同义词 simple review


A formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary
scrutiny examination analysis audit inspection survey study appraisal assessment check checkup inquiry enquiry evaluation exploration going-over investigation look-see reappraisal reconsideration reexamination report retrospect retrospection scan view anatomization perusal probe drill file once-over rap recapitulation reevaluation reflection fresh look second look second thought research inquest inquisition probing consideration dissection observation test scrutinization disquisition examen search delving interrogation probation breakdown look trial assay scanning cross-examination questioning checking perlustration poll interpretation anatomy canvass critique surveillance autopsy quiz deconstruction quest vetting contemplation glance hearing diagnosis skim revision verification recce legwork supervision check-up surveying browse look-over inventory reconnaissance sifting reassessment exam anatomizing remembrance reading shufti look through postmortem tryout hindsight fact-finding monitoring cross-questioning perception notice third degree double-checking viewing superintendence discussion census attention overview questionnaire afterthought sampling leaf case read testing tally the eye flick spot check read-through presentation experimentation experiment paper resolution audition essay try-out opinion poll fact finding browse through glance through analyzation substantiation grilling try catechism pilot study public opinion poll run-through skim through leaf through trial and error overall picture test drive fishing expedition dry run trial run flick through sight balancing cast recall display stocktaking estimation treatment coverage handling sweep dekko physical postoperative biopsy dissolution deliberation musing pondering weighing up rechecking criticism quarry travel careful examination medical tab close-up reasoning detection examining again snoop snooping gander lookover close study outline breakup watching investigation into deciphering decoding post-mortem examination PM synopsis close examination eagle eye catechizing pursuit quizzing interrogatory random investigation visitation random sampling précis screening attempt long hard look syllabus digest aperçu compendium observance screen test approval proof acid test feeler health check sample pandect sketch Q and A trial balloon translation delineation tour of inspection doctor's visit post-mortem division looking over regard cognition perspective road map breaking down fact checking regarding dismemberment ascertainment overlook recognising heedfulness recognizing noticing interview enquiring inquiring debriefing eyeing overhaul addition histology medicine etiology biology morphology physiology aetiology embryology cytology genetics zoology examining investigating appraising assessing tribunal tour frisk postscript staring at looking at gazing at look at ballot recollection demonstration addendum remembering post mortem panorama reminiscence extra venture procedure practical undertaking market research oral meeting conference court case reception congress consultation parley negotiation council chance admittance performance attendance groundwork operation fling work try-on enterprise exercise re-examination scientific test sidenote research and development dummy run try out R and D R & D question paper viva legal proceedings industrial tribunal fill-in-the-blank set of questions midterm final oral exam theory test set of exercises viva voce reconnoitring training reconnoitering analyzing analysing comparison sounding exploring query shakedown question experiments straw vote valuation measurement rating analyses tests enquiries indagation studies forage combing analyzes hunt traineeship apprenticeship novitiate contrast tentation giving someone the third degree juxtaposition differentiation initiation discovery learning new things critical examination critical investigation discrimination distinguishing collation learning noviciate distinction trial period test period differentiating contrasting hit and miss hit or miss cut and try experimental period relating collating paralleling education scouting ratio analogizing discernment dividing judgement judgment recon patrol telling the difference lessons advisement debate scholarship swotting schooling account expedition reconnoiter tuition cogitation academic work scout reconnoitre preliminary survey thought memorising schoolwork class lesson course homework weighing subject school work cramming abstraction application spying out scouting out critical analysis memorizing book work fishing trip witch hunt search for information


A critical appraisal of a book, play, film, etc. published in a newspaper or magazine
criticism critique notice evaluation commentary assessment write-up judgement rating crit judgment piece study abstract blurb canvass comment critical assessment discourse discussion dissertation essay mention monograph outline pan recapitulation redraft reviewal synopsis theme thesis treatise book review report article analysis exposition editorial account disquisition story treatment writing paper column composition examination item opinion appraisal feature piece of writing work post investigation tract editorial column survey exposé examen appreciation press report interpretation exegesis elucidation record note annotation gloss exclusive scoop script opus leader paragraph text perspective news viewpoint think piece news story presentation chronicle book exploration inquiry consideration memoir notation explication dissection excursus footnote literature review section illustration notes pamphlet scholia vlog blog weblog enquiry manuscript uncovering observation revelation publicity story inside story summary vignette scrutiny assignment address contribution module segment anatomization compte rendu lecture speech talk acclamation tribute number spread rap takedown slam slap put down textual examination rave flak critical essay zapper exposure latest praise recognition narration debate monologue splash beat scholium marginalia reference expansion coverage monolog term paper chronology handling explanation views opinions findings pronouncements observations remarks piece of research feedback conclusions transcript journal bulletin register log critical analysis annal diary novel title literature necropsy autopsy proceeding archive minute research paper volume prose moblog sitrep transaction journalism document oeuvre ode copy publication letter tome breakdown poem play obiter belle-lettre inquest postmortem examination postmortem debriefing tractate institutes remark statement crack input hearsay dictum backtalk declaration buzz wisecrack utterance animadversion pronouncement mouthful obiter dictum footnotes medical examination coroner's report comments stage whisper whispered remark confidential remark two cents' worth


