Synonym des a work


Activity one engages in to make a living
occupation employment job livelihood profession trade career line of business role vocation position post specialisation specialization stint walk calling commitment contract gig nine-to-five obligation pursuit assignment business field function hiring line line of work racket recruitment chosen work contracting daily grind day gig engagement living thing day job employ means of earning one's living enterprise game craft métier office walk of life situation sphere specialty province speciality appointment capacity place area lifework activity mission forte berth art service grip domain way department realm avocation discipline handicraft arena dodge slot task rat race duty lay station billet niche circle undertaking element bailiwick metier front purpose connection spot practice skill interest opening life's work jurisdiction hire placement demesne firmament barony means fief fiefdom posting concern what one is into bag do vacancy part sector zone subsistence territory orbit strong suit long suit terrain precinct maintenance kingdom sustenance line of country labor labour income area of interest area of activity keep upkeep nourishment handcraft means of support hang play funds grind alimentation support source of income swindle subject responsibility daily bread affair biz branch world specialism bread and butter opportunity dominion field of work purview topic means of livelihood turf source of revenue compass section pigeon line of employment sphere of influence sphere of activity sphere of interest rank class status venture caste patronage custom handiwork go tier strong point life work schtick setup employment status practise chosen career field of expertise position of employment charge commission faculty being existence environment expertise competency competence experience skillset industry life existing animation sustainment apprenticing enrolling enlisting enrolment enrollment scene theme preserve region salt mode sustentation scope worry authority study means of earning a living pay margin subfield confines pale area of responsibility area of knowledge bubble sport sphere of study county champaign shire tract prefecture lick grindstone moonlight proceeding living wage appointee candidate services solutions output office-holder delegate representative nominee area of study circumstances resources officeholder area of expertise person's calling object of study hobby magnum opus distinguishing feature cup of tea masterpiece special project object of attention special number claim to fame minor piece de resistance major field of concentration weakness milieu range universe length neck of the woods breadth expanse course extent medium stratum distance radius manor seigniory society compartment turfdom side baby administration classification incumbency beat aspect operation ambit remit stage commercial enterprise theatre forum mob curriculum battlefield battleground area of concern field of influence area of power method exercise sphere of operations patch lists mastery field of study subject matter branch of knowledge field of inquiry neighbourhood state neighborhood ground dimension theater specialist subject branch of learning course of study stomping grounds sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict level strength grade talent gift standing asset stretch ranking aptitude bent rung division sweep reach spread degree order footing ability limits bounds expansion ableness plane echelon reaches parameters space plain sheet horizons waste


The activity for which a person or thing is employed to perform
job responsibility duty endeavor endeavour task undertaking activity art assignment craft occupation practice role business chores commission function industry obligation purpose service brief charge métier mission niche setup commitment process project servitude situation use focus capacity concern involvement part participation place rôle office exercise operation post enterprise errand position engagement chore detail venture affair objective burden goal pursuit employment labour labor province stint appointment thing onus devoir act action exploit effort scheme calling campaign deed piece of work contribution incumbency bit imperative station quest pigeon plan aim care game adventure vocation trust contract interest berth expedition need programme target gig proceeding profession trial program proposition matter feat piece of business deal baby hand directive object utility share raison d'être instruction mark cause department maneuver connection procedure consignment sphere manoeuvre trade do proposal trouble billet idea doing move bag play outfit conception attempt exploration experiment essay hardship tour of duty intention stunt plan of action striving hazard try career employ arrear issue requirement following spot case beat committal briefing pledge custody remit say party side mantle antic taskwork performance of one's duties drill behalf faction backlog behavior faculty transaction long row to hoe action item fun and games movement agenda initiative meaning power behaviour worry posture piece guise execution happening shop struggle hassle what one is into design step dealings deployment maneuvering implementation to-do trip preserve reason accountability tax lookout field line of country wish ambition aspiration hope pretension desire accomplishment ideal racket holy grail intent job title coordination proceedings event problem cross to bear excess baggage Herculean task benefit good advantage area of activity area of interest bailiwick journey end course of action manoeuvring system arrangement blueprint strategy lifework entanglement result outcome outline game plan pet master plan road map ground plan person's task usefulness worth merit behoof avail effect value gain job description return profit routine housework pain term thing to be done odd job KP domestic work time solution designation inconvenience challenge legation embassy command turn period difficult task gauntlet bother test load albatross headache shift tour stretch spell formal order measure run hitch tenure escapade caper plunge fling flutter wheeze suggestion stake quota watch session crusade investment big idea romp pet project leap in the dark gamble risk speculation ballgame performance follow through


Hard work, or the effort expended on a particular task
effort endeavor endeavour energy application conscientiousness diligence drudge drudgery exertion grind gruntwork labor pains push slog slogging strain striving struggle sweat toil travail trouble elbow grease force grit hard labor hard work intensity labour manual labor moil muscle salt mines graft industry blood, sweat and tears donkey work spadework sweat of one's brow yakka hardship attempts expenditure while donkeywork slavery activity fatigue toiling chore donkey-work determination bother hard yakka stress swink industriousness strength persistence enterprise daily grind hard labour menial work attention fuss perseverance moonlight undertaking tenacity doggedness resolution battle assiduity exercise service venture power occupation trial earnestness discipline action operation attempt hard graft pain blood, swear, and tears assiduousness oomph elbow juice physical effort doing drive employment pursuit duty responsibility crusade resolve value slaving stretch charge control campaign tribulation painstaking drag ordeal suffering resoluteness steadfastness movement nine-to-five privation distress tears toils throes commitment hard pull long pull physical exertion Herculean task purpose dedication pangs trials and tribulations back-breaking task steps pull tension strife welly dirty work grunt work thought care inconvenience labour of Hercules backbreaking work measures devotion attentiveness hassle scut work thankless task study intentness patience sedulousness endurance concentration steadiness grief rigor ado old college try chores deliberation zeal flurry bustle rigour hitch snag proceedings procedures backbreaker skivvying tedium workout reaction response plodding hard single-mindedness undertakings busyness acts sweated labour course of action rat race menial labour menial labor disruption tirelessness sedulity vigour dynamism productiveness pertinacity laboriousness vigor perseveration rigorousness hardworkingness continuance


Product or achievement resulting from effort
achievement creation product design end product accomplishment actualization brainchild doing feat handicraft handiwork invention output act action application conception deed innovation realisation realization article concoction formulation genesis origination success triumph fulfillment attainment end result final product final result finished product outcome result affair aftereffect aftermath aspiration by-product conclusion consequence corollary derivative development execution fruit implementation offshoot offspring outgrowth upshot yield fulfilment production labor labour produce thing effect artefact artifact crop legacy issue outturn harvest productivity backwash profit gain amount handwork craft craftwork fabrication commodity workmanship fruits personal work spin-off sequel resultant returns fate spinoff sequence precipitate brand child impact influence implication reaction working bounty ramification repercussion response manufacturing return volume manufacture out-turn impression fallout bearing weight imprint footprint works oeuvre making solutions take turnout producing writings side effect reverberation power mark quantity produced amount produced gross domestic product gross national product turnover throughput revenue capacity income takings incomings payoff earnings proceeds productiveness performance gains dividend first fruits receipts bunce gate fruitage fruition receipt productive capacity work rate mass production construction quota aggregate business contrivance flow production quota rate of production service deliverable gross revenue sales outcomes offshoots by-products things results pay-off writing volume of business services surplus interest remuneration haul reward killing excess lucre percentage payback net boot generation catch gross winnings emoluments pickings financial gain acquisition operating profit split accumulation gross profit net profit pay dirt bottom line gravy composition derivation initiation authorship vintage financial return intake crops reaping gathering garnering gleaning year's growth season's growth annual production


The application of the mind to learning and understanding a subject
study application education analysis research learning consideration examination investigation advisement debate probation scholarship swotting inspection exploration examen lessons delving deliberation inquisition inquest inquiry disquisition probing reading probe schooling account scrutiny cogitation academic work tuition perusal thought subject reasoning analyzing school work experiment comparison lesson revision enquiry questioning exercise training search schoolwork course class cramming homework analysing abstraction weighing attention memorising memorizing book work review survey evaluation scrutinization dissection assessment scan check interrogation contemplation reflection audit trial thinking breakdown heed test observation concentration once-over assay fact-finding quest going-over appraisal poll experimentation regard deconstruction cross-examination legwork anatomization hearing calculation forethought discussion scanning anatomy look meditation pondering musing checkup interpretation anatomizing view quiz tryout attentiveness heedfulness glance weighing up browse verification skim rumination estimation sifting notice look-see assignment diagnosis postmortem task testing case diligence industry assiduity brainwork look through care thoughtfulness intentness coursework mind project look-over third degree inventory fishing expedition prep try-out canvass fact finding trial and error pilot study dry run trial run treatment R and D leaf test drive mulling reconnaissance flick autopsy census brooding checking read grilling concern excogitation questionnaire quizzing cerebration note resolution regardfulness absorption immersion engrossment circumspection groundwork browse through glance through sampling audition surveillance excursus premeditation read-through balancing mindfulness observance judgement judgment essay analyzation tally knowledge eye awareness advertence advertency ear skim through leaf through flick through substantiation try caution serious thought feeler spotlight opinion poll research and development trial balloon fact checking public opinion poll run-through breaking down lucubration grind check-up investigating exploring dissolution travel detection criticism quarry monitoring look at catechizing pursuit interrogatory carefulness reconnoitring sounding critique breakup recce supervision vetting dissertation experiments superintendence analyses tests enquiries indagation studies deciphering decoding straw vote reconnoitering surveying snoop snooping gander stocktaking report Q and A analyzes screening attempt paper cross-questioning investigation into traineeship apprenticeship approval proof novitiate giving someone the third degree careful considering drill contrast translation delineation initiation division tentation piece of research juxtaposition differentiation action screen test acid test noviciate consciousness respect cognizance discrimination distinguishing collation road map post-mortem dismemberment trial period distinction careful examination learning new things test period watchfulness demonstration experimental period differentiating contrasting tab close-up perlustration histology medicine etiology biology morphology physiology aetiology embryology cytology genetics zoology TLC listen up interest mark remark tender loving care hit and miss hit or miss cut and try relating collating paralleling ascertainment studying close study venture procedure ratio analogizing discernment dividing consultation speculation close examination the eye eagle eye undertaking ballot conferring operation fling try-on enterprise long hard look telling the difference scientific test rap planning prudence wariness ventilation negotiation purpose ratiocination dummy run market research try out R & D


