Sinónimo de a mindset


An attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one


Point of view
light angle point of view context slant perspective approach manner outlook position viewpoint way aspect perception standpoint fashion frame of mind interpretation predisposition side stance view attitude bias framework setting understanding awareness direction frame of reference leaning orientation paradigm sentiment situation vantage point way of thinking appearance complexion guise hue opinion scope standing philosophy thought belief notion judgment persuasion judgement thinking feeling ideas mind impression consideration disposition supposition idea stand inclination conception theory inference beliefs assessment predilection thoughts postulation presumption suggestion discernment hypothesis thesis sense conviction convictions knowledge way of looking sentiments estimation intuition feelings evaluation proclivity school of thought bent where one is at concept cogitation abstraction reaction ideology intellection views assumption contention take fancy deduction apprehension prejudice hunch suspicion eye verdict reading way of looking at it accepted wisdom way of looking at things eye view headset mind-set conceptualization mentality premise turn of mind sensibility temperament picture message argument theme mental picture mind's eye trend drift tenor fool notion POV two cents' worth surmise conclusion tendency line concepts notions worldview theorem conceptualisation guess presupposition conceptualizations divination conjecture profession admission acceptance expectation assent avowal axiom model pattern posture hypotheses angles presumptions weltanschauung set of beliefs view of the world belief system analysis comprehension grasp premises theses two cents worth shoes contemplation say so elucidation broad view twist overview value judgment assimilation messages pictures themes mind's eyes generalization intimation conceit stereotype inkling consciousness sneaking suspicion insight funny feeling generalisation conceptualisations mood vision estimate policy observation say-so determination appraisal recognition cognizance attention apprehending realizing realising realization sight acumen colour appreciation color partiality ken speculation representation reflection call realisation grip taste considered opinion notice acquaintance wit instinct facet deportment vein impulse emphasis emotion rating gauging hand regard reckoning spin one-sidedness pose explanation account gaging liking prepossession respect ground construal emotional state propensity penchant inclining world-view version examination clarification firm stand statement remark point long view reflections declaration say sensation gut reaction input comment will point of observation look translation prospect glimpse close-up acknowledgement resolution vent wish vote desire option postulate imagining from the perspective of hold study percipience preference decision suffrage part judgment call riff variation think participation choice voice diagnosis flash big idea image brain wave acknowledgment plan experience vantage optique vox populi Anschauung mode of view private opinion right of speech right of free speech horizon reach range purview range of view


The character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement
ethos character morality ethics ethic standards principles temper morals feeling norms mood attitude disposition tenor code tenet philosophy essence spirit beliefs flavor flavour quintessence habits mind rationale attitudes culture ideology mentality psyche psychology traits values moral code moral belief prevailing tendency dominating characteristic animating principle motivating force principle idea nature tone humour ambience feel meaning purpose humor belief sense frame of mind atmosphere personality temperament make-up tendency complexion aura quality heart air climate vibe vibrations turn of mind state of mind hope motivation inspiration raison d'etre approach thinking sentiment outlook leaning position stance substance thought moral integrity virtue fairness environment feather intention mode core soul morale cheer point of view way of thinking cast of mind way of looking at it trend halo odour odor vibes karma milieu nimbus smell note ambiance surroundings patina aroma standard lifeblood gist purport intent value-system rightfulness righteousness rightness situation fundamental nature timbre mise en scene moral principle ethicality ethicalness ethical values set of values ethical code moral philosophy constitution cast individuality persona stamp attributes identity features make mould characteristic bent calibre fingerprint peculiarity particularity qualities grain hallmark vein shape colors mettle aspect makeup distinctiveness caliber essential quality uniqueness properties specialty complex badge style appearance kind mold streak estimation colours frame individualism mystique speciality singularity mark clay key marked traits set selfhood kidney crasis affection sum and substance self-identity impression suggestion color colour emanation semblance undertone overtone element background manner property way look subcurrent inclination undercurrent condition energy strain context tinge touch ambient ilk habit setting description backdrop drift mind-set fashion spirits emotional state state effect persuasion colouring self emotions genius strand coloring current glow hint type whiff tincture variety fibre sort trait fiber like moral fiber moral fibre stripe breed movement scene turn echo vagary zeitgeist scent force taste conditions circumstances mental condition perspective standing feelings inner nature mental state ch'i chi ki wave tang predisposition direction composure proclivity predilection wind run tide temporary psychological state huff design being swing mental attitude mind set druthers repute characteristics lot facade space façade guise feature exterior kin class posture outline attribute affectation image manifestation presence front brand genre form habit of mind grade caste hue order gender species ranks bunch specimen carriage behavior idiosyncrasy mannerism custom bearing quirk thing behaviour way one is

Antonino de a mindset

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