A reconsideration of a judgment, sentence, etc. by a higher court or authority
re-examination revision reassessment rethink alteration change modification reconsideration re-evaluation moderation reappraisal redoing refashioning remaking remodelling remodeling retrospect revamping revise reworking variation recapitulation another look difference fresh look summary second look a fresh look reconstruction reexamination adaptation adjustment transformation correction conversion recasting improvement restyling reshaping makeover diversification reevaluation amendment retrospection renovation mutation reformation rearrangement reorganization remoulding rectification variety refitting reorganisation remolding modulation variance rethinking check retrospective refinement variability varying emendation restriction relook restoration editing qualification thinking over redecoration customization tailoring updating rewriting reform adaption customisation modernization changing copy-editing redrafting refurbishing rehab rephrasing refurnishing afterlight rectifying homework revisal redaction polish recension updation rescript overhauling reediting redraft metamorphosis shift switch transfiguration transmogrification transmutation evolution renewal rebuilding vacillation oscillation deformation displacement upheaval fluctuation diversity irregularity unevenness unsteadiness wavering distortion wobble wave vicissitude flux deviation inconstancy regulation turn fixing reordering translation rejigging renewing reshuffling exchange accommodation about-face sea change flip-flop mid-course correction switch-over changeover transition development permutation innovation revolution reversal move rehabilitation readjustment advance repair realignment addition overhaul novelty amelioration transubstantiation regeneration mending tempering restructuring break turnover passage betterment redevelopment swap advancement substitution rewrite departure progress alternative tweak turning growth patching up swing enhancement modifying revamp progression passing improving remedy rebirth transposition tweaking amending resolution altering turnaround redress metanoia shifting compression contraction surrogate reparation about-turn transfer converting acclimation U-turn radical change arrangement refining clarification rewording organization form customizing remake redesign correcting repairing refurbishment righting enhancing customising version repositioning polishing metasis redirection organisation variant transfigurement revolutionizing fine-tuning reorientation adjusting mutability veering movement course rise revolutionising different form alternative form other form sorting out putting to rights crossover derived form turning around revolutionary change shakedown revised version change of direction beautification cosmetic treatment rendering reassembling redesigning reorganizing reorienting adoption gradation reestablishment subediting specialisation volte-face jump metastasis leap reorganising acclimatization bowdlerization expurgation censoring censorship trend vagary quantum jump major change marked transformation total change sudden change quantum leap heterodoxy heresy pragmatism reinterpretation crossing transit turning point interchange resetting replanning re-establishment re-creation melioration evolvement alternation reverse digression cross specialization newfangledness innovativeness morph originality downturn switchover path procession operation process motion drift corrective action minor adjustment recovery putting right setting right order disposition presentation sorting grouping combination replacement break with the past reconstitution conformation stirring retraction rowback direction bias modernism newness freshness unconventionality rereading indemnification revising regulating handover evolving bend yaw deflection stir origination tendency tack complete change perm ironing out clearing up ameliorating patching change of fortune uniqueness diversion setting unrest breakaway bettering servicing refreshing acclimatisation edit relegation tuning redistribution upset disruption regrouping reviving renovating roaming wandering jiggering twiddling cataclysm convulsions transference assignment darning revitalization hemming refurb new measures revisionism go over new methods shift of emphasis break with tradition new devices shake up organising shaping organizing balancing fitting complete shift dramatic change shake-up drastic alteration radical alteration fall conferral conveyance allocation freshening helping sewing stitching update attachment perfection addendum adjunct fixing up patch-up cession bestowal completion finishing honing breakthrough resolving reclamation crowning consummation mutant aberration abdication final touches finishing touches minor change touching up finishing off deviant rogue change of heart seeing the light exception branch result alternate spinoff option being born again


A brief summary of the major points of a written work, either as prose or as a table
synopsis summary outline abstract digest rundown summarization recapitulation epitome brief encapsulation recap conspectus roundup inventory resume capsule sum breviary summa condensation résumé précis sketch summation compendium precis abridgment overview abridgement aperçu wrap-up run-through summing-up sum-up round-up brief summary summing up outline sketch extract analysis essence survey report abbreviation syllabus prospectus reduction nutshell pandect sum and substance long and short of it skeleton short form core rehash gist abbreviated version notes capitulation case version rough idea quick rundown bottom line account snapshot breakdown scheme examination sense main points main features bare bones bare facts enumeration study contraction briefing record draft blurb plan restatement repetition delineation thumbnail treatise draught low-down capsulization thumbnail sketch write-up bird's-eye view overall picture short version collation argument peroration reprise sylloge storyboard storyline bones shortening truncation listing details list diminution diminishment cutting lessening decrease reducing curtailment potted version shortened version rough draft brief idea brief description description in a nutshell scrutiny view concise version abridged version gestalt inspection indication inquiry assessment comment commentary audit blueprint critique appraisal round up enquiry figure tour d'horizon description table biography portrait vignette characterization portrayal depiction profile vita bowdlerization diminishing restriction limitation headnote collection compilation compend anthology treasury handbook manual companion clipping compression guide boildown vade mecum trimming cropping pruning shrinking constricting telescoping cutting down abbreviature paring down shortcut cutting short abstraction ellipsis


A consideration for or reasoning
thought consideration deliberation reflection attention regard contemplation examination forethought interest notice thinking time heed pondering rumination scrutiny account advisement awareness brainwork mind agonising agonizing hesitation premeditation navel-gazing object study concentration application debate cogitation discussion analysis perusal meditation inspection calculation lucubration grind musing mulling judgment judgement concern exploration estimation action heedfulness care observation observance diligence view assiduity mindfulness industry once-over investigation ascertainment knowledge studying eye note intentness advertence ear attentiveness advertency spotlight thoughtfulness focus engrossment absorption cerebration introspection brooding curiosity immersion excogitation reasoning inquisitiveness speculation understanding cognizance perception regardfulness consciousness serious thought apprehension vigilance preoccupation watchfulness alertness responsiveness nosiness circumspection weighing carefulness caution fascination weighing up careful considering passion ponderings thoughts captivation grasp hope knowing seeing deriving logic inducing intuition theorization deduction judging ideation rationalization anticipation cognition focusing focussing mark imagination enthusiasm apprehending inferring considering discerning perceiving deducing concluding realizing rationalizing curiousness interestedness receptiveness eagerness thirst for knowledge undivided attention concernment receptivity excitement keenness suspicion zest realising rationalising rationalisation recognition detection discernment introversion discovery apperception enthrallment surveillance acknowledgment pensiveness inlook solipsism egoism inquiring mind acknowledgement mental acquisitiveness self-observation self-examination self-searching self-scrutiny deep thought self-contemplation self-discovery self-analysis heart-searching self-questioning self-reflection self-absorption soul-searching mentation planning thought process mulling over brown study