A formal, usually lengthy, systematic discourse on some subject
treatise essay dissertation thesis article discourse exposition paper study critique commentary disquisition composition review monograph piece tract discussion writing treatment book pamphlet memoir script tractate institutes piece of writing report account theme editorial analysis write-up survey inquiry enquiry leaflet booklet brochure comment textual examination critical essay assignment exegesis investigation manuscript findings feedback research paper conclusions piece of research term paper literature review story item feature column section exposé post segment exclusive module scoop number spread illustration opus exposure paragraph blurb perspective latest news uncovering opinion revelation beat viewpoint splash think piece news story press report publicity story editorial column inside story criticism assessment notice interpretation appraisal presentation crit evaluation leader explication explanation address handling judgement lecture speech elucidation coverage judgment examination exploration rating note talk consideration text annotation chronicle record abstract vlog blog weblog gloss history monologue monolog profile document argumentation disputation debate contribution compte rendu acclamation tribute description praise recognition narration publication transcript examen journal bulletin texts research chronology appreciation excursus illumination clarification construction register log footnote annal diary finding scholium proceeding archive minute enucleation tale enunciation details expounding statement construal road map delineation moblog sitrep transaction definition translation publishing paraphrase position paper outline spin pan canvass critical assessment recapitulation mention synopsis redraft reviewal critical analysis biography summary literature observation précis sermon marginal note homily oration notes published writing relevant work footnotes scholia comments book review peroration whaikorero speaking expression huddle verbalization utterance descant gabfest rhetoric


(mass noun) The execution or accomplishment of a task or series of tasks
performance accomplishment execution achievement exploits attainment consummation feats fulfillment fulfilment discharge conducting conduct acts effecting completion exploit feat practice dispatch implementation effectuation carrying into action carrying out triumph success coup deed act enterprise undertaking effort handiwork creation production master stroke positive result stroke of genius result job opus product realization actualization fruition action operation masterpiece maneuver acquirement manoeuvre actuality victory hit realisation acquisition contrivance conquest stroke feather in cap tour de force enactment prosecution commission perpetration pursuance doing conclusion application exercise use fulfilling employment completing finishing enforcement pursuit performing administration play exertion utilization carrying through enjoyment utilisation usage engineering bringing off pass close reification winding up implementing putting into practice observance transaction perfection resolution culmination acquittal effect redemption accomplishing procurement finish bringing about reaching gaining closing concluding pulling off winning sewing up polishing off successful completion following pursuing discharging stunt move negotiation finalization ending end imposition force stratagem settling handling crowning perfecting capping baby operationalization achieving organization management finalisation deployment effectiveness rendering clinching honoring honouring exploitation exercising carrying off agreement settlement lawfulness legality satisfying successful consummation successful fulfillment successful finalization successful execution successful resolution successful conclusion legitimacy validity working out organisation hammering out meeting authenticity legal acceptability responsibility discipline activity routine tradition habit ritual convention custom nuts and bolts thrashing out making good adherence to gratification materialization maturation satisfaction maturity ripeness materialisation ripening fruitfulness pleasure readiness


The skill of an artisan or craftsman
workmanship skill craft artistry art technique craftsmanship expertise skilfulness skillfulness handiwork artisanship design handicraft execution artwork know-how mastery dexterity ability proficiency adroitness virtuosity flair talent deftness aptitude adeptness expertness finesse touch competence genius facility knack polish gift class prowess panache capability style caliber calibre masterfulness professionalism form artfulness ingenuity artistic ability handiness cleverness brilliance creativity pizzazz efficiency refinement sophistication dexterousness artifice poise grace elegance skills wizardry cunning excellence nimbleness gracefulness pzazz agility accomplishment command competency nous savvy potency chops puissance performance method ease knowledge inventiveness imagination finish strength aptness capacity skillset effectiveness bent stuff smarts what it takes right stuff savoir faire quality éclat address delivery profession approach musicianship manner acumen ingeniousness way understanding familiarity acquaintance feel awareness trademark faculty makings the right stuff energy the goods forte force mind for promise might qualification clout resources effectualness grasp expertism grip sharpness ableness masterliness mastership capableness dodge potential potentiality endowment power means moxie goods fitness resourcefulness wherewithal hard skill green thumb savoir-faire originality invention inspiration expressiveness perception taste sensitivity sensibility eloquence poetry craftship creative skill


A state of busy or vigorous action or movement
activity action bustle commotion hustle movement stir buzz hustle and bustle activeness busyness enterprise flurry hubbub hurly-burly agitation drama events fuss hijinks incidents motion frenzy happenings hullabaloo hysteria occurrences proceedings tumult whirl comings and goings goings-on hurry-scurry overdrive pother to-do toing and froing high gear excitement turmoil furore furor rumpus ruckus pandemonium kerfuffle ado ballyhoo uproar disturbance ruction row hoo-ha helter-skelter brouhaha zoo bother clatter storm bluster blather welter moil bobbery hoopla shindy foofaraw squall williwaw hurly clutter splore hurry-skurry corroboree hurry hurricane coil do hubble-bubble animation hoo-hah stew alarums and excursions fun liveliness racket dynamism hue and cry song and dance carry-on ferment clamor clamour disorder unrest excitation flap palaver trouble scene hassle energy life upheaval elation thrill whirlwind chaos mayhem perturbation turbulence havoc disquiet bedlam confusion splash folderol din noise broil pantomime fireworks backwash rigmarole tamasha argy-bargy fuss and feathers haste moving stirring thrills whirlpool affairs adventure rush sensation eventualities kicks high jinks wildness spirit episodes business flurry of activity carryings-on chain of events controversy fracas riot enthusiasm provocation incitement eagerness stimulation maelstrom affray disruption outcry wingding bangarang donnybrook lather stink aggro performance upset tizzy discomposure ructions dither restlessness discord fermentation melee kick-up tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup much ado about nothing tizz annoyance convulsion production combustion breach of the peace big scene fuss and bother bobsy-die big stink hell broke loose fever rage heat passion emotion feeling babel free-for-all disarray brawl shambles madhouse anarchy quarrel mess disorderliness madness vociferation disorganization roar outburst shouting yelling babble all hell broken loose stramash disorganisation protest cataclysm distraction rumble jumble uprising tempest three-ring circus violence rampage hell scandal howl muddle carrying-on melodrama disarrangement mix-up altercation strife fight unruliness fray lawlessness earthquake bouleversement fury jangle eruption disquietude explosion disorderedness scuffle hubba-hubba upturn misorder disaster delirium Sturm und Drang mare's nest shindig outbreak clangour fighting conflict chatter clangor cacophony histrionics paroxysm charivari distress panic tremor fluster nuisance misrule spectacle derangement tension dishevelment fisticuffs calamity messiness muss tumble topsy-turviness catastrophe mishap confrontation imbroglio incident pell-mell dislocation shock snake pit utter confusion stooshie outrage rat's nest struggle rhubarb deliriousness feverishness bagarre hullaballoo shivaree bombshell snafu worry screaming caterwauling adversity bomb hysterics instability anarchism revolution complaint objection boisterousness swirl flutter babbling fret protestation loud noise craze insurrection bowwow demonstration interruption hype misfortune mania dissent procedure entropy surprise cry ailment farce street fight chance-medley heck nonsense crisis setback tragedy hardship monkey business indignation katzenjammer contretemps grief wild disarray opposition tribulation harassment circumstance debacle rout complication affair inconvenience huff public disturbance blow anger seething mass spot of bother argument theatrics dramatics disorderly conduct public nuisance theatre theater hurt dire straits bad news hot water holy mess tempest in a teacup tempest in a tea-kettle federal case mountain out of a molehill big deal hurrah scrap dust-up upheavals big fuss scrum circus draft draught uncertainty convulsions unsettlement seething wrangle squabble shemozzle an outcry bickering roughhouse spin craziness tohubohu rampancy flash to do rough house skirmish party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking spree hurly burly anxiety anxiousness hell to pay devil to pay trepidation hectic activity clash vandalism lunacy fad chaotic situation rammy wow mêlée tizz-woz unquietness restiveness uneasiness all hell breaking loose farcicality ridiculousness senselessness destruction bugle call ruffle wilding incitation quake exaggeration rowdydow flare-up scuffling hindrance fussing talk afters encounter mix up shout spasm scramble discontent mutiny street fighting snarl distemper burst insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder shower rebellion run-in revolt omnishambles boiling troubles jiggery-pokery dissatisfaction criticism untidiness ululation roughness ride soap opera seesaw saga actions firestorm blare discordance rattle decibels bruit tintamarre state of unrest clamouring a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy ritual consternation stunner temper rabidity tangle lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk confused noise threat disapproval exclamation a mess a muddle a shambles shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking wilderness menace boilover hazard biffo howl of protest clang tower jargon demurral lengthy process red tape tedious business haze intricacy topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness an omnishambles war of words rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak car crash fankle a car crash dismay tantrum hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor scene of confusion slip-up formal complaint chorus of disapproval irritation fright vexation alarm stage dramaturgy acting puzzle movements dramas fit blowup hissy grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment hullabaloos tumults exhibition affront queasiness turn-up overthrow alteration turnaround shakeout switch temblor hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour flip-flop violent change about-face new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game discomfiture sweat twit twitter hissy fit temper tantrum exhibition of oneself display of emotion distressed state state nervous state suffering failure state of agitation tiz-woz state of panic state of anxiety dilemma peril disadvantage harm trial detriment damage predicament activism division break interference plight danger theatricals problem quandary infelicity misadventure unpleasantness loss disarranging disordering bind trauma conundrum mire quagmire difficulty fiasco campaigning unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage pickle emergency occasion jam affliction perplexity pinch mishappening accident mischance hitch bad luck snag ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling entanglement horror exigency undermining delay retardation delaying crusading tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment persecution rotten luck ill splitting separation severance perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences travail straits disbenefit sticky situation hell on earth hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation tear-jerker sad state tight corner critical situation unfortunate situation hard times no-win situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation arguing discussion debate holding up battling rabble-rousing stirring up striving struggling wrangling


