同义词 simple sense


A sane and realistic attitude to situations and problems
reason intelligence wisdom brains discernment sharpness smarts understanding cleverness common sense gumption nous sagacity wit perception logic practicality astuteness discretion discrimination insight judgement judgment level-headedness sanity shrewdness wits knowledge prudence intellect intuition reasoning savvy sensibleness tact brain brainpower discreetness intellection intellectuality levelheadedness mind ratiocination thought clear-headedness common good sense gray matter loaf horse sense mother wit native wit soundness of judgement acumen perspicacity judiciousness comprehension rationality penetration canniness acuity perceptiveness awareness sapience mentality percipience keenness ingenuity soundness sageness acuteness policy lucidity perceptivity sharp-wittedness grasp know-how sound judgment good judgment perspicuity brilliance intuitiveness marbles powers of reasoning erudition headpiece sagaciousness saneness subtlety vision head experience perspicaciousness coherence cognition apprehension brightness genius lucidness enlightenment presence of mind smartness foresight knowingness grey matter reasonableness arguteness sound mind thoughtfulness circumspection sensitivity braininess clear-sightedness ability caution consideration faculty aptitude quickness IQ providence daylights forethought capacity mental capacity commonsense good judgement quick-wittedness pragmatism farsightedness clear mind soundness of mind heedfulness savoir faire taste cunning profundity watchfulness rationalness resourcefulness balance logical thought clear thinking appreciation care flair precocity wariness instinct cognizance incisiveness intellectual capacity tactfulness refinement vigilance sophistication rationale foxiness alertness caginess imagination cageyness capability stability learning good reasoning senses cognitive faculties powers of discernment expertise feeling enterprise advisability initiative creativity what it takes consciousness diplomacy nose brain cells healthy mind skill right mind hardheadedness separation distinction poise scientific thinking prescience deduction competence clearness profoundness mental ability gut reaction normality sound judgement soberness precaution finesse cogency talent carefulness native intelligence astucity faculties brainbox selectivity adroitness education maturity kop knack ingeniousness inclination grip proficiency mastery I.Q. receptiveness sensation ken upper storey sixth sense mental health sensibility susceptibility proclivity good taste intellectual power mental acuity realism preference differentiation difference decision bias spirit nerve psyche cerebrum sensitiveness moderation inference connection cool relationship composure selectiveness logicality linkage thesis induction dialectic syllogism philosophy syllogistics delicacy foresightedness accomplishment worldliness deliberation urge the right stuff precociousness gift responsiveness esprit provision intellectual capabilities learnedness familiarity divination heed observation forehandedness cultivation apperception knowledgeability dexterity calculation tendency adeptness conception depth impulse precision artistry predisposition mental faculties acquaintance knowing artfulness function connoisseurship sentiment aptness right-mindedness second sight schooling mental agility brain power tuition ability to reason train of thought course of thought antithesis and synthesis quickness of mind balance of mind weightiness weight practicability propriety matter-of-factness argumentation nervousness sympathy reactiveness impressionability affectibility reactivity plain sense practical intelligence expedience sense one was born with logicalness get-up-and-go imaginativeness deepness responsibleness inventiveness pundit cerebration egghead chariness expediency sound reasoning forcefulness backbone reasonability pate noggin noodle bean pansophy clarity desirability deep insight courage mettle pluck oomph grit spunk guardedness exercising judgment choosiness fussiness advisableness native ability breadth of view fastidiousness demarcation discreteness soundness of judgment sense of taste desirableness intelligence quotient analysis ego subconscious good management industry mental age skills scholarship conversance instruction culturedness aestheticism culture rigor strictness rigour focus upper story nimbleness responsibility warning solicitude concern considerateness attention instinctiveness powers of thought sentience trenchancy cop on sound sense sweet reason giftedness worldly wisdom kid gloves intimacy acquaintanceship aplomb equanimity self-possession powers of comprehension sense of responsibility accuracy helpfulness openness calmness self-assurance countenance assurance collectedness sangfroid self-control imperturbability insightfulness bookishness suss deftness artifice knowledgeableness skillfulness masterfulness art craft receptivity planning anticipation bent facility readiness premeditation relevance link realization prevision unflappability propensity power potential assimilation decipherment command vibes wholesomeness quick wits syllogistic reasoning good reason urbanity grace style manners elegance confidence forward planning visualisation realisation expertness drive need compulsion chain of thought formal system capableness endowment prowess wherewithal potentiality competency suitability quick wit finer feeling deep feeling emotional response take insight into turn fitness means proficiency in visualization hold familiarity with grapple absorption expertise in digestion skill in firm grasp uptake acquaintance with natural inclination natural ability property forte predilection leaning quality right stuff strength knowing way around penchant physical ability clairvoyance savoir-faire social graces inspiration hunch reflex gut feeling funny feeling disposition inborn tendency natural tendency constitution nature character makeup idea natural feeling inherent tendency inner prompting foreknowledge flash surmise guile ESP social know-how innate knowledge extrasensory perception