A conversation or debate about a specific topic
discussion debate conversation talk argument dialogue discourse conference deliberation consultation colloquy dialog exchange chat confab confabulation dispute seminar symposium negotiations palaver parley talks argumentation consideration consult converse counsel powwow council interlocution quarrel rap altercation contention convo disputation groupthink huddle interview meet meeting ventilation wrangling exchange of views heart-to-heart argy-bargy back-and-forth bull session chit-chat give-and-take skull session adda korero banter repartee interchange chinwag word yak expression gossip communion communication comment intercourse jive schmooze questioning dissertation hearing mediation speech yarn gabfest negotiation arbitration gab remark parlance gas buzz discussions crack rabbit jaw natter conciliation nattering flap gassing observation scuttlebutt tattle talkfest jawing gabbing craic chatter summit backchat canvass encounter remarks head-to-head verbal exchange straight talk chin-wag tete-a-tete chitchat small talk wheeling and dealing tête-à-tête table talk information flow exchange of ideas question and answer session rap session channel of communication pillow talk patter causerie cackle jangle blather blether chin music prattle chitter-chatter babble jabber gabber chinwagging babbling twaddle jabbering yabbering waffle chuntering twattle gibbering prattling blethering blathering waffling yackety-yak yammering yattering yapping tittle-tattle chatting rabbiting on talking one-to-one words speaking rambling correspondence clack duologue yakking idle talk informal talk one-on-one forum analysis wittering war of words blab congress claver fireside chat audience pleasantries convocation tongue-wagging call appointment round table informal conversation catch up gabble chin prose visit sides barney dish row raillery badinage cry persiflage hot air two-way communication gen slanging match chewing the fat gabbling gossiping prating drivel gibberish chattering mag clishmaclaver chewing the rag yatter blah-blah flannel blah back and forth newsmongering prate account contact brief conversation conclave hui commentary interest mention loquacity association dealings wrangle relations colloquium sparring tug of war contestation arguing socializing deliberations dialectic tiff private word press conference examination velitation match social relations reception private conversation session communicating getting in touch verbal sparring cosy chat private chat convention social intercourse round robin think-in conferring socialising exchanging information articulation intercommunication corresponding interaction rendezvous engagement translating touch pleasantry foretalk rumors rumours audition hearership date get-together idle chatter trivial conversation beauty-parlor chitchat casual conversation idle chat light talk script text screenplay lines parts spoken parts spoken part


An opinion or assessment on the nature, character, or quality of something
judgement judgment appraisal assessment determination estimation evaluation opinion appraisement estimate perspective persuasion resolution valuation verdict view viewpoint call consideration conviction deduction deliverance diagnosis feeling mind notion reckoning sentiment thoughts conclusion critique decision fix observation considered opinion value judgment summing-up sizing up rating analysis gauging gaging stock recce criticism calculation ranking assay costing guesstimation take interpretation weighing up summing up measurement belief point of view position standpoint impression stance way of thinking computation attitude thought angle stand slant outlook thinking survey philosophy quantification conjecture calibration inclination quotation mensuration measure pricing metage guesstimate theory guess idea mindset contention surmise understanding perception price inference conception ballpark figure way of looking eye frame of mind reasoning value quantifying esteem approximation worth weighing sizing estimating cost rate informed guess metrology educated guess rough calculation rough guess side speculation hypothesis approach thesis assumption reflection disposition supposition reaction suspicion fancy reading school of thought theorem contemplation say-so vantage point context estimated price estimated value estimated cost eye view measuring surveying result charge figure finding taste sense reflections frame of reference presumption postulate imagining presupposition quote think outline summary report ballpark estimate ethics bias intuition morals stocktaking honour regard honor admiration appreciation credit evaluative criticism subjective evaluation apprehension leaning reverence veneration grasp proclivity comprehension predilection standing awareness elucidation discernment assimilation figuring ciphering calculating arithmetic predicting two cents worth shoes broad view overview say so where one is at twist good opinion declaration say input comment will conclusions posture vent wish representation vote desire option ideas preference aspect suffrage line part participation choice voice beliefs views opinions viewpoints projection right of speech vox populi right of free speech two cents' worth reason deliberation musing rationalization rationalisation cerebration study introspection cogitation meditation logic line of thought rumination ideation cognition mood accepted wisdom points of view vision approximate calculation mind-set


Control of product quality


The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence
speculation supposition hypothesis conjecture guess surmise assumption theory belief postulation notion thesis opinion thought hunch shot guesstimate guesswork prediction theorising theorizing thinking stab reflection forecast hypothesising hypothesizing cogitation consideration deliberation meditation contemplation brainwork cerebration excogitation studying weighing sneaking suspicion stab in the dark shot in the dark presumption deduction presupposition conclusion inference suspicion postulate idea impression fancy view premise feeling judgment judgement musing proposition rumination study estimate guessing pondering reasoning premiss argument brooding hypothetical given if posit estimation induction expectation reckoning supposal position contention introspection thoughts interpretation assertion anticipation debate theorization determination understanding datum outlook ratiocination conviction ballpark figure verdict mulling over scrutiny theorem intuition concentration divination analysis heed attention logic consequence planning sequitur viewpoint mulling eduction serious thought extrapolation sentiment presentiment mind assuming possibility conception attitude persuasion inferring concluding concept slant side perspective stance philosophy imagining angle apriorism standpoint proposal corollary imagination assessment brown study acceptance rationale evaluation take advisement account agonizing ground inclination illation reason appraisal principle reaction school of thought foundation basis statement point of view way of thinking agonising say-so derivation considered opinion approximations feelings hunches guesstimates reck surmisal attempt generalization preconception generalisation ballpark figures rough calculations accepting prejudgement preconceived notion preconceived idea finding inkling premonition results findings projection surmising approximation observation ponderings intellection picture abstraction evidence grounds proof predisposition postulating positing presuming perusal rough calculation perhaps halseny rough idea result answer bet worrying puzzling absorption pensiveness judging rationalization hope knowing seeing deriving regard inducing ideation cognition wild guess provision sixth sense declaration say reverie mind's eye random guess prayer ruminating input comment will gut feeling funny feeling resolution posture call vent wish representation vote stand desire option self-examination preference aspect decision suffrage line part apprehending discerning perceiving deducing rationalizing considering realizing deep thought a brown study quiet time discussion participation choice voice diagnosis calculation consultation axiom right of speech vox populi right of free speech two cents' worth forethought circumspection conferring scheme plan suggestion attribution reading reflections explanation antecedent lemma layout system assignment realising rationalising rationalisation rap prudence premeditation wariness ventilation negotiation purpose weighing up application eye hint implication insinuation suppose likelihood condition educated guess starting point tentative law reading between the lines think rough guess investigation examination mentation thought process approach perception ideas mindset leaning apprehension frame of mind appraisement appreciation vantage point bias disposition sentiments predilection image rating gauging awareness standing sense beliefs gaging value judgment valuation faith fix twist bent frame of reference prejudice eye view knowledge esteem orientation shoes comprehension assimilation discernment policy respect partiality views direction grasp conceptualization admiration recognition reverence honour favour favor veneration honor creed conceptualisation conceit construal convictions profession pronouncement credo submission avowal sizing up mood headset proclivity elucidation insight consciousness way deference claim critique grip report mind-set popularity good opinion praise where one is at involvement stock light summing-up response allegation affirmation say so certitude big idea feedback denomination tenet note vein tendency asseveration colour point doctrine vision ideology inspiration opinions approval announcement color school acclaim signification approbation version contestation temperament accepted wisdom way of looking at things predication judgment call recommendation context liking intimation sensation spin order taste advancement charge stereotype prognosis laudation homage adulation prospect high regard way of looking feel extolment informed guess vantage high opinion outline variation visualisation thing visualization clue brainchild two cents worth POV brain wave certainty meaning remark instinct clarification facet sight deportment connotation impulse emotion reply hand utterance sensibility tenor drift trend definition notions tune recce emotional state pose theme deliverance admission assent subject contribution topic counter turn of mind characterization depiction propensity penchant cult line of thinking inclining way of looking at it measure translation look glimpse text matter rationality vagary caprice gut reaction dream long view conclusions manner broad view overview firm stand summary comeback measurement mensuration idée fixe concern ranking affection portrayal attitudes point of observation religion fantasy illusion riff love repute construct assay dogma acknowledgement cognizance realization approximate calculation from the perspective of fashion aspiration contrivance viewpoints personal feeling construction identification recollection reputation fondness commentary generality line of argument costing guesstimation vantage ground air character demeanor hold percipience rendition portrait rendering sympathy care setting framework affiliation trust summing up portraiture objective intention worry motivation intent ism method style cherishing value point of vantage where one stands paradigm situation model cogitating apperception envisaging wrinkle optique line of thought kaupapa flash acknowledgment realisation experience influence demeanour stamp acuity indulgence acceptation fool notion Anschauung scope hue guise complexion appearance article of faith intelligent guess points of view annotation notice notation explication mode of view private opinion communion effort church world view mental state mental outlook mental attitude plea way of life selection notes pronouncements scholia reviewal remarks observations insistence role credit firm belief fixed opinion criticism protestation attestation pick case advice maintenance proclamation ciphering estimating arithmetic predicting computation figuring calculating election nomination commendation averment avouchment assurance awe counsel motion defence swearing vindication stressing decree ruling discretion volition maintaining defense asservation okay mouthful exhortation share interest choosing resolve druthers picking adjudication commitment tip stake association connection agency positive statement stamp of approval fave selecting settlement favourite preferment priority favorite pitch presentation prompting piece of advice setup bid tip-off bit tender instruction game plan top of the list first choice


