Synonym of excessively excited


Showing enthusiasm or displaying positive energy about something
enthusiastic eager buoyant delighted desirous elated jovial joyful joyous thrilled ecstatic encouraged engaged enlivened enraptured enthused euphoric excitable exhilarated glad great interested motivated overjoyed rhapsodic stoked willing craving electrified exuberant exultant gung ho happy inclined inspired jolly roused agog ambitious amenable animated appetent athirst avid awakened bursting disposed elevated giddy hungry hung up impatient intoxicated keen longing on cloud nine peppy pining piqued restive solicitous sparky thirsty tickled tickled pink covetous full of beans geeked greedy hankering hepped up hopped-up alive blissful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed jubilant moved tumultuous aflame beside oneself cock-a-hoop jazzed stimulated pumped-up ardent pumped wild crazy raring voracious anxious antsy nuts juiced hot passionate fervent lively zealous rapturous aroused spirited over the moon vivacious yearning rapt ebullient high-spirited champing at the bit energetic zestful gleeful high itching cheerful transported gay keyed up merry bouncy fired up chomping at the bit dying entranced impassioned fanatical intent ready in seventh heaven pleased bubbly vehement chirpy enrapt stirred heady effervescent in high spirits delirious sunny desiring rhapsodical keen as mustard sparkling psyched wholehearted on a high in raptures hysterical frenzied jaunty cheery blissed out frolicsome aching breathless devoted dedicated sprightly vigorous upbeat chipper walking on air ready and willing fervid jumping for joy dynamic exalted peart raring to go crank carried away mad keen hopeful worked up earnest irrepressible wigged out charged as keen as mustard blithe triumphant in transports of delight zingy blithesome zippy corybantic active light-hearted full of life on top of the world sent psyched up frolic gamesome committed breezy mad on cloud seven gagging wishing intense atingle animate afire beside oneself with happiness energized perky feverish gladsome wrapped bright expectant smiley nutty gratified turned on wishful chuffed energised juiced up on tenterhooks driven on fire wild with excitement bright and breezy vibrant as merry as a grig heated determined hot to trot rarin' to go proud titillated in a frenzy of delight waiting with bated breath desirous of vital assiduous thirsting dying to fiery enchanted uplifted flying activated diligent airy inspirited boisterous gloating hoping lighthearted emotional itchy gone on galvanized in a frenzy hearty wacky zesty mettlesome in suspense of good cheer pert game galvanised alive and kicking restless stirred up turned-on captivated delirious with happiness full of vim and vigour perfervid industrious on pins and needles infatuated rejoicing conscientious warmblooded exulting passional potty dizzy cheered crowing rabid mirthful glorying forceful frantic daft touched prideful infatuated with devoted to enamoured of smitten with overwrought overexcited playful alert flipping desperate zappy flushed carefree prepared grasping warm brisk acquisitive very keen on floating triumphalist satisfied intent on red-hot influenced itching for enamored of turnt dying for insatiable up puffed up obsessed pumped up pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic jazzy racy spanking pizzazzy concerned brash frisky happy-go-lucky amused geared up agitated all agog cranked up flying high rapacious feeling one's oats on edge dashing in heaven hopped up set on bent on with bated breath pleased as punch full of fun as pleased as Punch on the edge of your seat in a hurry hankering after amped-up accelerated fierce possessed approving bubbling aglow scintillating ablaze fired hyper contented curious dotty nutso hot for edgy triumphal started enthralled celebrating raving uproarious tingling tingly amped exhilarative ravenous fun-loving untrammeled untrammelled unrestrained chafing straining in love with hooked on avaricious filled with joy overwhelmed impetuous restored refreshed revitalized daring distraught distrait hysteric distracted in paradise in rhapsodies burning bold lusting cottonmouthed juiceless sapless very excited absorbed affected quickened set all a-gog full of the joys of spring Corybantic open-mouthed doing handsprings beatific aggressive proactive bullish banzai revitalised habitual unreluctant diehard ravished fain fascinated content ripe orgasmic gotta have self-driven spunky jumping up and down bone-dry straining at the leash grateful flattered privileged tantalized unqualified drunk minded consumed with desire swaggering partial to crazy for wild for tantalised bugged gaga gallant kooky zany boastful dreamy jocund dry as dust coltish take-charge can-do athrill extremely happy extremely enthusiastic full of enthusiasm self-starting revelling favourably inclined victorious reveling charmed up for on for in the mood of a mind pysched up beside yourself predatious awestruck amazed fond honoured honored riled up laughing unsatisfied intemperate unfilled insatiate chafing at the bit romping sportive skittish beside oneself with joy smitten enamored floating on air gladdened diverted entertained effusive festive ludic rollicking kittenish frolicky frothy gushing in transports thankful with an appetite covetous of in need of lusting after with a yen in want of tickled to death jocular in exaltation enchanté fulfilled hilarious wanton jocose very happy jumpy wicked larkish prankish full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre in love def in trendy groovy now mod hep downtown with-it cool hip boon made up as happy as a clam very pleased pleasantly surprised as happy as Larry like a child with a new toy like a dog with two tails quick smug vivid anticipatory go-go waiting expecting fond of sweet on very enthusiastic vitalized enamoured wigged-out awaiting anticipating agape anticipant au courant watchful apprehensive transfixed astounded anticipative vigilant looking for waiting on wanting lustful envious prehensile amorous aspiring longing for hoping for keen on anxious for yearning for ambitious for eager for aspiring to ready for willing for avid for hopeful for aspiring towards keen for greedy for ravening for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for looking good set up


Agitated or stressed