A specific meaning
import meaning significance definition denotation drift purport signification implication gist intention message nuance substance burden connotation interpretation thrust content essence intent tenor core significancy spirit theme acceptation end heart idea intendment matter meat nitty-gritty nub view viewpoint bottom line punch line meat and potatoes nuts and bolts name of the game nature of the beast point pith stuff subject upshot bearing thesis subject matter purpose understanding direction effect marrow intimation vein value suggestion tendency force relevance text context crux topic kernel importance motif body consequence mood allusion flavour flavor thread character explanation argument strain aim nucleus quintessence keynote nature of beast root score soul sum centerpiece nature net moral pivot short nubbin worth heart of the matter bull's-eye sum and substance centrepiece use validity lesson trend course symbolization focus result motive precept summary inference designation tone basis question design essentials kicker subtext main idea explicit meaning brass tacks implications ideas reason rationale usefulness indication account object scope thought digest accepted meaning way specification impact influence path basics fundamentals undertone resolution inclination run evolution undercurrent insinuation essential point main point central point proposition general meaning general intention efficacy plot circumstance salient point case focal point reference overtone the long and short concise summary statement opinion subcurrent treatise dissertation discourse exposition line of reasoning most important fact scenario storyline course of thought hidden meaning evidence action sequence secondary meaning conclusion outcome full effect full value amount whole effect moment meaningfulness adage teaching maxim quiddity material being essentiality power soundness payoff train of thought story line gravamen staple foundation clout concreteness sermon truism moralism saying prominence magnitude guts temper issue impression dictum rule apophthegm proverb motto aphorism epigram saw ABCs sum total feeling atmosphere anecdote gnome axiom long and short main theme central idea central theme important point takeaway general picture ethos quality humour morale cheer feather humor climate feel mode vibe attitude standard principle ambience belief disposition lifeblood ethic sound bite fundamental nature timbre prevailing tendency dominating characteristic motivating force state of mind frame of mind animating principle centre center cornerstone hub base essential part concern bottom keystone quick bedrock linchpin proposal affair business problem fundamental point target principal object field of inquiry matter at hand area under discussion reality fiber underpinning groundwork backbone fibre fundamental lynchpin basic virtuality crown discussion seat theorem aspect concept item outline mass field of reference bulk majority advantage generality mainspring highlight preponderance grain premise life thing infrastructure locus axis embodiment nexus constitution middle most important point motion part title study centre of attention esse polestar bosom central part crucial point form entity field intrinsic nature center of attention lion's share main part best part area better part chief part fundamental principle matter in hand principal element coal and ice point at issue point in question chief ingredient cream meat-and-potatoes piece bit atom morsel kingpin quintessential hinge inwardness zest hint omphalos butt quintain synopsis precis abstract distillation footing heart and soul line epicenter spotlight ultimate extract decisive point principal constituent main ingredient warp grounding ground anchor style flagship dead center home run direct hit raison d'être the long and the short of it climax ABC hole in one stress through-line chapter class vital part bull's eye forefront showpiece attraction emphasis division contention basic idea epicentre determination warp and woof defining characteristic ball game essential element essential feature policy line most air note occasion head talking point situation leitmotif ropes key feature basic principles first principle guiding principle pride and joy details main ingredients moot point main feature high point main event high spot jewel in the crown main manner consideration detail information article matter in question blurb report matter of contention piece of information state rallying point story news bone of contention portion feature particular hot spot gut belly inside motivation heartstrings bones weight structure element actuality approach end result end product indispensable content whole story key point last word final decision main thing sine qua non total whole brunt what it's all about frame fashion complexion objective caliber property calibre essentia attribute timber germ biggest slice of the cake largest portion biggest share vast majority largest part the facts inner space cold fact chief thing essential details important matter hard fact basic quality personality colors clay current ambiance genius crux of the matter initiative the name of the game ground zero fundamental quality basic characteristic mainstay manifestation habit colours condition self chief constituent name of game utility substructure chief heft be-all and end-all project overview mark animating spirit representation personification vital spirit symbol strength life force realization moving force realisation incarnation moving spirit élan vital exemplification solution end in view big picture major part principal part snapshot sketch greater part


A reasonable or comprehensible rationale
point reason benefit logic purpose use value advantage aim good motive object upshot utility worth good judgment meaning objective goal intention design end idea plan intent pattern rhyme or reason function principle occupation concern action affair wont basis relevance mission task consideration job role destination expectation capacity responsibility scope avail charge business way application raison d'être duty operation ideal ambition pretension aspiration appeal target attraction dream charm validness cogency bourn impact fascination usefulness interest bourne validity thing mark central theme name of the game nuts and bolts hope desire wish motivation holy grail focus Holy Grail grail scheme justification direction why and wherefore resolve grounds end in view desired result cause case object of the exercise argument whole idea subject rationality significance occasion project impetus course rationale view determination evidence ulterior motive premise wherefore vision pretext desideratum resolution butt explanation authority why excuse account underpinning accounting rationalization rationalisation bullseye drift end purpose gist initiative essence the why and wherefore outline reasoning spot overview summary big picture solution where one's heading bull's eye prospect bull's-eye end goal program system programme strategy where one is heading factor foundation proposal premeditation snapshot sketch mind nirvana plot terminus game plan master plan road map ground plan sake footing prize big idea whyfor pie in the sky castles in the air bucket list object of desire thinking backup proof recipient victim remonstrance receiver ground zero zero scapegoat incentive defence defense apology ground inducement warrant vindication apologia antecedent causation causality exposition instigation story source genesis origin driver inspiration causal agent driving force whys and wherefores principal element chief ingredient


