Sinónimo de a stiff


Not easily bent or changed in shape
rigid hard firm hardened impliable inflexible solid stiffened tense immalleable inelastic unmalleable unyielding compact solidified unbendable unbending ungiving unsupple brittle incompliant indurate set stony unflexible annealed fixed frozen jelled numbed non-flexible stiff as a board tough adamantine dense taut impermeable concentrated impenetrable concrete tight congealed compressed sturdy thick impervious compacted robust steely unpliable strong rocklike rigorous close condensed close-grained refractory rock-hard substantial heavy nonporous rock-solid set in stone unbreakable immutable unchangeable uncompromising unmoving renitent unalterable stringent undeviating strict rocky unadaptable ironclad rock-like fine-grained as hard as stone as hard as iron hard-and-fast nonflexible incompressible starched resistant gelled walkable durable flinty jellified chiseled chiselled indurated hypertonic as hard as a rock straight invariable hard-line final inextensible inductile stable incommutable uncurving unswerving settled unchanging fast inexpugnable dyed-in-the-wool hard-nosed determinate iron-fisted immovable nonstretchable non-stretchable stout inalterable massed husky as straight as an arrow blocked sealed unrelenting rugged resolute consolidated dimensional unwavering jellied brick wall like a rock really hard very hard poured conglomerated precast calcified caked petrified steeled dried monolithic cemented packed crowded crammed thickset serried impregnable overgrown jungly impassable piled jammed heaped full deep close-packed packed in closely packed jam-packed closely set tightly packed heavy-going close-knit jammed together jungle-like packed like sardines


Uptight or unfriendly in nature
reserved unfriendly cold uptight constrained standoffish aloof pompous chilly ungainly stand-offish cool distant frosty formal frigid remote unresponsive withdrawn indifferent detached unemotional unsociable unapproachable unsympathetic uncommunicative unwelcoming forbidding offish cold-eyed cold-blooded antisocial icy unfeeling unbending austere impersonal wooden glacial passionless restrained undemonstrative emotionless haughty uncordial dispassionate gelid unforthcoming hostile asocial chill clammy antiseptic brittle hard-eyed unclubbable inhospitable standoff dry disdainful wintry wintery coldish frozen arctic reticent buttoned-up impassive stony stuffy phlegmatic supercilious unsocial rigid uncongenial guarded stern starchy unloving lukewarm unenthusiastic taciturn apathetic affectless stilted unaffable unamicable unconcerned unneighbourly severe cold-hearted unneighborly stolid conventional uninterested stoical impassible stoic numb incurious steely solitary inhibited strait-laced proper bureaucratic ceremonious passive unpleasant uncompanionable repellent ungracious unkind clinical uppity proud neutral uncivil cold-shoulder official uncharitable hateful discourteous uninvolved cold as ice laid back impartial thick-skinned keeping people at arm's length unmoved unaffectionate contained self-contained ungenial sober close secretive ungregarious off unexcitable hard fierce unhappy depressing insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious offhand hesitant spiritless hardhearted callous stony-hearted uncaring calm insociable arrogant insensitive ardorless impervious impotent unromantic loveless ceremonial ritualistic solemn stuck-up mean-looking put on airs prescribed prim exact precise staid correct businesslike unnatural forced stuffed-shirt inflexible unsentimental flinty starched affected seemly serious matter-of-fact self-controlled unsmiling mannered contrived laboured artificial polite antagonistic disagreeable lifeless inhuman surly sour inimical tongue-tied strained self-conscious awkward embarrassed repressed uneasy misanthropic featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised faceless candid grey equal measured nondiscriminatory unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic aggressive ill-natured straight arrow stiff-necked by the numbers quarrelsome controlled subdued nasty strictly business cold turkey rude antipathetic menacing jaundiced negative mortal obnoxious adversary impolite adversarial unmannerly Olympian ill-disposed cross opposite competitive estranged censorious grouchy unpromising combative grudging gruff malicious contrary disaffected against warlike malignant vengeful conflicting acrimonious spiteful opposed labored not on speaking terms snooty lofty hard-hearted hard-boiled on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs reclusive opposing introverted averse anti retiring silent shy quiet private down on unamiable