Synonym of light weight


Trivial or insignificant in nature
trivial insignificant unimportant trifling minor petty negligible paltry frivolous inconsequential immaterial slight worthless insubstantial of no account of no consequence nickel-and-dime of no merit of no value inconsiderable nugatory small incidental irrelevant piddling little inappreciable minute fiddling niggling foolish picayune meaningless piffling pointless of little account small-fry light Mickey Mouse measly superficial footling nominal of little importance of little consequence of no importance secondary meager casual lesser meagre inessential small-time marginal silly of no moment not worth mentioning unsubstantial peripheral scanty shallow piddly nonessential minuscule second-rate non-essential minimal small-bore valueless not worth speaking of ignorable pimping purportless minor-league senseless no-account de minimis trite nondescript not worth bothering about mean neither here nor there idle peanut chicken puny two-bit unnecessary of minor importance of no great concern low-ranking shoestring mere dinky unessential infinitesimal penny-ante time-wasting bush-league small potatoes tiny flimsy extraneous of little import lower-level smalltime nothing ineffectual uncelebrated useless obscure smaller cheap lilliputian base inadequate runt exiguous inappropriate wimpy insufficient shrimp skimpy unconsidered no biggie of no significance all the same big zero two bit entry level flippant inane fatuous puerile unhelpful purposeless flighty without depth empty-headed hardly worth mentioning twopenny-halfpenny inferior impractical second-class miserable derisory pitiful scant pathetic poor mingy sparse low deficient modest futile poxy empty imperceptible lowly mediocre ordinary wretched limited stingy unproductive beggarly contemptible fruitless undistinguished subordinate token minimum aimless hollow unremarkable common scarce slender ungenerous microscopic reduced unavailing miserly humble vain commonplace fine pettifogging unprofitable vague lower profitless faint weak short average pitiable ineffective subsidiary everyday indiscernible shabby subtle slim impalpable middling sorry barren indifferent inconsequent undetectable lean inconspicuous run-of-the-mill banal no great shakes junior pedestrian fractional unexceptional unsatisfactory forgettable humdrum prosaic unmemorable needless unexciting workaday insensible indistinct ancillary ephemeral second-string subnormal unimpressive lousy indistinguishable evanescent momentary feeble uninspired middle-of-the-road gradual vanilla wanting subservient inaudible bog-standard sparing without rhyme or reason unreasonable good-for-nothing shadowy no-good diminutive ignoble unnoticeable invisible nothing special tenuous unpretentious inutile nothing to write home about substandard vapid so-so bland imponderable normal neglectable null beside the point routine to no purpose bootless standard less important insipid OK in vain dull off junky superfluous intangible low-grade of no matter frugal auxiliary plain vanilla of no use thin supplementary not much cop mindless hopeless peppercorn unsound uneventful fair servile trashy unsuccessful anonymous motiveless tolerable diminished unobservable lacking usual inglorious fragile second-fiddle smallish adequate otiose typical wanky few bogus bad feckless plain lackluster lacklustre fair-to-middling chaffy shoddy undistinguishable amateurish amateur lame conventional unnoteworthy characterless bush third-string sad teensy-weensy vestigial no use half-pie standard-issue garden-variety lower-grade unsung fussy not very good common or garden not so hot not up to much low-quality a dime a dozen restricted dispensable menial unrenowned unmeaning unknown mild scrimpy dubious doubtful expendable unfamiliar scratch bottom passable plebeian wee potty inefficacious illogical unfamous occasional disappointing unusable less tangential absurd unheard-of medium spare irrational moderate goalless frothy unimposing sterile waste counterproductive abandoned rare undersized simple subjacent too little too late wasted abject abortive remote ridiculous indefinite forgotten poorer scrubby unhonoured unconsiderable uninspiring imperfect outside unperceivable bitty stock nonsensical impotent subpar dissatisfactory unacceptable decent basal imperceivable unpurposed junk frail lower-ranking skimp little known unheard of run-of-the-mine run-of-mine low-born crummy cut-and-dry cut-and-dried regular rubbishy defective dwindling lower-class lemon uninteresting lamentable no big deal of no benefit mainstream boring familiar teeny-weeny wack crumby punk customary suboptimal rubbish drifting to no avail wrong sour ill redundant bog standard next to none ten a penny poor-quality below par next to no garden variety seldom seen second rate from hunger uncalled-for unmeaningful small-scale hair-splitting quibbling picky insulting niggly hairsplitting local cavilling finicky nit-picking twopenny toytown unconsequential outrageous risible preposterous ludicrous laughable skin-deep atomic vanishing jejune loitering idling disregardable drossy despicable little bitty caviling acceptable diddly fragmentary unassuming unapparent groundless inept depleted incompetent objectless rinky-dink demeaning degrading invalid no big thing lacking substance inefficient stunted shrunken nanoscopic a minor point gentle unreasoning scattered unreal unobtrusive baseless insane slighter ignominious throwaway vacant unfructuous pants woeful not enough fallacious lessened sporadic wandering unclear unfounded rambling dead uncommon infrequent nonrational extrinsic boilerplate unrewarding thankless par for the course nongermane not pertinent lower in status lower in rank two a penny inexpedient general third-rate adrift background tinpot zero zilch zip shy not worth a hill of beans a dead loss unsalable of no earthly use to no effect lower rung low-level least smallest littlest slightest incapable nowhere jake garden plastic illegitimate lacking foundation crude lowest entry-level bottom-rung second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat below someone not so important shaky questionable faulty nasty rotten unworthy impossible to detect minutest tiniest merest fewest nothing to get excited about middle of the road run of the mill plain-Jane homely unextraordinary unvaried hackneyed generic stereotyped off-the-shelf stereotypical cut straggling by-the-way by-the-by barely visible hard to make out of less importance vacuous of no avail ropy duff unsuitable unsatisfying sketchy nebulous supplemental collateral substract tributary under subject second reserve accessory dependent without grounds not serious without foundation nameless unfrequent at a low level in short supply run-down displeasing gratuitous indiscriminate designless wanton witless thoughtless few and far between jerry-built below average no good minor league tenth-rate below standard distressing not up to par not up to scratch not satisfying not up to snuff damaged unneeded nether low priority thin on the ground brainless desultory random unrecognized low in numbers hard to find hard to come by at a premium unwarranted tawdry hazy unspecific suspect unseen proletarian unlikely very little least possible smallest amount of unestablished floundering undirected haphazard unnoticed unacclaimed noteless distant extra baseborn underprivileged unconvincing indeterminate unsubstantiated unnoted overlooked unappreciated wishy-washy uncalled for hit-or-miss excessive hack unrefined severe unwashed rough unfamed unrecognised unglorified unlauded odd unapplauded unhailed unhonored déclassé inapposite vulgar lowborn prole little-known unacknowledged improbable implausible additional outclassed meh luxury deadwood lumpen plebby uncouth unfit sordid colorless fairish colourless intermediate no-name far faraway outlying mundane drab impertinent working-class out-of-the-way low-rent excess baggage neat pocket pocket-size bantam Lilliputian miniature dwarfish half-pint shrimpy pint-size petite trim undersize pint-sized dainty dear mini pocket-sized fun-size toylike adorable cute pygmy fair to middling of poor quality far-fetched irrelative whatever inapplicable of low birth low-life of low rank unrelated adorbs compact natty teeny little-bitty dime-a-dozen fun size beside the question wide of the point nihil ad rem not at issue not to the purpose not significant wide of the mark not important off the subject teeny weeny


