Synonym of a learned


Involving or characterized by scholarship
scholarly erudite lettered cultured intellectual knowledgeable academic bookish cultivated highbrow literary civilised civilized literate sage studious clever esoteric intelligent pedantic recondite sagacious well educated well-read wise brainy cerebral discerning donnish educated enlightened expert illuminated sapient skilled sophisticated versed well informed well read well versed widely read genius well-informed abstruse conversant deep grave grounded judicious omniscient pansophic philosophic philosophical polymath posted professorial scientific sharp solemn solid sound studied well-educated well-grounded well-rounded in the know informed thoughtful scholastic astute perceptive knowing smart rational sensible insightful savvy shrewd profound schooled prudent accomplished percipient keen perspicacious experienced aware canny pedagogic bright trained formal acute brilliant serious discriminating logical penetrating egghead swotty instructed reflective clerkly precocious quick-witted didactic acquainted switched-on contemplative refined taught gifted intuitive polished with great knowledge earnest tutored alert familiar pedagogical full of insight politic coached versant eggheaded inventive bluestocking au courant showing great knowledge ingenious educational advanced overnice schoolish foresighted sharp-witted doctrinaire formalistic dry reasoned au fait exceptional inkhorn urbane abreast good whip-smart careful up-to-date quick creative able highbrowed proficient intellective well-versed sussed prepared crack skilful skillful masterly adept in the picture virtuoso genteel plugged in tuned in deep-thinking fast impractical ivory-towerish supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent polite pompous ostentatious stilted arid hairsplitting dull punctilious egotistic fussy priggish sententious particular nit-picking reliable courteous couth book-loving mannerly justified school reasonable liberal precise pedantical briefed longhair understanding intellectualistic intellectualist developed geeky cosmopolitan cogitative farsighted talented well-bred well-reasoned well-founded well reasoned assiduous worldly nerdish blue nerdy eager cognizant foxy plugged-in cagey well thought out cool practiced meditative classical analytical practised sentient well-taught down clued-up astucious elite mature streetwise clear-sighted seasoned excellent heady practical clued up genned up up to date superior witty intellectually aware resourceful choice whip nimble well versed in in the loop competent worldly-wise first-class very intelligent first-rate Einstein whiz kid genial nimble-witted well schooled advised labored laboured cunning theoretical obscure gracious pointy-headed into well-briefed directed belletristic bookly deliberated wise up coherent levelheaded subtle well mannered strategic tactful schoolmasterly weighty arcane just valid desirable long-haired hermetic hermetical metaphysical abstract argute tactical over-subtle congruent firm sober diligent hard-working unintuitive responsible acroamatic occult orphic secret psychologic commonsensical commonsense commonsensible unprovincial well-advised well judged well advised sedulous adult dependable primed thought out having been around planned out incisive precisionist overprecise hair-splitting nitpicking instructive edifying instructional educative on the ball crafty cluey quick on the uptake whiz academical busy bookworm determined grubbing nurtured book-learned formed corrected initiated professional fitted shaped enriched finished very smart veteran ace qualified complete master consummate crackerjack compleat professed masterful great college university collegiate grown-up tasty tuitional propaedeutic dogmatic informational introspective musing deliberate considered thinking museful ruminative reflecting pondering calculating measured pensive apprised progressive apprized well briefed level-headed well up up on open-minded abreast of the facts filled in up to speed broad-minded elegant provocative gripping intriguing stimulating thought-provoking hip to free-thinking wised up knowing what's what tasteful rehearsed informative teaching sensitive familiar with up artistic gallant chivalrous tolerant appreciative esthetic savant distingue traveled arty riveting heavy captivating powerful interesting heavyweight absorbing fascinating aesthetic travelled knowledgeable about abreast of informed about witting alive comprehending conscious acquainted with hep apprehensive high-class artistically aware blue-stocking with good taste practised in skilled in well informed about proficient in apprised of well up on au fait with at home with experienced in no stranger to at home apt kept posted au courant with up to speed on plugged into up to date on perfect in