unfavourable unfavorable introvert diffident eremitic unreceptive agin laconic snobbish media-shy closemouthed close-mouthed tight-lipped at odds retired set against malevolent dead set against off-putting cynical uncooperative abstracted suspicious preoccupied inapproachable confrontational distrustful inaccessible disobliging incompatible short demure self-restrained allergic cautious resistant backward dumb muted reluctant eremetic at variance oppugnant at odds with dissenting from in disagreement with at variance with on the warpath unsavoury harsh objectionable unattractive malign avoidant ungenerous unlikeable tough grim half-hearted tepid introspective discouraging xenophobic contemptuous withering seclusive iced abhorrent mean heartless bad-tempered mopey mopish unenthused brusque cheerless superior nongregarious brooding scowling ill-tempered unsavory casual removed disinterested alienated belligerent discreet adverse laid-back contentious ascetic hermitlike oppositional independent adversative accusatorial argumentative isolated insular hermitic hermit-like hermitical acting in opposition unrevealing unwilling to mix with other people sceptical unaccommodating non-communicative self-sufficient all alone mute unhelpful untalkative unconversational secret mum loath unwilling disinclined inhumane pessimistic uncompromising unamenable obstructive speechless tight-mouthed wordless curt dark clamlike mumchance unreasonable difficult unobliging selfish hating egoistic sarcastic sardonic egotistical narrow-minded misanthropical evasive mom hush-hush modest indisposed at a loss for words skeptical timid shrinking self-effacing on the QT dried up buttoned up clammed up unyielding uneager perverse fromward afraid disliking mild soft-spoken peaceful sedate composed placid bashful gentle serene noncommittal collected hostile to antagonistic to resistant to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to cussed incongruous clashing having no use for unfavourably disposed to bloody-minded discordant antithetical different dissimilar disparate variant polar inconsistent inharmonious contradictory dissonant irreconcilable discrepant mutually exclusive irresoluble poles apart diametrically opposed


Lacking social grace, elegance or charm
awkward gauche uneasy clumsy graceless stilted uncomfortable ungraceful wooden inelegant rough-hewn maladroit ungainly rustic gawky rustical uncouth lumbering inept blundering unpolished uncoordinated bumbling unhandy coarse inexpert unrefined unnatural oafish all thumbs ponderous unwieldy bungling unco gawkish rude klutzy unskilful self-conscious laboured indelicate heavy constrained unrelaxed labored unskillful unskilled embarrassed strained amateurish heavy-handed artless stumbling boorish incompetent butterfingers butterfingered floundering unfit cloddish crude gangling green clownish crass lubberly clodhopping lumpish having two left feet having two left hands loutish with two left feet cack-handed ham-fisted ham-handed ill-bred uneducated like a bull in a china shop ugly elephantine rusty uncourtly vulgar difficult tense rough clunky bovine forced hulking slouching artificial fraught troubled edgy lifeless insensitive fumbly laborious contrived tactless botched coltish handless spastic leaden flat rigid passionless dry stodgy uncultured mincing unimpassioned spiritless soulless unsubtle inconsiderate undiplomatic thoughtless skill-less all fingers and thumbs inexpressive weighty obstinate inflexible deadpan unyielding unbending lacking vitality out of your depth ingenuous guileless naive churlish ill-judged impolitic injudicious hick lumpen hillbilly unsophisticated unmannerly stupid ignorant foolish backwoods dull sheepish unworldly raw geeky callow shy nerdy socially lacking socially awkward socially anxious ill-mannered lacking in social graces ill at ease socially incompetent socially inept lacking in social grace bulky shambling cumbersome undexterous unadept inexperienced heavy-footed stolid blunderous flat-footed two left feet unsteady fumbling fumbled splay untoward untalented weedy unable untactful doltish not agile left-handed all thumbs careless shuffling lurching inefficient accident-prone unfortunate useless muddled inapt untrained inadept unproficient clunking ill-shaped helpless brutish unworkmanlike lethargic obtuse puddingy gross uncultivated nervous yobbish dorky bearish Neanderthal blockish bashful nervy gangly dozy swinish socially unsure badly behaved ape-like


Difficult or laborious to execute or complete