Small, thin and weak in build or structure
twiggy skinny puny scrawny slender slim rangy reedy slight spindly stalky stick weedy angular attenuate attenuated beanpole beanstalk bony cadaverous delicate emaciated ethereal featherweight fleshless fragile gangling gangly gaunt haggard lank lanky lean meagre meager rarefied rawboned rickety scraggy shrivelled shriveled skeletal slinky small spare starved threadlike twiglike undernourished underweight wan wasted narrow pinched wizened all skin and bones thin as a rail thin frail slightly built feeble undersized underdeveloped weak tall raw-boned skin-and-bones size-zero gawky light pint-sized shadow pole stilt peaked subtle little underfed small-boned anorexic macilent spindle-shanked lithe stringy svelte willowy looking like a bag of bones spindling boney fatless hollow-cheeked skin and bones thin as a rake drawn withered shrunken sylphlike anorectic wiry starveling stick-like gracile as thin as a rake lissom leggy famished hollow-eyed half-starved very thin trim skin and bone as thin as a reed hungry lantern-jawed atrophied waifish scraggly graceful snake-hipped skin-and-bone long-legged like a bag of bones without an ounce of fat wraithlike long-limbed bare elongated stilted extenuated spidery tenuous rattleboned broomstick sinewy over-thin worn to a shadow sharp awkward ultrathin sticklike raddled stark like a skeleton like a matchstick clean-limbed loose-jointed peaky skeleton deathlike lithesome wispy lissome aciculate acicular no fat long malnourished waiflike skeletonlike looking like death warmed up phthisical like a rail thin as rail Lilliputian meek undersize homuncular stunted diminutive tiny shrimpy stubby pint-size dwarf fine peewee fun size dwarfish shrimp squat elfin pygmy runtish bantam midget mere short a slip of a … petite