A keen intuitive awareness of or sensitivity to the presence or importance of something
appreciation consciousness perception apprehension awareness conception familiarity grasp knowledge mindfulness acquaintance assimilation attention attentiveness cognition comprehension discernment heedfulness insight understanding acknowledgment acknowledgement cognisance cognizance enlightenment ability capacity acquaintance with familiarity with insight into sensitivity to impression judgment judgement idea notion recognition view interpretation realization grip assessment estimation concept viewpoint percipience realisation apperception take thought picture reading intuition hold ken opinion attitude observation feeling belief persuasion supposition position conviction conjecture conceit analysis construal explanation perceptiveness vision light conclusion perceptivity inference apprehending realizing consideration inkling slant presumption assumption intellection theory suspicion perspective realising hunch meaning construction thinking feel appraisal sentiment point of view clarification way of thinking sight acumen image definition signification regard determination reasoning sensibility fancy sensation observance wariness knowingness prognosis evaluation translation mind stand stance version hypothesis standpoint contention taste postulation deduction command presupposition understanding of grasp of comprehension of sneaking suspicion awareness of cognizance of knowledge of expectation verdict guess surmise estimate eye funny feeling notice wit sensitivity sympathy respect handle mastery valuation wisdom esteem alertness penetration treatment construing account decipherment scope horizon reach range rating gauging responsiveness sensitiveness perspicacity sapience sageness sagaciousness erudition gaging overview intelligence connotation aha prehension greater understanding comprehensive understanding better understanding enhanced understanding improved understanding superior understanding purview thesis explication aesthetic sense acquaintanceship characterization examination inspection imagination ability to understand finding knowledgeableness fluency double take slow take theorem mindset rendition resolution acceptance divination profession avowal axiom acquaintanceship with know-how conversancy with conversance with identification principle recollection personal feeling prediction range of view reaction information elucidation exposition heed vigilance assent admission sentience cogitation abstraction trust ideology apprehension of spin illustration illumination rendering exegesis command of realization of perception of conception of acuity forecast indulgence calculation projection surmising acceptation faith mastery of ken of exposé gut feeling mind's eye sixth sense study experience


A given aspect, feature, or detail
respect aspect facet way angle regard perspective standpoint characteristic feature manner direction level viewpoint view detail position prospect side trait attribute particular point point of view quality slant factor part property question character component connection matter dimension strand phase ingredient hand switch twist portion section bit constituent element piece face issue appearance front obverse item consideration thing fact circumstance specific topic subject particularity opinion outlook member fundamental idea concern unit theme posture argument basis datum nicety interpretation attitude belief judgment judgement thought material building block determinant way of thinking piece of information stance specification persuasion principle conception impression case assessment concept stand notion estimation sentiment essence conviction mind line take particle root stem basic nitty-gritty article specialty integral part part and parcel speciality school of thought two cents' worth influence understanding approach fine point cause technicality essential condition affair scope information proposition field thinking estimate reflection subcomponent determination call integrant thoughts dope hint drop subdivision trace shoes score picture business minutia instance feeling subject matter account appraisal contributing factor determining factor proposal light representation vantage point frame of reference area story thesis brass tacks eye view chapter and verse nuts and bolts measure reference wing bearing parameter relation criterion constraint rudiment strain trope foundation statement integrand flank info data reason module domain variable pointer deets circumstantial dynamic profile cross section evidence development instrument instrumentality variable quantity itemized information line of reasoning gen low-down means policy feelings ideas sentiments sector sphere minutiae eye point of observation ground from the perspective of long view antecedent discipline perception extent situation exigency apprehension grasp insight assimilation cue lowdown scoop rundown scenario analysis awareness vision discernment comprehension clue gospel matter at hand problem report motif branch what's what bottom line facts of life ABC's whole story elucidation reading construal deduction discussion state news substance gist form focus point in question blurb principal object entity body side view version observation contemplation declaration say look translation riff variation grip glimpse makings input comment will making resolution evaluation inclination vent wish conclusion vote conjecture contention verdict theory desire speculation supposition option hypothesis personal approach assumption preference reaction decision surmise suspicion fancy suffrage integral additive contents fixing innards way of looking at something theorem participation choice voice diagnosis count accessory component part considered opinion right of speech vox populi say-so right of free speech circumstantiality schedule peculiarity fraction singularity structure ABCs minor point meat and potatoes data point beliefs


A feeling that something, often of an undesirable nature, is about to happen


Concepts or notions
ideas conception concepts notions conceptualizations angles beliefs cogitation consideration discernment hypotheses interpretation perception presumptions sentiment supposition thought views abstraction postulation premises suggestion theses inference intellection messages pictures theory mind's eyes themes knowledge mindset philosophy accepted wisdom conceptualisations concept notion conceptualization view angle belief hypothesis presumption premise thesis message picture mental picture theme mind's eye fool notion idea conceptualisation images impressions understanding opinions models fancies vision constructs thinking conviction apprehensions inklings plans deliberation visualisation visualization dreams excogitation conclusions appreciation vagaries hunches suspicions estimations preconceptions inspiration caprices conceit musings imagination intention generalization stereotype contemplation generalisation clues apperception fantasy reflection prospects representation design imaginings cognition generality mindsets phantasms paradigms schemes proposition slants brain waves wrinkles awareness twists brainchildren approaches examinations conjecture observation ponderings reveries assumptions presentiments judgments persuasion presupposition judgements rationality assessments ruminations reasonings concern motivations inclination contrivances regard things worry aspiration rationalization rationalisation expectation intent objectives sneaking suspicions minds feelings illusion intimations version philosophizings considerings fancyings realisation meditation exposition speculation comprehensions realization


A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behavior
philosophy ideology doctrine wisdom belief principle value conviction credo knowledge outlook reasoning teaching thinking understanding creed custom dogma scholarship science tenet viewpoint argument attitude axiom culture ethic faith idea logic rationale rationality system theory thought tradition view argumentation gospel line lore notion saying truth conception idealogy legend superstition testament dialectics aesthetics esthetics folklore legendry myth mythology beliefs ethics ideas notions principles sayings teachings truths values attitude to life school of thought world view basic idea formal system way of life chain of thought folk-wisdom logical thought Weltanschauung oral tradition traditional wisdom line of reasoning chain of reasoning how-to know-how process of reasoning reason grounds explanation basis case rationalization rationalisation why and wherefore thesis motive whys and wherefores ratiocination justification excuse underpinning hypothesis vindication syllogism story motivation analysis account premise deduction interpretation cause cerebration intellection proof supposition cogitation proposition foundation validation calculation mentation accounting reckoning line of thought train of thought rationalising syllogization logical basis raison d'être rationalizing thought process wherefore whyfor whatfor sour grapes the big idea the whole idea song and dance reasons why causal agent meaning answer extenuation mitigation defence defense apologia alibi the why and wherefore confession connection good sense


