Synonym des single trait


An identifying characteristic, habit or trend
attribute characteristic feature peculiarity quality hallmark idiosyncrasy lineament mannerism mark property quirk distinction foible abnormality affection attribution character criterion custom diagnostic differentia earmark eccentricity fingerprint habit marker note oddity particularity point singularity specific stamp touch trademark trick way birthmark cast denominator essential quality manner savor savour tendency thing virtue nature of the beast aspect facet element speciality component specialty detail factor sign streak essence side indication individuality part particular constituent ingredient nature condition disposition bent flavour flavor slant effect symbol badge token item angle penchant temperament respect affectation complexion twist telltale sign consideration practice circumstance indicator piece proclivity influence impression manifestation individualism air curiosity symptom style bearing look sure sign tone individual trait nicety caliber calibre differential stripe tinge mood personal trait strain typical feature wont direction dimension theme endowment emblem fashion personality propensity faculty evidence crotchet parameter method perspective kink habitude practise pattern ritual position quip tic quiddity erraticism regard determinant distinctive feature notability description behavior semblance view praxis unconventionality viewpoint behaviour guise article argument question demeanour fact point of view matter atmosphere datum issue ambience technicality portion second nature presence specification spirit feeling subcomponent demeanor form distinctive quality piece of information nitty-gritty dope contributing factor integral part determining factor member edge vein distinctiveness prodrome dash trace knack identification ability fetish power highlight ilk characteristic gesture unorthodoxy temper makeup material appearance constraint carriage redeeming feature distinguishing characteristic keynote point of character standing proof inclination status symbol clue hint eminence repute value essential gag gimmick integrant sense label tag hand originality thumbprint turn frame odor reputation odour prestige variable quantity variable expression countenance mien signature bag frill grace charm uniqueness standpoint weight management facade strong point sort constitution marking vista attitude features figure deportment predication way one is signature characteristic kind façade exterior level imprint significance handling technique subject affirmation genius make minutia count accessory instance unit garb way of it name of tune nature of beast prospect fine point information statement topic proposition aura feel front chapter and verse brass tacks minor point ABCs circumstantiality schedule meat and potatoes data point fraction nuts and bolts structure cause stature info opinion data reason connection outline image idea dynamic basis fundamental instrument instrumentality smell score itemized information line of reasoning subject matter gen low-down means conduct antecedent building block part and parcel routine policy procedure rule convention use strand mode proneness aptness consuetude usage tradition groove modus operandi tikanga modus vivendi concern case phase minutiae switch affair face business story proposal measure addition subtlety finish merit incidental reference relation bit section obverse development principle looks lowdown scoop picture rundown cue foundation extent scope notion situation exigency talent outward presentation gospel integrand dress module what's what bottom line whole story gift facts of life ABC's particle root basic stem outward aspect pose shape outer shell screen outward form outside aptitude capacity capability flair matter at hand area focus thesis field blurb report entity body motif discussion state scenario concept news substance gist problem point in question principal object account head facility qualification strength habilitation personal talent natural gift


A distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing
singularity peculiarity eccentricity idiosyncrasy quirk oddity mannerism kink foible individualism abnormality crotchet curiosity oddness strangeness erraticism aberration anomaly weirdness quiddity quip twist caprice trick irregularity tic queerness freakishness unconventionality outlandishness curiousness waywardness nonconformity extraordinariness quirkiness capriciousness whimsicality hereticism idiocrasy particularity unorthodoxness whimsicalness characteristic whim bent whimsy habit fancy vagary notion fad conceit freak fetish passion knack hang-up megrim thing deviation defect imperfection entanglement perversion flaw proclivity fault gesticulation affectation pose pretension air gesture failing weakness characteristic gesture bizarreness unusualness atypicality unexpectedness wackiness unnaturalness incongruity anomalousness unorthodoxy kookiness crankiness uncommonness unfamiliarity aberrance eeriness peculiarness incongruousness inexplicability creepiness foreignness novelty surrealness dorkiness zaniness freakiness screwiness divergence untypicalness atypicalness abnormalcy improbability phenomenon rarity individuality unearthliness conversation piece mystery grotesqueness quaintness drollness kinkiness deviancy suspiciousness questionableness aberrancy dubiousness unaccountability dottiness nuttiness specialty savor gimmick slant savour distinctiveness speciality schtick spookiness dubiety fishiness exoticism esoterism esotericism indescribability newness fantasticality odd trait


A sign or indication of (the existence of) something
vein element streak dash hint strain trace glimmer shade smattering sprinkling suggestion tinge undertone dab flicker inkling intimation nuance overtone scent smidgen spark thread breath indication pinch ray shred sign smell smidgeon soupçon spatter splash suspicion taste tincture touch whiff smack flavour flavor whisper bit colouring implication undercurrent scintilla connotation feeling coloring aura air subcurrent atmosphere note insinuation drop spot impression speck tenor crumb shadow murmur strand tad vibes vibrations savor savour association echo inference sense jot vestige meaning tang nip lick driblet ounce tendency buzz dram mite particle scruple snap significance skosh ace little hidden meaning secondary meaning aroma small amount tiny amount trifle hum rumor rumour mumble reference essence intension undermeaning subtext trend drift iota low tone draft odour snuff draught odor inhalation fume flatus flow propensity crosscurrent current stream eddy riptide inclination pull tide direction hidden feeling nib innuendo tone peanuts modicum morsel scrap smidge grain atom whit fragment tittle dribble stim fraction molecule sliver scantling snippet piece trickle fleck granule little bit jot or tittle mote shaving droplet dollop sprinkle sample portion semblance dot drop in the bucket patch snip dose small quantity bite smudge part chip nugget ghost shard smear shot scoosh minim chicken feed stroke extract scattering skerrick slice degree flyspeck chunk nubbin minimum lump hoot snatch flake flash splinter spoonful blot tiny piece small bit stump daub blob inch footstep paring step mouthful sniff hunk soupcon cast fig whoop continental syllable stain splodge splotch gleam hair quantity mark segment smitch rap durn darn stitch share glimmering pin moiety butt smithereen sparkle measure nucleus few drops least bit small portion small piece seed stub specimen snort billionth tiny part brush peck very little slot thimbleful faint sign minute spoor cantlet powdering dust admixture mixture shake any glint sampling wink record memento residue proof token footprint footmark amount tatter tot infinitesimal wee bit seasoning squirt evidence pittance small potatoes miniscule amount next to nothing small change trivial amount not enough arc spit beam spit in the sea drop in the ocean squeeze relic some wisp glitter glow rudiments elements glob small degree slip gob tidbit smatter tiniest bit faint appearance glimpse slightest bit notion evocation tiny bit spattering pop couple scatter few speckle handful parcel excerpt end ort division item niggle section scale refinement gradation subtlety nicety cue wind clue reminder allusion diddly squat picayune eyelash spice a small sum a trifling amount a paltry sum a trifling sum small percentage tiny proportion splosh splurge spurt press burst stretch pat graduation hairsbreadth modulation breadth variation distinction shading rub smirch blotch hairbreadth millimeter gobbet fine distinction whisker subtle difference subtle distinction millimetre hair's-breath


A particular tendency as part of a person's character

Antonym des single trait

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