同义词 most discernable


Superlative for large enough to be estimated
largest tidiest goodliest plainest fairest healthiest clearest lucidest baldest broadest grossest writ largest starkest surest boldest completest arrantest rankest sheerest frankest directest realest purest truest honestest sharpest simplest bluntest candidest showiest splashiest catchiest perfectest grabbiest noisiest fullest terriblest straightest wickedest deadest flattest cleanest deadliest blankest strictest hardest soundest veriest best-known strongest greatest weightiest heaviest merest vividest user-friendliest seriousest crispest extremest awfullest firmest severest best-grounded grodiest most appreciable most substantial most considerable most perceptible most noticeable most significant most sizeable most obvious most detectable most visible most discernible most evident most marked most sizable most palpable most apparent most recognisable most recognizable most manifest most observable most perceivable most reasonable most distinguishable most pronounced most sensible most tangible most measurable most definite most material most apprehensible most ascertainable most estimable most clear-cut most good-sized most patent most distinct most conspicuous most unmistakable most blatant most transparent most unconcealed most perspicuous most demonstrable most ponderable most identifiable most understandable most distinctive most traceable most cognizable most audible most notable most indisputable most incontrovertible most striking most open most barefaced most decided most luminous most bald-faced most luculent most unequivocal most flagrant most inescapable most glaring most unambivalent most blinding most undisguised most open-and-shut most ringing most pellucid most unambiguous most straightforward most salient most positive most plausible most colorable most credible most believable most certain most ostensible most remarkable most seeming most explicit most prominent most unquestionable most indubitable most comprehensible most naked most categorical most brazen most downright most intelligible most undoubted most absolute most irrefutable most outstanding most unsubtle most unqualified most genuine most shameless most axiomatic most pointed most seeable most unmitigated most discoverable most obtrusive most conclusive most verifiable most factual most authentic most self-explanatory most concrete most egregious most thoroughgoing most visual most precise most revealed most veritable most dreadful most definitive most outrageous most express most limpid most certifiable most proven most legitimate most dramatic most clear cut most emphatic most unfeigned most audacious most total most ocular most bodacious most viewable most effective most perspicacious most well-defined most veridical most literal most valid most corporeal most unrestrained most lucent most brilliant most wholehearted most established most flamboyant most commanding most thorough most consummate most kenspeckle most accurate most notorious most heinous most enormous most atrocious most scandalous most graspable most fathomable most eye-catching most graphic most categoric most exact most unalloyed most profound most unconditional most specific most undisputed most disgraceful most reprehensible most monstrous most plumb most regular most crystalline most shameful most villainous most iniquitous most blooming most particular most intrinsic most admissible most watertight most infernal most matter-of-fact most objective most straight-out most brass-necked most realistic most authoritative most real-life most trenchant most translucent most percipient most observant most sensitive most cognitive most knowing most understood most raging most comprehendible most knowable most attestable most evincible most unrestricted most moderate most public most unchallenged most uncontested most recognized most accepted most unexaggerated most coherent most articulate most stunning most noted most decisive most massive most unbounded most transpicuous most dinkum most recognised most runaway most assured most telltale most clean-cut most user friendly most unique most especial most tacit most confirmable most checkable most supportable most sustainable most unquestioned most unalterable most protrusive most inordinate most grievous most implied most screaming most excessive most major most exorbitant most artless most confounded most blessed most undisputable most uncontestable most deducible most immoderate most unacknowledged most essential most arrestive most hard and fast most practical most physical most solid most attested most final most unembellished most forthright most unsparing most unstinting most legit most bang on most infamous most flaunting most substantive most upright most upfront most guileless most uninhibited most unadorned most outspoken most ostentatious most immodest most proper most natural most forthcoming most unguarded most heartless most plainspoken most quantifiable most flagitious most honest-to-goodness most brutal most flagitous most flaming most deliberate most no-nonsense most plain-spoken most free-spoken

反义词 most discernable

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