A review to refresh or renew knowledge


To hold or write a review of


To inspect formally or officially
survey examine inspect audit scrutinise scrutinize analyze analyse consider research study check explore investigate overlook oversee probe scan view anatomize appraise assess vet enquire into look into take stock of check out conduct investigations into make enquiries into size up sum up make inquiries into evaluate look over go over look at delve into go into go through peruse dig into pore over dissect give the once-over weigh up con read ponder eyeball give something a once-over eye estimate observe inquire into contemplate sift weigh test assay check over run over work over judge go over with a fine-tooth comb regard interpret determine question discuss scope recce think about chew over eye up pick at search watch canvass gauge case behold valuate peg verify gage size skim think through gaze at run through stare at look through get a load of give something a going-over rate turn over take a dekko at take a look at value tackle treat identify scrutinate screen sift through dig guesstimate candle see discern perceive clock stare figure note read over prospect look sort out take stock examine closely scope out pick apart put under a microscope try enquire inquire flash experiment look upon play around with cast your eye over experiment with try out reiterate revise rehearse practice revisit repeat balance adjudicate excogitate redact censor brainstorm traverse check into quest get down to brass tacks track report pass through esteem practise riffle through thumb through fathom check up on search into sit in range over fix cover cut deconstruct pass under review have a look at kick around sound out apprise break down think of look on conduct an enquiry into go through with a fine-tooth comb sort through reassess open up leave no stone unturned wade into measure read through bone up sweep guess reckon monitor scour establish re-evaluate take measure of get the measure of form an opinion of form an impression of reconnoitre rake confirm certify ascertain supervise reconnoiter triangulate summarise chart graph plot summarize superintend seek consult look carefully at trial concern itself with deal with parse tell surf glass glance over do tests dive in make inquiries do research consult the archives follow a line of investigation look up write about compare prove quiz correct ensure count frisk riffle riff browse rumble spot spy enquire about find out get a bird's-eye view of give the once over check up map out stake out ogle witness sample pilot keep account make sure of test out look see scout out give something a look-see descry espy skim through have a look-see glance at dip into run your eye over take a gander cast an eye over look up and down make an appraisal of diagnose peer at glimpse distinguish notice sight see over put to trial try on field-test experimentalize put something through its paces fool with carry out trials on put to the test try on for size road-test carry out tests shake down mess around conduct experiments do tests on conduct research test drive futz around give a tryout subject to an examination make a trial run practice with carry out trials lay eyes on gawp at catch sight of catch spectate be shown over rubberneck at see how the land lies believe mark check something out rubberneck beam pipe gaze remark have a gander at feast your eyes on slang take in have a dekko at set eyes on take a shufti at have a look-see at take a gander at clap eyes on eagle eye have a squint at comb penetrate set price pierce perlustrate smoke calculate deem adjudge examine carefully figure out set at figure in burn up take the measure of drill down have one's number take account of


To formally inspect military or naval forces
inspect muster parade scrutinise scrutinize view march past examine investigate probe explore research study survey audit appraise look over look at check over question give the once-over interrogate vet scout canvass check look into check out delve into subject to an examination cross-examine analyse analyze eyeball search case scrutinate reconnoitre consider reconnoiter go over pore over inquire check up pry into probe into conduct an investigation into check up on check into look at carefully scope out give the once over enquire evaluate prospect sift enquire into recce inquire into inquisite dig into work over sound out conduct an enquiry into look-see take stock of poke around run down size up suss out search into nose around put questions to ask questions of try to get to the bottom of scan observe grill test catechize quiz pursue query go into brainstorm dissect bug tap poke spy frisk cross-question reexamine bombard excogitate follow up take a look at go over with a fine-tooth comb double-check make inquiry weigh up feel out listen in read into make enquiries about search for deliberate on inquire about read up on dive into stake out chew over mull over brood over do research into put to the test make inquiries about be all ears sift the evidence concerning give the third degree search the evidence concerning conduct an inquiry into ponder parse understand delve winnow wiretap underseek muckrake have a look at see contextualize contextualise spy on make an observation of make a recce of tour pump debrief interview third-degree sweat ask pointed questions put through the wringer put the screws on put through the mangle put on the hotseat put the screws to give the third degree to put through the third degree make sure enquire about find out about make enquiries into ask questions about make inquiries into chase up get back to assess eye watch con overlook clock notice scope oversee monitor supervise superintend go through take a dekko at give something a going-over give something a look-see subject to an inspection kick the tires