genned up on on the beam clued up on cognizant of down with smooth gnostic hip sophic circumspect realistic pragmatic objective cogent sane common-sense clear-eyed piercing critical observant cautious expedient wary lucid suave analytic classy deductive stylish impeccable hard blasé media-savvy down-to-earth considerate accurate well-judged well grounded together worldly wise been around exquisite fine einstein wily sharpened with-it tuned-in rapier-like razor-like unidealistic matter-of-fact straight joined-up with both feet on the ground hard-headed razor sharp razor-sharp sharp as a tack all there imaginative having a good head on one's shoulders capable know how many beans make five having no flies on ready original balanced diplomatic discreet mindful courtly satisfying dinkum civil satisfactory apperceptive debonair advisable decent estimable selfish materialistic grasping svelte gentlemanly worldly-minded avaricious greedy covetous distinguished judgmatical judgmatic pawky chic jet-set citified ladylike majestic disenchanted callous hardened well versed in the ways of the world uptown self-centered power-loving mondain unprincipled opportunistic self-centred efficacious genuine mondaine world-weary stately seemly heads-up seasonable thorough judicial long-headed graceful ware observing well balanced handsome sublime plausible justifiable veridical faultless synthetic credible infallible ratiocinative trustable reasoning collected unquestionable certain veracious high-brow high-minded well bred well-mannered selective errorless sure proven corroborated colorable meticulous rigorous substantiated truthful sincere secure inerrant confirmed validated verified supportable tenable sustainable certified defensible empirical maintainable cognitive open definite defendable calculable explicit exact stringent empiric insighted well-thought-out dead-on on-target letter-perfect spot-on clear-cut


Recognized as being reliable
authoritative reliable sound accurate authentic valid dependable factual trustworthy attested true certified definitive faithful good scholarly truthful verifiable veritable authenticated circumstantiated confirmed convincing documented legit precise proper proven respected righteous solid supported validated verified well-founded straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth exact genuine legitimate correct veracious actual unquestionable real right honest certain unerring kosher irrefutable credible bona fide certifiable veridical undeniable strict pure on the money sure-enough faultless errorless infallible indubitable effective concrete absolute straight without error official bang on dead-on for real thorough believable safe failsafe undoubted indisputable tangible existent unimpeachable literal complete unqualified intrinsic evident pukka admissible echt dinkum incontrovertible natural watertight inerrant conclusive fail-safe final pucka unadulterated unmistakable sheer spot-on spot on clear-cut true to life on-target incontestable perceptible inescapable demonstrated established substantiated de facto palpable honest-to-goodness real McCoy original express especial very legal all right sterling lawful unalloyed compelling bonafide untainted unspoiled trusty true blue unvarnished full unspoilt rightful fair and square on the level aboveboard card-carrying right on fit unequivocal on target on the ball so matter-of-fact on the nose just so bull's-eye dead on clear on the button in every respect perfect reputable specific explicit meticulous unambiguous canonical minute detailed creditable flawless undisputed unrefuted definite word for word fact-based based on facts straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy on the nail error-free characteristic ingenuous archetypal regular guileless archetypical representative typical artless simple unaffected unpretentious unpretending appropriate average direct dinky-di standard normal undesigning fitting


Having or showing a calm attitude towards disappointments or difficulties
philosophical calm composed cool stoical collected serene patient tranquil impassive resigned unruffled detached dispassionate imperturbable placid self-possessed sober unemotional accommodating equable forbearing logical long-suffering phlegmatic rational restrained tolerant unperturbed easy-going even-tempered fatalistic indulgent realistic unexcitable nonplussed practical sedate unflappable accepting deep deep-thinking enlightened ethical moral philosophic profound stoic temperate uncomplaining wise cool, calm and collected equanimous self-controlled passive stolid quiet controlled poised longanimous level-headed cool-headed with the patience of Job indifferent defeatist understanding self-confident self-assured considerate undisturbed enduring forgiving together untroubled relaxed persistent easygoing mild