An action or intervention producing a particular effect
agency instrument means medium vehicle action activity force influence mechanism power agent channel effect instrumentality machinery ministry organ expedient mode route technique assistance help operation support method system way course procedure process measure tactic apparatus step avenue scheme factor device tool structure manner cause aid trick path road maneuver manoeuvre machine stratagem move modus operandi ways and means organization fashion equipment intermediary resort course of action gimmick paraphernalia implement approach organisation plan contrivance instrumentation arrangement stopgap institution workings driver recourse engine dodge auspices expediency catalyst stepping-stone ploy cogs mechanisms machination act option methodology movement deed plot driving force initiative strategy wherewithal tack alternative shift ruse appliance refuge contraption set-up program programme proceeding means of expression makeshift effort instruments dashboard instrument panel controls dials console control panel setup springboard control possibility complex administration stepping stone artifice material substitute resource legal action pathway way in utensil release outlet vent means of access channels element object pipeline platform gear author accouterment motor gadget mother inspiration causality impetus gizmo kit accessory nitty-gritty safety valve release mechanism motion hardware shifting bottom way of harnessing tackle measures conduit vector mouthpiece gambit means of release mode of expression weapon whatchamacallit practice style how routine tactics recipe form doer attempt progress project alpha and omega causal agency be-all and end-all causal agent prime mover relief modus formula policy blueprint regimen custom red tape rules design drill line game plan nuts and bolts steps rule vein protocol angle transaction treatment agenda conduct exercise rubric line of action method of working plan of action master plan road map grand design the book MO stages undertaking theory scenario choice layout formation ground plan praxis behaviour modality schema touch behavior enterprise manoeuvring maneuvering racket order pattern code diet tenor wrinkle how-to mode of behaviour mode of conduct regime schedule course of therapy prescription principle ritual principles precept convention precepts canon formulation theorem specifications description rite credo rote creed maxim direction equation agendum series of steps performance set of tactics standard operating procedure the numbers line of attack SOP state condition quality genre posture wise book type kind sort


A skillful act performed for entertainment or amusement
number feat piece turn exploit routine stunt bit composition deed opus performance schtick shtick song track tune act dance item sketch trick caper consummation execution tour de force production achievement accomplishment attainment coup skit magnum opus action triumph oeuvre manoeuvre maneuver masterpiece show work of art creation playlet antic enterprise conquest victory adventure thing doing effort music undertaking activity crusade master stroke feather in cap chef-d'oeuvre piece de resistance line acrobatic presentation recitation gig scene entertainment curtain gag introduction party piece study arrangement painting showpiece classic musical work pièce de résistance artistic work body of work endeavour byplay plan commission do quest ballgame game cause winning securing endeavor happenin' masterwork success hit big idea follow through wonder knockout brainchild sensation stroke of genius marvellous feat grand achievement feat of strength supreme example great achievement spectacular achievement opuscule product escapade experience venture affair time episode fling romp move happening handiwork lark spree emprise geste gest campaign job stroke heroic act daring act fulfilment fulfillment realization acquirement realisation actualization fruition masterstroke acquisition baby completion positive result win actuality gain implementation effectuation stratagem result effecting upset walkover carrying out grand slam thrashing trouncing glory operation discharge walkaway benefit gaining pass procurement vanquishment prize conclusion reaching culmination fulfilling ascendancy favorable outcome finish enactment reification contrivance jackpot favourable result arrival successful outcome clean sweep hole in one plume exercise scoop coup d'état coup de mâitre obtaining getting realizing coup de maître successful manoeuvre plot reaping notch in one's belt exploits procuring acquiring dominion conquering crushing overpowering defeating feats realising succeeding bringing about successful stroke conducting arrival at set beating conduct acts prosecution engineering supremacy sweep boon blessing godsend close concluding pursuance closing finishing perpetration gold practice windfall good bonanza treasure asset advantage completing dispatch successful completion polishing off carrying through sewing up successful resolution winding up carrying into action discovery successful consummation successful fulfillment successful finalization successful execution successful conclusion mastery upper hand smash belter palm toppling reversal rout drubbing progress eminence smasheroo score surmounting vanquishing takeover cinch homer splash pushover advance flying colors strike maturation éclat good fortune big win hammering materialisation effectuality ascendency goods effectiveness effectualness efficaciousness auspiciousness successfulness wow smash-hit home run the gold big hit stroke of luck smash hit shoo-in favourable outcome materialization miracle surprise victory unexpected result major defeat great performance sudden change


Information or ideas for use in creating a book or other work
material information evidence facts data notes details particulars background documentation ideas info statistics documents papers deets dirt dope gen low-down facts and figures reading text subject matter intelligence figures knowledge input scoop records specifics numbers dossier reports advice instruction files results materials report conclusions score chapter and verse whole story news fuel testimony lowdown account insight word notice latest findings counsel detail guidance ammunition enlightenment poop clues file statement observation picture goods inside story what's what ammo inside information brass tacks resources answers solutions arguments determination conclusion pointers points considerations proof verification features verdict encouragement archives archive abstracts return compilations support finding science lore orientation memorandums analysis research skinny exposition tip notification communication erudition directions inside leak briefing reportage learning tidings illumination disclosure story feedback item clue book heads up tip-off direction hot tip bumf developments inside dope word to the wise like it is bottom line record document summary register substantiation dispatch journal log message annals confirmation corroboration diary attestation note communiqué list demonstration validation authentication case study case history smoking gun chronicle bulletin rumor annal minutes scandal announcement understanding transcript narration logbook testament memoir hearsay catalogue witness description discovery commentary proceedings eye-opener the goods profile inventory casebook rumour buzz catalog revelation thought case testimonial talk voucher clincher trace grounds illustration paper trail essentials cue reality gospel certainty readout rundown affirmation indication a briefing a brief form submission jottings manifestation bum steer write-up paper idea gossip docket cincher charts impressions hint concept update conception profession tabulation outline transactions synopsis observations intimation scuttlebutt status goss case notes dish tittle-tattle status update telling headlines release telecast broadcast copy cable precis sketch stats know-how the latest front-page news news flash cognizance specification itemization exposé recognition recital telegram particularization comprehension fact hard facts cold hard facts hard evidence wisdom elucidation sense concrete data concrete information cold hard evidence concrete evidence explanation clarification demography awareness how it is concrete happening intuition discernment divination tiding transcripts transaction history enumeration resolution apprehension epiphany truth edification almanac instrument deed registry transcription script certification census narrative memorandum chronology memo writing entry education light unravelment explication act yearbook directory memorial certificate manuscript clearing up legend scorecard muniment scroll blog inscription program programme chronicles swindle sheet written material procès-verbal exhibit averment establishment affidavit muniments folder portfolio database reason warrant reasons argument straight stuff personal account recorded information batch of data binary code


The action or process of manufacturing or inventing something
fabrication invention lie falsehood fiction untruth concoction fib falsity myth deception fable falsification prevarication story exaggeration fairy tale figment half-truth porky whopper yarn fake forgery pretence pretense rumor rumour barefaced lie fairy story fantasy made-up story mendacity phantasy piece of fiction pretext ruse sham stratagem tale taradiddle tarradiddle trickery trumped-up story white lie wile bulldust claptrap little white lie red herring artefact artifact cock and bull story deceit flight of fancy hogwash jazz jive line opus smoke tall story tall tale departure from the truth figment of the imagination porky pie terminological inexactitude pork pie cock-and-bull story song and dance fake news misrepresentation alternative fact dishonesty fancy deceitfulness dissimulation canard imagination untruthfulness kidology fraudulence falseness illusion inaccuracy fraud unreality perjury delusion distortion dream duplicity lying hypocrisy vision treachery fakery disinformation fallacy misinformation crock hallucination subterfuge daydream fish story hoax chimera artifice fallaciousness erroneousness whimsy pipe dream chimaera misstatement gossip propaganda untruism inveracity shamming dissembling lack of veracity contrivance lies daydreaming shaggy-dog story fantasm conceit mirage nonentity phantasm urban myth urban legend creation of the brain bubble reverie make-believe guise fibbing castle in the air whisper mendaciousness romance misconception improvisation fictitiousness legend hollowness perfidy creation equivocation double-dealing narrative false colours false excuse clothesline detraction truthlessness error creativity hyperbole incorrectness spuriousness disingenuousness spiel unveracity anecdote rigmarole potboiler apparition imagining ideation short story imaginativeness figment of imagination visualization visualisation thought castle in Spain fool's paradise imaginative faculty angler's tale pishogue false statement bunk big lie remarkable story half truth phantom of the mind creature of the imagination wildest dream nancy story economy with the truth excuse fibbery cover-up feigning misinterpretation misunderstanding conspiracy theory quibbling evasiveness spinach fudging scandal chestnut defamation unreliability perfidiousness false report one for the birds originality double-crossing two-facedness guile persuasion codology telling stories backbiting evasion misbelief prepared speech speculation inventiveness spoof swindle baloney inexactness rant misjudgement misjudgment superstition deceptiveness cheating creative thought false notion mistaken belief deviation from the truth spin sophistry calumny uncandidness insincerity speciousness apologue disregard for the facts chicanery production fibs misreport obfuscation fictitious story folk ballad novel nonsense purple prose spectre snare account play-acting charade pretending storytelling narration report monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp phantom bogy book hooey unrealism nonfiction literature drama cliff-hanger saga novelette novella false rumour false information dreaming romancing ignis fatuus specter virtual reality rainbow fata morgana creative writing sketch parable history short stories best seller bending of the truth false trail wish adventure self-deception masquerade conception lore folklore work of fiction works of fiction made up story bum steer misleading information image mythos nightmare prose reminiscence vagary caprice whim disguise pretentiousness role-playing pageant playacting pretension game song work of imagination power of invention wishful thinking stardust conceiving cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination hope fond hope head trip mind trip fanciful notion desire flight of imagination pie in the sky air castle utopia envisioning folk tale sea story traveller's tale folk story imaginative power mind's eye mental image faking counterfeiting pirating coining fraudulent imitation fraudulent copying epic allegory chronicle record autobiography biography traditional story fictional account tradition mythology relation legendry bestseller Märchen mythus chronology conte memoir cliffhanger best-seller castles in the air novels Marchen piece hardback paperback self-delusion blockbuster wraith trance idea incubus impression yellowback escapism horror sci-fi pot boiler three-decker science fiction poem mental picture cover play poetry cover story oral history folk tradition composition dissertation thesis exposition verse manuscript phantasma sword and sorcery literary work recital version commentary information info tidings news advices item intelligence word gen commentaries detail testimony tragedy sequel beat comedy serial old saw long and short of it act simulation facade con tearjerker façade trick phoniness imposture flimflam feint weepie lyric romp melodrama idealization idyll put-on snow job put-up job burlesque counterfeit sell humbug false front imitation ballad sensation idealisation romantic fiction romantic short story romantic novel sense of excitement romantic film sense of history romantic comedy love story adventure story light fiction tissue of lies romantic story sense of adventure sentimental fiction romantic tale tear-jerker tear jerker


