同义词 like a dog's dinner


Lacking order
confused disorganised disorganized disordered disorderly chaotic cluttered disarranged discombobulated disjointed untidy messy anarchic jumbled muddled ruffled scrambled shambolic stirred up unkempt haywire incoherent mixed up out of order out of place rumpled scattered slovenly tangled topsy-turvy unclear unmethodical unsystematic upset at sixes and sevens upside-down broken every which way higgledy-piggledy in a muddle in disarray like a dog's breakfast snarled hugger-mugger littered mussy pell-mell sloppy disarrayed messed mussed disheveled dishevelled tousled tumbled in a mess haphazard out of joint all over the place unorganized orderless random in disorder unorganised in a jumble mixed-up helter-skelter in chaos all over the shop all over the lot all over the map in a shambles messed up indiscriminate slapdash unarranged straggly tumultuous wild disrupted uncoordinated erratic riotous unruly awry dislocated unsystematized hit-or-miss in confusion lawless in a state in turmoil mussed up irregular deranged overturned turbulent undirected systemless undisciplined upside down shuffled fragmented unplanned upended upturned unpremeditated askew uncontrolled frenzied hectic out of kilter slipshod unsettled rampageous purposeless out-of-line uncombed out-of-step out-of-control out-of-whack untrained heterogeneous tumult unrestrained downside-up fitful desultory casual in uproar utterly confused like a bomb's hit it screwed up harum-scarum in pandemonium uncategorized unsorted lax unclassified straggling convoluted unbalanced off balance unfastidious snafu ragged unorderly strewn strewed inefficient scrappy shifting unpredictable rambling incongruent unregulated muddly untidied piled crowded dilapidated neglected rough crude sporadic unstructured tangly in a clutter disharmonious discordant in pieces inside-out badly organized worse for wear misplaced displaced knotted tossed unhinged cockeyed luxated in total disarray out-of-place reversed out of tune out of step in poor shape not in working order capsized backward rioting rebellious arbitrary lawbreaking revolutionary aimless inverted ungoverned misruled misgoverned mutinous bottom-side-up wrong way on head wrong-side-up bottom up stray out of control without law and order catch-as-catch-can hit or miss hurry-scurry insurgent anarchical insubordinate insurrectionary anarchistic violent seditious disruptive uncivilized mutinying nihilistic revolting uncivilised contumacious traitorous radical ungovernable uncontrollable untamed terrorist bad noncompliant nonconformist evil savage barbarous disobedient unpeaceful recusant uncultivated warlike infringing piratical wide-open negativistic destructive pessimistic existentialist rebel subversive factious inflammatory renegade agitational extremist insurrectionist anarchist dissident treasonable rowdy refractory rabble-rousing unmanageable reckless tyrannous unorthodox despotic heterodox terrorizing tempestuous fierce terrorising uproarious unbiddable brawling ugly uncontained turbid hedonistic unlawful illicit prohibited illegal dishonest felonious culpable illegitimate corrupt villainous unethical nefarious crooked unlicensed indictable wrong wicked clandestine iniquitous unsavoury unsavory contraband furtive forbidden delinquent wrongful impermissible immoral black shady outlawed actionable punishable unsanctioned dark bent fraudulent banned unauthorized dodgy unacceptable vile proscribed improper against the law unofficial interdicted peccant verboten vicious taboo unwarranted unrighteous sly adulterous malfeasant sinful bootleg miscreant rotten dirty violating flagitious guilty racketeering heavy excessive criminal wildcat unauthorised criminogenic transgressing tapu haram out of line black-market off base under-the-table off limits under-the-counter under the table not permitted against the rules under the counter contrary to law in violation of law smoking gun ruled out not allowed not acceptable

反义词 like a dog's dinner

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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