Synonym des a clap


A (typically friendly) hit, slap or pat
smack thump punch hit whack blow wallop belt knock clout thwack sock cuff slap crack bash box clip stroke bang rap buffet slug swipe biff swat welt smash hook pound spank slam bat bop bust lash chop lick hack stinger stripe pelt fillip haymaker larrup wham dab thud plump beat whop whap switch douse poke pick strike slosh boff tap dong whale clobber crash whomp bump pat uppercut impact lam swing clump boom whump pop tan skelp roundhouse shot ding plunk jab pounding plug collision slog clonk paste bonk zap butt fisticuff whammy zinger one-two punch bell-ringer conk thunderclap blast report snap fist banging concussion knocking hammering peal clomp beating tonk clobbering battering dot sound glance hard hit shock clash rat-tat whang spanking hiding thrashing drubbing whiplash lambasting brush jolt quilt assault flourish smite prang potch percuss blip stump drub straight clunk lambaste nail thrash percussion jar blindside cut KO knockout pet stamp hammer tunk thunder stomp stoush body blow king-hit knuckle sandwich pummel pummelled one-two nudge prod dig thrust jog lollop drumming palm whittle throb flump plop light blow rat-tat-tat impingement kick shove ram jounce contact smashup push touch force wreck encounter attack lunge elbow putt head-butt shunt jostle pitch shoulder wipeout bowl stab shaking jarring jolting dig in the ribs light slap crack-up buffeting shot-put accident pileup sideswipe crush brunt crunch pummelling pummeling meeting pummeled fender bender rear-ender fender-bender head-on


To applaud, especially in approval or admiration
applaud cheer acclaim praise approve bring the house down give a big hand give a hand give it up give it up for hear it for strike gently applaud someone to the echo give a standing ovation put your hands together give a round of applause clap one's hands hail salute laud congratulate accredit big up compliment extol honour commend honor toast glorify eulogize admire ballyhoo panegyrize tout root express approval of express admiration for boost eulogise speak highly of sing the praises of pay tribute to crack up celebrate emblazon support heap praise on wax lyrical about praise to the skies pat on the back kudize go into raptures about recommend cry up puff up pay homage to hand it to hurrah hurray whistle welcome shout yell stroke plug big something up rave about rave sanction make much of say nice things about throw bouquets at encourage root for build up look on with favour give a posy approve of speak well of favour favor mention countenance build magnify shout at aggrandize endorse appreciate show appreciation give ovation express respect for gold star hats off to pay respects to distinguish ennoble show appreciation for cite advocate credit dignify proclaim take one's hat off to give a standing ovation to ask for an encore exalt lionize flatter adulate vaunt hymn push lionise go into raptures over crack someone up blow horn give kudos give approval give a bouquet hoot shout for holler for cheer on rise to sound off for put one's hands together for show appreciation of revere esteem recognize venerate value commemorate recognise respect worship prize adore reverence acknowledge think highly of idolize look up to regard highly cherish idolise treasure hold in high regard regard love immortalize immortalise bless consider memorialize hallow rhapsodize over give recognition to rate highly fete signalize hold in esteem sing paeans to have a high opinion of signalise think much of memorialise hold dear resound sanctify rhapsodize vouch for decorate sing praises felicitate praise enthusiastically observe erect sublime sing promote gush about enthuse about enthuse over gush over wax lyrical set great store by put on a pedestal rate rhapsodise set store by go on about go wild about be mad about express delight over value highly roll out red carpet back characterize individualize mark differentiate discriminate carol gush singularize extoll rhapsodize about rave over hug set apart hero-worship effuse enshrine uprear fuss slobber enthuse like drool advance individualise characterise solemnize effervesce accept give accolades to give credit to suggest solemnise deify hold in high esteem espouse take off hat to give bouquet hold in awe be fond of think the world of hold in respect champion approbate urge advise adopt okay care for look on with favor be in favor of receive favorably pat on back rubber-stamp lobby for flash on stand up for give key to city roll out the red carpet wish joy to put in a good word receive gladly rejoice with OK think well of subscribe to press for give glad hand stand by give the nod to take a shine to argue for be on one's side take to buck for thumbs up campaign for tilt toward take a liking to express admiration of herald crack-up be grateful for show gratitude to pay respects affirm uphold sing praises of publicize belaud give credit for elevate publicise mob celebritize monumentalize think of hold in regard apprise brag about givea bouquet eternalize perpetuate set much store by make famous bestow honour on give someone a pat on the back express approval for apprize embrace count guard give a boost to have a high regard for relish be in awe of marvel at attach importance to hold in the highest regard wonder at extol the virtues of think a lot of show respect make a fuss of sound the praises of make a fuss over eternize be awed by preserve be enthusiastic be effusive festival feast holiday treat entertain canonize apotheosize appreciate greatly cajole brown-nose fawn blandish nurture bubble over place a high value on attach great importance to set a high value on canonise bubble go wild go crazy go into raptures go mad exaggerate wish happy returns give a big cigar wish one well give regards make immortal keep alive the memory of dote be mad be wild hold reception for wine and dine be passionate get all worked up talk excitedly go over the top show enthusiasm be wild about fall all over be excited be delighted carry on about make a to-do salute someone for toast someone for thank someone for give thanks for express gratitude for pay tribute to someone for lavish affection on brag boast overstate overvalue propose depend on it believe in put your faith in have faith in go on the record for trust bank on depend on be certain count on swear by be satisfied with rely on offer proffer pose table proposition nominate be in favour of tip prescribe present submit second put in a good word for offer a suggestion put up look with favour on hold up give a tip go on record for speak favourably of tip off front for be all for put forward beat the drum for


