Synonym des most fructuous


Superlative for fruitful
richest lushest fattest rankest plentifullest densest greenest thickest weediest leafiest jungliest grassiest rifest lavishest amplest blackest loamiest comfortablest largest greatest flushest heaviest fullest hugest lankest biggest fulsomest wealthiest grandest extremest immensest vastest tidiest lousiest broadest quickest princeliest cluckiest heftiest gushiest bulkiest goodliest huskiest fanciest chicest finest best-off easiest completest most fertile most fruitful most productive most fecund most prolific most luxuriant most cornucopian most teeming most abundant most generative most profuse most thriving most plenteous most fructiferous most exuberant most overgrown most verdant most rampant most bountiful most propagative most bounteous most yielding most copious most prosperous most grown most vigorous most arable most pregnant most progenitive most extensive most proliferative most creative most inventive most abounding most reproductive most excessive most prodigal most pubescent most hebetic most procreant most breedy most gravid most vegetative most uberous most feracious most virile most generous most liberal most plenty most opulent most considerable most infinite most replete most voluminous most substantial most handsome most sizeable most extravagant most unstinting most fraught most commodious most munificent most expectant most immoderate most superfluous most numerous most innumerable most affluent most flowing most boundless most parturient most hopeful most overabundant most awash most sumptuous most openhanded most profusive most gushing most effusive most sufficient most over the top most multitudinous most stuffed most packed most thumping most sizable most massive most unrestricted most expansive most inordinate most unrestrained most open-handed most decent most oversize most luxurious most loaded most resplendent most biggish most manifold most comprehensive most well-heeled most incalculable most innumerous most multifold most multifarious most divers most populous most appreciable most unlimited most competent most improvident


Superlative for rich, affluent, or financially prosperous
fattest richest lushest largest wealthiest best-off cushiest flushest juiciest jammiest usefullest best sweetest handiest worthiest timeliest niftiest soundest strongest boomiest healthiest robustest comfortablest excellentest neatest palmiest user-friendliest hottest scarcest wieldiest nattiest most lucrative most successful most booming most profitable most affluent most fertile most productive most fruitful most thriving most prosperous most substantial most cornucopian most deep-pocketed most economic most fecund most gainful most loaded most luxuriant most moneyed most moneymaking most money-spinning most opulent most prolific most well-endowed most well-heeled most worthwhile most beneficial most advantageous most valuable most satisfying most generous most expedient most constructive most helpful most effective most commercial most practical most cost-effective most serviceable most conducive most bankable most effectual most efficacious most positive most invaluable most instrumental most meritorious most viable most significant most important most efficient most usable most saving most auspicious most estimable most favorable most favourable most well-paid most strategic most opportune most propitious most commodious most central most recompensing most economical most salable most formative most operative most potent most generative most industrious most pragmatic most contributive most self-sustaining most fulfilling most enriching most justifiable most meaningful most pleasing most edifying most golden most blooming most burgeoning most buoyant most facilitative most boffo most crucial most vital most pivotal most essential most convenient most purposeful most illuminating most informative most heartening most comforting most heartwarming most encouraging most indispensable most critical most imperative most appropriate most relevant most exigent most key most beneficent most behooveful most appreciated most in demand most fundamental most needed most requisite most necessary most respected most advisable most priceless most exemplary most sensible most functional most user friendly most esteemed most loved most worthful most manageable most utilitarian most utile most versatile most adaptable

Antonym des most fructuous

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