同义词 shoots one's mouth off


To talk much and to little purpose
prates chatters gabs gases blathers chats converses drivels jaws prattles talks yaks babbles blabs jabbers palavers twaddles twitters waffles blethers chaffers gabbles gibbers maunders natters patters piffles rants rattles schmoozes shmoozes burbles cackles chins clacks clatters kibbitzes kibitzes raps tongues utters visits witters yacks boasts brags blows smoke chews the fat runs on shoots the breeze goes on witters on talks a blue streak gossips yatters chunters rabbits twattles yabbers spouts yackety-yaks rattles on runs off at the mouth blabbers yaps yammers gushes rambles blithers wanders rabbits on goes on and on slabbers mutters mumbles earbashes splutters blubbers raves gaggles palters talks incoherently talks nonsensically talks trivially talks foolishly digresses rattles away expatiates chitchats amplifies clavers chinwags blathers on tattles rambles on talks randomly drones on talks aimlessly harps on talks nonsense rants and raves blahs communicates buzzes confabulates tittle-tattles has a chinwag engages in conversation has a conversation shoots the bull talks a mile a minute talks nineteen to the dozen talks ten to the dozen talks the hind legs off a donkey chit-chats speaks chews the rag powwows has a confab murmurs talks at length talks idly sputters drools bumbles dishes talks incessantly talks a lot slabbers on has a chat bleats flannels footles mouths discourses dialogues dialogs discusses rumors talks rapidly orates noises babbles on talks unintelligibly rumours tells tales wags spills the beans has a talk socializes socialises banters spiels twiddles yakety-yaks holds forth drifts BSes swaps gossip barks spits lists blurts talks rubbish confuses boils bats the breeze meanders carries on talking confers mouths off verbalizes talks on and on runs off at mouth whiffles fluffs communes parleys conversates verbalises stutters bloviates talks gibberish talks the hind leg off a donkey snitches goes on about peaches squeals runs through reels off has a discussion has a tete-a-tete exchanges views tells on spreads rumors hums and haws consults with each other makes small talk talks through one's hat talks out of turn talks wildly speaks to each other chats idly discusses things whistles Dixie talks someone's ear off articulates whispers schmooses spreads stories circulates rumours spreads gossip spreads rumours bad-mouths rhapsodizes describes drawls breaks rhapsodises divulges drones broaches chants intones soliloquizes notifies wiggle-waggles expresses oneself ventriloquizes gives voice bruits about tells secrets comments on turns over bends one's ear gives voice to flaps one's tongue tells tales out of school talks one's leg off


To boast about one's abilities or accomplishments
shows off boasts brags blusters postures crows gloats grandstands trumpets glories skites blows your own horn blows your own trumpet flies your own kite sings your own praises swaggers vaunts swanks gasconades bulls struts blows flaunts vapors showboats puffs exaggerates aggrandizes triumphs overstates preens plumes preens oneself flatters oneself vapours gives oneself airs lays it on thick glories in talks big hugs oneself advertises congratulates oneself on pats oneself on the back exults in advertizes congratulates oneself gives a good account of yourself blows smoke blows hard exults rodomontades crows about roisters prates flourishes prides oneself brags about boasts about acclaims brays promotes parades bullies mouths gloats over attracts attention makes much of puffs up preens oneself on piques oneself on feels self-satisfied about toots one's own horn name-drops hyperbolizes cons fakes jives hotdogs shucks shoots the bull speaks for Buncombe declares proclaims lords it talks boastingly discloses praises applauds divulges reveals extols esteems reveres tries to make an impression cackles gurgles calls gases babbles whoops triumphs over celebrates advances overvalues rubs it in swells piques flatters displays flashes lauds pushes hypes exhibits presumes prides draws attention to revels revels in feels satisfaction at piques oneself in flatters oneself on pats oneself on the back for feels proud about feels proud of rejoices in rejoices at gives oneself a pat on the back for holds head high shows off about gives oneself airs about takes great pride in plumes oneself on pats oneself on the back about gloats about preens oneself about

反义词 shoots one's mouth off

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