Synonym des cumshaw


Something given as a reward, prize, or incentive
bonus perk gratuity extra perquisite dividend lagniappe tip gravy donative throw-in gravy train reward sweetener benefit fringe benefit premium plus advantage gift incentive present handout additional benefit freebie privilege consideration appanage largess bounty baksheesh inducement pourboire plus point extra payment golden hello little extra bit extra little something gain added extra life of ease lap of luxury life of Riley dropsy smalls bonsella bribe fee backhander money compensation something extra small change little something extra recompense donation boon benefaction largesse prize commission douceur honorarium guerdon bonsela salve contribution offering alms token pro service charge goodwill gesture percentage hand-out cut goody windfall ice addition frosting boot money additional compensation signing bonus sign-on bonus unexpected extra golden parachute special compensation pay supplement payment allowance remuneration award grant profit repayment pay meed earnings endowment return settlement remittance carrot stipend take requital deserts bestowal indemnity giveaway charity honour reimbursement bequest honor quittance salary wage payoff accolade perks remittal restitution reparation redress damages satisfaction recoupment interest presentation winnings freebee indemnification fairing goodie prezzie favour amends favor atonement payback reprisal subsidy handsel reciprocity offset salt meet reckoning coverage take-home counterclaim bread shake defrayal scale desert merit appreciation plum dispensation garland goodies crown proceeds entitlement setoff feather in cap comp due price decoration concession conferment purse legacy reprisals disbursement koha inheritance courtesy allotment hand tribute income appropriation hand-me-down returns cue right need rate prerogative merits rights grease claim gifting remitment benevolence lump compliment stake prem just deserts write-off dowry achievement prequisite perquisites benefits allowances solatium accomplishment vail pittance philanthropy souvenir tithing provision free sample plume kudo distinction compensation package employee benefit charge instalment installment giving oblation offertory free meal free gift benefit in kind store stock value spiff net regard fortune blue ribbon share discount refund acquisition winning redemption riches wealth portion subvention support assistance allocation aid moneylending accrual usury profits dividends credit oker surplus divvy investment bursary sponsorship backing funding help pay-off rake-off annuity finance relief gratification whack pickings kickback remission alimony pension subsidisation scholarship financial aid financial backing helping hand subsidization leg up fellowship taste check coupon prize money rebate slice of the cake one's share piece of the action partial refund

Antonym des cumshaw

cumshaw Idiom

Music ♫

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