同义词 sound reasoning


The quality of having good sense or wisdom
prudence wisdom sense shrewdness sagacity wit judiciousness nous gumption discretion levelheadedness sensibleness judgement judgment discreetness policy advisability common sense good sense good judgement good judgment horse sense intelligence acumen understanding astuteness discernment insight reason perspicacity practicality sharpness knowledge sapience sageness canniness comprehension perceptiveness perception savvy discrimination erudition experience foresight sagaciousness enlightenment smarts circumspection sanity rationality brains penetration clear thinking cleverness wits soundness perceptivity acuity intuition intellect perspicaciousness percipience native wit sound judgment knowingness thoughtfulness wariness acuteness keenness clear-sightedness logic tact learning perspicuity worldliness sharp-wittedness ingenuity savoir faire reasonableness level-headedness mother wit consideration presence of mind marbles heedfulness reasoning watchfulness balance lucidness sophistication common caution sound mind arguteness tactfulness vigilance grasp lucidity intellectuality cognition apprehension forethought providence know-how pragmatism intellection thought stability incisiveness caginess foxiness commonsense cageyness rationalness hardheadedness mind good reasoning clear mind profundity quickness genius mentality poise pansophy powers of reasoning coherence ratiocination intuitiveness vision cognitive faculties soundness of mind powers of discernment native intelligence heed awareness saneness information solidity omniscience capacity education cogency clear-headedness carefulness logical thought scientific thinking expertness scholarship ability subtlety expertise enterprise resourcefulness initiative learnedness depth rationale sound judgement profoundness moderation maturity smartness normality deep insight soberness grey matter loaf healthy mind right mind cunningness daylights plain sense head sense one was born with propriety practicability esprit care diplomacy practical intelligence brainpower brain insightfulness worldly wisdom spirit gray matter chariness soundness of judgement soundness of judgment get-up-and-go imaginativeness imagination guardedness logicalness logicality inventiveness accomplishments mastery skill edification proficiency adeptness doctrine study acquirements accomplishment delicacy sensitivity backbone forcefulness nerve analysis deduction culture mettle pluck oomph courage grit spunk native ability attainments concern deliberation responsibility calculation warning considerateness precaution solicitude observation attention consciousness intimacy authority appreciation recognition schooling industry conception mindfulness cognizance idea realization grip acquaintance kid gloves brightness brilliance cunning ingeniousness observance acquaintanceship sensibility sentience savviness alertness realisation knowledgeability responsiveness academic attainment accuracy precision familiarity with intimacy with acquaintance with quick-wittedness conversance with knowing inside out realism capability cool cop on sound sense sweet reason braininess creativity mental capacity precocity talent artfulness farsightedness artistry IQ intellectual capacity aptitude flair adroitness finesse percipiency faculty invention originality craftiness wiliness creativeness suss trenchancy inspiration precociousness dexterity headpiece eye nose brain cells mental agility intellectual power brain power mental acuity mental ability I.Q. innovation guile ideation calculatedness sensitiveness innovativeness keen-wittedness ken clarity deftness upper storey gift aptness quick wits knack nimbleness brainbox giftedness kop intellectual capabilities creative power quickness of mind hold slyness sleight agility knowing subtleness sharp-sightedness excellence skills refinement stimulation prowess greatness virtuosity distinction powers of intuition psyche skilfulness individuality expressiveness productivity skillfulness bookishness masterfulness art artifice competence knowledgeableness craft panache power great intelligence fine mind great intellect good taste ego faculties subconscious creative talent creative skill focus cerebrum apprehending attitude notion concept notice sight light impression picture realizing enthusiasm drive spiritedness instinct powers of thought function apperception energy vigor ambition vitality zest push dash vigour the right stuff what it takes quick wit powers of comprehension vim go pep pizzazz zip pzazz resource realising intelligence quotient thinking outside the box mental age fancifulness contrivance fantasy visualizations phantasy fancy images visualisations imaginative power imaginative faculty creative faculty mental images

反义词 sound reasoning

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