Respect and honor
good dignity esteem ethicalness goodness honesty honor honour integrity principle regard respect reverence truth veneration blamelessness fairness incorruptibility irreproachableness justice justness lack of corruption propriety pureness purity rightness truthfulness upstandingness virtuousness worthiness morality righteousness rectitude virtue uprightness probity decency character honourableness worth merit excellence equity legality lawfulness respectability nobility honourability equitableness impartiality trustworthiness nobleness meritoriousness value ethicality quality nobility of spirit nobility of soul right ideal reason emancipation correctness enfranchisement properness fair shake accuracy class straight prerogative ethics charity kindness principles love faithfulness fortitude ethic faith high-mindedness high principles superiority beneficence benefit obligingness grace advantage kindheartedness mercy good will scrupulousness right-mindedness verity morals veracity saintliness sincerity reputability soundness rightfulness reliability godliness good character legitimacy fidelity conscientiousness candour moral virtue dependability trustiness noble-mindedness straightforwardness fair play incorruption candor honorableness frankness openness reasonableness innocence irreproachability guiltlessness sinlessness erectness verticality perpendicularity what is right forthrightness honestness sportsmanship piousness piety credibility actuality chastity moral correctness reputation loyalty straightness moral fiber moral fibre moral strength good behaviour chasteness self-respect responsibility authenticity impeccability confidence evenhandedness philosophy manners gentleness scruples conduct will power staying power good name firmness of purpose good habits moral philosophy strength of mind validity permissibility admissibleness licitness legitimateness constitutionality admissibility defendability authority accordance with the law


A brief summary of something presented


An erroneous belief, idea, or conception
illusion delusion misconception fallacy misapprehension deception dream falsehood fancy fantasy error falsity conceit misbelief myth artifice figment phantasm phantasy unreality untruth chimaera chimera confusion daydream fantasm invention misimpression misjudgement misjudgment nonentity bubble feeling hallucination idea image mockery rainbow seeming sensation trip vision false impression false belief self-deception make-believe mistaken impression pipe dream fool's paradise castles in Spain castles in the air head trip ignis fatuus mirage castle in the air figment of the imagination imagination reverie pie in the sky mistake misinterpretation fiction misconstruction apparition dreaming notion misunderstanding fabrication miscalculation wraith castle in Spain nightmare phantom aberration flight of fancy mistaken belief misreading daydreaming wishful thinking impression mix-up false hope fairy tale thought visualization mental picture wrong idea vagary phantasmagoria air castle wish imagining visualisation pretence romancing false notion misconstruing incomprehension misknowledge pretense castle in the sky conception spectre unrealizable dream heresy specter trance optical illusion musing speculation phantasmagory aspiration mental image empty wish eggs in moonshine misconstrual conceptualization creation desire whim wool-gathering whimsy hope airy hope lie story nonsense golden dream unreal hope conceptualisation superstition unrealistic hope fanciful notion self-delusion conceiving smoke and mirrors flight of imagination mind trip confounding misreckoning fond hope images incubus unorthodoxy production old wivesʼ tale fable phantasma empty promise Xanadu jam tomorrow concoction wrong belief delirium improvisation oversight lapse snare mistaken idea end of the rainbow ambition plan aim vanity monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp bogy pink elephants fantastic notion false interpretation fault picture perception unreasonable expectation foolish expectation irrational expectation unrealistic expectation cognition virtual reality fata morgana wrong end of the stick apprehension semblance transient phenomenon short-lived phenomenon credulity magic sorcery mental vision mental visualization play-acting charade pretending fantasizing daydreams hunch suspicion belief supposition out-of-body experience sequence of images witchcraft inattentiveness inattention concept caprice inkling absent-mindedness absorption self-absorption obliviousness preoccupation engrossment brooding abstraction romance illusions fairy story plans hopes stardust utopia envisioning sweven prospect dwam brown study intimation understanding opinion kidology fib ideal muse relaxation avoidance entertainment escape distraction diversion imago ideality masquerade apologue fake news trumped-up story alternative fact fancying woolgathering contemplation stargazing mind escapism pipe dreams fantasising tall tale tall story power of invention absence of mind staring into space blonde moment disguise pretentiousness role-playing pageant playacting pretension sham game fakery dissimulation fictitious story folk ballad lack of application in a zone figment of imagination lack of concentration flights of fancy irrational belief unfounded belief sneaking suspicion cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination cock and bull story fallaciousness sophism falseness erroneousness equivocation casuistry sophistry speciousness deceit deceptiveness evasion inconsistency quibbling inexactness flaw faultiness ambiguity bias preconception subterfuge illogicality erratum perversion prejudice cavil invalidity solecism elusion quirk paradox deviation faulty reasoning unsound argument non sequitur


