future usefulness openness hopes viability practicality what it takes proneness workability use path prognosis prediction projection track trajectory predisposition propensity value chances of success likely improvement utility helpfulness suitability expediency sensibleness expedience constructiveness doability feasibleness


A feeling that something, often of an undesirable nature, is about to happen


The state of being diffident, timid or shy
diffidence reserve shyness humility insecurity modesty reluctance self-consciousness bashfulness hesitancy hesitation meekness timidity timorousness constraint doubt sheepishness timidness unassertiveness backwardness modestness self-effacement humbleness introversion apprehension inhibition nervousness restraint reticence self-doubt uncertainty unease uneasiness embarrassment mousiness quietness shame lack of self-confidence anxiety worry unsureness lack of confidence insecureness vacillation indecision coyness faintheartedness fearfulness apprehensiveness cowardice faint-heartedness demureness reservation repression unpretentiousness formality distance suppression self-restraint aloofness coldness self-control secretiveness unresponsiveness silence taciturnity caution discretion uncommunicativeness lowliness down-to-earthness lack of pretension retiringness submissiveness unobtrusiveness discreetness refrainment continence unostentatiousness discipline self-command detachment coolness calmness inhibitedness control decency wariness hesitance docility reservedness guardedness obedience resignation hang-up stand-offishness lack of vanity abashment discomfort nerves delicacy awkwardness chariness suspicion stiltedness woodenness unnaturalness forcedness psychological block mental block mental blockage quiet coquettishness unapproachability skittishness remoteness kittenishness frigidity undemonstrativeness secrecy archness affectation flirtatiousness unforthcomingness caginess prudishness simpering prudery primness coquetry evasiveness flirtation froideur submission compliance prissiness deference acquiescence self-containment lack of warmth unwillingness to open up patience forbearance servility abasement nonresistance egolessness obsequiousness subjection passiveness subservience fawning humilitude mortification lack of resistance self-abasement long-suffering lack of pride self-abnegation inferiority complex


Violent or forcible action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will
intimidation coercion pressure harassment bullying oppression pressurisation pressurization threats terrorization menacing browbeating harrying threatening hounding extortion scaring terrifying tyrannization subduing railroading steamrollering pressuring pressurising pressurizing unnerving cowing daunting frightening menaces persecution plaguing terrorising terrorizing tormenting bulldozing demoralising demoralizing arm-twisting scare tactics strong-arm tactics force duress compulsion enforcement constraint threat violence influence demand obligation persuasion menace insistence exaction strong-arm tactic force majeure hardship control warning blackmail ultimatum fulmination commination domineering provocation entreaty badgering pestering nagging goading fearmongering thunder foul play requirement pains conscription ambush terrorism reign of terror intimidating remark scare tactic sway power strong arm threatening remark intimidatory remark maltreatment victimisation mistreatment victimization urgency strong-arming monkey hang-up engrossment driving exigency prepossession preoccupation craving duty strong arm tactics tiger by the tail have on the brain spur impulsion necessity goad spring impelling motive shakedown conscience extraction rapacity squeezing entrapment squeeze demanding money with menaces administration imposition application prosecution implementation execution fulfilment administering discharge carrying out effectuation pursuance reinforcement enforcing putting into practice prescription compulsory law whip necessitation lash martial law fulfilling fulfillment


