Synonym des pop one's balloon


To shame or put down
humble humiliate shame degrade demean abase chasten debase disgrace subdue mortify sink abash break belittle crush own reduce chagrin cheapen discredit dishonor dishonour lower cause to lose face embarrass make a fool of shoot down smirch tear down bemean deflate discomfit squash demote foul overcome silence snub squelch upset bring down cast down pull down put away put down put to shame strike dumb take down bring low cut down to size make eat dirt make someone eat crow make someone eat humble pie put one away bring down a peg cut to the quick make one feel small force to eat humble pie put someone in their place take down a peg or two take down a peg settle someone's hash fix someone's wagon denigrate disparage devalue taint smear downgrade defame bring shame to stigmatize blot diminish sully stigmatise stain tarnish quash show up flatten drag through the mud blacken bring into disrepute reflect badly on lower the status of drag down cow show in a bad light bring shame on give a black eye give a bad name to besmirch lessen besmear ridicule run down put in a bad light drag through the mire make ashamed make lose face take the wind out of your sails stoop minimize prostitute slander dehumanize minimise descend undervalue depreciate dehumanise disconcert reproach expose derogate slur blemish compromise corrupt disfavor disfavour debauch detract from mar defile bring shame upon give a bad name bring discredit to blacken the name of get the better of have the last laugh on bring dishonour to deign condescend blight bastardize tame ruin lower in rank lower in status dump on demolish put in one's place profane bastardise lower someone's status lower someone's dignity relegate brand slam pan blister wither rip discountenance take down a notch bring to knees bend to your will browbeat confuse vanquish downplay scandalize dispirit cast a slur be prejudicial to reduce the status of injure spot declass dismiss let down take apart betray make uncomfortable make someone feel ashamed disregard deride desecrate disrespect scandalise attaint mock libel get one's comeuppance succumb discourage dismay dishearten cut down bump set back revert sell out tar and feather lose face play down take to bits take to pieces mark down reduce to the ranks kick downstairs bust shoot down in flames be untrue to oneself beat down abandon one's principles cause to feel small destroy debunk dash put out of countenance disrate lower oneself lower yourself debase oneself be reduced demean oneself debase yourself be reduced to knock down puncture balloon let down easy knock the stuffing out of kick in the teeth bring to terms let wind out of sails vilify malign calumniate censure soil insult mudsling disesteem cast aspersions on do a hatchet job on ruin the reputation of pooh-pooh bring into disfavour blacken someone's name destroy someone's credibility damage someone's reputation decry fluster nonplus faze rattle confound dis bad-mouth poor-mouth deprecate contemn discount criticize slight vilipend diss trash criticise cry down kiss off talk down trash-talk write off downcry comment negatively condemn opprobriate reject mess with score off show in bad light scorn detract despise surpass stultify demoralise demoralize set up hold up to shame attack abuse knock slate bag pummel rubbish bash roast skewer devaluate asperse hammer vituperate monster pummelled speak evil of throw brickbats at pour scorn on slag off have a go at speak ill of throw mud at pull apart hit out at tear into lay into distress discompose horrify appal agitate make self-conscious make uneasy make awkward appall disturb bother irk throw stun perturb distract dumbfound bewilder puzzle hang up catch one short give a bad time make a monkey of give a hard time throw into a tizzy put in a spot put in a hole put on the spot

Antonym des pop one's balloon

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