kind lenient persevering unagitated unflustered gentle submissive untiring inexcitable mild-tempered unbothered unmoved coolheaded unworried recollected self-composed level possessed laid-back unfazed limpid peaceful smooth equal unshaken easy good-natured fortitudinous chilled self-restrained casual unexcited nonchalant levelheaded as cool as a cucumber assured deliberate unconcerned at ease steady apathetic insouciant cold unfeeling carefree at peace aloof blithe unresponsive uncaring stable emotionless disinterested devil-may-care confident careless heedless frigid callous stony still reserved undismayed sensible passionless uninterested happy-go-lucky well balanced moderate lackadaisical free and easy untouched cold-blooded balanced unstirred heartless businesslike undemonstrative distant dignified staid blasé impassible insensitive complacent negligent cool as cucumber sane unaffected secure sound grounded icy reasonable laid back breezy even numb affectless lax commonsensical mellow cool as a cucumber matter-of-fact halcyon serious unanxious lukewarm somber insensible glacial fearless sombre pragmatic irresponsible impersonal poker-faced incurious unsympathetic inattentive unsentimental judicious pococurante reckless proper deadpan stilly undaunted hushed feckless mature unmindful lown flat reliable dependable seemly informal decorous settled perfunctory tough hardened offhand disimpassioned hard-hearted clearheaded stiff formal solemn expressionless stately sure of oneself remote hard-headed hard-boiled without a care in the world in control incautious assertive unflinching urbane unshakable improvident prudent neglectful listless down-to-earth full of common sense slack impervious circumspect nerveless resolute obdurate lazy antipathetic oblivious clinical gutsy pacific chill sanguine immovable uncompassionate slipshod slap-happy constant hard blank blithely unconcerned without care unimpassioned grave well-balanced debonair wooden sure of yourself upbeat gay unheeding thick-skinned cursory positive content steely regular uncurious unafraid all there disregardful tardy remiss cavalier inexpressive derelict slapdash sloppy brave suave courageous uncircumspect delinquent undependable unobservant untrustworthy good-for-nothing unaccountable unreliable unimpressed unimpressionable unexpressive elegant low-key uninterrupted unbroken unvexed discreet intrepid uninvolved reticent certain blah unflurried understated dead bland vacant toneless hollow restful calmed uncharitable unkind repellent cruel unpleasant nasty halfhearted uncongenial harsh aversive repugnant mean sure audacious fair shrewd nowhere nonemotional unpitying bold self-reliant self-asserting unthinking regardless no-nonsense dauntless thoughtless astute unhesitating trouble-free peaceable unfluctuating gung ho good-tempered filled with aplomb effortless downbeat not bothered leisurely lighthearted slaphappy lightsome languid undemanding airy superficial serious-minded keeping your cool light-hearted dry unserious well adjusted couldn't care less comfortable well-adjusted flippant stony-eyed loose with both feet on the ground in one's right mind daring plucky graceful unwavering even-keeled fine unstressed measured unchanging unvarying not dismayed self-contained firm unalarmed agreeable straight frosty uniform inscrutable undoubtful bovine unperturbable chilly clubby benign irenic docile dry-eyed consistent invariable flinty stabile orderly systematic methodical uninfluenced centered constrained stony-hearted in check tamed restricted disciplined guarded limited contained complaisant soothed repressed suppressed quieted unimpressible insusceptible muted subdued undistracted unaltering unalterable unshrinking unfaltering pellucid satisfied reconciled centred resting quiescent unrevealing indurated taciturn spiritless happy nonpassionate cocksure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear leisured fixed immune not moved unpassionate rash overconfident subtle unostentatious inconspicuous indomitable inhibited unrushed analytical scientific earnest affable euthymic unaroused rosy high neutral supine deaf with one's feet on the ground forgetful self-centered blind self-centred common-sense friendly hard-bitten well-disposed keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together responsible immune to insensate impervious to heedless of stubborn unyielding oblivious to abstract iceberg pokerfaced blissful selfish hardhearted demure unhurried unblinking merciful non-emotional calm and collected unswerving good having both feet on the ground calculable puffed up pumped up not caring not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on unmindful of proof against deaf to conciliatory optimistic carefree and untroubled free-minded cheerful living the life of Riley cold fish nonaffected