A good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing
strength advantage asset forte metier métier skill aptitude gift speciality talent specialty strong point virtue strong suit ability body burden capability connection core expertise gist in licence license long suit meat pith purport security succour succor tier wire intestinal fortitude upper hand capacity power bent competence faculty facility endowment knack proficiency aptness flair dexterity adroitness competency know-how adeptness caliber prowess calibre genius mastery virtuosity potential qualification skilfulness quality means potentiality technique potency artistry thing cleverness expertness fitness savvy excellence deftness nous what it takes command skillfulness accomplishment chops wherewithal distinction effectiveness capableness puissance bag touch right stuff value finesse head skills craft readiness merit force handiness stuff brilliance worth attribute stature intelligence ableness propensity efficiency skillset qualities nose claim to fame cup of tea form turn expertism art sharpness habilitation might artfulness masterfulness moxie the goods redeeming feature savoir faire character plus knowledge medium credit savviness department superiority eminence ingenuity niche panache grasp smarts polish inventiveness standard craftsmanship understanding promise makings grace inclination sleight instinct leaning pizzazz masterliness clout good point plus point pzazz essence gifts worthiness strengths constitution versatility savoir-faire special ability the right stuff resourcefulness green thumb pre-eminence abilities talents mental powers feature intellect characteristic powers quickness distinctive special talent address timing mind for experience brains special asset creativity class eminency adequacy energy resources grip pièce de résistance preparedness suitability light effectualness professionalism workmanship mind brain eligibility poise dodge mastership nimbleness line special subject natural ability mental ability knowing way around proclivity property penchant predilection function physical ability benefit personal talent natural gift up to it refinement goods agility style sophistication gracefulness elegance reach imagination usefulness artistic ability hard skill core competency good points likable trait redeeming quality originality superability inspiration excellency advantageousness efficaciousness meritoriousness efficacy creative power great ability cardinal virtue good quality parts attraction attainment acquirement beauty pro recommendation the formula set numen positive feature compensating feature attractive feature selling point ace in the hole ace up your sleeve cunning dexterousness artifice wizardry acumen authority giftedness method familiarity smartness trick fluency astuteness slickness qualifications specialization handiwork work wisdom execution disposition specialisation niftiness feel sagacity education ease erudition thoroughness comprehension practicality credentials greatness profession artisanship precision magic approach canniness finish ingeniousness performance secret background way IQ training coordination control gumption neatness feeling qualifiedness acquaintance effortlessness learning acquaintanceship schooling wit awareness delicacy braininess aplomb technical skill cultivation numeracy appreciation learnedness discernment numerical competence mathematical ability achievement game skillage manner dash éclat delivery shrewdness civility rectitude respectability judgement judgment nippiness musicianship docility ken knowing inside out probity steadiness trademark mojo tendency advance advancement oil headway progress formula accuracy daintiness proneness faculties facilities practice maturity dedication willingness polished skill reliability acuity light-footedness lightsomeness preciseness stylishness life skills practical knowledge swiftness litheness smoothness spryness legerdemain grounding competitiveness agency dynamism intuition precociousness precocity efficacity productiveness edge academic skill sleight of hand record attributes accomplishments cutting it hacking it bookishness suss knowledgeableness brightness productivity development stunt exploit feat hand-eye coordination competencies making the grade cutting the mustard design hang of something perspicacity employability deeds eye-hand coordination handicraft intuitiveness predisposition quick wit calculation esprit quick wits hang number device hang of it skillsets suitableness powerfulness organisation organization temperament curriculum vitae artwork innate knowledge perception perceptivity cognizance apprehension guile sixth sense fields of expertise intimacy enlightenment conversance edification cognition deviousness conception scholarship sapience concept clue knowingness capacities fortes competences wiliness craftiness slyness fluency in ability in subtleness foxiness cageyness caginess cunningness sneakiness complexity guilefulness subtlety job role trade field of expertise field expert knowledge specialized technique specialized skill specialism specialized knowledge responsibility post line of work undertaking occupation task position duty business vocation calling area career avocation employment livelihood concern engagement gig assignment


