同义词 most heads up


Superlative for quickly and critically discerning
astutest canniest sharpest shrewdest acutest quickest subtlest brightest cleverest craftiest savviest smartest wiliest brainiest foxiest headiest keenest pawkiest sliest wisest quickest off the mark sagest cagiest readiest wariest slickest agilest smoothest nimblest cutest slipperiest fliest downiest ablest trickiest deftest handiest dodgiest aptest deepest finest clearest punchiest crispest succinctest pithiest fastest hippest adroitest wittiest soundest liveliest soberest sanest chariest seemliest justest leeriest perkiest best-informed best elitest excellentest choicest quickest on the draw beadiest minutest swiftest briskest coolest worldliest abstrusest seriousest best-read weightiest curtest nicest choosiest choiciest finickiest fussiest pickiest most penetrating most politic most artful most cunning most ingenious most quick-witted most brilliant most calculating most discerning most insightful most intelligent most intuitive most knowing most media-savvy most perceptive most sagacious most discriminating most piercing most sharp-witted most clear-eyed most clear-sighted most hard-boiled most hardheaded most incisive most judicious most perspicacious most streetwise most suss most argute most sapient most observant most alert most sensible most percipient most prudent most farsighted most careful most open-eyed most profound most watchful most circumspect most sensitive most cautious most accurate most aware most vigilant most attentive most awake most active most on guard most on the lookout most probing most discreet most responsive most rational most keen-witted most understanding most skilful most critical most skillful most worldly-wise most heedful most spirited most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most wired most experienced most inventive most erudite most trenchant most scheming most devious most hep most guileful most designing most street-smart most street smart most beguiling most underhand most analytical most concise most penetrative most disingenuous most dexterous most dextrous most wakeful most inside most calculated most astucious most searching most up on most hyperintelligent most exceptional most acuminous most supersmart most psyched up most exact most apprehensive most alive most vital most clued up most informed most diplomatic most thoughtful most expedient most enlightened most commonsensical most reasonable most advisable most logical most strategic most judgmatical most desirable most practical most efficacious most prepared most mindful most sophisticated most considerate most judicial most seasonable most thorough most regardful most guarded most anxious most agog most common-sense most beady-eyed most eagle-eyed most wide-eyed most gimlet-eyed most hawk-eyed most sharp-eyed most well-advised most knowledgeable most intellectual most learned most gifted most scholarly most precocious most cerebral most educated most philosophical most refined most talented most delicate most foresighted most imaginative most creative most expert most reflective most adept most capable most selective most competent most cultivated most tasteful most cultured most visionary most fastidious most accomplished most prescient most contemplative most sophic most conscious most masterly most virtuoso most eggheaded most exquisite most hawklike most precise most appreciative most receptive most prompt most tactful most responsible most original most together most cogitative most unprovincial most qualified most urbane most seasoned most detailed most ratiocinative most intriguing most complex most exacting most analytic most recondite most genial most bookish most academic most effective most effectual most reasoned most particular most skilled most arcane most esoteric most solid most justified most vigorous most mercurial most sentient most conversant most cognizant most hermetic most hermetical most well-founded most with-it most secret most occult most acroamatic most discriminative most discriminatory most differential most aesthetic most artistic most persnickety most finical most opinionated most select most eclectic most esthetic most lynx-eyed

反义词 most heads up

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