clement under control clear-thinking sunny cold-fish cool cat imprudent bored easeful at rest anxiety-free reposeful in repose not giving a toss prim stuffy draggy lethargic wimpy moony unstudied artless lacking concern buoyant jaunty frivolous jaded sharp-witted hard-nosed sharp light stick-in-the-mud boring starchy low-pressure weary played down unpretentious downhome toned down humane soft-shell thoughtful humanitarian charitable easy-peasy indolent simple live-and-let-live glutted chilled out sketchy could care less what the hell cloyed facile untroublesome painless straight-faced desultory free from worry free from care don't give a damn cold sober living with going easy on going easy with being big self-sufficient hurried mechanical fleeting brief summary passing token hasty quick farsighted deliberative world-weary normal can-do surefooted sure-footed believing in oneself self-assertive right self-respecting dismissive rapid slovenly half-hearted going through the motions phoning it in walking through it reasoned lucid with one's head together in possession of one's faculties able to think clearly compos mentis of sound mind clear-headed with all one's marbles right-minded objective coldhearted marble along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches


Recognized for one's power, talents or achievements
great celebrated elevated eminent glorious grand important major prominent august capital chief dignified distinguished esteemed exalted famed famous honorable honourable illustrious influential leading main noble notable pre-eminent primary principal renowned seminal superior supreme commanding fabled iconic lofty magnanimous noted noteworthy paramount predominant premier regal respected stately sublime all-important alpha authoritative dominant extraordinary formidable heroic highly regarded honored idealistic imposing legendary notorious number one powerful preeminent prestigious prevailing prime puissant recognised recognized reputable resonant revered superlative triumphal trusted high-level high profile outstanding prized valued well-known major league well-connected acclaimed admired arch- big league foremost gifted highly rated high-minded high-powered honoured incomparable matchless peerless top unexcelled unsurpassed well known arch first greatest highest mighty overbearing primal prior senior signal unequaled unequalled unparalleled first rate of the first rank potent redoubtable big central key sovereign cardinal master overriding overmastering sovran numero uno magnificent venerable significant majestic impressive splendid monumental high crucial vital proud superb massive gallant remarkable star essential considerable memorable of note exceptional critical ruling head resplendent serious well thought of of high standing heavy fine big-time lionized epic pivotal imperial striking magnific lordly of repute grandiose respectable lead fundamental royal popular baronial lionised heroical consequential brilliant Homeric big-name major-league marvelous aristocratic utmost ultimate marvellous grave substantial number-one controlling bright excellent material lauded big-league storied meaningful estimable uppermost momentous topmost worthy unforgettable immortal weighty tremendous good basic conspicuous historic presiding gorgeous supereminent vaunted focal spectacular core splendiferous high-ranking high-profile marked preponderant visible name vast eventful feted awe-inspiring huge enormous acknowledged beautiful extensive intense sumptuous of distinction maximum best luminous extreme palatial prevalent surpassing salient shining top-tier front-page champion large immense transcendent far-reaching dazzling chivalrous breathtaking astral kingly admirable stellar arresting urgent ascendant greathearted splendacious ample generous four-star magnolious predominate superstar regnant triumphant radiant special gratifying VIP earthshaking prodigious princely well received applauded wonderful heavyweight upper-class earth-shattering severe pronounced patrician exceeding much touted of consequence world-class sizeable phenomenal astronomical stunning appreciable remembered upright gentle professional extolled consummate genteel elite sizable highborn biggest indispensable very great decisive wellborn refined praised opulent intrinsic top-ranking highbred posh elemental celeb celebrious high-power redoubted imperious uttermost laureate strictly business especial playing hard ball overruling effulgent fateful top-notch staple acute portentous time-honored distinctive much publicized blue-blooded infamous natural silk-stocking much pleasurable of greatest importance titanic high-born first-rate governing upper-crust strong dominating widely known maximal No. 1 astronomic big-shot much-publicized in the public eye heavy-duty classic hallowed enduring benevolent