The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual or group
character nature personality constitution make-up temperament cast disposition individuality attributes complexion persona stamp essence ethos identity mentality psyche psychology spirit tone traits features make mold mould temper aura bent calibre characteristic air feel fingerprint grain hallmark particularity peculiarity qualities tenor aspect caliber colours colors distinctiveness essential quality makeup mettle properties shape uniqueness vein ambience appearance badge complex estimation feeling frame individualism kind mark mood mystique singularity speciality specialty streak style affection clay crasis humor humour key kidney marked traits selfhood set vibrations self-identity sum and substance turn of mind frame of mind quality property note attribute feature trait flavour flavor touch attribution point atmosphere marker diagnostic criterion differentia specific manner self distinction ambiance idiosyncrasy element way attitude impression virtue climate tendency vibe smell semblance look quirk mind habit soul genius odor odour facet suggestion outlook cast of mind trademark bearing aroma mode effect sign mannerism form halo sort selfdom side substance color colour inclination undertone overtone type oddity selfness condition description ipseity karma patina nimbus indication state of mind mien symbol heart strain image environment oneness custom meaning background significance originality guise fashion singleness eccentricity component timbre expression affectation quintessence value behavior emanation endowment gist tinge ilk subcurrent factor behaviour fiber detail fibre stature status earmark demeanor capacity variety circumstances vibes mindset standard demeanour feather savor savour way of thinking approach countenance position ego core being foible presence angle faculty face existence stripe separateness constituent token worth merit drift slant energy mind-set context integrity manifestation ambient theme identification undercurrent ability surroundings direction carriage point of view turn principle figure standing eminence intent emotions strand lineament intention echo stuff method ingredient force purport dimension structure outline thing design regard sure sign difference particular setting meat standpoint telltale sign burden purpose power penchant class hint part respect backdrop outward form dissimilarity rarity hand unlikeness capability talent differentness ethic emblem colouring mental attitude typical feature crux excellence coherence name exterior philosophy singularness independence seity kernel expertise superiority proficiency competence hue essentiality repute trend leaning nuance perspective attitudes proclivity comportment evidence cheer conduct practice nature of beast name of tune import quiddity stance deportment coloring ring glow nucleus sentiment strength qualification view message characteristics thinking distinctive quality lifeblood thread build etiquette moral fibre indicator symptom convention intellect front gifts strengths habilitation worthiness moral fiber nicety prevailing tendency trick pith pattern looks belief notability address thrust dominating characteristic tradition ritual motivating force animating principle rule bottom line headset pre-eminence policy procedure differential viewpoint twist usage level name of game praxis body fundamental nature consciousness outside consuetude outward aspect mind set light edge milieu scene facade reminiscence reverberation egoism selfishness façade seeming uncommonness tang wave dash trace vagary taste monosemy exclusivity scent influence conditions situation conformation lot subjectiveness internal current proof breed druthers morale grace charm reference mark star curiosity person's character parameter like tendencies abnormality clue predisposition distinctive feature essential predication perspicacity embodiment arrangement incarnation denominator birthmark thumbprint likeness reputation prestige highlight susceptibility unconventionality visage predilection management weight affirmation course bag ch'i chi ki item self-view self-conception prospect way of it path aim resonance inner nature individual trait perception reasoning article material status symbol handling technique imprint contortion question way of being thought idea real meaning true meaning true intention nature of the beast way someone's mind works posture matter personal trait connection way one is evolution run phase mug integrant gag gimmick course of thought outward presentation piece bit portion section subjectivity stand opinion basic characteristics habit of mind space garb dress rank classification grade measure benchmark morality inherent attributes inherent qualities inherent characteristics ethics conception concept pose screen asterisk mental processes issue switch obverse way of looking at it standards looks alone first impressions face value the exterior principles essential qualities inherent features basic attributes basic features essential attributes basic qualities essential features essential characteristics state place station wont morals thought processes self-image norms outer shell self-worth world view sense of self mental state mental outlook medicine behaviorism sensibility mental attitudes behaviourism psych therapy outward appearance intimation code mitre pitch intonation miter tenet beliefs public image interpretation use routine where head is at what makes someone tick mental make-up personality study configuration habits connotation implication life habitude practise formation port manners rationale ideology culture values denotation propensity proneness aptness contours moral code subconscious mannerisms actions moral belief root end allusion profile symmetry contour second nature groove anima basis poise geste gest performance observance formality lines cut delineation modus operandi pneuma tikanga modus vivendi fundamentals base way of behaving way of acting way of standing model physique sum ceremony proprieties norm essential nature true being inner self marrow reality backbone centerpiece nub actuality ordinance mores rubric heritage prescription geometry silhouette format ka vital force atman life force inner ego wairua way of bearing oneself way of holding oneself way of carrying oneself entity keynote centre canon precedent institution dictates system customariness vogue precept kaupapa established way folkways unwritten rule rite shibboleth unwritten law observation sacred cow way of doing things conventionalism innermost self circumscription simulacrum inner man construction chassis spirituality elan vital way of conducting oneself awareness shadow inner woman architecture inner child animus virtuality net essentia pivot center timber bottom germ esse centrepiece basic quality central part intrinsic nature nitty-gritty essential part fundamental quality basic characteristic bull's-eye chief constituent main idea meat and potatoes be-all and end-all


