Synonym des a clandestine


Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose
secret covert furtive surreptitious sneaky private underhand undercover stealthy sneaking underground underhanded privy backstairs hidden stealth sly sneak concealed secretive closet black artful fraudulent foxy illegal illegitimate illicit hush-hush behind-the-scenes hugger-mugger hole-and-corner cloak-and-dagger under wraps under-the-table back-alley hole-in-the-corner on the QT under-the-counter on the quiet in holes and corners confidential undisclosed shrouded veiled cunning wily sub-rosa conspiratorial crafty shifty unrevealed under the table skulking slinking top-secret incognito unknown disguised devious shady slippery backstair classified indirect cloaked restricted masked tricky scheming unseen enigmatic mysterious dissembled unofficial backdoor discreet quiet dark intimate buried obscured nonpublic closed undeclared behind someone's back hushed esoteric guileful duplicitous non-public cryptic unscrupulous evasive camouflaged unidentified cautious dirty unethical inside unfair silent feline catlike catty noiseless calculating top secret in ambush unpublished strictly confidential untold surprise privileged personal deep underlying behind the scenes ulterior sub rosa innermost deepest clouded covered unexpressed on the sly unspoken inward individual darkest unvoiced guarded obscure unapparent reserved inner inmost not for publication off the record not to be disclosed not for circulation not to be made public deep-seated tight-lipped in secret unobtrusive close dissimulated intelligence mean unbowed spy murky contemptible slinky two-faced uncommunicated subversive shorthanded unauthorized creep underneath unauthorised quick intriguing huggermugger insidious elusive creepy circumspect unsuspected low-down QT incog backroom hidden away unprofessed mum cloak and dagger mom hole and corner dishonest with a lid on dishonourable dubious nefarious deceptive secondary unreported anonymous bootleg conniving deceitful dodgy crooked unlawful disreputable ambiguous mystic occult strange unenlightened enigmatical unintelligible out-of-the-way mystical undivulged cheating designing dishonorable under the counter clever on the side nameless unnamed subtle shonky snide unsaid fly slim unspecified faceless shadowy under cover carny dirty-dealing cowardly yellow bottled up unsung double-dealing protected mystery backstage offstage inconspicuous censored in camera under one's hat close to one's chest not in the public domain tête-à-tête not open one-on-one exclusive secreted sensitive tucked away screened between ourselves not visible unnoticeable arcane invisible out of sight buttoned up restricted access internal bosom strict tight soft low dern need to know kept concealed kept secret unacknowledged carefully guarded closely guarded regulated in private hidden from sight hidden from view out of view lost to view off limits closed off sealed special unrelated unrecounted out of bounds allowed granted controlled exceptional limited between you and me between you and me and the gatepost between you and me and the doorpost between you and me and the wall between you and me and the bedpost in strict confidence eyes-only in confidence not to be quoted to be kept under wraps not to be mentioned not for public consumption not public within these four walls for eyes only interred unstated unmentioned unnarrated suppressed entombed inhumed cloistered sequestered dug in coffined unconfirmed unsubstantiated uncorroborated perdu enshrouded undocumented consigned to the grave laid to rest planted stashed cached recondite unauthenticated unsanctioned unratified uncertified covered up hushed up holed up put in the hole off-the-record unendorsed


Hidden from knowledge
dark mysterious secret hidden concealed veiled enigmatic shadowy covert esoteric shrouded obscure abstruse recondite cloaked clouded inscrutable impenetrable secretive arcane incomprehensible unrevealed cryptic opaque recherché black cloak-and-dagger deep Delphic enigmatical mystic nebulous occult anagogic cabalistic complicated intricate knotty mystical mystifying unfathomable inexplicable ambiguous vague equivocal elliptical coded cabbalistic unclear elliptic fuliginous hermetic hermetical double-edged baffling puzzling unaccountable uncanny murky confusing bewildering unintelligible profound unknowable surreptitious sibylline little known perplexing classified encoded enciphered oracular indecipherable unexplainable unknown ulterior screened oblique insoluble paradoxical sphinxlike stealthy subliminal indistinct uncertain Delphian apocryphal teasing strange stickling doubtful evasive stumping indefinite hard to understand obfuscated abstract as clear as mud secreted unexplained confounding odd peculiar cryptical difficult complex magical hard dubious hazy involved clear as mud indeterminate inexplicit supernatural debatable orphic paranormal spiritual magic transcendental weird wildering heavy beyond comprehension imprecise inexact preternatural unnatural rarefied questionable involuted subtle numinous fathomless clear as dishwater bizarre psychic necromantic tenebrous unearthly unsettled arguable riddling misleading impossible to understand supranatural inconclusive incognizable undetermined confused open to debate open to argument open to question curious ill-defined involute acroamatic queer unsolved foggy transcendent metaphysical unsolvable beyond understanding dense ungraspable otherworldly ineffable inconceivable ambivalent amphibological non-rational indiscernible indistinguishable unusual undefined gnomic unresolved vacillating extraordinary transmundane indecisive incalculable undecided equivocating elusive Greek to me two-edged over one's head sphinx-like above your head uncomprehensible eerie up in the air private inner hypermetric indirect insolvable undiscoverable polysemous polysemic polysemantic mysterial multivocal reticent discreet funny tough intense unconfirmed furtive blurred unestablished unascertained little-known out-of-the-way cagey subjective too deep shrouded in mystery astrological alchemistic yet to be decided cerebral intellectual non-committal gray grey uninterpretable convoluted borderline miraculous astonishing unparalleled freakish freak illegible technical incredible illogical unsure unimaginable periphrastic prevaricating circumlocutory suspicious circuitous inexplainable freaky fluky far-out contradictory duplicitous blurry muddled roundabout rum spooky superhuman not easily understood Greek unheard-of unwonted uncommon inaccessible challenging beyond one shifty unexplicit open muzzy fuzzy disreputable supernormal beyond one's grasp blank speculative unpredictable unforeseeable ghostly off the wall beats me all Greek to someone too hard to understand double Dutch too difficult to understand unreadable difficult to understand iffy hesitant muffled all Greek to you abnormal phantom phenomenal hypernormal unbelievable extramundane dicey intangible dodgy irresolute wavering weak religious other-worldly spectral hard to follow impassive deadpan unemotional emotionless expressionless inexpressive poker-faced unexpressive nonrational in doubt in the balance fairy mythical rare legendary superior mythological invisible superordinary ghostlike supermundane celestial dispassionate vacant impossible to interpret