A person who lacks intelligence
schmo idiot imbecile dolt simpleton twit moron oaf dunce halfwit jackass dimwit dope lamebrain nincompoop nitwit buffoon ignoramus sap bonehead fathead loon birdbrain ninny numskull turkey blockhead boob clod cretin nerd clown goose bore dunderhead illiterate jerk schlemiel silly simple stooge softhead twerp mooncalf tomfool dumb ox fool berk dork doofus charlie dipstick numbskull nit prat dingbat dullard yo-yo dummy chump clot wally pillock goon git knucklehead mug dumbhead donkey putz airhead divvy pinhead chucklehead thickhead dum-dum noodle goof chowderhead simp noddy clunk booby ninnyhammer ding-dong featherhead dip cluck clodpole cuckoo loggerhead half-wit plonker dumbo bozo numpty dumb-bell schmuck pea-brain lamer goofball wazzock lummox drongo bogan stupid galah knobhead innocent charley lunatic wing nut ding-a-ling lump plank yahoo prick dumbbell meathead muttonhead pudding-head wooden-head geek dodo gonzo nerk muppet coot nimrod zombie goat gobdaw sumph schlepper dweeb nyaff balloon klutz goofus galoot schlub gowk thicko eejit gink meatball weeny wiener mutt poop palooka squarehead dill spud dingleberry clodpoll stupe bubblehead alec poon nong boofhead woodenhead deadhead mome dummkopf shlub natural saphead lunkhead scatterbrain dorba mompara spoony cuddie hammerhead schnook stock hardhead ratbag cuddy gander golem sucker know-nothing nutcase nut dim bulb bird-brain featherbrain rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz schlep weenie easy mark victim fair game clodpate mampara duffer drip silly billy dumb cluck stupid person goof ball twonk lame-brain brute rascal foolish person lout clodhopper bungler blunderer loser lubber boor Neanderthal lug hulk incompetent gawk tosser dildo ox butthead yokel goop bumpkin botcher bumbler yobbo kook milksop ape bodger baboon muggins yob bear gorilla tit churl lowbrow amateur dumdum chav oik beast bruiser witling pea brain pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum bimbo retardate wag zany droll dag buffo dotard hayseed prig juggins knothead tosspot chutiya numptie screwball harebrain beefhead bust loony retard addlepate jughead slow learner joculator antic ignorant mental defective born fool hick cloth-head monkey stumblebum barbarian Simple Simon hobbledehoy bosthoon scozza skate cougan dupe joker pushover weakling clumsy idiot joke gull patsy pigeon Merry Andrew clownlike person merry-andrew tool fumbler butterfingers blunderbuss screwup butcher muddler soft touch lurdan mismanager addlebrain jackleg muffer spoiler goof off clumsy oaf screw up hopeless case foul-up


A person of lower rank, status, or ability
inferior subordinate junior underling deputy disciple lackey little guy minion peon understrapper menial squirt upstart second fiddle second string second stringer small potato third string adherent attendant auxiliary follower hanger-on hireling satellite second banana subaltern subject sycophant vassal flunkey assistant servant flunky gofer slave serf adjutant aide henchman second sidekick skivvy helper apprentice dogsbody scrub right-hand woman right-hand man man Friday girl Friday retainer factotum scullion stooge servitor beginner novice trainee mate dependant second in command number two myrmidon camp follower domestic steward drudge slavey secondary person daily labourer varlet laborer maid of all work hewers of wood and drawers of water wage slave galley slave domestic servant partner associate lieutenant collaborator understudy backup adjunct wingman accomplice backer subsidiary aid delegate aider protege accessory proxy helpmate substitute secretary henchwoman temp colleague coadjutor sub depute vice help gopher abetter coadjutant representative ally abettor friend dependent cooperator confederate supporter appointee companion patron poodle helpmeet second-in-command temporary worker hired hand running dog stand-in P.A. fellow worker aide-de-camp fill-in body man right-hand person surrogate relief hired help PA personal assistant direct report cohort instrument tool pawn puppet yes-man creature acolyte gal Friday spaniel toady parasite paraprofessional employee sucker liege liegeman crony flatterer fawner succorer valet doormat reliever manservant footman lickspittle bootlicker brown-noser suck-up coworker heavy bodyguard minder dupe shadow protector adjuvant yes-person reserve adviser confidante pal agent crutch buddy chum teammate workmate loyal follower comrade cat's paw attaché amigo hatchet man hatchet woman aider and abetter main man enabler playmate successor designate co-worker supervisee consort conniver pupil accompaniment locum coconspirator bondsman thrall conspirator plant stall insider shill relative co-conspirator fellow conspirator staff member worker partner in crime child minor vavasour villein helot rellie managee bondman beneficiary esne bondservant peasant tenant ward charge progeny offspring fosterling family member

Antonym of light weight

English Vocalbulary

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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