stressed agitated antsy anxious apprehensive distressed worried distraught fearful hectic jittery nervy tense alarmed annoyed desperate edgy flurried flushed frightened hysterical intense scared shocked skittish startled terrified uneasy unnerved unsettled adrenalized aflutter aquiver daunted disturbed fidgety high-strung in a panic distracted emotional flighty frantic frenzied irrational twitchy unreluctant afire atingle dismayed dithery febrile fraught heated het up hot under the collar hyped-up hyper hyperexcited ill at ease jumpy overactive overexcited perturbed troubled unquiet uptight wrought-up nervous upset wound up discomposed disconcerted provoked ruffled wired hot hot and bothered in a tizzy juiced up keyed up on edge overwrought worked up zipped up restless insecure queazy queasy overstrung atwitter excitable hung up hinky goosey on tenterhooks highly strung strained restive spooky toey strung out strung up on pins and needles in a state flustered shaky fretful in suspense unrelaxed squirrelly windy wrought up sensitive in a state of agitation in a state of nerves a bundle of nerves like a cat on a hot tin roof afraid bothered agog timorous in a flap fluttery hesitant concerned panicky stressy neurotic unstable spooked choked overanxious brittle in a tizz in a stew white-knuckled all of a dither beside oneself nervous wreck waiting for the axe to fall stressed out all of a doodah all of a lather like a cat on hot bricks bundle of nerves aroused shaking trembling quivering all wound up all of a flutter nerve-racking feeling anxious stressful nail-biting eagerly frisky creepy unrestful nerves on edge worried sick open-mouthed all agog avid timid waiting with bated breath with bated breath uncomfortable shy having kittens in a dither in a sweat shaken hurt saddened unhappy grieved sad bricking oneself in a twitter irritable rattled vexed disquieted muddled fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting anxiously waiting in a twit nervously awaiting uncertain mousey mousy scary fearsome diffident unconfident fainthearted overemotional disappointed irked confused thrown irritated clutched pressured angered angry blue inconvenienced gutted histrionic discountenanced shot to pieces up the wall under a strain white knuckled under stress under pressure bashful cowardly shrinking tremulous broken up cut up falling apart shook up spasmodic hyperexcitable hyperactive hyperkinetic agitable alarmable lively zippy giddy lightheaded peppy spirited dizzy animated combustible flappable fiddle-footed light-headed


Wildly excited or uncontrolled due to worry or fear
frantic frenzied wild hysterical agitated mad distraught furious feverish frenetic fierce distracted overwrought rabid crazed distressed delirious maniacal crazy raving anxious desperate hectic uncontrolled worried deranged ferocious insane demented berserk fraught violent unhinged hyper distrait uptight fevered hysteric raging wired panicky berko corybantic unglued unscrewed unzipped angry weird zonkers beside oneself worked up swivel-eyed panic-stricken in a state panic-struck wound up keyed up shook up beside yourself in a flap out of control het up in a tizz having kittens in a tizzy flipped out wigged out hot under the collar in a cold sweat last-minute weirded out hot and bothered in a flat spin freaked out spazzed out at the end of your tether at wits' end in a stew nervous hyperactive restless energetic manic obsessive heated tense overactive overexcited upset edgy jumpy twitchy on edge impatient fanatical unrestrained confused jittery neurotic uneasy worked-up stirred high-strung aroused busy wrought-up inflamed unbalanced strung up high fervid confusing turbulent intense tumultuous convulsive chaotic nuts fast and furious moved enthusiastic animated roused madding abandoned worried sick zealous boisterous ebullient full-on overpowering overwhelming uninhibited lunatic exciting antsy at fever pitch riotous demonic demoniacal discombobulated like one possessed shaken sectionable fazed rattled psychotic freaky flipped nutty up turned out hopped up all of a dither in a panic stirred up in a lather in a dither fidgety highly strung nervy strung out tooshie stressy adrenalized worn under a strain excitable unstrung touchy overstrung weary emotional tired strung-out stressed keyed-up affected freaked-out fired-up overwhelmed hot-and-bothered spent wound-up throwing a wobbly in a twitter steamed up out of your mind all shook up hot under collar overcome carried away bothered disturbed irrepressible consumed in a frenzy out of one's mind troubled uncontrollable rampant ungovernable unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable devastated unruly unmanageable unnerved maddened maniac very upset possessed not knowing what to do with oneself undone stunned struck incredulous overawed fired up irresistible overpowered out of one's wit strong forceful perturbed flustered discomposed unrestrainable destroyed concerned perfervid passional obsessed tormented muddled shattered thrown fiery impetuous impassioned vehement driven to distraction blazing tempestuous incensed fuming spasmodic seething passionate harassed incoherent verklempt pained nonplussed addled irrational babbling gone in a fit out of one's wits unchecked intemperate like a chicken with its head cut off lightheaded hot hallucinating aberrant deviant light-headed rambling disordered bewildered wandering hallucinatory unreasonable unsettled disarranged deviate excessive unconstrained uncurbed wanton runaway off your head out of one's head out of one's skull unrestricted unhampered raw unhindered unbounded ungoverned licentious unconcealed self-indulgent immoderate undisciplined madcap noisy unbridled


Inflamed with passion or conviction
