Synonym des fluency in


The ability to use or control something
command knowledge grasp mastery comprehension fluency understanding ability acquaintance apprehension cognizance control knack proficiency acquaintanceship acumen authority capability capacity cognition conversance discernment edification enlightenment expertise familiarity grip intimacy mastership schooling adeptness adroitness aplomb awareness concept conception cultivation deftness education experience facility intelligence learning prowess sapience scholarship skill virtuosity accomplishment appreciation astuteness clue dexterity erudition expertism expertness finesse knowingness learnedness skilfulness ability in know-how savoir faire IQ talent competence savvy aptitude gift skillfulness technique craft aptness art bent competency chops flair genius nous faculty skills artistry effectiveness caliber calibre endowment potency right stuff potential strength perception qualification skillset power potentiality handiness smarts puissance savoir-faire what it takes cleverness artfulness masterfulness professionalism ken touch readiness moxie means attainment cunning savviness method realization sleight insight forte judgment sharpness craftsmanship ingenuity masterliness percipience hold sense apperception fitness judgement form wherewithal resourcefulness stuff clout realisation specialization abilities wisdom style approach qualifications excellence training specialisation quickness grounding qualities way workmanship ableness versatility panache practical knowledge address background perspicacity polish development assimilation trick secret efficiency pizzazz head refinement sophistication goods promise makings pzazz decipherment instinct life skills nose propensity consciousness the right stuff the goods might take effectualness green thumb talents artifice acquirement wizardry powers manner credentials parts record past execution brilliance mind for accomplishments features attributes inventiveness class handiwork trademark feel performance energy force resources competitiveness property agency asset function efficacy dynamism qualifiedness turn set hang of something hang of it interpretation finish deeds employability capableness poise dodge nimbleness the formula strong point ability to understand aha double take prehension slow take grace agility gracefulness elegance knowing inside out curriculum vitae artistic ability hard skill exposure involvement intelligence quotient practice level of intelligence degree of intelligence timing stunt exploit feat worldliness maturity impression device hang number contact action deed tour de force reason prudence empiricism inclination evidence tactfulness gumption profundity doing hindsight common sense sageness intuitiveness proof foresight distinction sagaciousness discretion tact sagacity rationality perceptivity intuition perceptiveness participation observation suaveness visualisation proficiency in absorption expertise in digestion visualization discrimination familiarity with skill in tuition knowing firm grasp uptake insight into acquaintance with grapple shrewdness practicality penetration judiciousness good judgment clear thinking brains acuity levelheadedness horse sense canniness sensibleness perspicuity circumspection thoughtfulness sanity wit perspicaciousness heedfulness consideration wits intellect good sense sound judgment information acuteness vigilance wariness logic intellection soundness pansophy balance caution pragmatism watchfulness culture clear-sightedness good judgement presence of mind smartness omniscience taste intellectuality thought arguteness sharp-wittedness incisiveness mentality solidity stability lucidity worldly wisdom lucidness forethought reasoning providence keenness marbles rationalness commonsense sound mind powers of discernment cognitive faculties good reasoning soundness of mind study urbanity recognition achievement level-headedness acknowledgement alertness depth vision attention responsiveness profoundness urbaneness couth civilization heed cool adequacy civilisation coherence acknowledgment ratiocination deep insight clear mind logical thought scientific thinking doctrine acquirements attainments civility rectitude respectability skillage matureness probity thoroughness steadiness rationale farsightedness prescience imagination academic attainment adultness responsibleness magic saneness drive self-confidence essential qualities courage dependability whatever it takes bravery the makings guts the stuff policy deepness divination dedication willingness polished skill reliability history breadth of view truths advance advancement oil headway progress formula cavernousness insightfulness fathomlessness reach immensity sensitivity faculties facilities knowledgeability stature suitability cutting it making the grade hacking it cutting the mustard contact with exposure to up to it certificate foxiness eligibility caginess seasoning preparation sense of responsibility subtlety cageyness participation in involvement with competencies hardheadedness brightness repertoire quality attribute preparedness endowments suitableness diploma document degree subtleness lesson feeling skillsets breeding warrant license licence notion accuracy acceptability precision artistic awareness belles-lettres letters gentility intellectual awareness idea sensation quick-wittedness fields of expertise cognisance assessment picture view science improvement kindness nobility elevation politeness courtesy aestheticism fashion manners dress good taste dignity discreetness reasonableness apprehending viewpoint reading mindfulness capacities fortes competences smoothness realism enterprise belief realizing slant estimation initiative observance regard concern attitude realising image conceit flash big idea brain wave plan light opinion advertence notice attentiveness advertency sensibility care chic classiness powers of reasoning native wit sound judgement mother wit cop on sound sense sweet reason native intelligence self-understanding knowledgeableness self-awareness wakefulness sentience fundamentals savoir-vivre sensitivity to savoir vivre social grace sensibility to basic skills social skills soft skills survival skills interpersonal skills psychosocial skills experience of skill with mastery of

Antonym des fluency in

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