Synonym des crow to pluck


A complaint or protest over something believed to be wrong or unfair
grievance complaint moan grumble grouse gripe whine beef grouch whinge fuss objection protest wail lament kvetch murmur carp protestation plaint whimper yammer holler squawk miserere cavil bleat criticism quibble problem kick niggle bellyache charge umbrage pique rancor rancour blast case bone howl stink big stink axe to grind bone to pick ax to grind remonstrance exception demur demurral whingeing challenge expostulation disapproval remonstration question muttering beefing outcry dissatisfaction mutter carping griping groan grouching opposition demurrer dissent difficulty grousing bellyaching moans and groans censure disapprobation doubt scruple displeasure odium dislike disesteem disagreement declination demurring discontent hesitation disinclination revilement reluctance rejection repugnancy shrinking unwillingness counter-argument word argument complaining whining murmuring whispering accusation grumbling nitpicking cry squeal annoyance dispute jeremiad peep clamour clamor twine railing inveighing fulmination formal complaint lamentation moaning whisper mithering sob plaintive cry mither concern hostility bickering worry dissuasion pettifogging statement of opposition revolt uproar indignation tantrum outburst hysterics minor criticism trivial objection trivial complaint adverse comment howls of protest reproach taking exception condemnation yike guff rumble representation statement of dissatisfaction fault-finding blackball flak riot declaration turmoil tumult campaign knock work-to-rule vociferation furore row furor hue and cry rebuke reproof denunciation opprobrium disparagement howl of protest chorus of disapproval outrage hullabaloo cavilling caviling deprecation blame misgiving conflict roar hubbub discountenance disfavour distaste commotion noise ruction ballyhoo disfavor debate qualm discontentment animadversion boycott stricture squabble quarrel bone of contention reservation thumbs down recalcitrance niggling compunction boggling misgivings clamouring brouhaha ruckus exclamation rumpus petition reproval public outcry public outrage song and dance rallying cry hullaballoo captiousness query civil disobedience hubba-hubba clamoring hoo-ha ferment uncertainty sideswipe controversy confusion dubiousness contention dubiety clash contest anxiety discord feud defiance conflict of interest misunderstanding peeve friction confrontation interrogation question mark scepticism contradiction dissension turf war rebellion questioning of test of resistance stand against vitriol catcall stick nix castigation ostracism hiss zing brickbat boo disobedience argument against difficulty with skepticism difference of opinion falling-out black list call down slap on wrist

Antonym des crow to pluck

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