Synonym des mud caked


Covered with dirt or filth
mucky dirty filthy grimy muddy soiled grubby messy begrimed stained unclean befouled dusty foul grotty scummy slimy smeared bespattered cruddy grungy smeary besmirched polluted sooty squalid sticky bedraggled bemired black blackened crummy dingy draggled gloopy gungy icky insanitary manky nasty smudged smutty sordid sullied uncleanly yucky bogging feculent festy scungy skanky clammy glutinous mucous muculent tarnished viscous yukky muddied grimed besmeared scuzzy sleazy uncleaned dirt-encrusted marked tainted blemished discolored grody gross discoloured ruined not clean miry slushy sludgy oozy caked sloughy mud-spattered unwashed sloppy unhygienic shabby unsanitary slovenly defiled fetid contaminated rotten spotted foetid disgusting putrid smelly unkempt repulsive disheveled dishevelled impure unpleasant loathsome revolting vile untidy greasy noxious rancid stinking rank scurvy insalubrious fouled undusted distasteful horrible disagreeable sickening offensive odious repellent nauseating repugnant unswept obnoxious awful objectionable abominable dreadful unappetizing nauseous horrendous unpalatable hideous appalling terrible horrid malodorous noisome frightful unsavoury atrocious lousy uninviting acrid ghastly beastly gruesome mephitic diabolical ugly pongy stinky whiffy bad niffy unsportsmanlike repellant fulsome wretched sneaking shocking despicable bitter contemptible sorry unfair pitiful funky scandalous deplorable displeasing obscene miasmal ratty loathly uncongenial unlovely unwelcome unpleasing unsavory harsh abhorrent scabby cheap illegal evil sour wicked paltry mean lame pitiable disgustful yucko olid hellish poison bum ungodly unholy on the nose sick-making off-putting God-awful slatternly putrefied decaying seedy rundown dreggy mud-encrusted murky dungy spattered unlaundered pigpen foul-smelling evil-smelling slummy dowdy scruffy miserable frowzy flea-bitten cloudy dust-filled spotty dust-covered raunchy straggly disarrayed unsightly tatty grim unhealthy dishabille mung arenaceous arenose dust-ridden infected infested germy unwholesome unhealthful septic harmful mouldy odorous moldy reeking musty disease-ridden germ-ridden smoky faecal fecal horry yecchy verminous slipshod soily

Antonym des mud caked

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