A session of vigorous physical exercise or training
workout drill exercise training warm-up exercises aerobics practice practise routine callisthenics gymnastics isometrics calisthenics conditioning constitutional exercise session keep-fit session limbering up rehearsal session test tryout weightlifting daily dozen physical training session practice session training session preparation keeping fit repetition run-through work-out dry run exercising working out keep fit physical activity bodybuilding discipline trial fitness shakedown drills sports physical movements physical exercise try-out staying fit dummy run physical training physical education leisure praxis study exercise system activity shootaround step aerobics body building exertion movement tune-up background seasoning iteration prepping drilling gym workouts physical jerks daily workout action games PT PE cardiovascular exercise teaching coaching athletics experiment grounding rehearsing prep homework assignment P.E. sports activities isometric exercise run through sing-through trial performance going-over trial balloon test flight walk-through square-bashing dress rehearsal learning by doing custom habit convention ritual way procedure rule wont tradition form pattern usage fashion policy mode manner habitude method observance rite system formality trick ceremony protocol modus operandi style second nature use ceremonial matter of course formula institution groove tikanga norm solemnity tendency characteristic process regulation consuetude mores sacrament liturgy propensity disposition order proneness prescription ordinance office rubric behaviour tack convenance behavior proceeding grind addiction proprieties daily grind beaten path hang-up service proclivity penchant act bent heritage normality etiquette normalcy conduct mystery celebration worship performance course communion law thing Sacrament how approach technique regimen strategy methodology setup precedent shot into formal procedure red tape order of things pomp occasion dictate prescript pageantry idiosyncrasy notion idea phenomenon trait personality nature preference predilection swim fact concept tenet usance attribute mannerism usefulness utility attitude oddity peculiarity temperament usual procedure character aptness conventionalism design social convention way of doing things modus vivendi rules manners barometer benchmark decency social practice propriety decorum tactics recipe condition yardstick precept canon channels ropes guideline lockstep right practice set formula standard par by the book kawa do's and don'ts by the numbers done thing cultus stereotype schedule regime moeurs treatment currency acceptance management rote control lore folklore legend legendry belief principle myth doctrine culture birthright customs ethics wisdom fable mythology ethic mythos conventionality punctilio established practice bureaucracy paperwork formal gesture official procedure normal procedure officialism academism routine practice matter of form requirement assuetude set rut fixed attitude


A painted picture
canvas oil painting art artwork image oil painting opus picture piece portrait watercolour watercolor old master still life work of art sketch canvass drawing portraiture illustration portrayal depiction representation likeness delineation vignette rendering mural landscape cartoon acrylics composition oils simulacrum figure art work fine art water color artistic work study description definition photograph self-portrait miniature model silhouette kit-cat portrait spitting image lookalike impression engraving presentment draft ikon panorama draught icon doodle tableau blueprint effigy design watercolors cityscape watercolours seascape abstract design diagram rendition reproduction outline interpretation account print copy characterization statuette facsimile tracing figurine statue explanation replica bust profile take duplicate visual presentation type version counterpart impersonation pattern map report artist's impression layout sculpture view clone carbon reduplication replication dummy imitation assessment perspective carbon copy mirror offprint forgery reflection Xerox hard copy imprint similarity ectype archetype ditto transcription simulation cast mimeograph rubbings transcript ersatz counterfeit reprint microfiche Photostat parallel photocopy photo sign embodiment construal chronicle record exemplification evaluation reading analysis resemblance narrative emblem symbol narration conception slant graphic idol carving comprehension adumbration personification form variation dupe mock duplication figuration apprehension assimilation plan spin examination avatar visual aid graphic design copying plate story token scenario metaphor caricature scene chart mark allegory viewpoint xylograph xylography demonstration paste-up setting down appreciation badge logo spawn fetish doll summarization photography imagery doubling judgement observation opinion judgment appraisal rough draft visualization elucidation visualisation prototype talisman façade facade self-portraiture adaptation rough woodcut photogravure halftone tailpiece frontispiece duotone execution aspect look semblance air aura point of view portrait making portrait painting delivery detail recountal realization recounting line drawing scale drawing telling realisation chronology mock-up rough sketch preliminary sketch chronicling exposition cameo snapshot monograph understanding rationale run-down shot snap potted biography lineaments thumbnail underdrawing maquette croquis esquisse JPEG optical representation TIFF drift commentary simplification comment ébauche précis contour preliminary drawing simulacre head thumbnail sketch puppet character sketch shape guy graven image contours shadow features lines curves configuration etching lineation shade lineament line


Tasks to be performed
things tasks activities assignment goals jobs obligations actions affairs deeds errands exploits feats objectives acts briefs concerns contracts duties engagements enterprises exercises gigs missions plans pursuits rackets responsibilities undertakings ventures accomplishments burdens chores functions processes projects stunts targets commissions doings aims ideals pretensions occupations operations campaigns schemes businesses endeavors works labours movements labors antics behavior manoeuvres maneuvers endeavours behaviour duty responsibility business charge mission roles occupation activity engagement offices concern posts positions capacity purpose onus places pursuit detail parts commitment provinces callings employment act incumbencies labor stints labour efforts devoirs situations pieces of work vocation proceedings imperative appointments services trade needs professions fields play care game procedure trials quests lines moves berths use problems expedition worry pigeons contributions slots trust trouble programmes bags billets dos albatross niches careers proposition livelihood day jobs adventures spheres programs drills loads grips difficulty interest connection stations babies craft setups encumbrances exploration implementation performance objects deals utility mantles involvement departments tries practice bits matter essays liability steps reason capers lessons experiments accountability walks of life coordination weight lines of work courses of action hazard attempts answerability participation ways stress runs crosses to bear dodges employs strain hands areas pet projects crusades tours of duty placement investments escapades flutters skill outfits living manoeuvrings avocations turns lifeworks spots messages avails periods marks walks instruction millstones journeys ground plans odd jobs deadweights romps ideas preserve strivings cause execution risks application leaps in the dark shift plunges bailiwicks intention bucks shares bases art bother trips maneuverings game plans courses flings ends spells cases stakes time consignments issues measures action items pledges sessions hardship directives experience struggles gambles speculation tax requirements intent hassles secondment beats rounds veneers custody briefings remits committals servitude industry foci taskwork excess baggage moral obligations rights prerogatives privilege ambition aspiration hope holy grails wishes desire skillsets competencies expertise fortes competence licks rat race grindstones daily grinds lay hangs moonlight job descriptions drains imposition pressure demand vacancy opportunities openings examples action points posture job titles pieces guises flyers crapshoots tests stabs peril throws wagers fliers shots voyages specs jeopardy chances management control influence customs patronage routine housework destinations consideration expectation sense relevance scopes points principles design motives wont faculties power meanings dealings deployment movement events importance constraints obligatoriness boundness postings practises hires justification backlogs arrears to-dos designation commands solutions legations embassies performings workings functionings runnings understanding promise moral imperatives musts oughts culpabilities accountableness conception suggestion ballgames proposals wheezes behalfs parties sides factions say training evolution progression paths routes development growth dead weight balls and chains anxiety blame crosses drag grievances shackles punishment affliction chains misfortune hindrances shopping collections deliveries hobbies larks pastimes transactions shops happenings outcomes returns usefulness good worth results benefits behoofs merits gain effect value profit advantage turfs terrain baronies kingdoms class classification precincts fiefs specialities domains specialism arenas territory discipline specialties jurisdictions fiefdoms administration dominion circles demesnes elements realms firmaments fronts entanglement lookouts analysis experimentation research homework stretches hitches watches terms quotas tours tenure beasts killers bears headaches pain hard rows to hoe questions quandaries puzzles knots incidents conundrums complication predicaments nuts perplexity puzzlement challenges dilemmas fun and games long rows to hoe


A dramatic work for the stage or to be broadcast
play drama comedy farce performance show tragedy entertainment piece dramatisation dramatization pantomime production screenplay soapie teleplay composition masque musical opera sketch spectacle stage play stage show theatrical potboiler curtain-raiser dramatic piece mask soap opera theatrical piece theatrical work one-act radio play television drama television play flop hit smash turkey smash hit presentation concert matinee act recital staging melodrama gig public presentation theatricals allegory theatrical performance movie afternoon showing film program broadcast programme series exhibition sight representation showing period piece historical drama dramatics prosecution enactment pursuance routine commission fulfillment appearance buskin house fulfilment dance cabaret burlesque costume drama revue review rehearsal ceremony offering tragic drama public performance execution accomplishment acting performing extravaganza perpetration portrayal rendition mounting floor show achievement discharge implementation musical performance acting out adaptation spectacular committal committing solo vaudeville show repertory organizing arrangement engagement job employment carrying out entertaining variety show organising event theater solo performance theatre attraction show biz show business playing personation depiction personification musicale play-acting prom impersonation playacting festival rockfest music festival jam session musical entertainment promenade concert pop concert rock concert


To exert oneself for a particular purpose
toil drudge hustle labor labour slog grind slave strive beaver drive knuckle down moil peg away plug away strain sweat apply oneself break one's back buckle down carry on acquit oneself endeavor endeavour struggle beaver away exert yourself go all out go for broke keep your head down knock oneself out plod along push oneself work like a dog bang away bullock dig away dig in exert oneself grind out hammer away keep at it keep your nose to the grindstone kill oneself make a great effort pitch in plod away put one's back into something slave away slog away sweat blood trudge work day and night work like a Trojan work one's socks off work your fingers to the bone work your guts out travail plow plod plough grub plug tug hump work hard bend over backwards try hard graft make every effort make an effort push try go for it bust a gut aim bear down give it your all attempt seek do all one can lean over backwards give it your best shot pull out all the stops undertake break your neck rupture yourself make an all-out effort do your damnedest essay spare no effort put yourself out persevere grind away fall over backwards aspire assay do your best be at pains do one's best fight set out move heaven and earth pour it on dig deeper dig deep venture overwork grub away do your utmost battle have a crack take pains persist scramble apply exert jump through hoops work oneself to the bone schlepp lumber hammer stagger grapple get your head down skivvy purpose push yourself muck plough away soldier on offer leave no stone unturned take on have a crack at have a go at shoot for give it a fly have a go have a stab plough through old college try work one's butt off work hard to take it on oneself give something one's best shot have a bash sweat away plug along give something one's all peg along work at burn the candle at both ends have a shot work like a slave drag oneself work one's nuts off give it a burl take care suffer take great pains bang on graft away putter endure cultivate tend trail campaign withstand peg toll have a swing at try one's hardest make a run at put one's back into it have a shot at have one's nose to grindstone grovel entreat dig pound perform overwork oneself stand up to work very hard overburden tax work fingers to bone be servile apply yourself head-down put up a fight against go to war keep going press on stick with it keep at compete contend go ham go hard go hammer and tongs aspire to go all out for go for the doctor strain every nerve make a supreme effort push oneself to the limit try very hard drive oneself to the limit jockey overtax peg away at apply oneself to tackle scrabble front up lift a finger make an attempt chip away at go for have a whack make a pass at make a bid go after vie for drive for take a crack at keep nose to grindstone go back to the salt mines try for flog do all you can give it a whirl go the limit have a stab at go for the jugular belly up to the bar get your act together roll up one's sleeves concentrate shape up pull up one's socks get down to it pursue set one's sights be after have designs have in view give your all wade footslog drudge away show dedication be industrious show commitment be diligent study hard be assiduous buckle to devote yourself commit oneself fight your way make effort get stuck in use some elbow grease drive oneself break sweat bust chops do one's darnedest give all one's got give best shot vie trawl devote soldier commit give persevere with toil away persist with work away dedicate go all-out for address keep on trek empty the tank go the whole nine yards go all-out try my best bend direct stumble kill oneself with take a stab at put to the test embark on take a whack at try out have at it make an attempt at keep on with chip away plough on with soldier on with study stick at work one's socks off on not cease clump flounder bumble blunder tramp traipse do one's durnedest put in effort put effort plow away put effort into something proceed laboriously put in work trog yomp schlep pull out all stops give old college try put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel hit the ball battle one's way move with difficulty clamber limp sputter be attentive pay attention make one's way with difficulty shinny plug away at wheel give it all one has dive in toil away at proceed with difficulty work through work one's way roll roll along trundle rattle overstrain overextend overload overtask overdrive work too hard overtax oneself overdo it bite off more than you can chew wear oneself to a shadow overload oneself run yourself into the ground drive oneself too hard push oneself too hard overtax one's strength strain yourself overtire yourself overstrain yourself drive oneself into the ground work oneself into the ground work one's tail off wear yourself out overburden oneself burn out do too much work like a horse burn the midnight oil drive oneself too far practice presenteeism


