同义词 stamp something out


To put an end to something, typically forcefully
eradicate end quash abolish stop curb eliminate extinguish suppress quell check squelch squash stifle annihilate kill exterminate expunge subdue repress crush destroy remove terminate scotch overcome quench banish wipe out snuff out blot out crack down on put down get rid of put an end to put out put a stop to weed out nip in the bud put the kibosh on obliterate erase extirpate cancel liquidate efface rub out root out clean up black out sweep away clamp down on do away with silence slap down defeat zap demolish inhibit conquer axe restrain thwart ax delete raze smother excise finish off take out hinder prevent overthrow decimate overpower halt restrict waste arrest trash overwhelm nix do in put the lid on frustrate douse finish nullify total overturn vanquish control dispatch clobber scrub snuff blow out put paid to bring to an end torpedo impede annul beat invalidate abrogate devastate wreck smash quelch dissolve limit strangle wipe from the face of the earth wash out wipe off the map wipe off the face of the earth give the chop off block out shut down cut out damp down constrain void repeal rescind revoke ruin hamper negate desolate disannul rout scrap blanket dowse undo discontinue deaden stem choke vitiate slaughter massacre scratch interfere with blow away dispense with blue pencil gut shush curtail knock off shoot down uproot muffle shatter vacate pulverize obstruct retract avoid countermand null abate vaporize nuke wrack dout gag stymie block cream repudiate discard beat out trample ditch cross out cut butcher mute snow under ink out strike down knock out trim dominate blank out X-out set aside strike out tear down KO neutralise cut off vaporise triumph over bury score out put kibosh on bring to naught sit on exsect ice knock something on the head spike subjugate gain mastery over pull down sink roll back neutralize remove all traces of throttle stub out rein in hold back dampen down pulverise dampen scupper queer break off censure kayo purge wipe wipe off scrub out clamp down bring to screeching halt crack down turn out gain control over pour cold water on throw cold water on extinguish fire foil dismiss reject dash withhold spoil mess up scuttle cast out phase out drive out get shot of benothing master put lid on bottle trample on keep inside clamp hold in cow keep in drive underground hold down interrupt beat down lick wipe off face of earth blow to bits blow sky-high level mark out cover obscure ravage destroy root and branch take apart rub off bridle drop withdraw force down grind down reduce bring someone to their knees break prostrate bear down on overmaster floor oppress swamp whelm tame best put the stopper on contain regulate bring to a halt do for bring to a stop put a lid on keep under control come down hard on keep in check surmount prevail over gain control of get the better of get a grip on win against cut short strangle at birth scrunch squish dump subvert junk prohibit jettison veto reverse disestablish chop deracinate close down supersede call off shed throw out send to the gas chambers give someone the works slay ethnically cleanse murder send to kingdom come put to death terminate with extreme prejudice scrag top mow down end the life of bump off execute take the life of stiff polish off whack assassinate put to the sword cut down blow someone's brains out do to death croak smoke countervail declare null and void renig obviate cancel out rebut counterbalance compensate renege forget it cast aside render null and void nig call all bets off confine recall offset counteract render invalid dismantle abort expurgate blue-pencil amputate exscind put a line through elide strike scissor out dele scratch out edit cut up lop off edit out bowdlerise X out bowdlerize launder cross through slash drown suffocate out overrule abandon override take back give up cease recant suspend disallow quit conclude expire close break up pull the plug on wind up call a halt to desist complete cry off pack in dispose of lift discharge waive lay off elapse lapse determine rule against take away belay make void leave off renounce wind down call upset wrap up dead-end disclaim let up close out die go call back pass can pack up round off bring to a close round out wink out undermine damage abjure disaffirm alter impair change overset revert down deny backtrack on unmake part refrain from shelve intermit declare invalid turf knock down bring down countercheck redress make ineffective make away with disconnect take off get shut of get adjourn wrap forget about rule out chuck in cut to pieces put away desist from run out bring to a conclusion come to an end shut off give over call it quits bring to an untimely end renege on declare go back on retreat take postpone forget back-pedal on divorce sever abnegate weaken rid strip clear bleep bin go against make null and void unfit circumduct disqualify get off the hook desecrate remit do a U-turn on render void cripple disrupt cause the death of expel call a halt watergate pull back draw back resolve retire refute redline render meaningless leave in ruins lay waste put to sleep leave desolate counterpoise ignore reduce drastically cork up hush up bottle up put damper on relinquish sunder attack ultimate settle unload incapacitate crown consummate hit pull the plug get done call it a day pack it in switch off sew up end up top off contravene ding blackball impugn traverse stonewall cross oppose belie disprove mar disable threaten clear away render inert wipe slate clean go back on your word disown forswear harm bollix break with turn thumbs down turn down fly in the face of murk wax break down backpedal hang behead decapitate chill do knife asphyxiate dust off garrote electrocute take a life garotte garrotte lynch shoot guillotine cool screw up intrude on muck up counterorder sabotage back out of depart exclude demise decease exit flatline perish fall succumb discount kick bar except debar pause wane surcease avert forfend proscribe preclude forestall forbid intervene disjoin dissever separate interpose disunite ban deter bate leave out count out ward off not consider shut out freeze out close one's doors to bag it blow off lay off of kick in conk out pass on kick off peg out pass away step out pop off check out

反义词 stamp something out

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