Synonym des more humoristic


Comparative for pertaining to a humorist or his or her style
funnier droller wittier absurder zanier wackier mirthfuller sillier jollier merrier goofier camper slaphappier richer campier stupider foolisher crazier odder nuttier wrier happier lighter flakier grotesquer daffier quirkier quainter heartier cheerier gayer noisier joyfuller playfuller pitifuller bizarrer dippier loonier battier dizzier screwier jerkier cleverer smarter pleasanter dafter blither livelier flipper glibber bubblier snappier sunnier brighter archer sharper tricksier quicker jauntier sprightlier perkier zippier wickeder slier gasser drier gladder chirpier stranger unlikelier queerer keener quicker on the draw racier snazzier friskier wilder madder zingier zappier winsomer larkier peppier tinier smaller sparkier zestier airier naughtier bouncier jazzier pizzazzier pizazzier paltrier miserabler measlier stingier lousier poxier mingier meaner more comical more humorous more hilarious more comic more laughable more farcical more chucklesome more uproarious more hysterical more ludicrous more ridiculous more risible more comedic more killing more sidesplitting more hysteric more antic more screaming more amusing more side-splitting more entertaining more priceless more facetious more jocular more jocose more good-humored more good-humoured more waggish more whimsical more preposterous more rollicking more jokey more clownish more derisory more derisible more eccentric more inane more sportive more tongue-in-cheek more outrageous more madcap more convulsive more cockamamie more cockamamy more pathetic more derisive more raucous more childish more frivolous more off-the-wall more engaging more cheerful more quizzical more joyous more unusual more fantastic more unsatisfactory more embarrassing more inadequate more unimpressive more mocking more scintillating more boffo more ironic more convivial more jovial more exhilarating more gleeful more frolicsome more ribald more tongue in cheek more off the wall more quick-witted more lighthearted more mischievous more flippant more jesting more jocund more roguish more fun more impish more high-spirited more puckish more blithesome more festive more enjoyable more bantering more ludic more beguiling more rascally more prankish more spirited more delightful more interesting more satirical more pleasing more pleasurable more leprechaunish more scampish more knavish more agreeable more devilish more elvish more gamesome more sharp-witted more vivacious more unserious more irreverent more pixieish more stimulating more carefree more joculous more asinine more nonsensical more brilliant more captivating more appealing more unreasonable more enchanting more charming more riveting more fascinating more absorbing more compelling more intriguing more upbeat more fanciful more irritating more incongruous more intelligent more buoyant more genial more original more novel more penetrating more escapist more relaxing more ingenious more piquant more annoying more piercing more profound more tactful more cutting more smart-aleck more highbrowed more smart-alecky more cut up more over the top more ecstatic more saturnalian more content more pleased more rocking more boisterous more jumping more coltish more insulting more skittish more exuberant more sportful more elfish more fay more zestful more frolicky more trifling more minimal more insufficient more contemptible more energetic more larkish more animated more excitable more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed more full of beans more negligible more token more miserly more nickel-and-dime more piffling

Antonym des more humoristic

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