difficult hard exacting tough arduous formidable laborious uphill demanding strenuous challenging fatiguing gruelling trying tall testing toilsome backbreaking effortful exhausting grueling heavy hellacious hellish herculean killer moiling murderous punishing rigorous rough rugged severe sweaty taxing tiring killing knackering Herculean Augean back-breaking pick-and-shovel onerous burdensome harsh exigent wearying stressful brutal oppressive wearisome wearing grinding crushing weighty excruciating grievous troublesome stringent draining labored laboured relentless fierce persnickety operose debilitating sapping irksome grim tedious painful enervating crippling cruel unsparing vigorous torturous ambitious daunting harrowing tiresome tricky ponderous toilful no picnic energy-consuming unremitting bitter hardhanded inhuman searing bruising wicked tortuous agonizing intolerable bothersome galling unbearable agonising inconvenient awkward vexatious colossal monumental superincumbent boring excessive mean hairy painstaking steep forbidding extreme unpleasant thorny cumbersome merciless serious energetic pressing distressing uncomfortable tough going imperious time-consuming prostrating punitive inexorable strict prodigious unreasonable searching Sisyphean stretching nerve-racking overwhelming withering exorbitant mighty intense unrelaxing staggering mammoth strained immoderate impossible unfair responsible grave dour bad protracted worksome lengthy hardworking murder dogged unrelenting hefty drastic no piece of cake worrisome really hard very hard slow prohibitive titanic frustrating pressured upsetting racking hypercritical thorough precise critical careful nit-picking despotic domineering chastening unjust slavish wretched difficile fraught exasperating traumatic aggravating austere embittering overtaxing overpowering plodding headache exerting unforgiving very difficult vexing by the book a nuisance pestilent sticky tight upstream intimidating gargantuan unyielding jarring solemn distressful an imposition shattering backbreaker depleting carking disturbing worrying a stinker of a aggressive bold daring grandiose industrious grand elaborate extravagant intrepid visionary pretentious lofty impressive magnificent large-scale high-pressure complicated enervative problematic knotty puzzling complex problematical intricate perplexing involved baffling hostile weary abstruse ticklish tense unfathomable spartan impenetrable incomprehensible dubious questionable bewildering dodgy mystifying hectic hazardous suspect chancy enigmatic awful iffy precarious anxious drudging dire prickly delicate bleak immense confronting deep high-impact agitating dangerous esoteric sophisticated gigantic hard-hitting perilous concerning dark disagreeable obscure convoluted confounding confusing unfriendly ambiguous oblique opaque hard to follow inaccessible difficult to understand anxiety-ridden powerful physical uncharitable unkind thoroughgoing major disquieting overburdening large order heavy sledding perturbing busy insufferable sensitive controversial uncompromising ominous eventful savage hard-won not easy ferocious easier said than done vicious unnerving dicey torturesome drudgy tormenting scabrous uphill battle unendurable marathon troubling problem like getting blood out of a stone almighty discomforting hard-line intellectual rarefied arcane cerebral recondite nagging lively hard-nosed heavy-handed shocking fancy recherché thought-provoking insoluble insolvable bemusing detailed elite inexplicable mind-bending unanswerable spiny gnarly tangled undecipherable reflective advanced debatable doubtful fiendish mysterious high-level higher-level unclear dubitable disputable provocative profound thoughtful confrontational paradoxical cryptic unaccountable suspicious shady fishy queer shaky uncertain doubtable equivocal top-level bamboozling wildering surprising oracular unsettled intensive insightful hard to understand beyond one labyrinthine moot up for grabs indecisive open open to doubt arguable


Severe or harsh in nature
hard harsh severe heavy drastic rigorous stringent cruel extreme grievous onerous rough austere bitter brutal crippling grim hardhanded immoderate inordinate oppressive punishing punitive rugged strict tough undue burdensome draconian excessive excruciating exorbitant intolerable murderous overweening searing sharp steep strong swingeing towering trying unconscionable unmerciful unrelenting baroque devilish extravagant hardheaded headstrong inexorable inhuman insane intractable overdue overextravagant overmuch pitiless plethoric relentless great intense robust lavish fancy unreasonable intemperate outrageous extortionate unmeasurable over the top uncalled-for dizzying disproportionate high sky-high unwarranted exaggerated too much savage merciless unfair overkill unjust irrational needless ruthless OTT dire