heated frenzied fierce agitated intense feverish overwrought passionate stormy hyperactive lively animated fervid hectic tempestuous overactive impassioned fiery violent raging vehement spirited ardent fervent passional perfervid avid full-hearted torrid emotional flaming zealous burning hot-blooded blazing furious charged demonstrative red-hot incandescent warm glowing religious superheated warm-blooded enthusiastic eager heartfelt fanatical earnest white-hot aroused tumultuous ablaze deep frantic keen steamed up fired up turbulent vigorous inflamed wild emotive overemotional melodramatic frenetic energetic worked up strong fevered hot consuming committed wholehearted profound ferocious explosive rough rabid convulsive volcanic cyclonic paroxysmal boisterous acute heightened impetuous keyed up stimulated dedicated febrile messianic hammer and tongs uncontrollable knock-down-and-drag-out excitable blood-and-guts bang-bang forceful urgent stirring in a lather powerful sincere raw moving deep-seated angry thrilled bursting on fire acrimonious savage temperamental overexcited fanciful overcharged forcible amorous incensed wrathful mighty tremendous seething aflutter effusive irascible bubbling over assiduous steadfast allegiant fuming nutty gung-ho inspired vivid rousing devout mushy sentimental romantic touching feeling impulsive ungovernable inspiring eloquent poignant high-pressure hotblooded expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered extreme off the air very excited on the warpath fit to be tied foaming at the mouth card-carrying ecstatic starry-eyed from the heart unrestrained deeply felt uncontrolled gotta have gung ho dying to serious keen as mustard enthused hopped up mad keen pious hot for tender true blue unfeigned warmhearted hearty responsive all-consuming hysterical cataclysmal cataclysmic unbridled chaotic exciting confused flurrying flustering riotous rumbustious restless buzzing brisk bustling manic vibrant woolly wooly disordered nutsy zoolike jungle hassle madhouse unsettled crowded rip-roaring very busy very active fast and furious like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose


Tending to ask questions or to investigate, typically for information or knowledge
curious inquisitive probing questioning quizzical enquiring inquiring interrogative investigative querying scrutinising scrutinizing enthusiastic examining inspecting fascinated interested intrigued keen agog eager moved attentive captivated gripped riveted absorbed affected engrossed intent enticed focussed focused stimulated enthused entranced hooked inspired ambitious desirous inspirited roused ardent avid impressed inquisitorial beady-eyed attracted rapt into drawn mesmerized caught predisposed bewitched spellbound obsessed enamored sold lured taken touched smitten enamoured mesmerised charmed hooked on fond of in love with entertained earnest snoopy nosy responsive awakened fired all ears gone occupied struck sympathetic open burning with curiosity on the case besotted eat sleep and breathe fond crazed enthralled beguiled enraptured hypnotized immersed delighted mad enchanted keen on enthralled by devoted to passionate about involved struck on mad about fixated by addicted to riveted by interested in enamored of attached to infatuated enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by attracted to transfixed thrilled nuts about turned on gone on crazy about transported dazzled bewitched by besotted with infatuated with hungry for fascinated by intent on smitten with eager for intoxicated sweet on love-struck by enchanted by charmed by tantalized seduced titillated aroused overpowered hung up captivated by wild about very inquisitive stuck on very interested tantalised extremely curious sold on hypnotised highly interested extremely interested under a spell very curious obsessed with taken with enamoured of beguiled by partial to gripped by intrigued by bedazzled won over tempted moonstruck held caught up head over heels awestruck overwhelmed breathless amazed awestricken agape ensorcelled ravished stunned starstruck fallen for open-mouthed under someone's spell have a thing about gaga about fixed steady concentrated preoccupied enrapt watchful lost consumed desiring inclined allured observant engaged intense concentrating deep steadfast studious settled alert of a mind to bent on wrapped up set on locked in dialed in deep in really into


Noisy, energetic, and cheerful
boisterous rowdy rollicking unruly wild active animated disorderly noisy unrestrained bouncy lively loud overexcited riotous rumbustious uproarious ebullient exuberant frisky high-spirited knockabout spirited vibrant abandoned clamorous rough tumultuous uncontrolled undisciplined uninhibited hell-raising impetuous rambunctious raucous rip-roaring robustious roistering roisterous romping clangorous in high spirits obstreperous brawling effervescent energetic over-the-top strident vociferant vociferous turbulent rackety wild and woolly resounding clattery blaring piercing violent harsh clattering loudmouthed booming out of control deafening screaming lawless stentorian vehement rude forceful raw coarse full-throated ear-piercing irrepressible uncontrollable blatant termagant unbridled rough-and-tumble thunderous thundering sonorous ringing blasting shouting reverberating cacophonous vocal ear-splitting intense unmanageable brash disruptive earsplitting deep strong plangent blustering lusty powerful ungovernable clamant yowling yawping yauping rampageous vociferating mischievous voluble gruff squawking jarring rugged crass crude unchecked tempestuous caterwauling out of hand chaotic raging unconstrained uncurbed vigorous frenzied intemperate hysterical extrovert roaring shrill unquiet insistent disobedient stubborn reverberant passionate head-splitting strepitous talkative carrying rampant shrieking slam-bang clearly audible robust emphatic demanding resonant unreserved stentorious forte fortissimo ear-popping full rich rotund touchy-feely loud-voiced ill-disciplined gleeful badly behaved brusque tough loutish confused inharmonious rootin'-tootin chattering roughhouse rebellious bustling debauched drunken slapstick importunate depraved farcical orgiastic saturnalian raunchy earthy casual nasty mean restless bawling clamorsome side-splitting harum-scarum fanatical indecorous unsubtle fierce agitated aggressive dominant wayward full-on stormy outspoken bellowing big-voiced bigmouthed obnoxious direct self-willed incontinent furious unsubmissive rowdydowdy disturbed irregular in turmoil blusterous fulminating crashing wakes the dead high-sounding big heavy pealing turned up full-mouthed grating ungoverned immoderate unhindered unconventional unbounded rasping pulsating extroverted attention-seeking unfettered raising Cain enthusiastic lacking self-control throbbing screeching discordant outgoing raising the roof licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational reverberatory echoing reverberative orotund heightened pulsing sonorant throaty intensified clear ranting unrestricted demonstrative unrepressed distracting running wild oscillating fruity palpitating baritone harmonious melodious consonant canorous round stridulous unmusical open loud-mouthed raving thrilled rash runaway full-bodied enhanced deep-toned mellow ear-shattering full-voiced aquiver plummy golden low