To hit or strike someone or something
hit strike thump smack punch knock slap wallop bash whack pound clout bang sock belt clobber thwack hammer rap crack swat bop biff clip slam slug box smite swipe bat bludgeon whale bust slog clock paste nail bonk bob zap cuff tag thrust pat beat buffet pummel batter pummelled thrash slosh boff smash deck dong drub lam tan welt lambaste quilt whomp whop lick lay one on flog thud pelt belabour let someone have it belabor swinge whip chin stick one on club lash cudgel knock into the middle of next week birch lay into baste tap pop blow dot lace into pitch into switch spank lace bump lather paddle assault whap floor jab rain blows on maul hide rough up give someone a hiding thresh slate pommel lambast whup attack tromp fib crown skelp wham curry do tonk bung up work over light into mess up punch out chop ding give someone a good hiding beat the living daylights out of crash larrup give someone a drubbing give someone a beating king-hit blast give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing hook cane drive plug KO knock around sucker-punch ram impel clump impact forge draw flail strap impinge collide welly zonk hit hard box someone's ears hack poke catch drum stroke haymaker fillip swing duke assail injure hurt chip impair spike hit for six lash out bam bushwhack afflict sock it to thump on knock on bear down wipe hang one on take out plant one pick stripe plump stinger land a punch aim blows at maltreat abuse trash uppercut hit out mistreat fell roughhouse manhandle flatten level total wound kick stone lob pellet flax percuss brain dab blitz whang beat up knock out ride roughshod give a black eye let fly swing at hit out at lash out at scud conk blip give someone a hot bottom do over put over one's knee make someone feel the back of one's hand knock about lay a finger on butt carom jar be in collision with bang into knock into clatter dash against crash into collide with crack against smash into jostle bunt knock against crash against plough into slam into crack into run into malleate tear into weigh into set on leather punish flagellate bump into scourge horsewhip meet head-on slash cowhide rawhide smack into bomb harm trounce flay cosh brutalize set upon ill-treat chastise set about brutalise bully bombard crush mishandle sail into persecute ill-use break treat badly bruise turn on clash send misuse kick around mess over shell pulverize molest fire at cannon into defeat pulverise beat up on wax drive into get stuck into treat roughly handle roughly boot fire on peck open fire on punt cannonade mash jolt sideswipe rout blitzkrieg wrong annihilate dash barrage let fly at cream bury smoke smother propel skunk dust have a go at clonk shellac tan one's hide pounce on beat hollow blow away snow under ping bash into shake up wipe the floor with round on rebound ricochet shoot strafe graze glance damage fall on torpedo knock down crunch run over overwhelm oppress torture ferule trim besiege fusillade victimize blooter slaughter rear-end barrel into best dropkick come into collision with marmalize victimise outrage murder massacre worst destroy demolish plow into come into collision clash with roll crucify tank be hurled own defeat utterly take a stick to be victorious over put the boot in blow out walk all over make mincemeat of whip someone's hide walk over bring someone to their knees run rings around chasten triumph over blow out of the water fire upon put the boot into cut up get the better of open fire take to the cleaners shoot down win a resounding victory over kill strike with the foot turn inside out mug take a swing beak strike out thrash about flail around whammy head-butt duff up barge into jog contact clunk hit repeatedly stun skull concuss bullwhip bean windmill hit over the head hit on the head fill in aggress thong whirl thunder stomp quirt yerk jerk shake whisk register lunge fustigate slipper stumble light tan someone's hide flop flutter flap blackjack bounce wear out rain blows upon crack up smash up wrack up mar harass wreck lacerate disable disfigure maim contuse cripple lame deface mutilate mangle sink clomp stamp whump plunk flump let have it handle knob finial saddlebow skim strike head-on pepper raid paddlewhack dust someone's britches warm someone's seat connect with plunge neglect strike with a stick beat with a stick ruin beset give someone a licking put someone over your knee warm someone's bottom lay about tip palpate stab interfere with bang up be violent toward launch catapult career into collide into beat to a pulp impact with fender-bend skip pervert misapply misemploy profane prostitute brush assault physically pounce upon dig screw push exploit shoot at calcitrate invade take a strap to hit lightly castigate desecrate corrupt fire knock over clank clang placekick dribble mismanage misappropriate run battle pile up go into strike lightly touch slap lightly knock someone's lights out beat someone's brains out gun snipe kick off give the foot go through run through rattle jackhammer twack stick punish severely give the cat o'nine tails glance off pot jangle skin flick snap get at gun down open fire at grate prang grind varnish heave make contact with drop-kick backbite rip eat alive kick out dump on do wrong push around give the shaft give black eye run circles around beat the pants off