To think meticulously about something, usually before a decision is made
consider contemplate examine appraise study ponder assess bethink evaluate excogitate reflect compare cogitate debate deliberate entertain eye meditate perpend question revolve ruminate turn weigh weigh up judge moot chew over cogitate about consider the pros and cons of deliberate over give thought to kick around meditate on meditate over mull over pore over reflect on ruminate over size up sum up think about think out think over think through turn over turn over in one's mind wrestle with take under advisement ruminate on brood over cogitate on muse cerebrate muse on dwell on puzzle over deliberate on brood on ruminate about speculate figure agonize over pore on think brood deliberate about speculate about brainstorm look at be in a brown study worry about reason stew over give consideration to wonder imagine analyse envision hypothesize look into ponder over ponder on wonder about mull roll moon analyze chew on give some thought to hypothesise noodle around figure out sort out beat one's brains out about build castles in air rack brains think on agonize worry puzzle take envisage conceive agonise chaw deal with flash on chew the cud daydream recollect feel dream percolate consider as an example debate with oneself look at as an example be lost in contemplation take as an example be in a reverie philosophize hammer away at sweat over woolgather mind dwell research survey investigate be lost in thought philosophise form go over formulate make scrutinize explore probe stew chew medidate upon clarify take stock of picture reflect upon cerebrate on contemplate on decide on muse over monitor conjecture guess put on thinking cap put on one's thinking cap about enquire into dissect peruse surmise have a think about hash over stop to consider take under consideration make sense of suppose canvass experiment conduct research into scrutinise dive into delve into theorize assume suspicion suspect postulate daresay presume do research conduct a survey of form theories scheme pipe-dream guesstimate read make suppositions theorise dope make guesses dope out call it psych out head trip have a hunch run it up flagpole call the turn beat one's brains read between lines hazard a guess brood about contrast estimate juxtapose digest balance think of flirt with set against toy with play around with entertain the idea of use one's head think hard devise give much thought to ask oneself about ask oneself anticipate plot conceive of observe discuss pore plan intend consult argue trifle with comprehend process intellectualize oppose have in mind rationalize logicalize meditate upon take into consideration intellectualise rationalise ideate argue the pros and cons of have thoughts about kick about set side by side bat it around pour it on talk over entertain the possibility of knock around run up a flagpole count your blessings consider the possibility of entertain the thought of regard take inventory check out mull over things see reflect about chew over things stew about get a load of ruminate upon expect play with take stock revolve in one's mind cool out take in aspire to appreciate resolve deduce infer cudgel marvel think idly about ratiocinate rate sweat rehash register accept assimilate puzzle out think hard about understand discern concentrate apprehend design speculate on metabolise bear in mind purpose lucubrate sleep on it cudgel your brains project propose deliberate upon dabble with metabolize view engage in contemplation track mess with think deeply entertain idea be in a thoughtful state obsess say to oneself bat around bat back and forth bat about flirt fret mope premeditate aim repine languish over mope over grieve over sulk about fret about moon over toy with the idea of differentiate collate grieve be in brown study feel despondent about dwell upon gloom sweat out bleed languish chafe inwardly sulk sigh lament eat your heart out think upon despond correlate measure concoct give a thought to compete parallel invent contrive measure the differences between hang stand the test place in juxtaposition stack up against measure up separate confront balance the differences between inspect weigh against stand the pace divide weigh against another match up segregate weigh the differences between put side by side fabricate construct manufacture evolve develop frame educe derive think up make up cook up trump up work out drum up vamp up come up with


To summarize or repeat in concise form
recapitulate summarise summarize epitomise epitomize encapsulate synopsize outline recap abstract digest reprise brief restate reiterate repeat rehash rephrase reword recount enumerate list paraphrase replay sum up wrap up boil down run through go over run over state again run through again go over again go over same ground go the same round condense abridge put in a nutshell run down sum inventory precis summate précis examine pare give a rundown of give a summary of give an outline of make a summary of give a precis of give an abstract of give the main points of give a synopsis of give the gist of go through explain cover describe delineate draft indicate characterize adumbrate abbreviate draught characterise capsulize touch on shorten trim cut skim retrograde compile cipher prune snip give a rough idea of skeletonize give a quick rundown on make an outline of skeleton give a rough idea lay out tell about give a thumbnail sketch of rip judge zap rave evaluate study slam assess discuss correct bad-mouth pan trash revise inspect weigh knock reedit cypher cut back cut down get to the meat give main points write a critique read through put down conclude estimate close total size up give a summing-up review the evidence summarize the argument summarize the evidence get the measure of compress rehearse reduce telescope compact contract sketch do again capture sum-up wrap-up record express write a summary of curtail cut short make a outline of make a résumé of practise practice train drill retell ingeminate decrease nutshell din map out rough out chalk out block out trace out walk through take from the top chime redo give an precis of give a resume of go through the main points of give a résumé of give a brief idea of emphasize iterate emphasise cut to bone say again give opinion go through again rewrite rescript translate render interpret gloss transcribe put in other words express in own words put in one's own words express differently express in other words


To be about
concern deal with cover be about discuss examine scrutinise scrutinize go into tell of analyse address relate to report on treat analyze have to do with study affect detail document explore involve be connected with go over pertain to reference refer to talk about be regarding delve into encompass look into tackle touch on be in connection with contend with deliberate on expound on give an account of give a rundown of give details of give details on give the facts on investigate look at probe provide details of recount appertain to apply to bear upon be relevant to bring up canvas comment on comprise of concern itself with confer on debate depict describe dig into embody explain have a bearing on inform of inquire about regard sift through speak about take on talk through consider be concerned with handle report weigh up treat of interpret enquire into discourse on deal pontificate attend to account for take account of expound research commentate dig sift inquire pursue prospect assess enquire try to get to the bottom of approach critique consult reason counsel criticise arrange enlarge upon write about advise on touch upon powwow talk of take up weigh talk over confer criticize parley confabulate confab deliberate bear on touch be pertinent to apply have relevance to bear have reference to appertain refer belong to pertain relate be applicable to implicate impact entail entangle mention impact on have relevance for interest occasion correspond to connect with include enmesh embroil allude to have an impact on center upon have an effect on point to be germane to join connect vest befit associate combine be related to see view inhere with connect to be pertinent be appropriate be part of make reference to make mention of talk feel about