uncompromising rigid improper tyrannical unjustifiable unwarrantable way out uncalled for crushing forceful a bit much enormous stratospheric superfluous serious over-the-top preposterous unnecessary heavy-handed inflexible unbending stern unyielding fierce pricey too great ferocious illogical too-too peremptory overpriced unrestrained domineering harrowing dear profligate unjustified demanding self-indulgent unpleasant prodigal violent authoritarian overabundant grave remorseless wanton senseless unforgiving iron-fisted weighty far-out posh costing an arm and a leg out of bounds absonant unrightful up to here unlawful wrongful arbitrary exacting obdurate elevated prohibitive no-nonsense hard-hearted surplus radical torturous turbulent dissipated indulgent recrementitious over overboard supernatural extra super superabundant redundant boundless more limitless unbounded desperate sedate unseemly extraordinary criminal wretched sober solemn hostile egregious repressive awful bleak stormy tempestuous monstrous titanic unrestricted gratuitous disagreeable unlimited uncurbed too many distressing wild over the odds nasty sombre somber overindulgent overwhelming autocratic humourless humorless sobersided imprudent implacable taxing firm uncomic unacceptable barbarous wicked inclement O.T.T. unsmiling staid nonsensical imperious unsparing absolute uncharitable unsympathetic astringent out of all proportion hard-nosed po-faced profuse in excess abounding illegitimate abusive tortuous difficult inflated Draconian spartan iniquitous vicious absurd straitened expensive punitory quiet unkind penal terrible unfriendly forbidding dark costly unreasoned ludicrous unbearable untempered supererogatory wasteful hellish iron-handed very high far-fetched uncontrolled imbalanced unprovoked serious-minded blown up out of all proportion overblown theatrical overdone dramatic tumultuous powerful very too reckless momentous far-reaching inexcusable unbridled zealous unmitigated substantial unusual exceptional consequential fanatical decadent unbalanced dissipative riotous debauched uncivilised unthinkable ridiculous inconceivable shocking appalling sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible uncivilized ungodly horrifying unholy very expensive downright unconventional flagrant uncommon thorough remarkable gross ornate unfeeling heartless stony fabulous utter sheer rococo uncaring unpitying out-and-out potent blustery gusty blistering beyond the pale out of control unmoved unappeasable out of proportion a lot stony-hearted lacking compassion cold-blooded cold-hearted with a heart of stone vindictive unsuitable inappropriate solid single-minded dour disciplinarian resolved hard-line dogged callous hardened hard-core steadfast obstinate resolute ascetical immovable by the book dyed-in-the-wool hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic determined unflinching pressing disciplinary bullheaded explosive boisterous mighty stark squally forcible almighty powerhouse tall elaborate elegant decorated bizarre flinty non-essential unneeded fulsome imposing lofty grotesque over-elaborate flamboyant curlicued convoluted flowery fussy overpowering acute soaring unmerited unbecoming undeserved painful gigantic dictatorial florid ostentatious overelaborate overdecorated busy bedecked wedding-cake showy gingerbread galling exceeding inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable poignant colossal agonizing disturbing heartbreaking despotic undemocratic embellished ornamental ornamented rich gilt decorative very elaborate disquieting heart-rending vexatious upsetting not required tyrannous giant striking multistorey impressive huge immense monumental mountainous supreme massive sky-scraping bad yukky hurtful traumatic unwelcome unhappy tormenting sour miserable rotten distasteful unpalatable yucky afflicting heartrending chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory tragic sad icky sore distressful mortifying outstanding paramount magnificent mammoth Brobdingnagian vast surpassing superior altitudinous overbearing coercive anti-democratic unsavoury provoking annoying agonising offensive calamitous afflictive high-handed transcendent whopping hulking prodigious sublime stellar ginormous gut-wrenching disheartening gloomy discouraging dispiriting ironhanded worrying troublesome stressful backbreaking hefty dismal depressive troubling superincumbent exigent depressing confining mean headache airy imperial preeminent spiring stupendous aerial fantastic unmatchable ultimate towery tremendous skyscraping rough going


Full of determination