Behavior intended to please, typically one's parents or caretakers
respect obedience duty compliance deference dutifulness faithfulness loyalty acquiescence compliancy conformity devotion reverence servility submission subservience allegiance complaisance conformability docility duteousness obeisance respectfulness submissiveness accordance capitulation devoutness fealty mindfulness piety veneration yielding observance tractability agreement tractableness amenability meekness tameness manageability orderliness willingness quietness amenableness malleability conformance biddability abidance assent adherence homage fidelity biddableness passivity passiveness keeping obsequiousness observation resignation controllability manipulability honour worship tribute humility forbearance honor adoration discipline pliability self-abasement sycophancy timidity weakness bootlicking fearfulness subordination praise observance of the rules observance of the law congruence concurrence congruency congruity accord coherence consistency consonance concession conforming surrender acceptance conceding sufferance bowing concord relenting impressionability giving in cave in caving in reluctant agreement responsibility commitment obligation integrity answerability accountability conscience liability accountableness pledge good faith legal obligation moral obligation call of duty patience peacefulness gentleness consent pliancy amiability agreeableness cooperativeness nonresistance non-resistance good-naturedness humbleness accommodativeness accession ductility docileness diffidence demureness receptiveness accessibility readiness responsiveness openness susceptibility lack of resistance subjection open-mindedness unassertiveness long-suffering fortitude endurance passivism recreancy submitting defeatism appeasement pliabilty capitulating cringing prostration perviousness persuadability suggestibleness self-effacement acceptance of one's fate backing down cooperation flexibility stoicism tolerance longanimity fatalism phlegm forbearing acceptance of the inevitable resignedness lack of protest lowliness acknowledgement modesty patientness lack of complaint acknowledgment


(with infinitive) To avoid something because one has too many concerns


To regard with adoration and reverence, particularly for deities and gods


To have a sinking feeling
suspect anticipate regret feel apprehend expect foresee suppose reckon be afraid be inclined to think be of the opinion have a feeling have a foreboding have a funny feeling have a hunch have a sneaking feeling have a sneaking suspicion have a suspicion think it likely guess conjecture presume imagine assume speculate surmise conclude fancy deduce infer consider think suspicion believe glean opine daresay sense gather understand conceive disbelieve hold hazard a guess think it probable have sneaking suspicion harbor suspicion think probable judge figure deem estimate theorize hypothesize reason postulate theorise hypothesise presuppose divine take it dare say posit esteem regard take for granted take ween be of the view guesstimate determine come to the conclusion calculate perceive trust intuit see predict allow be given to understand predicate suggest be convinced draw the inference venture make maintain discern take as read premise detect gauge pretend ascertain find gage derive appraise accept forecast evaluate assess work out make out realize observe say take it as given construe recognize realise take as a hypothesis notice discover count extrapolate read adjudge philosophise recognise be under the impression philosophize put forward think likely view comprehend grasp appreciate dream learn dare-say approximate savvy cognize get note apperceive envisage scent feel in one's bones twig get the impression bet fathom know credit tumble to smell call take a stab take a shot catch on to get vibes valuate get the idea decide cotton on to count on foretell size up dope out be led to believe have the feeling sum up submit contend advance propound propose hazard interpret visualize visualise compass be of the conviction rate identify envision grant admit hear just know imply look upon pick up reflect register tell have as one's opinion be aware of be conscious of place brainstorm assimilate figure out foreknow decipher dig decode grok put contemplate cast get the impression of get the picture prophesy class compute cook up be of the opinion that theorize that think it likely that postulate that number feel in gut calculate roughly take it as read hear tell be informed dream up have an idea head trip bank on make an estimate of go out on a limb form an opinion of form opinion take something read take something as given take something for granted budget spark form a theory formulate a theory declare comment remark hypothecate acknowledge air volunteer moot risk assuming have the impression be aware resolve solve weigh up venture a guess come to the conclusion that regard as likely repute take it for granted depend rely have funny feeling have vibes syllogize ratiocinate count upon fall for prognosticate hold that editorialize draw draw conclusions be confident jump the gun count up have an idea that see something coming soothsay predetermine pick up on roughly calculate concede put a figure on be certain be sure conceit value editorialise give opinion weigh in have an awareness of have a sensation of picture bargain for rank set project plan on fantasize ideate rationalize rationalise contextualise image vision see as being set a figure on think of as being regard as being look on as being class as being form an impression of view as being classify pass judgment express an opinion contextualize stumble on feel for fantasy fantasise conjure feature create state wonder differentiate see through take something on board see the light assert muse conjure up distinguish deliberate meditate catch seize think up trump up think it conceivable pose taste behold cogitate prevision suss forefeel become cognizant of excogitate scheme ruminate cerebrate make suppositions ponder form theories review pipe-dream study weigh dope pick swear by be cognizant of come to know get to know become aware of become conscious of set forth make guesses take stock in take in catch on take as gospel truth reflect on build castles in air psych out kick around run it up flagpole call it call the turn chew over beat one's brains read between lines get the drift catch the drift cotton to be with it latch on to make a guess at pick out jump to a conclusion take a shot at take a stab at have a sneaking suspicion of account regard as hold to be see as take for view as class as look on as interpret as estimate as take to be set store by calculate to be conceive to be believe to be feel to be imagine to be