To produce as a result of effort
accomplish achieve carry out create do attain effect effectuate engender perform result in bring about cause produce force fulfil fulfill give rise to induce pull off beget bring forth generate advance breed bring bring on catalyse catalyze contribute to develop enact foster introduce invoke occasion promote prompt render spawn translate into make yield draw on provoke trigger precipitate stir up lead to inspire incite spark off enkindle originate kindle motivate instigate drive move rouse bear whip up make happen arouse actuate execute start bring to pass begin impel work up complete set off realize be the cause of influence elicit stimulate propel stir muster discharge hatch realise touch off set in motion implement trigger off put in motion urge evoke spur carry off compel activate bring off compass excite spark initiate sway encourage carry through quicken call forth fire up set going give birth to make for affect persuade lead give engineer conduct cultivate launch enforce commit prosecute push perpetrate negotiate prod observe incline transact satisfy goad press deliver touch put through manage be at the bottom of finish nudge inspirit mobilise mobilize propagate progenerate bring around wreak turn out end in multiply inflict procure administer organize convert convince gain get institute kickoff establish bring out issue dispose fix consummate have as a result have as a consequence open inaugurate expedite secure accelerate administrate finalize draw succeed put in place talk into win over be conducive to contrive succeed in start off cook up start the ball rolling bring up get things rolling arrange for break the ice break in make up conclude set up prevail on prevail upon cause to occur cause to happen run pique finalise turn the trick actualize organise put across inflame prick sting challenge move forwards boost return undertake provide earn push forwards get moving light a fire under supply afford net pay fetch accrue contribute furnish tender bestow proffer offer admit beam blossom dispatch gather in haul in bring in pull in rake in give off pay out sell for conceive foment operate determine pass spend meet tick fire act act out follow through with dispose of act upon acquit oneself of make ready engage in get going accept labor labour serve function deliver the goods do justice to run with the ball take care of business carry to completion go that route do to a turn be engaged in wind up spur on go through work into lather put into action put up to key up egg on toil through carry on awaken animate raise waken rally predispose entice tempt galvanize coerce draw forth whet galvanise pressure summon agitate bring into being bias necessitate educe further draw out invite make possible culminate in sow the seeds of incentivize impassion coax exhort entail abet oblige incentivise brew condition demand summon up involve call into being evince extract lure make willing mean help constrain solicit strike sic spell be instrumental in finish in impress needle ferment pressurize wake dragoon bestir instill amount to conduce instil conduce to conjure up start up root on pressurise rev up call up set on add up to turn on get up prejudice manifest ignite attract cajole push forward call govern bring round add to direct turn bend energize inveigle extort exact conjure allure have a hand in goose invigorate terminate in require prime play a part in embolden have a part in countenance drive on envigorate energise redound to pick ask make of a mind to ask for prepare play a role in found forward drum up hound command get to whip act as a stimulus to build up set afoot beg for be a source of egg form adapt equal imply plant implant lodge change present constitute exercise enthuse hook suscitate pose be a factor in buoy grab wax act as an incentive to thrill open the door for badger tend set in sharpen resurrect be responsible for oil the wheels of have the effect of be partly responsible for verge elate impose on result sow set craze taunt juice psych impart predetermine harass muster up reproduce revive fan risk budge awake agitate for expose make sensitive enliven grow into be the origin of bully set on foot cause to appear teach indoctrinate incarnate orient derive obtain vivify lend run into obligate give incentive to give incentive set astir roust lash titillate cost reignite rekindle fan the fire recall change mind get smoking burn up impress on fire with enthusiasm spirit up buoy up make expectant muscle sandbag prevail court blackjack burn dig make you of a mind to enflame steel pull favour favor hearten impact exhilarate advise uplift empower vitalize woo incentify refresh apply pressure plead sue request entreat charm commandeer give the incentive to act as a incentive to dictate impose fascinate engage interest pump up suggest to torch make compulsory insist on force upon strong-arm wrest exert expect crack down sensitize sensitise enchant captivate hint to set light to set alight set burning strike up set a match to set on fire set fire to devise petition for cheer on pep up boost up put match to fan the flames of light put a match to call for indicate bid sign beckon bring on oneself flirt with leave the door open to design invent plan switch on put on formulate catch the eye of concoct scheme plot project manufacture commence whomp up tackle parent brainstorm think up emerge trump up give birth give forth throw together procreate spitball break open sire put together dream up come up with come out kick-start kick off tear into start on start to embark on take up launch into proceed with jump into make a start on get going with get down to get on with enter into get going on get stuck into go ahead with set upon


To operate a device or machinery
operate handle use control implement manage manipulate manoeuvre run drive execute ply direct engage maneuver wield command take on act on pilot activate actuate administer steer utilize employ utilise exercise guide apply negotiate harness exploit field make use of play edge deploy slide slip exert conduct ease swing address move treat hack set off call upon resort to avail oneself of bring into play start trigger inch spark squeeze adopt turn on touch off crank up make do with induce creep remove take work with find a use for cope with contend with grapple with put to good use avail yourself of appropriate take advantage of be in charge of dominate extricate right draw on put to use carry out put into service call into play bring to bear move carefully draw out look to push gently man power expend propel spend practice enjoy wage catapult precipitate gain from derive benefit from dispense advance turn to good account do with benefit from consume power up practise bring into service make the most of bring into effective action profit by press into service navigate tackle be in saddle turn jockey position twist deal with make go serve slink turn to account sidle tiptoe worm steal worm your way pick your way slip by ease one's way nose one's way advance slowly advance stealthily ease oneself slip past move slowly inch one's way attend to act toward shift take charge of give attention to take care of take in hand get a handle on sort out behave toward apply oneself to get to grips with govern oversee supervise insinuate rule superintend extract move into position head organize preside over regulate call on take from turn to have recourse to fall back on be inspired by rely on maintain overlook administrate lead steward influence tend to officiate minister keep master instruct call the shots in care for be at the helm of call the shots watch take forward organise honcho run the show take over watch over boss hold down carry on engage in be head of be in charge take the helm call the tune in head up captain be in control of tend quarterback chair look after hold sway over orchestrate be responsible for preside pull the strings call the tune be in command of moderate sway have control of be the boss of mastermind be the leader of reign domineer take the chair run things be in the saddle reign over dictate spearhead order sit on top of be in the driving seat be in driver's seat mediate exercise control over have charge of helm ride herd on skipper attend be in power over take the chair of arbitrate advise overrule judge be at the head of officiate at coordinate mind rule the roost hold the reins facilitate be in the driver's seat hold sway have authority over lay down the law inspect chaperon be the head of engineer undertake referee predominate take the reins marshal umpire host ordain tyrannize marshall keep under thumb observe tyrannise discipline micromanage take charge fit in own keep an eye on call the signals rule over crack the whip be on duty have bully hegemonize subjugate prevail subject incorporate shepherd front see to overshadow order about coach officer be in power hold office lead the way be at the helm do the honors wear the crown find time for pull the wires assume command of be the boss be in the chair at prevail over squeeze in call introduce see call the shots of assume command over carry-on be accountable for commandeer survey be boss of keep up do perform emcee dispose wield baton guard adjudicate manage people till call the play be the proprietor of monitor be responsible be chairperson sit have the say shield safeguard defend protect act function show the way eye juggle control the affairs of be at the controls of be chairman be chairwoman herd have control over render point in the right direction put on the right track minister to trailblaze beacon channel coxswain funnel contrive point lord over edit manage operations dictate terms take control of call the shots on exercise authority over take the reins of exercise power be foremost hold dominion over have authority be in authority over occupy throne exercise authority assume command hold dominion control the content of be chief of perform official duties baby-sit serve the people be on duty at keep tabs on carry out official duties have a handle on keep one's eye on maintain order be the editor of monopolize overbear outnumber outshine superabound eclipse hold take up make arrangements for take responsibility for occupy preponderate reign supreme monopolise push browbeat slot in make room for make time for discharge play first fiddle lead by the nose have one's way detract from have upper hand hold power bulldoze railroad pressurize possess outweigh have influence sit in power wield the sceptre be queen have control be monarch be sovereign occupy the throne be king sit on the throne carry override pressurise sport order around lord it over give orders to walk all over boss around give orders throw your weight around ride roughshod over impose one's will on try to control boss about tell someone what to do throw one's weight about use strong-arm tactics on lean on deal issue deliver enforce have the upper hand be dominant be in control get the upper hand carry most weight tell carry weight inflict bestow oppress affect regiment be possessed of effectuate have at one's disposal impose exact besteer bewield puppeteer dole out mete out wear the trousers have something in the palm of one's hand have someone in one's hip pocket have someone in the palm of one's hand hold the purse strings have someone eating out of one's hand have a hold over hold purse strings push buttons