Dishonest, insincere, and full of deceit
deceitful dishonest treacherous duplicitous false tricky devious deceptive sly untrustworthy crafty cunning crooked unscrupulous guileful fraudulent underhand shifty shady wily scheming unprincipled artful sneaky insincere perfidious underhanded designing faithless slippery lying foxy cheating slick hypocritical disingenuous calculating subtle bent sharp untruthful deceiving conniving dissembling mendacious Machiavellian insidious counterfeit furtive astute knavish stealthy roguish slim defrauding indirect fallacious Punic truthless astucious double-dealing two-faced Janus-faced false-hearted double-faced hollow-hearted sneaking surreptitious unethical immoral dishonourable disreputable dubious unfair dirty dodgy snidey shrewd snide secret dishonorable covert stinky mean-spirited unsporting unsportsmanlike two-timing secretive back-alley hugger-mugger below the belt veiled hidden shrouded cloak-and-dagger hole-and-corner murky cagey beguiling cute backstairs conspiratorial evasive fishy low-down cagy shonky oblique erring gimmicky errant obliquitous under the table playing politics playing games put on not straightforward faking one out corrupt illegal rogue unlawful fast phoney fake unctuous phony criminal contriving double-crossing untrue pretended clever feigned backhanded artificial canny disloyal mealy misleading double mealymouthed knowing manipulative Pecksniffian fly-by-night unjust streetwise lip smooth vulpine traitorous phoney-baloney swindling nefarious phony-baloney left-handed iffy amoral unfaithful jive dissimulating unreliable smart fibbing mean deep low pawky collusive fly carny plotting illicit recreant sharp-witted malfeasant street smart street-smart cynical bluffing undependable crazy like a fox fickle questionable back-stabbing suspicious colluding sagacious slimy villainous conspiring rascally caballing unhonest dirty-dealing arch greasy hoodwinking elusive sinister skillful imaginative ingenious skilful backbiting untrusted heads-up inventive resourceful savvy fiendish hollow pretend intelligent pretentious overdone opportunist intriguing exaggerated evil keen cutthroat unconscionable opportunistic iniquitous pseud adroit ambidextrous perjured expedient tricksy untrusty put-on crazy like fox trustless irresponsible fink treasonable not candid not frank wrong delusory delusive lacking sincerity with tongue in cheek sly like a fox subversive seditious treasonous unsafe ironic venal nasty corruptible renegade rebellious grafting unveracious ambiguous buyable sham apostate mutinous despicable spurious ruthless equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic suborned base pseudo bamboozling falsified forged mock imitation economical with the truth prevaricating equivocating paltering not dependable not to be depended on not to be trusted fair-weather inconstant breakaway contemptible against the law uncertain backstabbing unloyal betraying vile self-righteous sanctimonious sordid double-meaning double-edged snake in the grass double dealing cheap ignominious squalid rotten beggarly shameful cowardly ungentlemanly shabby foul detestable unpleasant scurvy paltry worthless execrable illegitimate wretched sleazy grubby abject inequitable unsportsmanly ignoble currish scungy sorry deplorable lousy scummy lame ratty scabby canting low-minded off-color ill-gotten out of order against the rules not cricket


