Synonym des set about with


(of a job or task) To agree to take responsibility of
accept assume bear shoulder take on take up tackle undertake handle manage meet take responsibility for approach attack attempt begin be responsible for commence commit to embark on embrace enter on enter upon face start take on oneself take over address oneself to agree to avow concentrate on deal with engage in fall into go about go for become involved in devote oneself to get cracking on get down to get to grips with go in for have a crack at have a go at have a shot at have a stab at launch into make a run at participate in set about take part in take upon oneself turn one's hand to venture on give something a whirl try endeavour endeavor engage contract essay initiate hazard take upon yourself carry out have a try at take forward have a hand in go into take the plunge venture into endeavour to do endeavor to do volunteer oneself to commit oneself move into set in motion try out address oneself answer for put in motion perform adopt do sustain execute accomplish effect carry conduct take support enter plunge into embark upon finish develop take to achieve have acquire implement launch get going on embark agree to do plunge make a start on attend to enter into get into set to be involved in direct appropriate grab absorb agree to take sign off on institute don uphold carry something on pursue get to work on get cracking with take in hand commit oneself to follow through with settle down to take responsibility immerse yourself set out with undergo complete set upon go whole hog go the limit shoot the works take a flyer bite off instigate start the ball rolling on jump into commence on kick off begin work on consider tear into hold get on with transact get busy with work at be employed occupy oneself with occupy open fulfil fill be absorbed in get involved with hold down discharge fulfill effectuate be placed in be employed in be in form broach cultivate make pick up breed get off contrive learn begin undertaking set out take in jump off reach attain tee off gain assimilate nurture discover take responsibility of take the reins of engineer take charge of gain control of take control of assume responsibility of come to power over assume control of assume responsibility for take up the baton for take command of be elevated to bring off bring about succeed arrange succeed in finish off

Antonym des set about with

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