electrifying overpowering very loud dinning free emotional carefree wanton reckless clashing stridulant affable giddy flighty unmelodious jangling dissonant unharmonious warm chatty stridulatory unselfconscious dissolute immodest effusive hoarse stertorous persuasive squawky baying squeaky communicative expressive extravagant unhampered excessive untrammelled lavish untrammeled prodigal shameless fast imprudent careless loose unconfined unimpeded self-indulgent incorrigible unshackled dissipated corrupt heedless devil-may-care outrageous inordinate unstoppable decadent unquenchable uncontainable unbound immoral unprincipled profuse dissipative extreme impulsive undue unreasonable unjustified unwarranted untied unchained roaming irresponsible frivolous abundant audacious cavalier egregious foolhardy wasteful unlimited overindulgent over the top at liberty set loose untamed out uncalled for unbalanced slack unsuppressed gay rakish sinful wicked on the loose fast and loose at large hedonistic Dionysian frenetic bacchanalian fugitive Bacchic footloose capricious bacchic Dionysiac Saturnalian boundless rabid unconcealed crazed madcap crazy berserk rank on the run good-time impotent fast-paced exceeding bounds volatile severe self-gratifying salacious steep on the lam exorbitant enormous O.T.T. unchaste exaggerated unconscionable daredevil intractable greedy libertine exciting louche carnal temerarious gadabout uncalled-for gratuitous easy overdue insane overweening stiff intolerable plethoric baroque fancy overextravagant overmuch unmerciful devilish tarty swinging fallen slaggy whorish lax roundheeled bushy too-too dizzying unmeasurable escaped sprung thriftless spendthrift riggish light over the odds unrestrainable individualistic freethinking maverick philandering unrelenting unremitting relentless insuppressible too much a bit much released inexorable promiscuous uneconomical squandering unthrifty improvident liberated bold of easy virtue willful wilful contrary freewheeling headstrong individual needless high-rolling ruinous pound-foolish inefficient liberal useless squandered destructive overdone overgenerous independent decontrolled unregimented supererogative supererogatory free-spirited not needed


Very excited, energy-filled


Angry, resentful, or embarrassed
hot under the collar angry annoyed cross enraged furious in a temper incensed infuriated irate mad aggravated aggrieved fed up hacked off irritated miffed peeved put out riled brassed off cheesed off narked peed off ratty shirty sore teed off ticked off anxious bent out of shape boiling burning with excitement crook flustered het up indignant ireful snaky steaming upset worked up livid wrathful angered choleric steamed up outraged fuming apoplectic fit to be tied in a huff hopping mad rabid rankled ballistic ticked inflamed roiled wroth foaming enflamed riley hot infuriate hopping horn-mad foaming at the mouth in a pet in a fume going crook blue in the face exasperated vexed piqued seething up in arms irked raging in high dudgeon beside oneself displeased resentful on the warpath huffy tooshie browned off maddened nettled wild provoked disgruntled incandescent ropeable choked in a frenzy in a lather testy off the air as cross as two sticks beside yourself galled steamed eggy frenzied soreheaded aerated not best pleased frustrated very angry vex raving ranting ill-humoured ill-humored in a bad mood bothered irritable miffy snuffy hot-tempered ill-tempered bad-tempered discontented offended troubled surly grumpy ruffled agitated perturbed irascible grouchy crabby seeing red in a paddy wound up in a bate wrath waxy dissatisfied hot and bothered affronted antagonized petulant snappy impatient scunnered peevish disturbed frantic cranky touchy short-tempered splenetic spare hoha out of humour out of sorts with all guns blazing heated passionate antagonised prickly stroppy quick-tempered burned up bitter churlish fractious unhappy snappish crotchety cantankerous tetchy waspish sullen filthy querulous sulky uptight hurt captious insane harassed fiery in a rage snippy snarky snippety out of humor perverse narky bummed out hacked hostile gnashing one's teeth boiling mad dyspeptic crusty pettish raging mad raspy stuffy disgusted disagreeable sour dirty unglued chafed crazed distressed demented desperate storming grousing thin-skinned mardy iracund violent crabbed all steamed up up the wall overcome with anger fierce fretful ill-natured liverish maniac ornery iracundulous bent unreasonable bugged chippy feisty caviling bilious acrimonious smoking peppery scandalized shocked bristly edgy pushed too far out of temper bearish corybantic griping at boiling point harried at daggers drawn short blown a gasket cavilling antagonistic scandalised dark irrational curmudgeonly hasty roused in a filthy temper critical beside yourself with rage mildly annoyed berserk cray-cray as black as thunder black flaming p.o.'d chagrined pained scornful afflicted out of countenance tormented worried fretted vehement vicious frenetic in a towering rage rage dogged at end of one's rope rousted rubbed the wrong way buffaloed crackers crazy radge ferocious jumpy faultfinding extremely angry raving mad impassioned overheated disappointed malcontent unamused snitty hassled malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent bad tempered kvetching kicking out of joint disaffected ungratified discontent burning hateful insulted good and mad mad as hell slighted dishonored humiliated waspy shrewish gloomy huffish acrid trying having got out of bed on the wrong side brusque dour nasty-tempered uncooperative acid misanthropic mumpish cynical growling snarling contrary peckish hotheaded pouty oversensitive sensitive tough temperamental whiny brooding tart obstinate sharp nasty morose quarrelsome in a mood difficult sorehead saturnine tense blunt cussed hypercritical glum whining curt fault-finding on edge miserable cross-grained carping moody unsociable pouting argumentative awkward like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse gruff complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary volatile contentious grumbling truculent whingeing childish foul-tempered out-of-sorts fussy harsh malignant disputatious hot-blooded vindictive crybaby ugly whingy having got out of bed the wrong side pertinacious spiteful obstreperous short-fused ungracious chuffy easily offended mean scratchy umbrageous dishonoured ready to be tied unfriendly glowering scowling aggressive