Synonym des field of work


A paid position of regular employment
job position post place situation appointment posting work calling career trade capacity function occupation profession craft employment placement vocation pursuit activity billet field métier office opening station vacancy berth business connection day job employ grip livelihood position of employment way contract engagement faculty gig grind handicraft line line of work means niche nine-to-five racket spot line of business means of livelihood stint swindle walk of life daily grind rat race means of earning a living avocation schtick thing role game assignment sphere province living specialty task mission speciality duty art slot walk area responsibility part service domain realm arena undertaking department dodge discipline practice lifework lay forte circle charge life's work element bailiwick front concern purpose chosen work skill bag opportunity jurisdiction specialization demesne firmament barony fief fiefdom day gig metier specialisation what one is into sector do zone specialism territory interest enterprise subsistence terrain dominion precinct hire kingdom maintenance sustenance area of interest sphere of activity detail operation income class keep commission upkeep nourishment hiring brief handcraft means of support funds alimentation support source of income affair obligation subject industry biz setup commitment daily bread hang play branch strong suit bread and butter purview topic long suit pigeon turf source of revenue line of country orbit compass line of employment sphere of influence area of activity sphere of interest rank status employment status practise bit caste venture field of expertise priesthood gap expertise competency competence experience skillset patronage custom pigeonhole placing handiwork chosen career tier appointee candidate bishopric primate archbishopric life work job opportunity labor labour recruitment workplace preserve office-holder delegate representative nominee world contracting action point vacant position settlement induction go apprenticing enrolling enlisting enrolment enrollment officeholder being existence environment bubble section sport lick grindstone moonlight proceeding means of earning one's living life existing animation sustainment scene theme baby area of study region salt mode sustentation study area of responsibility administration classification incumbency margin subfield confines pale sphere of study living wage scope endeavor primacy circumstances resources chores endeavour action item servitude project use process area of expertise focus person's calling involvement participation rôle object of study hobby magnum opus distinguishing feature cup of tea masterpiece special project object of attention special number claim to fame minor piece de resistance major field of concentration weakness

Antonym des field of work

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