Synonym des promote to


To appoint to a job or position
nominate appoint designate elect name commission ordain assign delegate detail instal install make attach constitute empower place tab tap elevate to install as select choose co-opt employ authorize pick engage induct decree authorise charge hire deputize enroll deputise allot enrol depute sign up adopt post recruit cast establish vote in inaugurate accredit mandate tag enlist allocate order slot set crown vote contract identify entitle peg create enjoin invest label mark call title fix decide on take on invest in pin down cast as settle on put down for entrust send station conscript task advance commit intrust christen proffer denominate design flag tender earmark trust opt book find employment for decide upon indicate finger prefer favour favor warrant licence license draft anoint frock consecrate plump for relegate find a job for assign the part to give the part to button down point out invite give nod swear in farm out confer appropriate consign ascribe refer place trust in bestow accord grant draught confer holy orders on bring on board award specify determine decide announce declare handpick present brand resolve denote recognise conclude recognize propose classify figure command settle upon vouchsafe opt for promote dictate dub single out point to put one's finger on cherry-pick legislate enact rule select for install in pass lay down direct prescribe pronounce ordain in institute in detail for induct in decide on for choose for hold responsible foresay adjudge institute set down deal bless lay down the law walk heavy proclaim impose put your foot down deal with charter qualify certify enable sanction vest apportion permit allow initiate legitimize okay legitimise OK give the go-ahead to give power to give authority to give the green light to give the thumbs up to give the OK to give burden encumber saddle load instate validate countenance ratify consent rubber-stamp legalize endorse approve coronate enthrone legalise give permission to confer a right to grant the right to ennoble honour honor dignify found start begin form set up originate instruct dispatch bid plant launch develop introduce pioneer shape innovate organize confide to let equip capacitate organise endow privilege give permission put in place invest with power give someone the authority give the means to give means to give the power to

Antonym des promote to

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