spirited resolute steely strong determined unflagging unyielding tenacious vigorous dogged obdurate great obstinate stubborn full of determination rock-ribbed four-square firm inflexible immovable steadfast unbending unwavering unshakeable rigid unrelenting intransigent hard implacable adamant pertinacious relentless hardened fixed uncompromising unflinching single-minded unswerving set hardheaded indurate staunch adamantine inexorable strong-willed pigheaded stiff-necked tough stalwart resolved dedicated unfaltering committed constant wilful unhesitating headstrong perverse mulish solid willful indefatigable opinionated insistent bullheaded ossified inconvincible pat strong-minded indomitable steady stout hard-nosed self-willed unshakable self-opinionated undaunted earnest unmalleable persistent persevering decided bulldog brave strict bold plucky courageous mettlesome true iron-willed gritty strenuous unbendable stout-hearted hard and fast intent locked in intractable dead set on purposeful purposive unpersuadable deliberate manful unshaken grim perseverant gutsy definite spunky bloody-minded unmovable unchanging bound set in stone stiffened unswervable immalleable rugged uncooperative faithful entrenched loyal hardline refractory devoted diehard merciless ingrained uncompliant hard-line ruthless invariable concrete unappeasable unsparing reliable trusty unswayable stable deep-rooted rooted settled hard-core remorseless deep-seated untiring valiant ironclad unflappable undeviating not giving an inch serious hanging tough bull-headed well-set meaning business hard-and-fast brick-wall driven sturdy direct renitent impliable durable wholehearted resistant dead set compulsive cruel straight stony iron compact granite pitiless stern standing pat sedulous assiduous unstoppable tireless unforgiving rigorous harsh intrepid unchangeable unvarying decisive bound and determined unabated mortal hard-headed iron-fisted pounding immutable persisting frozen hidebound determinate final flat inexpugnable jelled certain inveterate out hell-bent on intent on on one's mettle insistent on set on do-or-die determined to hell-bent upon bent on committed to the idea of bent upon hell bent on tall in the saddle intent upon dependable cast-iron solid as a rock firmly-based recalcitrant cussed biased defiant unmanageable contumacious unreasonable sure true-blue sound preconceived stroppy froward contrary cantankerous balky difficult bolshie unalterable fast good redoubtable pious down-the-line devout trustworthy hard-working unmoved unbreakable dogmatic heady opinionative incompliant restive convinced contrarious tried and true ardent tried and tested secure tried-and-true allegiant liege wrong-headed cross-grained with one's feet dug in pig-headed with one's toes dug in stubborn as a mule deaf to reason categorical die-hard


(of a wind) Blowing strongly


Being under the influence of alcohol
loaded drunk inebriated inebriate drunken plastered intoxicated hammered high wasted smashed tipsy blitzed bombed sozzled blotto canned sloshed sottish pickled stewed soused blasted tight tanked squiffy tiddly ripped besotted juiced squiffed wet crocked slang fried blind cockeyed lit impaired oiled gassed stoned stinking boozy potted looped befuddled buzzed wrecked merry fuddled trashed zonked woozy crapulous steaming tippling legless crapulent bladdered soaked maudlin paralytic incapable bevvied toping ratted mullered lashed reeling trolleyed slaughtered wired fou guttered stinko cut bibulous steamed foxed screwed sotted full shickered ebriate shot sauced inked lekker munted monged pixilated ebrious ebriose crock swacked zoned pie-eyed under the influence lit up drunk as a skunk under the table dead drunk gin-soaked blind drunk roaring drunk rolling drunk three sheets to the wind worse for drink tanked up worse for wear well oiled out of it rat-arsed wiped out drunk as a lord cock-eyed half cut well away liquored up two sheets to the wind in the bag Brahms and Liszt having had a skinful grogged up strung out half seas over monged out tired and emotional having had one over the eight as full as a goog as tight as a tick in one's cups under the weather flying three sheets in the wind totaled boozed up groggy bashed half-seas over seeing double feeling no pain flushed muddled laced glazed steamboats mashed lush sodden off your face out to it high as a kite kaylied boozed-up langered dronkverdriet broken ossified stukkend in tanked-up blatted elephants polluted sat happy babalas well-oiled intemperate red-nosed one over the eight gin-sodden in your cups bacchic Adrian Quist spaced tripping jacked irrigated unsteady faced drinking dazed beery gone schnockered the worse for drink slightly drunk under the influence of intoxicating liquor hard-drinking half in the bag