unpleasant rude bloody-minded mopey malevolent belligerent rancorous bellicose threatening vitriolic moping frowning unsmiling stung unkind discourteous pugnacious uncivil impolite embittered scrappy malign abrupt excitable inhospitable louring combative severe menacing poisonous humourless humorless arsey joyless unresponsive uncommunicative catty censorious mean-spirited forbidding inimical defiant confrontational grim wounded antipathetic hot-headed injured rattled sombre somber militant ticklish unmannerly sourpussed snarly boorish cruel warlike salty sulking unhelpful cheerless negative hurtful hate-filled adversarial stern easily upset flinty steely uninviting depressed abusive wicked mopish disobliging serious unapproachable formidable stony dejected grieved envenomed needled intimidating austere lowering solemn grave agonistic jaundiced aloof atrabilious discordant inconsiderate unsympathetic bad uncongenial assaultive unlikable hard unruly taciturn discouraged dismal savage evil-intentioned obnoxious uncharitable blue agitable impulsive impetuous annoying ill-mannered grudging inflammable mean-looking sarcastic down in the mouth ill-disposed sharp-tongued goaded unaccommodating virulent disrespectful reproachful foul anguished hypersensitive recalcitrant destructive scathing disrespected stewed terse refractory lugubrious owly beefing loudmouthed plaintive murmuring froward vinegarish snubbed blazing apt to fly off the handle no-nonsense rough bluff withdrawn pernicious restless restive indomitable uncompliant indocile evil spunky acerbic acute adverse uncontrollable sober pessimistic unindulgent ungenerous tempersome zowerswopped offhand disheartened maleficent baleful offensive Eeyorish emotional toey forceful malefic perversely irritable unceremonious viperous mighty adversary ill grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing crying deploring lamenting dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable highly strung perturbable antisocial off offish distant unlovable overwrought distraught uncomfortable eristic unfulfilled defeated broody mortal stressed fidgety blazing mad flaming mad strict having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop wired up boisterous crude with a long face neurotic kittle mopy skittish wreck overstrung twitchy nervous unsatisfied unsated ungentle fell stiff sinister stark bad-humored sharp-tempered having short fuse bundle of nerves unbearable insufferable irritating like a bear very upset out of control got up on wrong side of bed competitive evil-minded litigious negativistic resolute bleak carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up hard to please hot under collar in a wax disputative unloveable wrought up ill at ease factious warring gladiatorial gray grey passive-aggressive long-faced huffy irascible vengeful estranged battling dissentious brawly fighting controversial polemical polemic high-strung boot-faced bickering ructious tempestuous arguesome wrangling easily frightened easily agitated turbulent war brawling despondent ready for a fight have chip on shoulder disconsolate disillusioned sad downcast melancholic down forlorn saddened low disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted inconsolable sorrowful sick low-spirited disparaging deprecating overcritical nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting judgmental nitpicking criticizing disapproving judgemental rejective pass-remarkable pernickety nitpicky thorny unfair exceptive hairsplitting very critical petty demanding criticising exacting trivial unjust cavillous finicky tricky


Not controllable
uncontrollable ungovernable unmanageable unruly recalcitrant intractable refractory wild disorderly disobedient obstreperous undisciplined defiant delinquent froward headstrong incontrollable incorrigible insubordinate non-compliant stroppy turbulent untoward violent wayward wilful willful bolshie contumacious out of control abandoned badly-behaved fractious freaked indocile indomitable insuppressible insurgent intense lawless obdurate obstinate overpowering overwhelming strong stubborn undisciplinable unrestrainable beside oneself like a loose cannon rebellious difficult contrary mutinous rebel balky incompliant restive recusant rowdy riotous uncooperative disruptive troublesome uncontrolled perverse out of hand unrestrained badly behaved awkward irrepressible rough boisterous anarchic noncompliant errant self-willed insurrectionary seditious mischievous ill-disciplined naughty unyielding unbiddable contrarious unbridled revolutionary disaffected chaotic misbehaving lawbreaking uproarious resistant bad impetuous noisy problematic unwilling ornery quarrelsome raucous attention-seeking reckless obstinately disobedient troublemaking rascally roguish uncontainable uncompliant rude inexorable impossible rumbustious rampageous rash intemperate opinionated anarchical rioting factious truculent radical mean dissident ungoverned impish cantankerous impudent insolent anarchistic nonconformist bellicose pugnacious unconstrained erratic exasperating threatening unchecked wrong unreasonable tumultuous rambunctious pervicacious impulsive intransigent impervious imprudent forward assertive heedless rampant insubmissive insurrectionist cussed out of line demanding thrawn mulish hysterical treacherous dissentient bloody-minded spiteful dissentious disloyal argumentative disordered petulant iconoclastic treasonable militant disturbed maladjusted criminal peevish runaway tempestuous aberrant traitorous playful up in arms sinful cross-grained loudmouthed tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish out-of-line out-of-order unregulated fiendish gallus wanton tough evil ruffianly without law and order lacking self-control unorthodox ill-behaved full of mischief fierce unsubduable devilish hard to handle subversive untameable drunken bawdy cavalier loud impotent cross adverse unfavorable unfavourable unpliable stiff-necked crazy nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk unaccommodating rollicking roisterous disobliging pigheaded bull-headed untrained challenging renitent unstoppable unsettling disturbing upsetting dangerous contentious antisocial opposing unpredictable fickle unsteady capricious unschooled unquenchable resisting tricky unpersuadable unmalleable clamorous knockabout hell-raising robustious rackety withstanding flyaway unlawful distracting stubborn as a mule disputatious rampaging inconsistent loutish frenzied divisive