To give an account of
rehearse recite describe detail list recount enumerate repeat tell itemise itemize reiterate relate delineate name narrate present recapitulate specify act catalog catalogue chart chime chronicle depict din give iterate numerate ready reel off report restate tick off go over recap run through set out spell out experiment hone rattle off reenact test trot out go through state set forth quote retell particularize communicate reveal particularise give an account of say cite utter express declare explain portray disclose verbalize verbalise retail announce mention relay impart convey proclaim divulge deliver say again regurgitate make known outline unfold note paint ingeminate expound echo articulate speak enunciate spout parrot declaim orate reprise document soliloquize tabulate voice rehash picture inventory spin identify summarize talk vocalize broadcast spill summarise perform pass lay out assert run down indicate go over again play back record put forward vocalise bring out do speak about repeat from memory register redo show reproduce uncover ditto exhibit imitate resay frame instance copy track offer specialise represent share propound specialize submit propose circumstantiate affirm individualise individualize pronounce expose emphasize intone emphasise aver confess clue in set down air asseverate do again break a story give out vent promulgate sound elucidate go through again run through again word phrase denote come again put into words sound out be specific about maintain testify enounce spiel throw out come out with give voice to trace follow monitor log graph number count put tell about sum figure sling transmit unload enter tally check off formulate belabour run off count noses keep tabs posit ventilate publish raise preach spin a yarn shoot the breeze give the word spill the beans couch take account of tell the story of render chant get off your chest let your hair down give rundown chime in avow interpret pitch give blow-by-blow lay it on the line give an account run by again illustrate double-check recheck belabor rewarn bespout say aloud intonate cantillate daven evoke spiel off list rapidly loose off fire off harp on dwell on do over mimic parody reaffirm discuss tell of advance conjure up mirror ape recall hammer away at go over and over paint in words comment on give details of give a description of say parrot-fashion read aloud do your party piece give a rundown of elaborate pass on provide details of give the facts on put in words testify to give details on inform of advise of account for paint a word picture of resemble second redouble reecho stipulate define designate lay down epitomize embellish spread duplicate re-echo analyse epitomise analyze notify produce individuate replicate renew draw up point out rerun reissue replay report on reduplicate recrudesce reconstruct remake rework recast reshow characterize reoccur reform recur refashion quote chapter and verse exclaim descant expatiate discourse get down to brass tacks charge enlighten apprise unmask unbosom advise brief familiarize inform uncloak acquaint bare unveil claim profess characterise revert to opine allege press intimate attest remark sweat details signify display fly speck run over read back return to address mutter publicize contend vouch protest blurt plead chatter cry predicate shout avouch admit argue mouth advertise mumble purport advertize level sketch gossip familiarise verse clear weave voice-over sketch out give utterance to put forth chirp clarify signal perorate make public swear modulate yammer talk about pipe read blab give away whisper get across drawl jaw yak lip gab get off gas make clear publicise stress murmur suggest evince pop off translate pipe up with put across play over show again hold forth sing same old song catch up fill in tell a story give a report of leave word call upon open up let slip lay open tell on keep posted put before give facts wise up break the news let in on let on about spit it out give evidence of be evidence of leak betray instruct let out discover blurt out warn circulate let on release disseminate let know hip tip off post lay bare make aware acknowledge put in the picture bring into the open alert go public with bring to light put wise forewarn clue let the cat out of the bag update prime squeal herald let drop tip hint break trumpet blazon spill the beans about tattle come clean babble cough vouchsafe blow the lid off out educate give the game away fill in on own let the cat out of the bag about demonstrate bespeak moot give notice blow the gaff spill your guts about give expression to edify give the lowdown teach own up manifest confide caution explicate remind clothe blare concede annunciate sing come out clue up illuminate snitch flash insinuate blow wide open come out of the closet squeal about bring out into the open tell all imply come clean about make aware of give vent to clue in on gen up on run by make familiar with acquaint with speak out keep up to speed with put in the picture about counsel coach train make conversant prepare announce to provide details spring blaze placard prompt drill direct guide put out send word to broach dictate put over decipher get over wake allow bring up-to-date connote grant demystify keep up to date go public on pour out take the lid off dish the dirt give information about tell all about put someone on notice unravel give the low-down simplify clear up untangle clue up about fess up speak up unriddle cough up spill your guts shout from the rooftops make plain break down bring forward go into detail blow the gaff on put on guard propagate ground issue impart to explain to unburden school communicate to breathe make familiar trade resolve let fall disburden habituate accustom to table reply insist hand on ejaculate give details leak to carry give the facts spell unearth instruct in teach in educate in crack level with tweet import drop hold bruit report to debate initiate into school in indoctrinate in send word bear apprise of squeak preconize allude to burst out with dish grass fill someone in make known to get up to date exchange information comment give information to spill all confide in construe fink take the wraps off show up initiate warrant blow the whistle on noise abroad confirm advocate diagram gen up alarm give the gen about get together give the low-down on stand for put on to asservate blazon abroad flag reveal all reassert allegate sound off add up to give warning open your heart spread around read out sound the alarm give fair warning to give a warning to raise the alarm lay it out talk of decode point to let cat out of the bag reveal information rat on divulge information tip the wink tip one's hand go into make out make a clean breast of give the details of split on tell the facts reveal to give testimony put in plain English disclose to bear witness compare notes let into give it up make obvious give forth swap opinions grass on give the high sign tell tales throw light on flesh out give the gen trust entrust relate to fill-in unfurl overshare open make knowledgeable blow write send give up slip cover phonate feed make trickle transpire nail debunk undress conduct transfer transfuse ring up get through proliferate diffuse chin go apprive count down reason run with buzz venture look wire cable adumbrate certify open up on declare one's preferences unclothe promote distribute inflect let it all hang out write up get out mean give words to yell roar break the news to shop have your say unburden oneself intend reference give the latest keep informed put up argument infer give the show away get one's tongue round bring word communicate information bring word on return serve vow guarantee move witness propagandize hazard unload on spill to crack to give the skinny on give information breathe a word of give utterance give expression attest to bring to public attention bring to public notice smoke out depose speak coherently speak clearly unbosom oneself out with it run past orient give a report give verbal account rap converse rat hand down bring in volunteer prep validate bring up to date continue arouse give account moan groan emit break silence chat open your mouth agree turn in inform on wise to split stool bring out into open put cards on table get out of your system lay it on share a confidence bend an ear lay the gaff disperse propagandise update on notify of give intelligence betoken put about put on the alert give fair warning groom annotate wave flag shed light disentangle defog paint a picture unscramble make intelligible express in words draw attention to spell it out set the scene put in plain words put on the qui vive give an explanation of justify erupt flow bring up to speed give details to tutor accede accept update about declare to introduce matter recognize give instructions show the lay of the land bring up to date on give the rundown on give the gen on give a rundown discipline throw light upon draw a map of explain in simple terms keep up to date with put on the line explain the situation to explain the circumstances to bandy about bruit about spread about bruit abroad realize assent adduce notice advert enlighten as to offer information put wise about give the rundown expose information evidence mark appreciate issue a statement about call blast give notice of drum yield cop to acquiesce make a clean breast realise go into details recognise 'fess up concur own up to open eyes describe the state of affairs to make reference to symbolize bring to notice lesson indoctrinate upskill to make clear hold up to view crack wide open bring into view add persist advert to touch upon touch on let anyone know of remark on refer to portend jabber tout say further continue to speak state further go on keep going wink be symptomatic of be a sign of amount to be an indication of be a symptom of symbolise sign flag up prime on ground in emerge spout out spew out gush out come spurt out accustom style pass the word pilot inculcate engineer brainwash lecture give lessons to steer lead wise term run off at mouth spread rumors talk out of turn brief as to intro carry on season appraise nudge supply with facts disillusion disabuse din something into drum into break it to give lessons break in give lessons in put someone through their paces habituate to train in coach in inure go on to say gush sneak on communicate knowledge grass up settle knock down fix up show the ropes give two cents give someone to understand make conversant with give a tip give a pointer give the low-down to naturalize condition adapt case prime in popularise adjust popularize use mix introduce to wont naturalise explicitize keep in the loop prod clue up on put wise to familiar with skilled in conversant with knowledgeable about instructed in proficient in informed about acquainted with correct disenchant highlight explicitise utter suddenly run off at the mouth come forth get lowdown on get lay of land bring into common use awaken to bring into use get to know check out get in let down hair get to know about come to know break the ice become aware of become adept in get with it gain friendship let next to make used to hint to help someone remember signal to help you remember shed light on clear the air give someone a cue sort out draw a picture of straighten out clear the air about make simple jog your memory refresh memory get something straight cause someone to remember give a cue to make you remember make perfectly clear keep up to speed make cognizant keep abreast call out cry out well informed about abreast of apprised of at home with undeceive bewray be honest with plugged into well up on genned up on au fait with au courant with in touch with no stranger to in the know about up to date with switched on to clued in on clued up on go public blow the whistle


