同义词 line of employment


A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification
profession calling occupation line vocation business career sphere trade employment position craft job game lay métier office work employ racket way art avocation berth billet biz concern dodge engagement field handicraft lifework living post pursuit role service situation slot speciality specialty thing undertaking day job chosen work line of work rat race walk of life sector industry area domain arena discipline element circle enterprise world department realm front walk demesne province zone terrain activity jurisdiction territory section fief fiefdom barony turf bubble precinct bailiwick sport orbit proceeding kingdom firmament line of business area of interest area of study livelihood function place mission capacity nine-to-five niche duty appointment task gig forte skill grip practice placement purpose life's work metier posting connection spot assignment part opening day gig strong suit what one is into do handcraft bag means stint contract rank vacancy long suit daily grind station subsistence handiwork interest maintenance hang play sustenance swindle income specialization labor labour opportunity keep specialisation upkeep nourishment faculty grind field of work line of country means of support funds ability means of livelihood alimentation support source of income daily bread bread and butter source of revenue class status designation caste field of expertise following expertise responsibility competency competence experience skillset employment status hire practise strong point patronage custom course go chosen career schtick dominion tier setup life work lick grindstone affair moonlight commitment obligation recruitment hiring job title position of employment gap contracting commercial enterprise mob means of earning one's living vacant position job opportunity means of earning a living being existence life existing animation sustainment salt mode sustentation school living wage pigeonhole division knack inclination genius gift flair aptitude bent disposition talent leaning operation specialism commission charge circumstances resources area of expertise errand expedition trip quest branch of learning exercise person's calling chore objective goal brief journey trust end aim object of study detail hobby magnum opus distinguishing feature cup of tea masterpiece special project object of attention special number claim to fame minor piece de resistance job description major field of concentration weakness person's task artisanship craftwork craftsmanship result creation production craftship achievement artifact product artwork design workmanship invention artefact

反义词 line of employment

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