indisciplined unrelenting relentless unremitting unresponsive bullheaded problem unbearable undependable intolerable termagant disorganized roughhouse malcontent brawling ugly drunk immoderate unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained immoral arbitrary dysfunctional unsubmissive incontinent furious disrupting off-base callous hardened vicious on-a-tear out-of-control uncomplying helter-skelter thorny burdensome knotty misbehaved unfettered extrovert uninhibited artful self-indulgent strong-willed restless individualistic negativistic warring armed sabotaging alienated attacking raunchy kiddish infantile ill-natured sly frolicsome foxy bothersome thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational complex insoluble passive-aggressive whiny causing trouble wicked impolite annoying thrilled raving socially impaired belligerent trying aggressive tiresome hot-tempered pesky sullen hostile nasty troublous confrontational combative bold malicious irksome scrappy wearisome offending teasing worthless running wild deregulated sinning revolting mutinying terrorist giddy flighty impossible to cope with erring deviant uncivilised tyrannous despotic heterodox terrorising warlike savage barbarous untamed unpeaceful terrorizing uncivilized nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical culpable transgressing guilty bad-mannered straying shifting stray deviating miscreant heretic devious fallible unreliable meandering errable non-regulated off straight and narrow inflexible unbending uncompromising immovable dogged adamant hardheaded pertinacious hard-nosed determined hard implacable ossified adamantine inconvincible self-opinionated firm pat steadfast single-minded tenacious resolute strong-minded unhelpful obstructive indurate persistent rigid fixed iron-willed dissenting pig-headed unshakeable irritable persevering negative nonconforming vexatious unflinching schismatic discordant wrong-headed unshakable antagonistic inimical grumpy set in one's ways ill-tempered diehard estranged haughty sectarian deaf to reason reluctant bad-tempered stalwart conflicting ratty choleric narky shirty disagreeing partisan rival unwavering unadaptable steely hesitant litigious crabby purposeful averse shrewish strict touchy querulous insistent iron chippy unrepentant disagreeable harsh rigorous stringent ruthless merciless hard-line staunch stony immutable not giving an inch unswayable hard and fast hard-core dead set on contradictory inimitable irreconcilable nonobservant renegade resistive limit sulky heretical maverick assiduous tireless indefatigable treasonous importunate apostate intent boneheaded unreceptive loath indisposed separatist factional divided split paradoxical contrariant arsey proud aloof stiff unreformable discommodious incommodious wrongheaded antipathetic converse decisive hardline morose hard-shell locked-in quarrelling opinionative forceful pushy difficult to handle as stubborn as a mule stiffened unappeasable grim domineering feisty ungracious mullish hidebound unimpressible blinkered dyed-in-the-wool unconvertible disharmonious clashing immalleable locked in unmovable durable uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional unchangeable brassbound unregenerate tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough set in stone irregular set in your ways standing one's ground rock-ribbed contending fighting controversial declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds severe stern unenthusiastic grudging progressive reforming grouchy reformist extreme testy agitated tetchy flinty hard-hitting rugged revisionist fanatical progressivist extremist crotchety pettish drastic unsentimental unsympathetic ill-humoured fanatic revolutionist rabid unforgiving authoritarian exacting cold austere cool draconian angry passionate stormy crabbed waspish curmudgeonly irascible unstable vociferous snappish short-tempered splenetic in a mood peppery crusty prickly quick-tempered scratchy uncaring ferocious involuntary afraid explosive unsettled snappy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused desperate stony-hearted hard-shelled two-fisted hard-hearted hard-boiled ramrod heavy-handed hard-bitten cataclysmal demonstrative bitter cataclysmic far-out loony looney way out ultraist swivel-eyed cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood fiery perturbed destructive captious as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky laggard forced enforced demurring thin-skinned huffy complaining ill-humored roller-coaster on a short fuse full of ups and downs full of conflict in turmoil full of confusion full of upheavals like a bear with a sore head having got out of bed the wrong side unwishful uneager begrudging unobliging uninclined


Lightheartedly silly or excitable
giddy silly flighty capricious frivolous scatterbrained careless ditzy dizzy skittish thoughtless heedless whimsical excitable flippant reckless scatty batty birdbrained carefree dippy ditsy dopey featherbrained frothy futile goofy harebrained impetuous impulsive insouciant puerile yeasty dappy dotty irresponsible nutty bemused brainless bubbleheaded foolish gaga wild feather-brained light-headed light-minded empty-headed lightheaded inane superficial trifling erratic stupid rattlebrained vacuous shallow kooky daffy forgetful fickle empty airheaded idiotic bird-brained rash asinine imprudent crazy light childish juvenile hasty foolhardy precipitate daredevil dreamy incautious fatuous precipitous disorganized overhasty devil-may-care absent-minded hare-brained kamikaze inattentive hot-headed hell-for-leather unreliable harum-scarum disorganised feather-headed not with it dipsy eccentric airbrained simple infantile petty lighthearted ridiculous wacky screwy immature childlike weird flakey flaky dingbat dingdong meaningless pointless casual unstable remiss facetious zany flip vapid nonserious perky barmy uncareful pea-brained fly-by-night careless of one's duty non-serious lacking seriousness woolly-headed abstracted madcap ill-considered haphazard unaware vacant unsystematic absorbed musing distracted undependable inconstant divvy temerarious faraway preoccupied daydreaming oblivious daring romping negligent regardless disorderly unthinking unheeding vague baffled distant bewildered pensive mystified nonplussed puzzled with a mind like a sieve with your head in the clouds


To have triggered a passionate feeling or reaction
