Antonino de more abled


Opposite of comparative for having the full range of one's physical abilities


Opposite of comparative for having healthy and sound mental faculties
madder crazier dafter loonier loopier stupider unwiser nuttier dottier absurder wackier sillier zanier dippier odder whackier rabider battier screwier bizarrer fruitier buggier kookier queerer pottier barmier wilder dreamier sicker nutsier squirrellier more insane more brainsick more crazed more demented more deranged more lunatic more maniacal more mental more nuts more unbalanced more unsound more crackpot more doolally more irrational more unintelligent more unrealistic more unreasonable more unstable more witless more ridiculous more unhinged more disturbed more senseless more psychotic more imprudent more incautious more brainless more fatuous more indiscreet more injudicious more frenzied more psychopathic more delirious more manic more schizoid more touched more asinine more hysterical more idiotic more confused more distraught more eccentric more schitzy more loco more imbecilic more nonsensical more cuckoo more wacko more raving more uncontrolled more unglued more gaga more whacko more psycho more frantic more crackers more certifiable more moonstruck more cracked more schizophrenic more crackbrained more peculiar more ludicrous more sociopathic more paranoid more gonzo more bananas more disordered more moonstricken more nutso more unsettled more demoniac more raging more off more wrong more preposterous more dazed more berserk more barking more distracted more meshuga more bats more mentally ill more off-the-wall more off the wall more manic-depressive more out there

Sinónimo de more abled

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