To acquire new information or skill
learn attain grasp master receive absorb acquire gain get imbibe assimilate comprehend digest pursue calculate note observe perceive take determine enrol enroll pick up read swot understand acquire a knowledge of acquire skill in apply oneself to apprentice become competent in become expert in become proficient in become skilled at con cram familiarize oneself with familiarize yourself with gain an understanding of gather get across get clued up about get the point of glean grind have lessons in hit the books know backwards know inside out mug up peruse prepare read up on work at become able become versed be taught be trained brush up on burn midnight oil check crack the books drink in get down pat get the hang of get the knack of improve mind major in minor in pore over soak up specialize in take course take in train in wade through watch larn discern apprehend register cognize realize decipher savvy see compass realise appreciate recognize sense know intuit seize study twig recognise take up follow make out conceive catch on to catch decode dig cotton on to cotton to work out tumble to establish fathom develop form process become proficient at integrate get to grips with cultivate figure out latch onto divine get into make sense of absorb mentally take on board suss out ascertain foster excel in learn the ropes get down cold identify deduce interpret suss behold unravel achieve crack find out bone up have knowledge of discover make of take on get the message piece together puzzle out get one's head around get the drift of soak in gain mastery of absorb knowledge acquire knowledge specialise in concentrate on focus on incorporate grok ingest make do chalk up qualify be informed of train work practice practise become familiar with become versed in take instruction be into work in develop oneself in dedicate oneself to accept come by manage gain knowledge remember try to develop try to acquire learn thoroughly gain mastery in get the idea of distinguish bury oneself in get the point get the idea tap into cotton on get the picture catch on get it infer ken take meaning translate get off by heart latch on to get to the bottom of pierce pick up what someone is putting down be aware of see daylight get the drift make sense see the light about envisage latch on conceive of wrap one's mind around make head or tail of see into keep up with get your head round get a grip be aware be familiar with be au fait with get to know be with it get into your stride acquire the skill of get going acquire the technique of learn the art of get up to speed devise evolve contrive adopt assume embrace breed reach take to nurture engage in undertake sustain measure evaluate lucubrate revise concoct materialize confirm appraise gauge assess memorize materialise rate gage verify quantify memorise swot up apply oneself study intensely gen up study intensively read up go over heavy booking plug away burn the midnight oil compute count estimate size up calibrate check up on detect