provoked incited riled stirred up fomented impassioned inflamed rallied roiled roused stirred triggered aggravated agitated animated electrified fired up goaded inspired instigated aroused enthused galvanized incensed irked primed ruffled stimulated whipped up baited charged egged on elicited encouraged enlivened grilled kindled piqued pumped up revved up set off vexed vext vivified worked up wound up activated angered awakened brought about brought out caused charged up commoved energised energized enkindled galvanised jolted motivated needled pepped up sparked off touched off triggered off worked into lather chafed discomposed flustered induced infuriated intensified maddened offended shook shook up started taunted upset waked up woke up fed the fire spurred sparked drove inclined given incentive gave incentive driven summoned up fostered whetted called forth influenced prompted moved inspirited fired invigorated wakened generated urged envigorated prodded evoked revived quickened engendered exhilarated spurred on raised impelled waked vitalized promoted produced pushed actuated refreshed drave druv invoked revitalized restored fanned awaked uplifted occasioned revivified kick-started heartened thrilled made put up to emboldened fueled fuelled created boosted revitalised propelled buoyed up incentivized fermented renewed initiated rejuvenated ignited cheered brought on set on resuscitated resurrected woke woken put in motion set in motion steeled reanimated strengthened precipitated abetted pricked bucked up lit a fire under turned on brought into being buoyed swayed gladdened summoned effectuated brought lift exhorted titillated rekindled given rise to gave rise to rewaked rewakened reinvigorated elated brightened wrought worked built up bred livened up cheered up gingered up keyed up fired the imagination of called into being set going called up regenerated catalyzed recharged filliped woken up brewed impressed braced tempted increased intoxicated reawakened awoken awoke bestirred mobilized perked up breathed new life into mobilised jazzed up catalysed fired with enthusiasm conjured up effected pressed prest yielded drew forth drawn forth led to empowered nudged persuaded spawned picked cheered on called originated reactivated hatched exalted psyched geed up set translated into knocked up drummed up juiced up brought forth begot begat begotten reassured compelled educed assured lifted astonished grabbed dynamized lightened refreshened recreated rewoke rewoken boosted up spiked heightened recalled renovated repaired freshened re-established spooked jump-started spirited up innervated informed bounced back zipped up got to amped up made for rooted on gotten going got someone going brought around fanned the flames of brought back brightened up raised spirits got going fired the enthusiasm of stoked up given a shot in the arm to gave a shot in the arm to disturbed elevated comforted coerced delighted built sustained incentified pressured startled jumpstarted egged furthered fortified astounded amazed manifested consoled improved yolden yold disposed conjured advanced reminded jogged run stung irritated exercised helped chirked up sicced coaxed enticed developt developed reproduced restarted solicited cultivated nurtured instilled psyched up evinced actualized reinstituted relaunched forced touched crazed procured raised your spirits picked up extracted countenanced innerved mustered set on foot set afoot started up put a bomb under juiced agitated for put one in mind of got up touched up drawn on acted as a stimulus to switched on reconditioned put life into talked into drew on called to mind recovered cranked up cut a figure breathed life into relieved brought to made whole livened did done given a boost to gave a boost to began begun gave someone a shout annoyed sown the seeds of gave a buzz given someone a shout sowed the seeds of gotten to given a buzz gave someone a kick given someone a kick bothered perturbed worried applauded distressed unsettled disquieted troubled disinhibited supported enforced alarmed obliged disconcerted edified rattled dismayed unnerved operated bugged enheartened shocked concerned flurried discomforted attracted fazed reenforced assisted distracted tripped fussed unhinged ailed overwhelmed overawed dazzled overcome courted awed alarumed distempered facilitated confused bettered enhanced refined frazzled overjoyed reestablished hagrid ran bolstered derailed exacerbated convinced cajoled led leaded initialized discombobulated praised hooked backed aided enchanted cued redeveloped beared captivated holp holpen borne up bore up rescued dug ameliorated civilized conceived wowed shaken transported overpowered buffaloed stiffened the resolve of raised the morale of boosted morale lifted the spirits of propped up bielded reintroduced stimulated spiritually allured reinforced wooed frenzied got inveigled impacted converted advised flushed gripped lit up delivered relit relighted enabled intrigued constrained extraught propagated drove on driven on festered progenerated cranked reignited favoured favored saved replenished acted upon weirded out registered with leaned on lured gave new life to freaked out made anxious given the kiss of life to snapped out of it filled with joy made happy become cheerful made waves had as a consequence added fuel to the flames drawn out helped out pressurized contributed to made enthusiastic invocated boosted moral made splash initialised brought to mind gave birth to restored to life stirred embers acted as a incentive to gave the kiss of life to raced one's motor struck gave a lift dispatched made flip knocked out won over reminded one of pushed buttons magnetized lashed prevailed upon flirted with sprung drew out modernized prevailed on built a fire under suggested to incarnated given someone a charge mustered up looked up blown away brushed up called for pressurised made alive fanned the fire given a new lease of life to necessitated regained gave someone a charge made to happen vivificated shaken up tickled modernised given a lift to spurred to action stunned gave a new lease of life to motived scored with caused to appear invited hinted to frightened updated changed augmented slayed jarred civilised whomped up cleared up magnetised bugged up acted as an incentive to blew away issued made happen started off enriched brought back to life entreated forwarded agitated against gotten up given a lift given birth to suscitated activized commanded caused anxiety to whetted one's appetite left the door