To arrange or contrive
arrange contrive manipulate fix fiddle maneuver manoeuvre pull strings pull wires connive conspire finagle hustle beguile bluff collude finesse influence jockey lobby machinate one-up exploit play plot rig swing bring off wangle engineer negotiate orchestrate devise choreograph manage scheme organize plan mastermind direct frame conduct set up organise stage-manage control handle hook use guide affect steer cause bring about shape originate play upon turn to one's advantage twist round one's little finger use to advantage mount effect mobilize superintend concoct achieve pull off encompass coordinate design stage concert construct create put together con fix up mobilise come up with upstage operate plant put through scam conceive put one over play games put on angle put over cook doctor supervise intrigue hatch compass cook up cogitate think up lay plans hatch a plot cabal project dream up form a conspiracy complot consort find a way forge work out participate in a conspiracy be in cahoots get in bed with invent engineer a way succeed coconspire outline succeed in collaborate trump up promote work it hit upon put up lay out think of work hand in glove lay diddle brew fix it run administer frame up get regulate chart blueprint draft initiate fraternize cooperate hatch a plan preside over generate calculate budget model draught set sympathize instigate oversee author be in charge of strategize about scheme out map out confederate cogitate on rough out wheel and deal take part in a conspiracy hatch plans conceive a plan engineer plans formulate plans sympathise work closely fraternise abet have the bright idea of be the brains behind put out a contract wire work against collogue be an accessory work something out hatch treason be hand in glove manufacture fabricate see about see to make arrangements for sort out shift pass execute develop elaborate wrangle swing it formulate carry out excogitate improvise procure drum up fashion form becast cause to happen make up vamp up vamp make move throw together whip up cast about work together be in cahoots with be in collusion


To arrive at an answer through logic
break crack resolve solve unravel answer figure out work out decipher decode dope out puzzle out riddle out unriddle unscramble break down decrypt lick untangle find an answer to suss out disentangle fathom interpret elucidate unfold find a solution to find the solution to clarify explain calculate dissect compute make head or tail of make out clear up get to the bottom of descramble realize figure something out realise assess translate reconcile analyse clinch analyze anatomize find the key to get the answer to piece together cryptanalyze find the answer to straighten out get answer discover meaning patch up sew up design throw light on reckon figure cipher settle cypher reveal disclose suss penetrate sort out get something straight illuminate expound simplify make clear construe explicate understand enlighten spell out demystify illustrate make sense of rectify get across make plain read clear demonstrate comprehend iron out define describe shed light on make intelligible put in plain English remedy point out put across think out fix think through put right set right unsnarl tell characterize delineate detail characterise give the details of flesh out go into detail lay out paraphrase reason out gloss render repair deduce deal with annotate make plainer make simple make simpler show specify diagram put to rights make easier to understand make more comprehensible make more intelligible uncover expose find the solution put into words remove the complexities from run over spell it out shed light lay bare express in words make obvious put in plain words give an explanation of make perfectly clear clear the air do riddle free cut through red tape uncipher crystallize crystallise disembroil disinvolve work something out discern grasp apprehend cut the Gordian knot puzzle make plausible make reasonable assimilate sort assay thrash out hammer out regularize regulate reason find the answer come to a conclusion about reword cut deconstruct twig rephrase encipher spell justify explain in simple terms clue in throw light upon draw a map of fill someone in unjumble convert inform bring out take apart regularise tidy up straighten restate recast cast light on give insight give insight into educate exhibit discuss communicate declare teach set the scene enunciate guide defog paint a picture report brief find the key nut out streamline metaphrase transpose put in order crack the code formulate brainstorm unlock divine explicitize get explicitise highlight do into popularize draw a picture of clear the air about state in layman's language find out decide on declutter rationalize get right get to the bottom work on hit upon popularise rationalise smooth over determine a solution to pan out make a dent correct amend red-pencil emend reform get around set to rights make more accessible make easier to do make easy to do make easy to understand diagnose adjust service troubleshoot delouse mend restore put in words of one syllable reduce to essentials dumb down exemplify prove shed debug work the bugs out of remove errors comment on draw a picture explain in detail expound on straighten up make see daylight


To cause someone to work, usually hard


To exploit someone for one's own benefit, especially in an underhanded way
abuse capitalize on cash in on leverage milk play on play upon exploit use impose on impose upon pimp make the most of utilize harness utilise benefit from make use of profit from draw on put to use profit by use to advantage get mileage out of make the best use of put to good use make capital out of use to good advantage employ jockey finesse maneuver manoeuvre take advantage of turn to account turn to good use make capital of avail oneself of walk on manipulate use for one's own ends operate exercise apply play handle mine bleed squeeze wring fleece drain pump blackmail express empty elicit extort press exhaust benefit profit evince suck evoke suck dry let out take advantage take out maximize maximise exact force wrest coerce screw extract gouge misuse wrench skin pinch cheat trade on obtain by force gain from walk all over compel dragoon intimidate victimize demand rack capitalize secure capitalise prey on hold up put screws to obtain by threats obtain by threat victimise shake down blackmail someone for rip off worm something out of someone put the bite on someone for derive benefit from put to advantage do well out of turn to one's advantage strangle do an injustice to enjoy get the most out of strike while the iron is hot make hay while the sun shines bully obtain an advantage from reap the benefit of stick ice get sting clip obtain soak seize oppress pressurise constrain pressure pressurize act on obtain under duress make pay through nose pull one's leg put the arm on blast ravish drag assault grab pry burst defile twist bleed someone of something grasp snatch pursue mistreat patronise step on play with defraud play for a sucker jerk around deceive treat lightly target take liberties with trifle with patronize maltreat ill-use beguile control hold a knife to arm-twist use violence on do well from make money from ride on the coat-tails make a killing out of swindle enslave worm out catch act upon snag ill-treat threaten nail accept jump at snare pounce on treat unfairly dump on prey upon walk over jump on build on grab hold of take follow up on leap at take action on get hold of seize on withhold rights from live off the backs of take for a ride put one over on press-gang ransom shake bribe badger extort money from demand hush money from hold to ransom put the shake on


To convince or manipulate
influence convince manipulate persuade inveigle tempt urge beguile brainwash bribe coax coerce control direct exploit finagle jockey play steer sway compel counsel dragoon entice impel intimidate lure lean on pressurise pressurize work upon browbeat cajole incite incline induce prejudice prevail upon pull strings with talk round twist someone's arm bring round color colour suborn turn bring pressure to bear on bring pressure to bear upon carry weight with cut any ice with make yourself felt with touch affect prompt bias move win over corrupt prevail on dispose convert buy off predispose fix pay off motivate lead impress talk into inspire make get bring around bend drive square have sell nobble condition teach bring grease palm instigate argue into get at put across buy draw mould get to encourage cause propagandize mold propagandise stimulate lubricate inculcate work over program give someone a backhander give someone a sweetener make willing drill proselytize programme instill tamper rig indoctrinate proselytise sweeten the pot instil pervert seduce twist one's arm sell one on school govern coax into guide jaundice instruct determine plant implant train slant strike crack poison imbue conduct maneuver manoeuvre educate make of a mind to pay hush money to initiate ground machinate finesse hook force swing suck in do business make a deal reason change mind satisfy re-educate bring to senses lead to believe gain confidence of take care of bring to reason give an inducement to bring round to the idea of keep someone sweet break down oil the palm of oil palm bring home to prove to make a believer nag into change actuate adapt goad spur promote get around budge prepare reward prime impact reach prepossess twist win round influence by gifts tip approach buy back sugar soap carry animate cultivate activate snare make a deal with effect assure distort skew make see the light make someone see the light show someone the error of their ways show one the error of their ways overcome reassure make expectant make biased sweeten the pot with subvert tamper with gain one's confidence tell on argue gain give grease make partisan impress on trigger provoke make certain advise turn one's head enkindle prevail effectuate exhort procure dispel someone's doubts alter catechize impact on lead by the nose soften up work on make partial enlist make you of a mind to put mind at ease demonstrate to cause to feel certain reason someone into believing dispel doubt put someone's mind at rest impress to sell to discipline lesson tutor proselyte coach radicalize flavour flavor wheedle into plead with cause to believe get round pressurize into reason someone into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do fanaticize radicalise extremize contrive arrange prod into wear down oil someone's hand win argument secure someone's support tend verge pull wires wangle hustle connive conspire one-up plot bluff fiddle pull strings bring off collude lobby tinge engineer negotiate use frame choreograph mastermind orchestrate shape play upon use to advantage twist round one's little finger turn to one's advantage


To interweave or cross one with another
weave intertwine interlace twist entwine knit intertwist incorporate lace plait blend braid interknit merge unite enlace fuse implicate include interweave interwork introduce inweave mat mix ply wreathe writhe criss-cross integrate intermingle twine crisscross interleave interwind interwreathe mesh twist together knot entangle link tangle interlink wind snarl interthread connect ravel coil plat join pleach interconnect interlock splice bind tie pleat intermesh thread twirl loop fasten pigtail lash make a bow in make a knot in tie a knot in tie up do up surround embrace encircle convolute coil round twist round entwist wrap round wind round cross interplait enmesh reticulate intervolve network graft cue complect alternate yoke crochet pad secure sew make a hitch lace up make a knot make a bow marry hitch curl spiral gyrate wrap dishevel tangle up snarl up felt tether purl zigzag curve corkscrew meander snake fold tuck crease twill tress flute spin fix together join together tie together tat cord twist and turn make fast immesh ensnarl net couple combine associate ensnare intersperse intermix mingle engage jumble intertangle hook mate entoil intersect meet muddle kink twine together wind together weave together scramble enchain jam tousle darn clench bind together lock trap snare dovetail entrap cohere attach interdigitate fit together embroil bend involve curl around sinuate turn spire wrap around serpentine convolve serpentize scroll rotate lap catch up mix up meld amalgamate unify homogenize interfuse commix coalesce commingle consolidate admix synthesize homogenise synthesise conjugate knit together


To work on or shape with tools


(of two or more things) To combine with to have an effect on
interact react act blend combine interplay merge mesh interface intermingle interreact interrelate join unite have an effect mix amalgamate fuse commix commingle intermix meld incorporate interweave composite comingle compound integrate affiliate immix interfuse marry interlace associate homogenize conflate immingle concrete network admix coalesce pool interblend mingle interflow link up wed throw together come together throw in with homogenise link synthesize alloy synthesise knit unify consolidate put together intertwine braid connect join together weave emulsify fold in tangle stir converge conjoin interlink interlock intertwist entwine lace intersperse jumble cross wreathe lump interconnect bring together twist knot entangle snarl bleed cement interpenetrate blunge inweave couple intermesh conglomerate enlace crisscross interwreathe ply writhe interleave implicate embody mix together hybridize interbreed assimilate suffuse whisk transfuse knead infuse hybridise make up premix agglutinate band weld mix up absorb reticulate harmonize work in accommodate yoke include fold plait mass subsume bind twine conjugate interknit introduce harmonise knit together interwind bracket cohere become one tie up tie in lump together throw in together inmix salt thread dilute dissolve concoct run together physically join stir in compose feather in shuffle coagment bond make uniform convolute insert coil interthread ravel twirl join up make similar treat whip beat smooth glue envelop stick cleave cling adhere cross-breed stir together melt into one another run into one another fade into one another relate dub imbibe form engage interwork mat shift around intervolve criss-cross bunch up spoon add in slot in add to fit in dovetail hook in gang up slip in match up mate add melt stir gently twist together concentrate compact attach interdigitate fasten fit together concatenate coordinate desegregate symphonize get together adulterate instill saturate infiltrate melt into run into instil splice alternate pleach darn bind together


