Synonym des sword and sorcery


A genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world
fantasy fiction romance fable legend myth escapism horror sci-fi story fairy tale science fiction fairy story folk tale yarn fabrication tale falsehood fancy untruth narrative tall story invention fish story exaggeration crock flight of fancy lie urban myth urban legend fib concoction piece of fiction whopper figment book phantasy trumped-up story baloney novel epic cock and bull story short story misrepresentation folk story traditional story prevarication imagination line sham fake news alternative fact jazz amplification overstatement excess embroidery exaltation caricature boasting aggrandizement coloring extravagance figure of speech enlargement emphasis elaboration hogwash deceit narration saga drama work of fiction apologue figment of the imagination allegory parable potboiler tall tale hyperbolism illusion lies colouring aggrandisement nonsense rant misjudgement misjudgment falsity porky kidology anecdote forgery fake bulldust mythos lore folklore mythology smoke falsification chronicle red herring account novelette nonfiction pork pie cliff-hanger tradition pretence figment of imagination novella terminological inexactitude Märchen record report pretense mythus hog chronology memoir biography adventure autobiography cliffhanger oral history folk tradition fictional account old saw contrivance Marchen delusion misconception old chestnut castles in the air misbelief fallacy hallucination superstition error purple prose false notion mistaken belief history creation recital hyperbole pretentiousness stretch magnification pretension inflation overemphasis overestimation fictitious story folk ballad deception version commentary information info tidings news advices item intelligence word gen commentaries spiel half-truth legendry detail relation testimony rumour prose tragedy conte sequel beat comedy serial long and short of it stratagem trickery mendacity made-up story taradiddle pretext white lie tarradiddle barefaced lie ruse wile cover claptrap little white lie cover story piece hardback paperback bestseller opus jive artifact work artefact rumor tall talk porky pie departure from the truth blockbuster cock-and-bull story song and dance yellowback best-seller pot boiler three-decker improvisation fibs creativity storytelling hooey unrealism literature clothesline creative writing short stories best seller works of fiction made up story work of imagination

Antonym des sword and sorcery

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