Synonym of don't rock the boat


To act as others are acting, conforming to common behavior patterns
go with the flow conform float with the stream act in accordance with adapt to be in accordance with conform to conform with fall in with go along with fulfil follow observe respect satisfy obey comply meet fulfill keep mind adhere to consent to yield to abide by submit to agree to accede to acquiesce in defer to knuckle under perform cooperate cave in to comply with assent to stay in line acquiesce with come around to bow to concur in play the game concur with knuckle to give in to fit in with play ball show willingness measure up to goose-step to play by the rules match up to kowtow to observe the rules keep to the rules act in accordance with the rules keep to don't make waves accommodate to accept be dutiful to stick to the rules abide by the rules stick to adjust to pay attention to go by the book acquiesce to act upon play it by the book do what one is told toe the line be ruled by uphold stand by follow the rules adhere to the rules comply with the rules embrace accord with heed hold to agree with acknowledge obey the rules go along with the plan play along acquiesce keep in step come to heel submit act honestly yield follow convention assent give in meet expectations cave in cooperate with fall in adhere to rules fall in line play fair be fair follow tradition be conventional fit in adapt follow custom adjust follow the crowd agree adopt run with the pack swim with the stream go by toe the mark follow the book walk the line take as a guide accord surrender succumb be a good sport accede take as guide be guided by concur capitulate adhere respond to concede take orders do what is expected hold fast get into line give way get in line do as you are told do as one says do one's bidding be loyal to play second fiddle live by do one's duty kowtow cave relent budge defer blink truckle quit bow knuckle be servile be diplomatic follow norms be politically correct

Antonym of don't rock the boat

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