Synonym of adapt for film


A thin layer covering a surface
layer coat coating sheet covering overlay skin veneer blanket membrane surface cover dusting varnish glaze veil mask patina tissue screen skim wash pellicle foil integument fold leaf gauze scum fabric web lamina mantle deposit lamination thickness crust canopy shroud topping carpet pall ply scale cloak cloud curtain finish mass stratum plate bed cladding facing billow plating puff smear daub level tier caul peritoneum peel diaphragm amnion mucosa seam laminate band row lamella dense mass placenta hymen undercoat gloss luster lustre slab sheath slip encrustation washing cake plaque hood coverture penumbra tartar thin layer robe wraps plume cover-up shower expanse strand insertion blade stain partition drum vein rind casing stratification paint tint lacquer whitewashing priming set roughcast bark plaster tinge painting scab limescale incrustation suffusion smoke surging mass swirl shield blur shade blind substratum panel stripe overlap floor coloring swab colouring cope mist haze polish thin covering column face exterior shell outside spiral decorative layer protective layer finishing coat trail envelope mat calculus residue wrapper fan fleece facade façade exteriority external surface outer surface superficies enamel front outside surface shine outward aspect externals external facet externality aspect periphery top side sheen burnish outside area glint wax shellac wrapping resin gleam japan brilliance smoothness brightness appearance shininess case luminance sparkle outward appearance texture grain revetment acrylic culture seal fronting ornamentation adornment pod jacket sheathing sleeve dressing stucco inlay paving decoration appliqué husk enclosure wrap container pebbledash siding gilt topside frontage elevation outer covering shiny surface outer side outer layer glossiness shimmer outward display superficial appearance silkiness slickness sleekness topcoat cloisonné superstratum top layer


A hardened layer, coating, or deposit on the surface of something
crust layer covering coating skin coat sheet shell rind surface topping integument casing cover hull outside encrustation scab thickness incrustation caking concretion band bloom border edge top verge deposit veneer overlay husk dusting scale skim blanket bark peel mantle canopy carpet shuck sheath pod outer layer capsule finish pericarp case epicarp lamination glaze varnish cloak zest wash plating exocarp smear daub patina veil cladding facing lamina membrane undercoat luster lustre cake cortex peeling scurf expanse bed laminate lithosphere partition drum shroud washing leaf pellicle wrapping peelings pall plate lacquer whitewashing priming set roughcast plaster tinge gloss painting cork bast lamella limescale exterior Earth's crust plaque tartar face front hide thin covering facade topside façade frontage elevation jacket housing encasement armor cocoon external surface outer side outer surface plastron shield defence defense shard armour carapace seed coat exteriority superficies decoration outside surface outward aspect externals external enamel shellac icing frosting screen facet polish externality aspect periphery side outside area foil ply garnish mask stratum envelope paint wax top layer resin decorative layer siding protective layer slip japan curtain cake coating mass spread ornamentation cloud adornment revetment appliqué sauce meringue plunge stain sheathing sleeve wrapper texture grain sugar coating shine fronting enclosure wrap container level seam tier blade dressing stucco inlay paving tint outer covering rendering culture pebbledash slab panel stripe overlap substratum row floor thin layer burnish smoothness suffusion finishing coat gilt shiny surface colouring coloring swab superstratum outer wall tissue plaster coating surface-level upper surface upper part upper layer outward appearance fold gauze scum fabric web


Weepie or melodrama


A film or stain formed on an exposed surface of a mineral or metal


Something viewable that is used to help illustrate a point or concept
visual aid diagram illustration chart image model video visual figure graph graphic picture table map plate graphic representation outline plot bar chart pie chart histogram photograph grid icon logo visual representation linear representation representation nomograph nomogram display blueprint tabulation scheme plan rough draft plat guide flow chart sketch drawing design layout draft delineation draught schema form ground plan project schematic scale drawing depiction tracing composition floor plan view architectural plan projection idea organization infographic arrangement perspective formation road map pattern configuration makeup game plan organisation conformation program programme visualization time series piechart artist's impression scatter diagram poster prototype proposal meaning device prospectus platform time line figurine statuette atlas cartogram emblem record mapping globe portrayal elevation print portrait visualisation street guide artwork graphic design topographical depiction A to Z format profile silhouette shape contour dummy comp method tracery conception treatment study architecture constitution construction doodle strategy schemat framework frame presentation structure paste-up circumference skeleton line constellation ordonnance style getup setout setup shadow perimeter rough geography set-up vignette outline sketch preliminary form lineaments lineament thumbnail sketch figuration lines contours system physical arrangement dimensions lay look purpose cutaway game description technical drawing line drawing schematic representation exploded view big picture


To succeed in evoking or representing
catch evoke capture encapsulate express recall represent reproduce show suggest draw record paint photograph conjure up summon up call to mind delineate sketch picture image render limn illustrate depict portray put graphically paint a picture of catch a likeness bring to life draw a picture of present exhibit outline characterize epitomize interpret draft draught characterise epitomise feature display symbolize symbolise embody describe character model exemplify typify mirror instantiate demonstrate design denote define trace enact copy map out mark out figure depicture simulate paint a mental picture of summarize designate report relate signify realise narrate realize hint track summarise sum up put in a nutshell run through run down map chart silhouette draw the lines of go over draw over rough out draw up personify produce emblematize stage perform equal reflect betoken incorporate incarnate mean body forth be symbolic of be a typical sample of correspond to substitute for be the embodiment of stand for equate with give human form to give human shape to substitute put on be a symbol of equate play the part of steward be the incarnation of body appear as imitate impersonate act in place of buy for act as sell for be representative of play the part serve as factor assume the role of highlight spotlight visualize visualise envisage manifest compose conceptualize ostend caricature vivify vision perceive sculpt limelight conceit project view generate envision plot conceptualise mark snap give a picture of set out conceive of make a drawing of make a diagram of conjure up a picture of


To adapt a literary work so that it can be performed in the theatre, or on radio or television


Related to film and cinematography

Antonym of adapt for film

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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