To show, feel, or cause to feel, concern or worry
fuss worry disturb upset bother distress perturb unsettle agitate discompose alarm disquiet concern dismay trouble flurry discomfort ail distract distemper frazzle unhinge alarum exercise hagride undo derail fret stress carp cavil niggle chafe stew sweat quibble nitpick bustle flap fidget freak out weird out be agitated take pains be in a tizzy be worried labour over be in a flap be in a stew get in a stew get worked up make a big thing of make a big thing out of make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill make a thing of burden hassle afflict harass grieve annoy torment plague vex perplex overtax pressure overstretch tense pressurize irritate pain irk sadden agonize stretch traumatize faze nag pester hurt disconcert harry oppress bug spook strain try weigh down puzzle agonise psych grind overextend traumatise pressurise crunch interrupt gnaw at get to make waves give a bad time make anxious cause discomfort to cause concern to make uncomfortable give a hard time burn up hack you off flip out give someone grief make uneasy drive up the wall stir up prey on your mind lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind overdo cause to feel emotional strain put in traction make tense tense up cause to feel mental strain push to the limit put on trial fluster unnerve rattle ruffle discombobulate discomfit confuse bewilder shake confound frighten throw provoke beset depress discountenance bedevil shake up torture pother throw off balance embarrass scare nonplus startle panic rack take aback curse displease sicken persecute needle put off aggrieve lie heavy on daunt frustrate abash dishearten anguish chagrin excite appal nettle appall disappoint besiege gall rouse harrow work up despair offend put someone off their stroke wound anger martyr peeve beleaguer miff tantalise tantalize make fretful indispose cause anxiety to craze make a scene throw off psych out turn on do someone's head in get at tick off pick on push buttons egg on preoccupy mortify incommode hurry occupy flutter addle jolt hustle unquiet set someone back on their heels quicken affect frenzy derange dement discommode incite inflame exasperate aggravate cause disquiet to make restless excruciate muddle disorder disarrange inconvenience occupy thoughts make someone scratch their head cause anxiety separate unhitch disconnect disengage uncouple unfasten detach stimulate pull the rug from under pull the rug out from under nark arouse ferment turn incapacitate flip cramp debilitate floor tax rock the boat get across get on your wick hack off hurt somebody's feelings get someone lay up bum out fire up key up wind up examine ventilate move drive insane hound suffer crucify tease badger injure send over the edge test importune nit-pick strap prick push dog break desolate bug up make flip labor labour muse tear goad hector dun cause anguish to cause suffering to eat at arouse anxiety in make it tough for weigh on make miserable cut up do a number on be on one's case make wretched squirm sweat out be a great weight on weigh heavily on one's mind mess with someone's head be on pins and needles be anxious have ants in one's pants be like a cat on hot bricks be spooked be nervous be antsy dither become flustered discourage dispirit press the panic button go into a panic be in a twitter get into a state be in a dither be in a state demoralize shock horrify terrify chill terrorize unman dash dumbfound surprise affright flummox disillusion mystify disenchant disgruntle paralyse paralyze demoralise terrorise knock for six knock sideways put the wind up let down give a turn foul up screw up mess up fill with consternation throw into a tizzy

反义词 greatly fear

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