venerated apex staid splendorous solemn virtuous righteous awesome rare pressing blue-chip upstanding solid decent towering necessary lavish portly top-level reigning ethical deluxe luxurious statuesque reputed highfalutin' absolute telling rich integral largest large-scale top-priority effective gracious magisterial successful substantive directing big-gun creditable healthy underlying goodly sedate sensational public first-class ritzy landmark must-have established high-up rudimentary ranking tectonic radical particular winning sterling praiseworthy headmost top-drawer of prime importance of supreme importance first and foremost headline impactful keynote epochal well born abundant newsworthy forceful up there distinct big name splendrous delightful heavenly enjoyable well-thought-of talked about of mark in the limelight having made a name for oneself hefty of importance on the map coruscating scintillating vivid excessive ok ravishing herculean unsurpassable unrivaled unmatchable unrivalled rightly prized colossal stupendous incredible gigantic terrific elegant inherent characteristic evergreen abiding timeless ageless perennial traditional time-honoured divine familiar extravagant fantastic queenly premium humungous humongous monstrous giant gargantuan reverenced overwhelming singular inflated oustanding considerate simple strongest crack root high-status known flaunted of influence eloquent historical oratorical upper cogent deciding splashy monster proverbial axial indelible higher ambitious constitutional common leviathan max thumping mountainous ginormous operative strategic quintessential crowning adored opening beginning lionlike leonine page-oner titled basal constitutive streets ahead nonpareil everyday long interesting commended worshipped richest determining final compelling hailed cheered second-to-none extended fancy showy upmarket second to none reasonable formal decorous worthy of mention well-regarded worthy of note stand-out commemorated grandiloquent touted tall in the saddle unconditional top-rank energetic dynamic instrumental trendsetting big-wheel hot-dog total something else arduous Herculean superseding of greatest significance intervening underlined fulfilling groundbreaking full marathon unlimited unrestricted just fine omnipotent official efficacious almighty supervisory all-powerful overpowering arbitrary paraded sacred reverend sage unrestrained talked of far-famed unbounded utter catchy haunting topical front reserved courtly ceremonious infinite boundless tidy legit handsome fit for a prince high up uplifting much vaunted in spotlight in limelight noble-born of noble birth of gentle birth highly esteemed guiding initial wise exemplary high-flying advertised hyped promoted overhyped publicized paragon genius proper highly thought of cherished rememberable treasured fit for a queen fit for a princess holding the reins higher up A-number-1 A-1 inaugural exciting buzzworthy relevant cheering satisfying rewarding pleasing red-letter heart-warming obvious high-priority burning milestone conclusive glaring noticeable earnest deep worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon unusual unordinary ponderable climacteric emphatic apocalyptic widely praised matriarchal philosophical experienced patriarchal worshipful worshiped highbrow composed hotshot primo hotdog bragged about shown off publicised boasted about made much of largish bountiful fit for a king sombre somber couth distingué starchy nifty larger-than-life very long very large at the cutting edge heavy stuff hot stuff at the leading edge prated about exulted in crowed about never to be forgotten fixed in the mind not to be forgotten earth-shaking deadly raging indescribable mortal real worthwhile out of the ordinary of substance life-and-death life-changing epoch-making of moment world-shaking world-shattering of significance firm sturdy sound self-respecting just so smashing fab greatest possible loftiest useful durable valuable maestoso crown made a display of zenithal apical tiptop Olympian resounding cool superabundant steady ultra mother of all highest-ranking mind-blowing out of this world biggish big-deal honest principled moral humane just beneficent cultivated uncorrupted brave unselfish bounteous benign meritorious noble-minded anti-corruption stand-up victory ceremonial commemorative celebratory most important most prominent most illustrious most influential most powerful most obvious most noticeable most skilled


Showy in speech
