Synonym des debile


(colloquial) Physically weak
soft frail weak weakly strengthless small scrawny helpless fragile feeble ailing enfeebled exhausted emasculated effete slight sluggish spindly unhealthy wasted weakened weedy weary tired spent sapped languorous enervated drained depleted debilitated asthenic anemic anaemic shaky broken-down burned out puny delicate wimpy etiolated wimpish rickety weakling sapless forceless infirm faint prostrate languid unsubstantial prostrated tender softened low down-and-out unsteady unstable wobbly tottering sickly decrepit unsound flimsy tottery ill unwell insecure trembly wavering poorly precarious failing jerry-built incapacitated rocky ramshackle vulnerable lame impotent insubstantial yielding fatigued breakable flabby sick doddering trembling light powerless out of shape unfit weak-kneed unsafe wonky shaking impressionable indisposed limp dizzy spineless defenseless pathetic nerveless defenceless sensitive doddery vacillating vitiated namby-pamby woozy teetery wishy-washy wobbling quaking dodgy makeshift out of condition faltering crippled imperfect drooping invertebrate gimcrack characterless wet shoddy gentle limp-wristed worn out tremulous tenuous dainty quavery meager in poor condition in poor health laid low aquiver quivery atremble shuddery wabbling wabbly shuddering meagre quivering giddy milk-and-water badly built waxen unreliable invalid meek thrown together flawed bockety unenthusiastic flagging poor loose deficient shivering irresolute inadequate aged paralyzed paralysed susceptible jittery anile dilapidated undermined halting sensile unnerved slack perilous devitalized cheap lax frangible hazardous brittle wispy thin vertiginous flaccid tremorous unsecured lightheaded unbalanced dopey diminished muzzy tumbledown exposed mild light-headed unfirm groggy half-hearted tame moderate rattletrap nervous fluctuant rootless out of gas easily damaged quavering unsettled vibrating weak at the knees all of a tremble all of a quiver ticklish tricky toothless bedridden crook in poor shape slender indecisive pliable superficial unpowerful in declining health errant malleable fallible lacklustre lackluster valetudinarian easily broken washed-out declining waxy rundown fishy shatterable fracturable shattery nesh unsatisfactory substandard down erring resistless played out withered atrophied faded deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged ineffectual stricken deteriorated done in rusty run-down sinking dying reduced easily tempted easily led below par unguarded unprotected shilpit awry superannuated derelict out of sorts rendered feeble pampered on its last legs jumpy fluttering elderly old ancient senescent senile gone to seed washed out on the ropes insufficient flat disabled doubtful inconstant staggering like jelly podgy overindulged unconvincing timorous droopy without energy aflutter disintegrating decaying crumbling broken ruinous with rubbery legs stifled muted subdued insufficiently powered not strong enough low-powered excited tremulant cowardly aspen palpitating floppy sagging timid spiritless in bad shape past it hushed graceful indistinct muffled rachitic rumpty tumble-down shacky shambly geriatric saggy pendulous toneless lank paralytic neurasthenic sclerotic atonic diseased rheumatic spastic arthritic teetering reedy long in the tooth over the hill no spring chicken wilting loosened slackened relaxed movable unfastened tinny squeaky shrill irresilient quaggy inelastic dangerous endangered immature low-key faint-hearted woolly reeling falling to pieces high moving mobile slippery wiggly risky lubricious not fixed not secure out of tone out of training lily-livered palsied lethargic wooly cracked at risk underpowered off-balance high-pitched jellylike aquake ashake unsure woolly-headed lackadaisical listless passionless not set all aquiver tepid unexcited uninterested unwilling blasé apathetic untrained

Antonym des debile

debile Idiom

Music ♫

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