Stencil or apply


To cause (a large amount of damage or harm)
wreak cause create effect inflict unleash vent engender administer bestow deliver exercise express indulge perpetrate visit apply bring about effectuate exact execute gratify impose result in carry out deal out do force mete out serve out wreck lay on force upon give vent to give free rein to levy enact make accomplish achieve perform enforce lay fulfil fulfill bring off carry off dispense pull off introduce put demand set produce place generate occasion fix complete prosecute strike bring negotiate precipitate compass commit induce prompt yield beget spawn kindle give rise to require give invoke breed make happen catalyze catalyse begin draw on bring on translate into be responsible for bring to bear be to blame for put through follow through with be guilty of transgress issue act out engage in deal trigger dish out dole out spark catch fetch hit promote enkindle compel influence sway deposit land lead to dispose extract end in trigger off stir up whip up touch off be the cause of spark off contribute to charge claim pull act go through be behind up and do institute ordain decree establish foist promulgate fine slap gather assess tax collect oblige clap appoint saddle bring into effect lay down prescribe dictate take mete extort apply to administer to expose deliver to subject command mete out to deal out to cause to serve out to give to dump on bring upon stick it to give it to lay down the law conduct realize implement attain carry through launch engineer organize consummate administrate finalize initiate manage put in place provoke discharge contrive succeed in arrange for call forth finish bring to pass conclude originate render set up start actuate cause to occur cause to happen run finalise realise turn the trick actualize organise turn out put across foster elicit instigate incite affect set off bring forth develop set in motion put in motion inspire secure evoke bear bring to fruition hatch advance form clinch make for spur put into effect construct work up stimulate kickoff put into action observe procure score be at the bottom of arouse drive arrange put into practice reach be conducive to succeed transact materialize perfect muster culminate in foment build work out constitute earn meet materialise forge inaugurate make possible found cultivate fashion contribute deliver on sew up go through with assemble make good on follow entail frame acquire further concoct swing put together activate fabricate get done conduce to commence deal with formulate take care of shape manoeuvre maneuver make it lead get there plan settle put in force rouse arrive at follow through on undertake put into operation motivate live up to net devise pass be instrumental in honor act upon scheme operate win conceive design wangle dispatch spell gain conduce exert expedite employ practice practise amount to finish in sow the seeds of bring out satisfy honour authorize manufacture machinate make real craft determine make up add up to authorise cook up handle take care of business bring into being compose give birth to invent hammer out abide by rig chalk up clock up notch up involve project bring into play polish off wrap up erect plant be true to knock together throw together open push forward pursue return excite add to act on propagate help keep progenerate provide reify multiply legislate plot incarnate have a hand in afford draft have a part in supply engage tackle have obey present ply manipulate mastermind stage orchestrate encourage work on start off heed concert accelerate ratify sanction use rule finagle play a part in tender confirm conjure stage-manage conquer seize carry to completion finesse terminate in fill grasp draw out bag approve instil instill prepare make concrete deliver the goods leave refine play a role in acquit oneself of put on mean tap draw draught come through proclaim survive move comply with adhere to keep to conform to process crown turn thrash out set in mold mould put over bring in jockey angle make good do the trick piece put to work put to use rake in pull in pay out bring to completion finish off be true be faithful do justice to rack up nail it confect top off round off come up with play games piece together put forth put up see through make it through be faithful to make short work of fit together cast sort out put the final touches to get through capitalize on act in accordance with play on be as good as bring into existence make the most of cobble up stick to put the finishing touches to do one proud lay out hit upon be a source of undergo acquit break in break the ice nail actionize follow up on pose be a factor in impel find open the door for mediate get oil the wheels of be partly responsible for forward have the effect of get up obtain annex wax equal imply annexe exhibit reorganize reorganise corporealize press redound to start in on action take action on result be the origin of enable stand by get something done necessitate grow into bring up invite serve fire up get things rolling start the ball rolling risk source regulate have as a consequence have as a result fulfill your potential bear out make the grade gain fulfillment put screws to declare run into make work push through make a reality embark on set down bring home the bacon redound tick assume cost follow out follow up follow through provide the means for install instal put finishing touch on idealise bring to perfection idealize reach the summit of blueprint inherit polish dispose of synthesize model put into place be successful score a success summon magic cap cut germinate knock up author wind up be engaged in engineer a way shift work it elaborate cogitate wrangle swing it find a way garner wrest snag pay appear hack pioneer knock out knock off whip out sculpture cobble together rig up patch together synthesise brew structure rustle up eke out churn out have an effect on go that route accrue innovate carve out grind out arise reap capture furnish order do to a turn run with the ball put into force improvise excogitate think up play out be done with proffer chart dawn wield get someplace latch onto draw up wage dream up kick off crystallize spring get out of the way take over break resolve conjure up make something appear produce as if by magic utilise exploit harness utilize do the job sail through keep faith with fulfill one's potential make hay blossom beam offer admit becast vamp up trump up vamp drum up validate sketch out set out strategize sketch lay plans diagram describe block out dope out delineate trace stir put it over put the tin lid on do a bang-up job quicken prefabricate rear raise run up earn one's wings accept cast about come into possession of accede to be elevated to come into transpire legalize do to a T represent fudge together fix in position throw up agree symbolize haul in sell for gather in give off deploy OK make law kick-start open up objectify close broker seal legalise give the green light to get the floor give the thumbs up to endorse give the OK to railroad through vote in give the seal of approval to make laws make into law vote favorably steamroll jam through give the go-ahead to railroad start up portray bargain crystallise control symbolise transform treat choose figure convert call upon name decide opt choreograph mobilize mount direct superintend bring to life give life call into play avail yourself of make use of avail oneself of make ready see to alter encompass coordinate approach set about devote oneself to go about occupy oneself with get on with get busy with attempt work at be employed settle upon settle on optimise optimize adapt act with attend to recondition redress transition adjust change vary metamorphose repair perform on con doctor supervise mobilise scam cook upstage reach an agreement reach terms on come to terms on tie up button up set the seal on shake hands on fix up pull strings pull wires put one over


To be adequate or enough for a given task or purpose
suffice do serve satisfy answer suit meet avail content be adequate fit the bill fill the bill be sufficient be good enough make the grade be enough meet requirements pass muster cut the mustard get by hack it answer the purpose serve the purpose satisfy demands hit the spot meet requirement do the trick tick all the boxes answer one's needs fulfil one's needs be the ticket go over big make a hit benefit profit help assist aid advantage be of advantage to fulfill be of service to be of use fulfil be of advantage be useful be effective fill be useful to account be of use to fit be acceptable match measure up pass go befit meet the requirements of satisfy the demands of go with beseem complete be up to snuff redeem match up to conform to measure up to apply service be all right serve a purpose perform fit with equal fly be satisfactory handle meet the brief give satisfaction discharge cope with come up to comply with execute carry out gratify tie be good enough for remedy meet one's needs qualify solve keep deal with make it stand up prove acceptable come up to scratch pass inspection cut it satisfy requirements check out be okay be alright recommend itself become complement meet with approval come through with flying colors do credit to stand the test make the cut come up to snuff come up to standard find favor with be in line with the wishes of harmonize with correspond with tally with be suited to quadrate with be fitted to be good for be apt for be fitting accord with agree with square with be suitable for check with be proper for fit in be acceptable to go together be fit for work for be agreeable to be seemly be appropriate for be convenient for answer a need


To cause (dough or bread) to rise by adding leaven


To place, fit, or push (something) into something else
insert place put slip position slide thrust load slot wedge fit press push set drive instal install lodge pop stick tuck bung embed implant jam shove work in stick in tuck in pop in stuff cram squeeze in sandwich slot in locate squeeze ram put in shoehorn fit in squash in pack in stow feed into put into lower lay deposit settle rest drop in ease arrange drop hang pack force compress fill heap crowd compact squash brim wad charge crush confine clog overfill tamp pack tightly fill up jam-pack bung up congest pile overcrowd fill to overflowing throng scrunch choke block pile up chock plug overrun overflow top off ram in flatten fill to the brim pound constrict stock squish stop mass constringe hold dam plunge lade condense obstruct occlude top sardine concentrate stop up cram full load up cram into clog up congregate in press into occupy all of crowd into squash into squeeze into bunch inside pack into pack like sardines crash sink strangle clot fix dig hammer pinch squelch squirt pad line gum up plug up arm thrust in drive in overstuff upholster drum pack it in fill to capacity drive into cumber trample mash smash overload load with choke up swarm mob prepare to fire top up jam into flock sit on stamp on force into stuff to the gills close seal pile into flock into flock to caulk stopper cork block up dam up fill in wedge into stuff into depress telescope capsule contract capsulize collapse squidge coarctate coarct thumb pinion pin bind consolidate wrap narrow down coagulate narrow tighten cramp tack level move stack force into space pack together store bear heavily force down bear down press down weigh on pin down hold down weigh upon push down bear down on lean on freight bundle bear weigh flood swamp oversupply gorge surfeit glut containerize carry ballast heap up put away put aboard pour in pile it on