big bombastic grandiose complicated flowery grandiloquent orotund pretentious erudite formal highfalutin histrionic long magniloquent ostentatious overblown pompous scholarly verbose rhetorical oratorical declamatory articulate eloquent fustian high-sounding hyperbolic aureate mouthy effusive silver-tongued turgid rhetoric florid sonorous bombast ornate tumid euphuistic overwrought pedantic overdone overripe magnific purple high-flown windy puffed-up lofty haughty high inflated tall overwritten flamboyant elaborate affected labored laboured extravagant Ossianic convoluted strained hifalutin over-elaborate stilted pleonastic arty-farty flatulent baroque hyperventilated gassy gaseous exaggerated wordy swollen fulsome showy theatrical rococo ornamented fancy long-winded fussy rotund busy contrived Ciceronian imposing epideictic periphrastic Demosthenic Demosthenean embellished boastful overdecorated braggart bragging Falstaffian exalted sesquipedalian gingerbread grand-sounding over-embellished over-ornate overworked overelaborate ponderous portentous self-important figurative windbag excessively ornate dramatic stuffy fluent big-talking stagy elocutionary prolix ornamental tumescent majestic impressive mannered actorly elevated heroic curlicued wedding-cake boasting la-di-da oratorial lexiphanic very elaborate elegant Miltonian epic Homeric puffed stodgy high-falutin gingerbreaded bedizened gingerbready solemn tedious egotistic flashy arty high-wrought high-minded snobbish euphistic tall-talking redundant diffuse euphemistic prim overornate overembellished pontifical tiresome decorative garnished rich luscious verbal linguistic glib vocal grand voluble over-the-top stylistic highly decorated bold splendid yellow brilliant golden overinflated discursive booming melodramatic arresting fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian shallow superficial breezy serious arrogant grave cluttered blathering ranting blustering rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash overstated crowded stuffed shirt full of hot air over-detailed untidy mixed-up excessive messy muddled disarranged staged disorderly excessively ornamental


To have been aware
found learnt noted ascertained comprehended digested discovered gleaned grasped identified observed realized recognized understood saw witnessed became aware realised recognised determined found out figured out discerned worked out uncovered sussed out hit upon detected got unearthed established espied conceived doped out seen got on to hit on picked up perceived noticed spotted distinguished sensed heard gained picked up on located twigged checked gotten verified confirmed got wind of the fact got wise to the fact dug up caught sighted dug out rooted out encountered nosed out come to know came to know caught on to ferreted out fathomed out gotten on to run down routed out scouted up scared up tumbled to turned up dredged up tracked down wised up to hunted up hunted down divined sized up made certain caught on got to know minded overheard descried fand had it brought to one's attention become aware ran down gat gained knowledge found out about rummaged got wind got word got a line unmasked came upon searched out tripped over looked for gotten to know smoked out puzzled out stumbled upon founden became acquainted with taken notice wised up took notice checked out double-checked come upon become acquainted with judged made sure measured evaluated deduced appraised calculated assessed gauged fathomed figured rated quantified gaged added up contrived intuited asked computed counted diagnosed had a hunch read made out inquired calibrated took checked up on estimated queried investigated probed clarified canvassed enquired questioned revealed disclosed obtained attained acquired exposed achieved rumbled debunked glimpsed explored elicited sniffed out had an aha moment thought of looked up lit upon got wind of gotten wind of gotten wise to got wise to apprehended appreciated cognized registered savvied assimilated cottoned on to decided known knew pinned down dug sussed separated pegged picked out differentiated brought to light become aware of pinpointed made sense of latched on to discriminated placed ensured substantiated become cognizant of gathered set apart told gotten a fix on got a fix on compassed put one's finger on beheld took in taken in become conscious of stumbled on got the picture got the drift of gotten the picture cottoned to got it fingered validated named tagged followed reckoned differenced secerned smelt out diagnosticated told between come across told apart made certain of interpreted construed unlocked grokked got the message got the point of gotten the message became aware of described readen selected labelled labeled became cognizant of demarcated clocked weighed marked fixed fixt scaled flagged put a name to set off put the finger on singled out valued deciphered contrasted assured sized list hunted out absorbed absorpt determinated isolated pointed out decoded put a stopwatch on metered seized decided on settled on extracted made ID'ed IDed buttoned down tabbed beholden told the difference between made a distinction between decided