dead to the world half-crocked out of one's head feeling good hooched up out of one's skull out of one's box blazed obliterated demolished snockered boozing stupefied baked drugged doped cooked drunked up elevated mellow addled dead-drunk out off one's head boozed unsober sloppy geeked tied one on blown-up spaced out zonked-out out of one's gourd half-cut spaced-out burned-out on a trip hopped-up off one's face narcotized comatose on drugs delirious hallucinating euphoric hyped up charged up freaked out dopey benumbed floating unconscious coked drugged up junked-up blown away turned on out of one's mind off one's head on a high drugged-out drunk as a fiddler plowed tiddled pixillated ploughed punchy full of well-being tozy-mozy bibacious alcoholic insensible anaesthetized anesthetized knocked out out of your mind


(attributive) Having a high price or cost
expensive costly exorbitant extortionate overpriced immoderate premium pricey pricy steep spendy excessive rich inordinate valuable high-end big-budget high-cost high-priced big-ticket high-ticket sky-high daylight robbery dear extravagant over the odds high lavish unreasonable inflated upmarket precious prohibitive priceless outrageous fancy criminal OTT over the top unaffordable ultraexpensive top preposterous cher overextravagant highway robbery highly priced an arm and leg punitive ruinous excessively high costing a bomb costing the earth out of sight costing an arm and a leg uneconomical unduly expensive upscale swanky deluxe choice fine exquisite highly-priced executive worth its weight in gold at a premium pretty penny very expensive an arm and a leg unconscionable undue extreme unwarranted ridiculous monstrous huge disproportionate overdue insane overweening overmuch intolerable plethoric towering unmerciful baroque devilish enormous extremely high exacting absonant wasteful overboard a bit much a rip-off up to here over one's head invaluable prized irreplaceable exclusive inestimable valued beyond price of incalculable value of incalculable worth luxurious worth a king's ransom out-of-sight rare treasured cherished prizable treasurable without price of inestimable worth of inestimable value of immeasurable value of immeasurable worth superior select prime elite premier fabulous fab classy supreme quality major peak optimal leading excellent exceptional cracking frontline magnificent dominant great marvellous sterling finest superb central foremost stellar sensational slick famous superlative marvelous capital fantabulous selected preeminent best pre-eminent supernal blue-chip five-star top-quality high-grade high-quality top-notch first-rate top-end highest quality first-class four-star top of the line top of the range top-tier opulent splendid pretentious high-value recherche precieux recherché worth eyeteeth worth one's weight in gold incomparable unparalleled incalculable collectible out-of-bounds peerless more than one can afford


Affected or stilted in manner or character
unnatural artificial affected false fake forced feigned contrived pretended mock sham simulated phoney bogus pseudo strained assumed spurious phony plastic labored laboured mechanical factitious stilted insincere mannered studied wooden theatrical stagy pretentious unspontaneous put-on self-conscious put on overdone awkward ponderous overworked unconvincing hollow heavy overwrought posed elaborate clumsy over-elaborate pretend convoluted laborious intricate ornate prolix constrained fakey determined binding conscripted slave rigid inflexible begrudging stringent coercive grudging forcible bound not fluent overblown overripe counterfeit faked leaden tortured difficult tortuous arduous put wreck unglued uptight tight choked wired taut farfetched superficial exaggerated imitation over-embellished long-winded pseud nervous wreck strung out hard put posey complex inelegant turgid in a state playacting melodramatic affectated ham hammy counterfeited fraud conceited imitated at end of rope inept operose effortful weighty uphill strenuous hard toilsome maladroit precious arty-farty actorly not spontaneous genteel highfaluting simpering chichi apish airish conscious artsy camp campy gone Hollywood stuck up ersatz fictitious fraudulent forged cod make-believe dummy deceptive manufactured not genuine synthetic substitute misleading faux snide fabricated man-made queer pirate unauthentic inauthentic imitative mimic so-called delusory delusive wrong framed bent not kosher improvised reproduction copied quasi- untrue meretricious Hollywood plant brummagem fishy crock made-up unreal suppositious won't fly soft shell professed ostensible avowed imaginary two-faced invented concocted trick adopted supposititious facsimile