To succeed in acquiring or bringing about
swing achieve acquire attain secure accomplish earn get net obtain win bag capture grab hook land maneuver manoeuvre wangle collar fix nab arrange fix up sort out knock off pull down bring off get hold of pull off succeed in gain procure score come by pick up cop have buy purchase receive come to have gather possess oneself of collect reap realize be given draw garner snag build up annex carry off annexe realise rack up knock down bring in find come into possession of come into come in for amass take possession of take receipt of clinch appropriate make seize catch glean carry access get your hands on get one's mitts on arrive at corral walk off with walk away with latch onto lock up extricate lay hold of inherit snare get possession of nail snatch take trap glom blag snap up be appointed to scare up hustle grasp wrest strike reify derive reach log pot hit scoop harvest be awarded clear fulfill advance consummate enlist notch up come away with ring up complete chalk up clock up fulfil ameliorate take over commandeer assume accumulate usurp conquer expropriate arrogate occupy confiscate fetch produce lay hands on pocket preempt pull in requisition hijack develop effect claim sequester take home convert press pirate locate sequestrate raise impound establish elicit compass take control of encounter steal yield lay claim to extract help oneself to rake in pull hold accept retrieve effectuate have conferred on one be paid haul in get paid evolve clean up recover pay for return bring to fruition bring about splash out on attach carry out disseize distrain poind misappropriate get at be presented with gross accrue pre-empt profit wrap up take on accroach get one's fingers on make a profit of come across drum up feel scrape together originate possess manage bring home record luck into take up take away take in understand know stem take control latch on to come up with shop for make a purchase of get done put money into carry through make the purchase of add increase overrun colonize meet be provided with formulate cull prehend get into one's hands solicit gather up be in receipt of liberate swipe invade bring execute corner conclude accede to garrison search out succeed buy out redeem engineer trace borrow come upon fall upon happen upon stumble upon win possession of colonise perpetrate take possession put on hit up glom onto invest in actualize be elevated to knock up make good on do discharge contract for get in exchange sign for turn in follow through with sew up deliver on grab hold of prosecute follow through on bring to completion gather in contract uncover discover unearth adopt gain possession of captivate hit on turn up ferret out sense reserve bank overcome profit with canvass walk away experience form presume demand bring to light run to earth accept delivery of take into one's possession agree to receive spring assimilate ingather cinch source save hoard schlenter salvage get a hold of be one's lot meet with fall to the lot register tally guaranty guarantee ice ensure assure insure undergo track round up realize a profit of take delivery of make a profit dominate induce polish off make claim to scrape up lay up gobble up retain enjoy own hold out for succeed in making get in make use of succeed to succeed in finding deprive of property notch make it to get as a result be sent hegemonize cash in on beg borrow or steal grow command make sure of give security make sure make free with claim unduly catalyse catalyze finalize wind up pay recoup be worth bear track down bargain for go shopping barter for buy quickly buy eagerly maintain face keep sponge prevail over tie up kipe finalise finish off go through with control stockpile accede bring around oppress manage to get make a haul prevail upon buy up come into contact with partake in rule over dig up moonlight requisition arrogate to oneself be granted fall heir take responsibility for clap hands on deduce judge infer reason decide extrapolate tot filch finish perform shoplift purloin pinch abstract excogitate make out elaborate determine arrive educe follow snaffle use rob snitch lift nick negotiate mount up half-inch scrump take for oneself abscond with bone nobble heist whip honor conduct commit honour organize grip do justice to take care of live up to make it nail it put it over do the trick get there keep faith with put the tin lid on do a bang-up job get someplace fulfill one's potential make hay perfect do one proud put through be true to satisfy pilfer tief snavel clutch clasp work out put together intercept clench pluck simulate glove grow in pick patronize take hold of reach for seize hold of hang on to fasten on patronise take out organise add on increase in trade for deal in set up make a purchase make a buy go shopping for acquire more of something


To exert for the sake of training, especially in fields requiring toughness or discipline


To address or discuss as a subject
deal with address cover handle treat discuss tackle bespeak confront field negotiate attack face see to take on cope with focus on contend with concentrate on grapple with sermonize on attend to deliver a sermon on drone on about speak on talk about give a discourse on give a dissertation on give an oration on give a sermon on give a speech on make a speech on pontificate on get cracking on get stuck into take aim at get to grips with give a lecture on give an address on preachify to preach to speak to speechify to talk to manage undertake take care of take up apply oneself to address oneself to devote oneself to accept embark on maneuver set about have a go at manoeuvre hack shoulder assume take engage in take in hand get down to begin have a crack at have a shot at play manipulate bear take charge of have a stab at get weaving on sort out approach try take responsibility for attempt take over take on oneself enter upon launch into go about swing look after carry out buckle down to become involved in commence try to deal with go for try to sort out come to grips with throw yourself into engage turn to take control of settle down to embrace enter on commit to dive into start on take upon yourself turn one's hand to give something a whirl take part in take upon oneself take forward give attention to make a run at busy oneself with embark upon pursue do serve control attend meet be responsible for start set to work on set to go at pitch into wade into carry try to cope with square up take measures about endeavour to do start in on set in motion venture on participate in knuckle down to venture into get to work on support set about with struggle against come to grips get to work at fall into set your hand to agree to endeavor to do plug away at get started on put in motion direct attention to try to solve go to work on essay go in for sustain endeavour endeavor take somebody or something in hand come to terms with wrestle begin to tackle turn one's attention to settle challenge absorb uphold fight turn your attention to perform overcome get over surmount answer for initiate have a hand in go into commit oneself try out address oneself have a try at hazard take the plunge contract volunteer oneself to move into contest agree to do don take a shot at apply oneself have a go take the bit between your teeth hammer away at try on for size wade in give something a go peg away at give something a try go for it square off bang away at step up to the plate sink your teeth into work on start the ball rolling discipline counsel influence master strive against get to grips grapple adopt acquire look in the eye face up to speak in response to answer make arrangements for organise react to reply to orchestrate organize respond to contend take responsibility withstand resist occupy oneself with grasp execute implement commit oneself to set out with follow through with plunge into exploit dominate command assist get going on make a start on pit oneself against get underway act toward help behave toward fix administer to get a handle on be of assistance to gain control of assume responsibility of come to power over assume control of assume responsibility for take responsibility of be of use to take the reins of take up the baton for attend to the requirements of take command of be elevated to turn dig concentrate focus hammer away peg away have at avow


To create or prepare methodically
formulate prepare devise compose develop coin frame invent contrive draught draft hatch make originate concoct construct create produce cast conceive craft design evolve lay forge plan codify map vamp draw up map out put together cook up get ready think up work out dream up make up fashion form shape fabricate assemble mold set up model mould render throw together brew put up hammer out author machinate bring decide bring on advance rig comprise execute begin conjure up drum up outline start up set diagram carve out run up throw up choreograph arrange come up with lay out piece translate into plot determine compound engineer strategize build synthesize erect knock out fix piece together knock together eke out constitute knock off cobble together confect yield patch together bring into existence whip up complete whip out actualize implement generate fit together beget bring about manufacture effect turn out churn out rig up rustle up cobble up sculpture structure spawn synthesise organize organise scheme trump up mastermind project brainstorm excogitate sketch blueprint write budget set out chart imagine scheme out strategize about block out discover sketch out establish think of vamp up calculate delineate initiate spark institute orchestrate dope out draw pioneer innovate improvise conceive of programme program compile work up envision rough out represent found inaugurate edit plan out ready figure cogitate ponder think out make ready spitball trace envisage put in place ad-lib hit on picture thrash out plot out marshal illustrate conspire list itemize set down describe intrigue marshall dream engender figure out depict estimate detail line up join bear mix fit parent cause procreate make arrangements itemise pen prep prefab groom realise realize get up image fake it play it by ear head trip lay on ruminate perform visualize speculate visualise spark off grind out indite conceptualize pattern write out conceptualise adumbrate work something out skeleton rough feign derive bring forth uncover moot stumble upon order find detect start reach an agreement hew balance draw plans of counterfeit fable batch mature premeditate slate launch introduce stage-manage wangle trace out contemplate emerge occasion breed induce sire provoke gather collate systemize systematize do conceit ideate forecast make out list out make up off the top of one's head fudge together procure stir up mix up slap together ad lib cultivate think through think ahead connect anthologize accumulate combine collect sort out amass link work on elaborate purpose cause to happen handle becast move give birth give forth break open come out script scribe base achieve accomplish fulfill fulfil lay plans quarterback meditate fix up steer chalk out carry out tailor crank out get obtain hit upon fabulize improv bargain for figure on fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on be the inventor of secure adjust equip supply adapt fictionalize wing it fictionalise storify cast about bring together systematise instigate patent furnish outfit accoutre perfect cut comp give birth to set in motion hash out mint endow appoint anticipate fangle start off open up put in motion usher in raise dash off be the mother of be the father of rear bring into being settle on build up fit out toss off elevate portray jack up smooth the way fill in make provision put in order paint limn whomp up profile caricature pencil etch compute reckon make a drawing of do drawings graph mark out make a diagram crayon make a drawing make a diagram of engrave mark copy record assess get off foot add count number tot total sum summate


Add fancy stitching, adornment


To reach a decision or agreement about
fix set arrange name settle appoint choose determine establish decide define designate limit select specify allot conclude finalise finalize prearrange prescribe arrive at decide on ordain resolve resolve on stipulate schedule solve agree on work out set a date for decree settle on confirm assign lay down figure order dictate impose command agree rule clinch particularize make seal complete direct pronounce pick particularise adjudge close set down state require indicate enjoin identify allocate detail achieve adjudicate nominate tag elect postulate proclaim call declare slot authorize peg constitute come to a decision about delegate authorise commission tab make a decision come to an agreement come to a decision announce pin down put one's finger on come to a conclusion bring about pull off settle upon bring off put down shake hands on set the seal on lay down the law instruct secure fix up decide upon fix on guarantee nail cinch recommend transact formulate agree upon pinpoint earmark promulgate demand guide nail down devote wrap up call the shots write prescription make provision for pick out write a prescription for install handpick arbitrate accomplish negotiate effect brand employ place denote set aside judge find vote in recognize opt for point to cherry-pick mark recognise single out propose put down for instal sign up classify take on hypothecate deem enact legislate make known mark out agree to rule on broker estimate esteem evaluate assess pass mandate hold surmise bargain engineer asseverate foresay institute deal bless make a judgement gather deduce theorize pass upon infer theorise say concert swing opt attribute carry out walk heavy deal with ascribe reach terms on sew up come to terms on button up thrash out hammer out tie up reach an agreement put your foot down attach chalk up accredit credit lay mention cite quote note describe enumerate instance itemize list catalogue notice drop give individualize individuate condition specificate specificize finger inventory frame specialize explicitize precise blueprint itemise individualise catalog explicitise specialise refer to set out point out spell out touch on advert to touch upon lay out tick off insist on draw up be specific about get down to brass tacks show clearly button down be specific draw a picture get to the point come to the point go into detail take prefer adopt induct plump for hire favor favour cull engage enroll tap enrol co-opt post deputize recruit go for cast deputise vote optate depute vote for inaugurate hand-pick enlist empower charge label install as accept embrace crown fix upon contract entitle title create invest flag invest in cast as award fancy sift out will make up one's mind pick and choose make a choice make a selection see fit advance send station discriminate design conscript cap book promote to christen proffer denominate elevate to tender help yourself assign the part to give the part to consecrate anoint frock return find employment for put in receive admit ballot warrant licence license predestine relegate find a job for choose by ballot put in power vote into office go down the line cast one's vote for confer pitch on plump on exercise choice discriminate between take up make choice come down in favour of appropriate consign refer give nod swear in farm out grant bestow accord call for place trust in square up figure out call the shots on take a decision on square off confer holy orders on want espouse incline toward wish please feel disposed to yearn love desire like crave wish for be inclined toward promote stamp present dub aim select for record install in reach plan purpose detail for induct in ordain in institute in decide on for choose for hold responsible signify register signal initial guess vouchsafe conjecture mediate poll show watermark display sign convey settle on a plan of action arrive at conclusion have in mind come to decision come to agreement reach a conclusion have the intention reach a decision reach decision make your mind up commit oneself form opinion have final word draw a conclusion make up your mind end with come to conclusion cast the die go down line take a stand call shots sort out flag up elect to choose put it on record write

Antonym des a work

Music ♫

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