between quantitated taken care took care became conscious of eyed tracked apperceived insured satisfied oneself certified gotten the hang of struck met with put a figure on guaranteed gotten it pieced together got one's head around got the idea of conceived of made head or tail of inferred run to earth happened upon traced affirmed got the hang of seen to it saw to it came across divided qualified classified categorized characterized analyzed singularized collated signalized specified individuated sifted parted extricated guessed disinterred corroborated sorted out marked out told from penetrated marked off guesstimated remembered scented remarked concluded recorded scented out mentioned listed tallied made up your mind on kept up with smelt smelled decried were aware of been aware of was aware of extraught tasted received tested settled adjudged discerned a difference between uprooted visualized sparked eyeballed spotlighted proved tumbled edged out retrieved analysed characterised looked over controlled for checked up got wise got the message about visioned localised followed the scent of got the idea heard tell had on good authority figured in traced back gained an understanding of saw the light become conscious got to the bottom of stricken individualized timed got clued up about had knowledge of run to ground rooted thought spanned caught sight of made a distinction rendered lit on fished out got at fancied chanced on showed told which is which visualised featured rooted up spotlit had clinched become conscious of the fact that laid hands on ferreted hooked signalised arrived at envisioned gotten the idea become aware of the fact that got the picture about caught on to the fact categorised imagined envisaged familiarized oneself with exhibited imaged zeroed in on localized figured something out gotten to the bottom of ran to earth individualised learned of setted at variance come up with got across seen the light stumbled across pierced delved had one's number knew by sight known by sight ran to ground struck on stricken on taken saw through seen through gotten across taken account of took account of span gotten at came up with gotten the point got the point known for certain knew for certain taken notice of took notice of drew a distinction between drawn a distinction between gotten the drift got the drift prove proven gotten down cold got down cold gotten down pat got down pat did not forget to done not forget to took the wraps off dolven taken the wraps off dalf shown assured yourself became aware of the fact that were cognizant of been cognizant of saw daylight was cognizant of got through one's head seen daylight gotten through one's head became conscious of the fact that became conscious did not forget


(of a subject) To have intellectually pursued
took studied majored in pursued took up concentrated on focused on learnt specialised in specialized in did trained in grasped mastered practiced practised acquired a knowledge of applied oneself to dedicated oneself to developed oneself in gained an understanding of had lessons in read read up on worked at worked in hit the books cracked the books enrolled attained received gained got absorbed absorpt acquired lucubrated matriculated imbibed applied oneself researched learnt the ropes comprehended assimilated digested observed calculated perceived noted determined understood picked up reviewed swotted gleaned crammed apprenticed familiarized yourself with mugged up familiarized oneself with got the point of become proficient in gathered become competent in prepared grinded got across become skilled at ground got clued up about perused become expert in acquired skill in conned soaked up improved mind become versed waded through brushed up on minored in pored over checked watched become able larned larnt gotten gat done research did research taken readen gotten across became expert in became proficient in knew backwards became competent in known inside out became skilled at known backwards knew inside out got the knack of gotten the knack of taken course burnt midnight oil became able drunk in took in got down pat taken in burned midnight oil took course gotten the hang of gotten down pat got the hang of became versed drank in become proficient at excelled in got to grips with became proficient at gotten to grips with managed become versed in gotten down cold acquired the skill of learned thoroughly become familiar with gained mastery of acquired the technique of chalked up gained mastery in caught on to learned the art of got down cold got off by heart boned up buried oneself in taken up done became versed in became familiar with gotten going got up to speed got going gotten into your stride gotten up to speed got into your stride

Antonym of a learned

Music ♫

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