Synonym des keeping one's eyes open


Quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances
alert attentive vigilant watchful observant wary circumspect aware heedful careful cautious guarded perceptive canny chary cagey considerate gingerly prepared ready wise hip safe tentie tenty wired on the lookout on guard on the watch on your toes open-eyed on one's toes on the alert switched on all ears Argus-eyed psyched up on the job on the qui vive fast on the draw keeping a weather eye on keeping a weather eye open keeping one's eyes peeled paying attention awake wide-awake on the ball prudent conservative mindful leery keen sharp regardful discreet calculating beady-eyed eagle-eyed hawk-eyed sharp-eyed apprehensive suspicious wide awake quick on tiptoe focused not missing a trick keen-eyed concentrating discriminating scrupulous acute focussed intent discerning politic thoughtful wakeful intelligent gimlet-eyed with eyes peeled hesitant sensitive judicious sharp-sighted delicate clear-sighted reluctant with eyes like a hawk reserved measured bright active restrained playing safe lynx-eyed heads up conscious keeping a weather eye on things rigorous searching sagacious diligent diplomatic assiduous conscientious sensible interested deliberate watching tactful percipient defensive reticent fastidious protective moderate penetrating agog anxious unsleeping precautious noticing controlled rapt responsive alive noncommittal softly-softly listening carefully clever spirited close on alert watching out thinking twice watching one's step with it good hands with reservations keeping on one's toes with one's eyes skinned walking on eggs with weather eye open looking to keen-sighted with one's eyes open looking for bright-eyed and bushy-tailed waiting on handling with kid gloves concerned attending timid sage unhurried punctilious squeamish dainty precautionary sleepless expectant hooked glued non-committal taking notice jazzed vague unrevealing perky detailed playing your cards close to your chest keeping one's eyes skinned overcareful overcautious thorough observing quick-witted fully awake wide-eyed meticulous concentrated painstaking agile astute tentative provident shrewd suspecting forethoughtful having eyes in the back of your head with one's eyes opened studious heeding minute upon one's guard fine listening perspicacious all there whip-smart committed earnest deep intense methodical reckful uneasy clued up with your wits about you on top of vital on the stick lively quick off the mark quick on the uptake clued-in insightful belt-and-braces walking on egg shells hedging your bets taking it slow loath distrustful sceptical dubious shy mistrustful doubtful afraid nervous averse disinclined sophic reasonable iffy X-ray eye not missing much tuned in ear to the ground knows what's what wise to inhibited constrained skeptical particular strategic judgmatic judgmatical civil temperate worldly-wise kid-glove having foresight on lookout not rash observative understanding advertent surveying contemplating considering questioning comprehending intentive expedient sound practical commonsensical advisable unsure smart rational pragmatic savvy logical considered sapient accurate farsighted unenterprising well-advised cunning crafty sly unadventurous disbelieving unbelieving incredulous gradual wily artful cynical uncertain foxy doubting slick informed uptight slippery subtle tactical enlightened desirable level-headed levelheaded pawky fussy precise seemly lacking confidence lacking trust skilful argute common-sense sane skillful orderly sedulous exhaustive industrious lacking faith well judged well advised sober strict faithful dedicated intensive full exact laborious finicky solid elaborate thoroughgoing religious exacting prim well thought out selfdisciplined correct loving strenuous picky pernickety persnickety nice perfectionist well-judged heads-up in-depth long-headed by the numbers by the book going to great lengths gentle calm ambivalent secretive patient mistrusting mature evasive elusive tight-lipped Machiavellian designing manipulative devious scheming healthy untrusting worried skittish realistic forehanded forearmed have reservations have misgivings equivocal appropriate contriving disingenuous conniving guileful unscrupulous timorous traditional unexciting conventional unimaginative responsible beneficial apt advantageous profitable recommended straight stay-at-home uncreative boring strait-laced narrow-minded square stuffy limited premeditating slim gainful worthwhile stick-in-the-mud fitting well a good idea slow solicitous efficacious profound just seasonable sophisticated judicial obliging unselfish continuous accommodating unspectacular cooperative polite unconvinced undecided unsettled trustless negativistic hinky continuing ongoing plodding respectful forbearing complaisant happening slowly like a sport jealous slow but sure fearful distrusting show-me been hit before knowing ingenious streetwise heady hardheaded suss smooth sussed hep able sharp-witted clear-eyed hard-boiled nimble-witted street-smart street smart as sharp as a tack

Antonym des keeping one's eyes open

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