open to sharpened raised from the dead asked for made active challenged given new life to called upon made confident brought on oneself gave a lift to zapped had as a result drew drawn overcame undone undid bore borne hagridden hagrode gotten gat gave life to given life to added fuel to fire gave shot in arm given shot in arm given hope to gave hope to given confidence to gave confidence to stricken gave a shot in the arm given a shot in the arm added fuel gave the incentive to took out of mothballs taken out of mothballs given the incentive to given courage to gave courage to took your breath away taken your breath away ridden herd on rode herd on sprang grew grown begged for given someone grief burned up burnt up gave someone grief slew took aback slain taken aback given a boost gave a boost given someone a cue gave someone a cue became cheerful took a turn for the better taken heart took heart taken a turn for the better given pleasure to given joy to gone over big gave joy to went over big gave pleasure to got a rise out of gotten a rise out of


To have aroused someone
aroused attracted titillated allured enticed inflamed roused beguiled charmed seduced stimulated tantalized thrilled bewitched enchanted entranced hooked interested intrigued sparked appealed to fascinated pleased spellbound teased tempted wakened whetted enthralled stirred up tantalised turned on floated someone's boat got going lit someone's fire tickled someone's fancy engrossed drew snared captivated lured entertained concerned affected perked up involved engaged touched amused gripped pulled distracted moved rivetted mattered to mesmerised riveted mesmerized grabbed piqued caught one's eye diverted bemused immersed held whetted one's appetite engaged one's attention absorbed absorpt held one's attention preoccupied sat up occupied aroused one's curiosity captured one's imagination busied arrested enwrapped enraptured hypnotized hypnotised delighted magnetized magnetised bedazzled transfixed dazzled wiled caught up ravished wowed witched raptured bowled over swept off feet tickled pink killed overwhelmed enamored drawn holden held spellbound ensnared gratified transported impressed carried away won over gladdened tickled stirred won amazed knocked out knocked dead caught invited captured enamoured awed astounded slayed infatuated sent overcome tickled your fancy put under a spell struck stupefied inveigled wooed staggered satisfied induced astonished led on held your attention held the attention of overawed floored obsessed exhilarated consumed fixated cheered intoxicated dumbfounded solaced persuaded monopolized elated beset regaled stunned rapped baited delectated enslaved caught the eye of held in awe hit the spot tickle to death monopolised made a hit with slew slain decoyed electrified employed betrayed provoked influenced solicited dazed disported engulfed overpowered overjoyed beckoned courted compelled inspired controlled appealed overcame vamped made happy roped in steered pulled in sucked in brought in whetted the appetite of swept someone off their feet stricken bewildered took your breath away blown away taken your breath away blew away possessed contented coaxed haunted pleasured gained seized fixed fixt misled hounded cajoled elevated kindled rejoiced deluded recreated filled tormented plagued humored humoured indulged tricked quickened subjugated enlivened subdued tranced arrided fulfilled took taken ensorcelled soaked made your mouth water cast a spell on come on bid fractured scintillated put the whammy on preyed on your mind tied up put 'em away pleased greatly turned someone on left speechless tickled to death put under magic spell put horns on caught your eye kept busy hit on sent into raptures caught hold of relaxed given pleasure to kept taken up maintained took up gave pleasure to called entrapped charged galvanized deceived trapped petrified buried enveloped endeared uplifted heartened palpated besotted befooled grappled gorgonized prompted led leaded jubilated exulted surprised inclined warmed rooted paralyzed paralysed wheedled psyched fired animated sent into transports got lost in had a grip on drawn attention mousetrapped become lost touted struck dumb riveted the attention of aroused curiosity turned one's head freaked out dragged inspirited exerted influence on got picked up made a fool of hogged trained applied cracked up led astray nurtured blinded attended bound comforted owned ecstasized called forth took aback cornered brought joy to psyched out signed had an impact on indicated gladded partied gave a buzz asked agreed with filled with delight bedevilled voodooed flirted with switched on galvanised swept you off your feet subjected laughed it up made content dangled a carrot in front of agitated gone over big had a hold on shilled got someone going made merry made someone feel good obtained led up garden path assimilated grabbed the attention of become an obsession with brought around kept amused buoyed up demanded wrapped up scored with rooted to the spot tossed a party kept someone hanging on suited secured had a get-together brightened up drew attention went over big grooved summoned taken aback refreshed pumped up warmed the cockles of the heart kept hanging ate up knocked 'em dead turned someone's head given a buzz panicked brought forth interested greatly exerted a pull on treated to elicited gave someone a kick tolled stricken dumb lost oneself in came on commanded drug given someone a kick upped on kept alive cheered up roped preyed on bucked up eaten up tickled the fancy of aroused the curiosity of kept up conned bedeviled besotten argued into forspoken forspoke bade gotten gat drew in drawn in bounden blew your mind blown your mind got under your skin own gotten under your skin gave a party given a party sewed up became lost sewn up broke one up got one's jollies gotten one's jollies broken one up thrown yourself into threw yourself into absorbed yourself in given someone a thrill gotten going gave someone a thrill done it for someone did it for someone gave great pleasure to given joy to given someone a charge gave joy to given great pleasure to gave someone a charge got one's kicks gave someone pleasure gave a lift given someone pleasure given a lift gotten one's kicks taken control of taken over took control of became an obsession with took over

Antonym of excessively excited

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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