Synonym des line of country


An area of special knowledge, interest, or responsibility
province area business department field line responsibility sphere charge concern domain realm discipline duty orbit bailiwick territory part post preserve role world affair arena authority barony capacity circle demesne element employment fief fiefdom firmament forte front function game jurisdiction kingdom pigeon precinct speciality specialty terrain turf walk worry area of activity area of interest area of knowledge area of responsibility calling champaign county office prefecture pursuit section shire tract work line of business profession trade occupation job career vocation racket bag thing day job line of work walk of life activity interest specialization specialism specialisation area of expertise person's calling mission position purpose craft niche lay métier nine-to-five do handicraft lifework art dodge undertaking life work life's work sector livelihood dominion scope zone subject avocation station purview situation employ sphere of influence metier living engagement scene service task place way skill branch grip slot gig practice class topic rat race berth compass region rank sphere of activity assignment status milieu chosen work area of study range spot billet enterprise universe day gig length what one is into neck of the woods daily grind breadth expanse course appointment handcraft placement study posting theme industry extent medium connection biz tier confines hang play sphere of interest strong point stratum line of employment swindle competence distance long suit strong suit faculty stint radius contract field of work means of livelihood manor seigniory caste venture society chosen career employment status hire practise handiwork compartment turfdom side baby environment bubble sport administration classification incumbency labor labour beat proceeding aspect field of expertise operation ambit setup remit stage commercial enterprise expertise competency experience skillset margin subfield pale theatre forum patronage custom lick grindstone moonlight mob curriculum sphere of study battlefield battleground area of concern field of influence area of power schtick vacancy opening method exercise sphere of operations commitment obligation position of employment patch lists mastery field of study subject matter branch of knowledge field of inquiry means of earning one's living contracting recruitment hiring grind means of earning a living means neighbourhood state neighborhood ground dimension theater specialist subject branch of learning course of study stomping grounds sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict go level strength grade talent gift standing asset stretch ranking aptitude bent rung division sweep reach spread degree order footing ability limits bounds expansion ableness plane echelon reaches parameters space plain sheet horizons cup of tea claim to fame waste


The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
function job business concern role activity capacity post situation task charge duty responsibility mission office operation part province purpose employment aim objective occupation use assignment chore detail errand exercise obligation place position service undertaking work action appointment commission goal utility bag behaviour behavior connection faculty target thing berth billet mark meaning object pigeon power raison d'être calling engagement brief burden profession onus vocation project field pursuit station enterprise day job trade commitment line niche affair career contract labor labour craft application game stint racket gig sphere line of work devoir placement process métier livelihood contribution imperative piece of work incumbency venture endeavour care employ instruction effort nine-to-five endeavor line of business department piece of business posting opening interest trust plan need worry grip involvement vacancy setup spot command walk way procedure authority system act practice dodge walk of life art relevance hand requirement bit directive mantle importance answerability area working opportunity quest slot participation usage preserve pledge intent agency specialty speciality bailiwick motion intention handicraft living interaction lay interplay albatross area of activity area of interest forte play daily grind avocation deed matter what one is into status secondment mode right progress productivity veneer patronage custom committal briefing custody remit prerogative field of expertise beat placing workings biz presidency privilege taskwork expertise competency competence experience skillset posture piece guise execution performance workflow say gap do lifework encumbrance obligatoriness constraint boundness buck workplace appointee candidate tour of duty key code shortcut skill moral obligation specialization life work job title party share side servitude industry focus chores rôle vacant position job opportunity life's work office-holder delegate representative nominee fun and games lookout behalf faction cause feature problem long row to hoe action item chosen work means of earning one's living contracting recruitment day gig hiring specialisation liability happenings point subroutine officeholder accountability reason baby stunt exploit wish ambition aspiration doing hope feat pretension desire accomplishment ideal holy grail entanglement pertinence appropriateness pigeonhole management influence maneuvering control understanding promise culpability sub position of employment solution designation domain realm significance appositeness aptness relevancy germaneness bearing value must ought accountableness destination end design manoeuvring field of work grind means consignment legation embassy discipline orbit means of livelihood swindle territory movement formal order utilization moral imperative rat race world trial implementation algorithm macro means of earning a living terrain element circle turf jurisdiction demesne arena fief fiefdom barony firmament precinct kingdom front basis difficult task gauntlet bother test load trouble pain hardship inconvenience challenge headache adoption onboarding area of responsibility area of knowledge using appliance usance exercising exploitation facility consideration principle idea expectation motive scope sense avail functioning county champaign shire section tract prefecture handling exertion wont utilisation disposition using something putting into operation

Antonym des line of country

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