replica specious pseudonymous model toy trumped-up hokey apocryphal quasi rehearsed apparent seeming surface planned manmade derivative imagined purported chemical cast manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche voulu staged knock-off pirated mealymouthed alleged fallacious invalid virtual wannabe would-be self-styled phoney-baloney phony-baloney hypocritical adulterine overly planned deceitful bum ungenuine not real not legit bluffing shammed falsified supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous as it were to all intents and purposes dishonest non-existent dud hoax made up cooked-up not what it is cracked up to be excessive undue inordinate disproportionate immoderate fulsome overstated too much inflated extravagant over-enthusiastic over-effusive needless unfair effusive unreasonable overemphasized unnecessary gushing sensationalistic hyped preposterous OTT O.T.T. overelaborate beyond the pale overemphasised highly coloured hyped up a bit much over the top beyond all bounds laid on with a trowel


Large in size, amount, or intensity
heavy sizeable substantial hefty colossal big considerable sizable tidy large whopping enormous immense significant whopping great steep appreciable astronomic astronomical exorbitant extensive gargantuan huge large-scale vast ample inordinate massive monumental whacking consequential extraordinary giant gigantic humongous immeasurable major prodigious profuse pronounced solid substantive voluminous whacking great grand great mammoth monstrous serious titanic tremendous excessive extortionate inflated high-cost thumping over the odds mountainous elephantine jumbo ginormous monster mega stupendous mighty oversized king-sized king-size thumping great Brobdingnagian bumper hulking king size cosmic towering humungous leviathan walloping cyclopean galactic pharaonic super cosmical vasty supersize herculean supersized super-duper gigantesque oceanic heroical planetary heroic Himalayan epic Herculean bulky very large very big weighty gross stellar oversize handsome goodly generous almighty outsized boundless dirty great ponderous princely terrific infinite grandiose expansive outsize brobdingnagian very great wide broad largish overgrown biggish formidable limitless extreme behemothic husky fantastic capacious cumbersome tall unwieldy blimp giant-sized impressive imposing magnificent mondo high boxcar staggering heavyweight roomy commodious incalculable unlimited spacious cumbrous man-size of considerable size man-sized giant-size measureless barn door notable lavish kingly rip-roaring titan thundering super-colossal great big liberal lofty Bunyanesque mastodonic conclusive outstanding roaring striking decisive emphatic resounding remarkable unmistakable memorable phenomenal noteworthy complete unqualified endless eternal long comprehensive out-and-out abundant thorough overwhelming intense extra-large plenteous interminable illimitable socking great awesome awful extravagant extremely large extremely big mahoosive Gargantuan cracking terrible dreadful Cyclopean unbounded jumbo-sized megalithic larger-than-life full-size fearful good-size good-sized a whale of a super colossal whale of a whopper lumbering awkward laborious unhandy clumsy ungainly unmanageable unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy elephantic OS behemoth statuesque astounding daunting whaling appalling thrashing Moby frightful widespread plentiful bountiful unfathomable fathomless expanded respectable healthy bounteous sweeping prolific mundo detailed moving august dynamic eminent majestic renowned illustrious irresistible severe horrific fierce harsh swelled massy fair-size economy-size deep life-size magnific fair-sized economy-sized family-sized family-size good full all-inclusive far-flung spread-out stretched-out never-ending far-reaching empyrean global interstellar cosmogonal interplanetary catholic cosmopolitan space intergalactic cosmogonic ecumenical bonny unsparing not to be sneezed at thunderous remunerative lucrative fat profitable through the ceiling sky-high paying moneymaking economic money-spinning gainful juicy meaty fleshy strong strapping heavyset muscular sturdy thick muscly beefy chunky hulky powerful brawny cavernous stout thickset burly monolithic well-built Falstaffian fubsy paunchy flabby hunky buxom greater larger zaftig not inconsiderable roly-poly big and strong powerfully built muscle-bound broad-shouldered corn-fed solidly built well upholstered broad in the beam well fed


Having a harsh or menacing demeanor or nature