(informal) To put someone or something somewhere, or in a given place
place cast put stick slap fling set put down set down lay down deposit position plant rest stand sit settle station situate leave stow lean arrange set out array dump bung park plonk pop plunk leave out plunk down set up lay pose plank down plop emplace lay out depose dispose install locate fix instal establish posit prop base site lodge post deploy drop shove repose balance seat garrison orient align range plank roost ensconce orientate throw down insert nestle plump mount unload steady lie perch assign put in place support embed fling down center centre impose put on duty build squat consign to spread unlade introduce bear drape sit down put in found root pitch detail ground stash entrench let fall line up centralize spread out dig in centralise encamp flop flump poise sequence slip posture headquarter store stuff lock bestow bring concentrate billet slide set up camp prop up turn face lounge hang tuck separate put away put in position set in position adjust reside dwell inhabit plonk down plop down push thrust order institute erect implant fix in position recline moor land levy space condemn to hang one's hat domiciliate put down roots fit shelter connect place at intervals doom to extend distribute redistribute screen furnish line be propped up be supported be positioned be set space out move apart set apart cover protect hide shut use conceal shield utilize set in place put on settle down fix up build in settle in bed in curl up hide away ditch snuggle up commit to utilise adopt open implement organise display expand organize unfold pin predicate consolidate ingrain focus construct sustain put into position form front fan out take battle stations put out patrol stay hinge rear bottom depend root in ground in allocate to attribute to assign to attach to impute to ascribe to


To flap audibly, especially wings (of a bird or similar species)


To make a loud, deep, resonant sound


(close around or over) To come into contact with (something) so as to encircle and hold it


To securely fasten something (to something else)
bolt clamp attach brace fasten pin rivet batten clip fix peg pinion screw secure set make fast bind nail hitch join tie anchor moor stick affix chain connect lash cement bond link couple weld tether glue hold catch plant yoke tack clasp truss strap rope add tape fuse imbed clinch solder annex append subjoin hook up annexe embed implant lodge establish settle hook adhere fetter concatenate close make firm tie up infix conjugate interlink catenate compound interconnect unite bend nail down tack on freeze to cohere wed tag on hitch on hook on slap on post compress prefix buckle bracket match pair harness bootstrap to stay drop put together latch onto hitch up come together bring together make port grasp squeeze press grip clench position place install root situate intrench put engrain entrench deposit consolidate emplace ingrain stabilize bed enroot lay dispose locate depose solidify rigidify congeal stiffen station instill set up stabilise inculcate instal instil graft steady tie down lock seal make permanent stay put tighten bridge fasten down board up batten down fasten securely clamp down lock up cover up click span consociate tag interface ally network with plug into tie in with tie in meld with join up with wedge jam park paste gum base plonk insert set down impact bung site rest posit staple pop splice stand seat put down found impress dump deploy stow plunk imprint ground put in place mount leave prop lay down sit hang knit plop etch brand conjoin ensconce combine engrave bury build cling arrange nestle poise cleave support balance snag shove erect put in perch roost repose put up hew plunk down link up dig in stamp adjoin stick together fit shackle freeze array sustain engraft ingraft sink sow introduce gird garrison Sellotape range squat berth stuff leash button thrust blend strengthen unify meld team plank knot dovetail braze protect amalgamate drape center construct stick on clog sit down merge lay out associate centralize network put on pitch throw down plank down fling down centralise centre cinch be fixed hang up stick up become settled stick fast hold fast be glued put in position pin up be pasted hold on hang out be stuck cling like ivy join up sellotape underjoin deboss agglutinate Velcro form pin down adjust print record register conglutinate epoxy institute inseminate include melt dock orientate lie orient sequence lean breed store restrain hasp transplant button down inlay bear grapple inspan headquarter supplement reside dwell inhabit incorporate band hang on fix into pose inscribe designate offset remain land zero in repair set in position let fall slip entwine cleave to assign fix firmly picket cable hold on to stick like a barnacle hold on like bulldog stick like glue put down roots domiciliate fix in position plaster string fortify detail assemble juxtapose take delve bring concentrate consign to bind up hog-tie sow the seeds of propagate transfer add on mortar hang one's hat mate din in drum in drive home define fence confirm lounge leave out dig strike put on duty construct defences dig trenches grub burrow shelter maintain imbue stabilitate screen fasten together attach securely display hole up take root preserve make more secure screw up match up radicate teach indoctrinate hide cover shut become established grow roots firm furnish line focus predicate conceal shield dangle plateau uphold fix in place become anchored become implanted deck hinge rear bottom drum into drill in hammer in sow the seeds hide away ditch snuggle up curl up stash suspend hold steady make steady ram cram force unload set in place depend anchor itself embed itself become embedded become caught become fixed unlade sling bed in settle down fix up build in settle in pack get stuck ground in become stuck root in come to rest ossify breed in the bone swing peg up peg out crowd crush make stable keep steady put on a hook tack up be fastened nail up firm up even out hug shoehorn block push sandwich become constant chock be bogged down stick like barnacle

Antonym des a clap

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