Synonym des kick up one's heels


To engage in an activity for enjoyment and recreation
play frolic sport caper romp trifle frisk gambol toy cavort have fun relax rest revel amuse oneself dally rollick skylark carouse entertain oneself lark recreate clown disport divert doodle fiddle fool fribble jest joke jump kid occupy oneself rejoice amuse yourself disport oneself divert oneself enjoy oneself fiddle around fool around goof around hang about have a good time horse around idle away kick around lark about lark around let loose make merry mess about mess around monkey around play games potter around putter around carry on engage in games enjoy yourself let go play around be at leisure cut capers cut up be life of party go on a spree let your hair down skip prance curvet hop dance leap spring bounce capriole trip whoop it up cut loose scamper bob bound roister raise hell go on a tear spree riot jig rollic bound about spring around spring about jump around bound around kid around let off steam jump about leap about cut cut a caper kibitz around lope lollop step flit run skitter canter buck roughhouse vault clown around hurdle showboat fly scoot sway bolt spin tiptoe graze skirr flee whirl gallop hippety-hop jape hoof it foot it fool about make mischief clown about monkey about indulge in horseplay pogo swing rock caracole galumph horseplay trick wiggle glance ricochet carom skim skedaddle hurtle wind up strut swagger pounce saltate waltz trot dash jog make off sashay sprint go places and do things spring up and down leap up and down jump up and down bob up and down stalk wanton parade hotdog slide sweep flounce twirl swank gyrate peacock run lightly mince pirouette misbehave tread bop tread lightly cut a rug step it cut the rug show off act up play jokes muck about muck around footle about play tricks fanny around fanny about act the goat footle around play up act the giddy goat


Enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way
roister carouse revel celebrate frolic romp party rave rollick binge birl make merry wassail enjoy oneself have fun spree bask crow delight enjoy gloat indulge large it lark luxuriate make whoopee rejoice relish riot roll savor savour thrive wallow eat, drink, and be merry have a fling have a good time have a party live it up carry on cut loose fool around have a ball kid around lap up let go let loose push the boat out run around step out whoop it up blow off steam paint the town go on a spree kick over the traces paint the town red feast jubilate beat the drum raise hell go to town let your hair down socialize socialise revere have the time of your life raise the roof get it on have a great time let off steam get down carol bless jol fete junket eat, drink and be merry kill the fatted calf go out on the town mark with a red letter put the flags out commemorate occasion be merry put the flag out enjoy yourself have a night on the tiles have a wild time enjoy life groove run riot overindulge debauch raise Cain live up live large live extravagantly racket live in clover go out pledge go on a binge rave it up go overboard hang loose play have a night on the town live hard go on a bender get drunk clink glasses live in the lap of luxury live go on the town make a pig of oneself live high on the hog live high off the hog be happy have a whale of a time live life to the full run wild cause a disturbance behave wildly cause a commotion be loud and noisy get out of control have a wild party go on the rampage

Antonym des kick up one's heels

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