Relating to crime
criminal unlawful illicit lawless illegal prohibited dishonest felonious corrupt culpable illegitimate unethical villainous crooked disorderly indictable nefarious unlicensed wicked wrong contraband iniquitous unsavoury unsavory anarchic delinquent forbidden furtive lawbreaking terrorist wrongful actionable banned bent black dark fraudulent immoral impermissible outlawed punishable shady unauthorised unauthorized unruly unsanctioned against the law anarchical bad disruptive dodgy improper insubordinate insurgent insurrectionary interdicted mutinous mutinying proscribed rebellious seditious unacceptable unofficial vile adulterous anarchistic barbarous evil malfeasant noncompliant nonconformist peccant revolting savage sinful sly taboo unrighteous unwarranted verboten vicious bootleg contumacious criminogenic dirty disobedient disordered excessive flagitious guilty heavy infringing miscreant nihilistic piratical racketeering recusant rotten traitorous transgressing turbulent uncivilised uncivilized uncultivated ungoverned unpeaceful unregulated violating violent warlike wildcat haram tapu out of line black-market off base under-the-table smoking gun against the rules off limits ruled out not acceptable not allowed not permitted contrary to law in violation of law without law and order under the counter under-the-counter under the table racket secret non licet base unprincipled depraved degenerate reprobate reprehensible dishonourable dishonorable dissolute unscrupulous heinous perverted erring infamous atrocious abominable foul monstrous shameful ungodly despicable prosecutable scandalous barred blameworthy unholy odious dissipated morally wrong diabolical profane fiendish outrageous dastardly unfair warped sacrilegious shocking detestable blasphemous execrable disreputable debauched perverse mean unjust impure unconscionable egregious devious sordid indecent low scoundrelly horrible hateful underhand unconstitutional godless fallen amoral contemptible debased offending errant obscene abandoned peccable chargeable sinning rascally aberrant irreligious malicious disgraceful deviant impious censurable diabolic murderous ignoble sullied tainted profligate wanton sinister low-down stinking beastly licentious not cricket responsible decadent devilish maleficent unmanageable abhorrent blamable straying irreverent degraded tabu treacherous naughty malevolent deviating discreditable condemnable cruel roguish not legal underhanded liable brutal corrupted libertine wayward vitiated shameless deceitful injurious not approved pernicious black-hearted dreadful blackguardly appalling answerable misbehaving unspeakable transgressive wild dangerous indefensible ruffianly knavish convictable rowdy undue infernal vetoed hot smuggled unwarrantable irregular extralegal undesirable condemned disallowed ignominious unhealthy inhuman deplorable offensive lewd mischievous lascivious fallible wretched refused disgusting repugnant uncontrollable callous sick lecherous loose unwholesome rakish demoralized unpleasant intemperate prurient loathsome damnable lowlife unclean rakehell jackleg sub rosa polygamous bigamous outside the law rakehelly objectionable demoralised defiled no-go no-no nasty heartless harmful out of bounds unvirtuous incorrigible in error low-life self-indulgent two-timing undemocratic unapproved uncertified unaccredited penal mistaken malign rough intolerable untrustworthy serious antisocial inappropriate accursed facinorous groundless cutthroat Machiavellian scungy restricted buccaneering satanic opprobrious malignant bogus faulty blundering unjustified demeritorious blameful amiss unregenerate embargoed flagrant glaring putrid gross triable litigable tortious venal unreasonable unnecessary undeserved pillaging plundering thieving notorious hideous perfidious scurrilous mercenary faithless hellish no good imputable uncharitable undignified abject unbecoming cowardly inequitable hardened cheating bribable uncalled for unworthy good-for-nothing closed down lamentable caitiff snide servile scurvy currish shabby inelegant menial paltry worthless beyond contempt rapacious wolfish deleterious damaging baneful hurtful prejudicial nocuous adverse noxious baleful detrimental ill tough threatening intolerant unrightful convicted off-color low-minded terrible bad news accountable blameable false grievous inexcusable uncalled-for reproachable incriminated ruthless merciless on the side debarred impeached closed barbarian atheistic inhumane risqué out contrary troublesome difficult froward caught censured thievish unfeeling unkind forbidding slippery bloodthirsty tyrannical two-faced shifty brutish bestial unconscientious sadistic scheming inexorable spiteful smutty salacious vice-ridden accusable doomed pitiless rancorous disparaging exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited wrathful demonic crafty scrofulous evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous grisly conscienceless cold-blooded squalid scornful despiteful harsh virulent questionable vindictive gruesome disdainful gangland underworld on one's head to blame in the wrong at fault obnoxious unorthodox badly behaved shifting erratic stray heretic unreliable meandering errable closed-up closed-down not on out of control off straight and narrow unchaste hedonic pervy sleazy libidinous fast lustful concupiscent promiscuous riotous unrestrained indulgent flagitous louche raffish twisted unconstrained sicko sybaritic kinky unnatural swinging voluptuary filthy violated easy drunken deteriorated open dirty-minded fast-living in the fast lane gone bad pleasure-seeking gone to the dogs night owl fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter high living

Antonym des a clandestine

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