To go back over something, usually in an attempt of rediscovery


To discuss
talk over debate discuss dispute argue canvas canvass moot agitate bandy deliberate negotiate hash out hash over go into bat around bat back and forth thrash out talk about kick around address talk through exchange views on kick about exchange views toss around ventilate converse about confer about put your heads together about deliberate about chew over exchange views about bat about reason about argue about bandy around bandy about confab talk confer parley converse confabulate powwow fight wrangle palaver counsel bicker controvert have at it chew the fat have discussions consult lock horns bandy words bump heads cross swords hammer out throw around exchange explore go over question clarify remonstrate say air consider campaign touch on bring up comment on push crusade weigh up consider the pros and cons of struggle protest battle strive advise quarrel communicate put heads together collogue toss ideas around brainstorm take a meeting groupthink have a confab kick ideas around pick someone's brains talk turkey huddle talk to have a talk talk things over commune parlay pick one's brains compare notes press drive demonstrate clash squabble disagree feud pick a bone have a spat argufy have an argument jar jump on one's case have words raise a fuss brawl cry out scrap hassle be at sixes and sevens spat fall out have a tiff altercate brabble spar go at it hammer and tongs have an altercation stir up opinion advocate quibble tiff have a disagreement row contend discept fight like cat and dog take on weigh up the pros and cons of reason talk game speak chat wrangle over be at odds differ have a row be at loggerheads chop logic fail to agree have a fight be at variance war mix it up contest challenge set to oppose dissent skirmish have a misunderstanding threap cavil fence wage war conflict talk back caterwaul tangle disaccord carp scuffle shift pretend waffle avoid flip-flop chicane evade argy-bargy have it out be in dispute butt heads take issue come to blows nit-pick hypercriticize paralogize argue over hem and haw catch at straws put up an argument blow hot and cold make a big thing about gainsay contradict pettifog duel object to compete vie collide protest against grapple joust do battle face combat have a barney confront discord tussle object encounter take exception face off lay into wrestle engage not see eye to eye be at each other's throats equivocate nitpick niggle prevaricate criticize split hairs pick to pieces bandy words with somebody criticise light into kick up a row raise Cain get into conflict dig scrape claim maintain trade zingers nastily argue pick at vary charge complain divide bump disapprove embroil get into a dispute have a difference of opinion cause a scene have shouting match nonconcur be in contention demur find fault break with fratch start fighting jaw scold berate ream tilt get tough with take up arms go at it be in opposition take exception to call into question differ from diverge from dissent from tourney raise your fists be at daggers with be at daggers drawn sass rehash make a case zap haggle palter differ in opinion trade blows be of a different opinion be incompatible have a different opinion break a lance be divided bang heads enter the lists hammer away face down verbally fight knock around tongue-lash close with come to blows with do battle with exchange blows with engage with tussle with battle with go to war struggle with scrap with clash with bawl out call on the carpet stick it to pick an argument sock it to attack go for each other exchange blows ply weapons come to grips bear arms assault duke it out box get in one's face go one on one put up a struggle have at each other put up a fight jump on each other mess jump on let someone have it rip into each other take issue with contradict each other go for the jugular be pedantic mess with square up come into conflict come up against become involved have a dispute race emulate rival jostle tug meet join battle run oppugn litigate cope withstand stand resist put up with scramble for go for jugular put yourself forward have at go for tangle with shoot for give your all shoot at make play for push for go for broke go after go for it jockey for position give all one's got knock oneself out go head to head mix it up with deal with nominate yourself


To fix, correct, revise or improve
correct rectify remedy amend emend right cure improve redress ameliorate better reform alter edit put right repair revise set right square adjust debug redraft rescript reword rework rewrite make good regulate sort out change clean up doctor help mend modify polish reclaim reconstruct remodel reorganise reorganize retouch scrub upgrade clear up deal with iron out patch up red-pencil do over fiddle with fix up go over make over make right pay dues pick up set straight shape up straighten out touch up turn around clean up your act get with it put in order set the record straight revamp mold redesign modulate adapt refashion temper tweak retool moderate renovate regenerate restyle morph redo remake remould rejig tamper remold replace rehash make innovations emendate reconstitute translate become different rearrange reorientate arrange order revolutionize refine reshape diversify reconcile reshuffle recast permute commute freshen up make adjustments to warp remix make alterations to reorient affect tailor rejigger reorder reconfigure tune readjust revolutionise make different alternate shuffle tamper with mould fashion fix restore put to rights resolve enhance settle update rephrase make better overhaul recalibrate perfect recondition retrieve make up for renew solve set to rights copy-edit meliorate proofread refurbish vary heal enrich rehabilitate rebuild raise advance check elevate boost develop redraw convert rebrand transform check over lift customize hone fine-tune customise make amends for harmonize launder blue-pencil harmonise brush up modernize redeem finish recompense smarten up patch progress transmute dial back check through modernise straighten up transfigure permutate remediate expiate increase tidy up atone for make up redact mitigate clarify refresh censor augment do up analyze cut turn the corner analyse tighten balance service change for the better rejuvenate counteract benefit uplift amplify redevelop compose promote tidy straighten compensate set up look over reinforce neaten ease sort revitalize revivify mutate resurrect see to atone rehab appease strengthen requite evolve bring up to code reenforce mark up refit compensate for transmogrify shift revitalise retread face-lift spruce up smarten make level turn make improvements to make reparation for make tidy make recompense for switch over make amends fortify tune up beef up make restitution for do penance shift gears make good for make redress for subedit rise heighten expurgate bowdlerize remap qualify bowdlerise sharpen cultivate purify recuperate spell-check conciliate make perfect make strides perk up take off turn things around avenge compare scrutinise scan scrutinize reexamine reward become aid copyedit optimise optimize go through bone up go straight do justice make changes to fine tune phony up correct mid-course attend to become better step up restitute build on put on the right track bring around square up take care of facilitate bolster remaster transcend excel work on improve on alleviate diagnose untangle troubleshoot delouse unscramble unravel revive maintain appreciate further fettle redecorate end save fine reanimate vitalize stimulate sustain metamorphose remove eliminate offset look through remove errors from assuage forward get something working groom streamline doctor up re-create put back together restore to working order forgive absolve excuse purge beautify make as good as new remove errors contemporize bracket hyphenate proof posh up make smarter tart up doll up make neater spruce jazz up brighten up gussy up pay pay for pull your socks up get your act together mellow turn over a new leaf get it together rationalize innovate re-equip work the bugs out of transubstantiate shape diverge transpose alchemize do away with get to the bottom of be the answer to put an end to be the solution to rationalise metamorphosize bring up to date answer square things do penance for turn the tables denature stir up change completely sing different tune switch interchange turn over new leaf cook transfer turn upside down propitiate get the latest version of bring into the twenty-first century condense make redress make restitution pay the price say sorry make reparation make recompense redeem oneself take one's medicine apologise apologize pay the penalty absolve yourself uncurl punctuate assemble restructure unkink align annotate shorten abridge uncoil unbend approve equalize prepare trim draft splice publish assign draught report delete compile discard style excise feature butcher massage prescribe set make straight regularize make plumb put vertical even level smooth down put straight organise put perpendicular flatten untwist put upright organize unfold strike out boil down fly speck write over countercheck regularise equalise prepare for publication balance out even out level out even up restore the balance

反义词 simple review

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