To perceive information through one's senses
feel discern notice observe perceive appreciate apprehend recognise recognize detect realise realize see suspect comprehend divine understand distinguish grasp identify intuit pick up cognize conceive read register savvy tell assimilate catch compass guess make out scent seize twig apperceive behold decipher decode deem dig discover get infer know learn make smell taste anticipate become cognizant of believe consider credit find grok hold think be aware of be cognizant of become aware of become conscious of be conscious of catch on to come to know get to know just know tumble to catch on get the impression of get vibes have a funny feeling have a hunch take in be with it catch the drift cotton on to cotton to feel in gut feel in one's bones get the drift get the idea get the picture have a feeling get the impression gather fathom deduce imagine follow expect presume reckon suppose conjecture assume figure out suss out ascertain absorb surmise determine work out fancy speculate judge digest pick up on figure suss conclude get the message postulate opine note be of the opinion theorize get the hang of presuppose envisage theorise acquire make sense of take on board latch on to get the drift of predict estimate hypothesize esteem accept hypothesise daresay master have a sneaking suspicion find out reason make head or tail of foresee interpret spot penetrate foretell envision espy maintain glean regard imbibe trust take have knowledge of cotton on get to the bottom of keep up with soak up get a fix on hazard a guess have an aha moment hear have philosophise be aware forecast suspicion calculate process venture philosophize be inclined to think think it likely allow sniff out prophesy suggest view prognosticate integrate posit unravel adjudge acknowledge get wise to foreknow sniff see the light take it dare say puzzle out take for granted familiarize oneself with latch onto piece together be afraid drink in fathom out see something coming have sneaking suspicion come to the conclusion absorb mentally get into achieve attain gain obtain have a sensation of have a suspicion be of the view have a sneaking feeling bet nose out track be under the impression have as one's opinion admit pick out grant have a foreboding contemplate translate be convinced construe uncover be familiar with visualize visualise unearth foreshadow gauge rate descry gage count get it diagnose call soothsay crack get wind of pre-empt pretend guesstimate appraise get one's head around latch on bank on count upon count on conceive of bargain for bargain on be hopeful of get the message about get the picture about theorize that contemplate the possibility of draw the inference plan on make of get the point of wait for be prepared for soak in see in the cards look for size up dope out think it likely that set store by watch for postulate that have a hunch of take up ween be afraid of hope for be sensible of concede confess untangle disentangle have an awareness of own await establish pin flash feature copy incorporate respect hit on see through break ingest verify be wise to see the point of sort out take it as read are aware of predetermine take notice of remark take account repute be alert to take notice wise up evaluate weigh up sum up assess mark have a handle on get the idea of click with wrap one's mind round plan for get vibrations derive extrapolate risk assuming take a stab take a shot venture a guess get the gist decry have information be informed hold that have in prospect look ahead to look forward to get the point tap into clock come upon add up confirm contrive be sensitive to be alive to have knowledge be conscious be of the opinion that have an idea that sympathize with ken take meaning take on brainstorm spark dream predicate dare-say be given to understand come to the conclusion that be led to believe have experience of pick up what someone is putting down see daylight see the light about wrap one's mind around be au fait with feel deeply have a sensation feel certain be read be learned be versed be schooled take as read go out on a limb cook up see into pierce get your head round catch sight of fear have down pat get a grip make sense nose disbelieve get clued up about whiff think it probable snuff swear decide harbor suspicion think probable rule take as gospel truth cross heart take the view lay money on set down take stock in swear up and down buy lap up subscribe to the opinion bet one's bottom dollar entertain the idea aver swear by account win glimpse expose disclose land wangle reach reveal encounter bag secure hit earn be abreast of be acquainted with be informed about be up-to-date with rumble regard as unlock hold to be be on the track debunk elicit explore view as take for conceive to be look on as take to be interpret as estimate as class as see as believe to be feel to be calculate to be imagine to be be on the trail of be on the track of meet project get on to get wind of the fact get wise to the fact light upon think of look up wise up to come to have get one's mitts on come by get your hands on get hold of lay hold of get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot augur portend forewarn forebode entertain vaticinate presage prevision premise plan say auspicate previse adumbrate foretaste preknow spae forefeel have the impression think likely figure on crystal ball regard as likely see it coming psych out allow for call it take it as given reckon on count chickens prepare for have funny feeling have vibes avow agree affirm declare profess own up yield go along with fess up acquiesce let on heed own up to proclaim accede embrace honour pay heed to take heed of honor differentiate agree to cooperate with state accede to mind defer to adopt approve of consent to receive become aware come clean open up pay attention to abide by award comply with assert discriminate bow to adhere to conform to agree with contrast support concur with acquiesce in difference secern hazard certify acquiesce to sanction allege give in to assent insist avouch protest asseverate fall in with warrant contend claim purport stick by 'fess up act in accordance with watch pin down concur vow take note of make a distinction fall in line with make certain of stumble on sing depose be in conformity with be in accordance with swear on bible get off your chest celebrate admit as true witness cede tumble decorate separate obey hit upon clinch be sure image vision identify with empathize with empathise with sympathise with relate to eye advert attend be aware of the fact that be conscious of the fact that become conscious of the fact that become aware of the fact that announce express uphold search out ferret out accept the validity of acknowledge the validity of commiserate with be able to see admit the validity of become conscious explain define utter set at variance scan think through pinpoint catch the drift of measure see what's what get to the bottom be certain explicate cop be conscious that be aware that know for certain perceive the meaning of break down throw light on take to mean pay attention get through one's head get a load of flash on get wise vouch catch on to the fact soapbox talk big stump act as if spout spiel croon constate get on soapbox blow hot air say so come out listen to hold to keep to stick with live by stick to submit to make clean breast allow to be valid tell the truth submit yield to have regard to remember check bear in mind take to heart goose-step to do as told give allegiance to toe the line be guided by differentialize ratify accommodate favour welcome countenance okay favor approve divulge fold accord ditto compromise waive succumb to resign oneself to give way to peg fix settle antithesise antithesize discrepate sight assent to endorse approximate tell the difference set off discern a difference tell apart see a difference draw a distinction throw in the towel cry uncle play ball with say uncle go with the flow bury the hatchet cave in make sure permit make certain accord to authorize spill leak double-check imply let indicate communicate narrate talk confide bare unveil indulge know what's what split hairs pick place condone attest to check out let out go into details make a clean breast of make public blow the lid off squeal about make known come out of the closet cop to bring into the open give away bring to light make a clean breast tell all about spill the beans about blurt out cough up spill your guts blow the gaff on take an oath humour humor make a guess at make an estimate of jump to a conclusion take a shot at form an opinion of take a stab at have a sneaking suspicion of dream up guarantee lay down attest cop a plea check up on get down pat get down cold look-see come out of closet authorise tolerate subscribe to shake on stand for admit of string along sit still for


To predict, prophesy, or tell of future events
presage augur foretell prophesy portend foreshadow bode signify forecast herald predict announce betoken forebode foretoken indicate prognosticate promise signal vaticinate call denote feel harbinger mean omen point to read spell threaten adumbrate divine foresee forewarn intuit soothsay warn of be an omen of forerun foreshow forespell preindicate sanction warn add up to amount to be an indication of be a presage of be a sign of be a warning of be the harbinger of give a warning of have a feeling anticipate prefigure auspicate be a harbinger of spae previse project suggest have a hunch envisage see something coming envision crystal-ball bespeak expect speculate foreknow see apprehend visualize visualise figure psych out estimate calculate telegraph dope out guess conjecture determine imagine gage figure out gauge call the turn make book call it imply be evidence of forbode predetermine proclaim hint infer croak say picture demonstrate perceive reckon gather bid fair surmise fancy reason conclude hazard a guess see it coming intimate forewarn of premonish hint at tip tell of reveal discern consider prevision presuppose typify declare forefeel suppose preknow presume plan judge symbolise symbolize psych it out think likely crystal ball it believe crystal ball give notice of see in the cards back purport prophecy offer stop message call the shots shadow nap see the future model be in the wind divulge disclose tell psych dope think of pronounce to foreshadow see future evidence declare arrival be an omen represent manifest call the shot be symptomatic of give warning of indicate the coming of forereckon type mark see in your mind's eye view vision conceive of conceive shadow forth show express import assert betide note witness be an early indication of look hypothesize ascertain deduce theorize forespeak halsen posit postulate insinuate think trust deem contemplate suspect daresay assume espy entertain size up lead you to expect seem likely look like premise understand plan for give every indication of show all the signs lead to expect show signs of hold a probability of give an indication of hold probability give good grounds for expecting hold out hopes of bring hope hold out hope give hope give hope of foretaste hypothesise theorise tell in advance come to the conclusion be inclined to think bargain for regard as likely take for granted take it contemplate the possibility of draw the inference get the idea plan on watch for bargain on take it as given be hopeful of have sneaking suspicion reckon on count upon count chickens have a hunch of wait for be prepared for count on allow for be afraid be of the opinion prepare for pre-empt bank on figure on think it likely be afraid of hope for look for crystal-ball divine see handwriting on wall work out evaluate extrapolate regard derive appraise venture approximate guesstimate count look upon make an estimate of image propose intend decide fathom hazard grasp realize survey assess predicate place cast realise pick glean take compute make put discover dare say valuate make a guess at calculate roughly be given to understand jump to a conclusion go out on a limb take a shot at weigh up form an opinion of take a stab at give think over reconsider rethink number put a figure on count up accept opine savvy recognize esteem cognize appreciate tumble to comprehend get form opinion suss twig recognise concede learn bet second-guess hear take a stab get the picture pick out take a shot cotton on to latch on to cook up have a sneaking suspicion of dare-say catch on to dream up be confident be convinced be certain be sure contextualize rationalize differentiate see through notice philosophize rationalise hear tell stumble on philosophise construe take something on board see the light be informed detect be led to believe feel for contextualise display evince rate await betray select chance solve reflect ideate communicate expose exhibit fantasy conceit dream fantasize feature run over feel deeply think through look into just know have a sensation have a funny feeling decide on get the measure of sum up feel in one's bones roughly calculate budget for account for induce happen upon objectify materialize conceptualize externalize behold generalize generalise address discuss speak cite accost give away convey engage exclaim ask stipulate argue testify to bear witness to attest arrange make out conceptualise fantasise materialise conjure up externalise have in prospect look forward to draw conclusions look ahead to draw a conclusion spell out think up see ahead make an educated guess conjure up an image of


To engage in self-discovery
explore discover introspect contemplate ponder reflect reflect upon ruminate self-reflect soul-search conceive discern look inward meditate self-question bring to light uncover unearth see ascertain learn determine recognize identify perceive notice distinguish get spot observe realize catch hear espy twig glimpse expose disclose reveal encounter attain obtain achieve acquire gain rumble unlock elicit debunk recognise realise fathom out pick up on find out come to know get on to light upon tumble to have an aha moment get wind of the fact get wise to the fact get wind of think of work out wise up to figure out look up dope out suss out sniff out get wise to catch on to find detect understand make out descry grasp note comprehend gather behold deduce know apprehend nose out pick up appreciate glean catch on witness get to know cognize divine remark sight pick out hit on regard hit upon get the picture fathom view register eye be given to understand spy be aware of become aware of turn up be informed look at take in cotton on to be told intuit apperceive infer conclude suspect savvy track down imagine dig up ferret out think fancy dredge up read dig hunt down tell hunt up judge get a load of be led to believe receive have locate believe suss root out surmise assume figure guess suppose be informed of be made aware of dig out be notified of find out about learn of assimilate follow presume catch sight of decipher run down scare up scout up rout out wise up reckon decide decode become conscious of make clock compass become cognizant of be made aware anticipate be told of deem catch a glimpse of hear tell puzzle out establish feel watch interpret become aware construe smell pinpoint get word be conscious of consider be advised conjecture taste speculate postulate visualize visualise expect extrapolate scent see the light lay eyes on set eyes on place mark reason seize come up with estimate hypothesize be cognizant of latch on to eyeball get a glimpse of have sight of clap eyes on derive come upon size up have a hunch get a fix on presuppose predict track foresee grok get the idea get the message conceive of hypothesise take for granted take it draw the inference make sense of stumble on come to the conclusion cotton to get an eyeful of dream up have on good authority seek out know about overhear rummage verify digest spy out hear about unmask take note sniff accept trace add up confirm contrive become acquainted with come across clinch be sure hear of hear from take notice diagnose point out meet with learn through be certain know for certain concede hold credit get the message about get the picture about just know get the drift have a funny feeling catch the drift get the impression get the impression of get vibes feel in one's bones feel in gut be with it have a feeling take project count on posit contextualize rationalize compute differentiate count see through philosophize valuate rationalise foretell philosophise forecast take something on board feel for contextualise explain define translate unravel explicate untangle disentangle unriddle absorb unscramble unfold piece together get to the bottom of perceive the meaning of break down throw light on take to mean sort out make head or tail of theorize hazard approximate premise get the drift of clear up make heads or tails of get your head round opine venture gauge esteem calculate predicate prevision call daresay imply foreknow suggest forefeel pick evaluate guesstimate gage theorise image vision envisage feature envision dare say take a stab make a guess at hazard a guess take a shot think likely be of the opinion make an estimate of jump to a conclusion go out on a limb take a shot at form an opinion of take a stab at cook up have a sneaking suspicion of dare-say be aware of the fact that be conscious of the fact that become conscious of the fact that become aware of the fact that brainstorm tumble see daylight become conscious get it think up monitor get through one's head scrutinize rack brains problem-solve think through think out figure something out find a solution to find an answer to conjure up get wind survey study check mind heed case check out surveil reconnoitre examine inspect scrutinise recce reconnoiter keep watch on spy on peer at gaze at look on keep a weather eye on keep a tab on keep under observation keep under scrutiny pay attention to keep an eye on eagle-eye keep tabs on keep one's eye on take a dekko at keep under surveillance watch like a hawk keep a beady eye on keep track of take a shufti at take a gander at

Types of

Types of senses

反义词 simple sense

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