rugged stern grim forbidding severe dour steely fierce flinty austere gruff intimidating ungentle louring grave unfriendly serious cold unsmiling rough stark lowering stony sober disapproving somber sombre aloof frowning frigid frosty icy glowering menacing strait-laced grim-faced strict hard harsh unfeeling solemn distant earnest mean-looking overbearing unpleasant wicked tight-lipped ferocious formal uninviting rigorous unapproachable surly sullen formidable threatening glum crabbed sour churlish reserved grumpy fell sinister savage cross chilly unrelenting stringent stuffy unemotional bleak scowling morose resolute sulky unsympathetic exacting inflexible ill-tempered bad-tempered gray splenetic boot-faced grouchy cantankerous vicious grey truculent crusty uncharitable tough rigid unforgiving authoritarian unyielding unbending illiberal remote solid ramrod astringent inexorable obdurate no-nonsense hard-nosed heavy-handed hard-boiled fiery frightening gloomy fearsome unrestrained pitiless callous fiendish frightful cutthroat beastly horrible hellish bestial venomous angry aggressive enraged dismal dreary uncommunicative poker-faced melancholic hard-faced dejected ugly saturnine moody brooding bitter aggrieved indignant inhospitable foreboding ominous temperamental aggravated cheerless crabby dark hostile wild violent barbaric cruel dangerous murderous brutal furious untamed feral unruly rabid brute bloodthirsty merciless malevolent ruthless unmerciful malignant terrible barbarous convulsive impetuous brutish raging heartless baleful delirious monstrous incessive remorseless raving inhumane sadistic uncontrollable inhuman undomesticated fearful frantic rapacious infuriated crazed mad butcherly animalistic primitive tigerish biffo aggers


Lacking vigour, vitality, or excitement
lifeless dull lethargic flat lacklustre spiritless torpid wooden static apathetic drab insipid tedious unexciting bland boring cold colourless dreary dry heavy hollow monotonous slow wearisome emotionless expressionless inexpressive lacking vitality mechanical passive pointless sluggish uninspired characterless listless two-dimensional uninspiring blah colorless draggy lackluster lusterless nothing pabulum prosaic prosy slothful spent uninteresting zero stodgy pedestrian humdrum stuffy tame arid jading jejune monochromatic ho-hum tiresome vapid tiring numbing stale weary old wearying dusty drudging leaden ponderous stupid mind-numbing plodding banal unremarkable bromidic unimaginative yawnsome ho hum dry as dust lacking excitement lacking interest laboured stilted uneventful trite mundane featureless soulless lame forced unstimulating passionless commonplace irksome unspirited routine sterile deadening nondescript labored deadly run-of-the-mill no great shakes dull as dishwater dreich pedantic laborious unnatural awkward artificial clumsy stolid turgid serious solemn platitudinous dead bog-standard threadbare cardboard barren wishy-washy gray as dry as dust plebeian anemic nowhere anaemic grey weariful quotidian workaday samey unrelieved depressed downcast nothing to write home about unoriginal tired unenjoyable unentertaining fatiguing derivative lacking variation lacking variety soporific ordinary worn-out ornery prolix big yawn hackneyed common not up to much dullsville plain repetitious unvaried everyday unvarying vanilla weak repetitive feeble bloodless limp vacuous neutral matter-of-fact flavourless flavorless quiet undistinguished deadpan dim vacant mediocre tasteless unemotional toneless unexceptional usual inactive soul-destroying zestless unpalatable unanimated conventional innocuous unchanging watery unmemorable no-nonsense sober milk-and-water banausic inane monochrome pallid inoffensive uncreative muted antiseptic unimpassioned staid indifferent uncomic heavy-going unadorned subdued impassive down-to-earth humourless plain vanilla factual hacky languid unsentimental humorless lustreless normal empty unamusing day-to-day uniform uninterested distasteful somber unappetizing unappealing depressing literal simple sedate sombre predictable average indistinctive unsavoury unfeeling inert square blank middle-of-the-road unembellished mild namby-pamby straightforward practical straight dull as ditchwater enervating exhausting unresponsive phlegmatic common or garden interminable unsavory dragging treadmill conservative dismal unpretentious stagnant desiccated grave weighty unobjectionable uninviting dulled disagreeable unpleasant inedible unvarnished sleepy undemonstrative unattractive fuddy-duddy beige level-headed hard-headed uneatable unexceptionable unenthusiastic deadly dull noncommittal numb faceless driveling drivelling monotone realistic typical regular customary pragmatic insensitive verbose businesslike anodyne safe soft pathetic sapless stock half-hearted hardheaded pragmatical indecisive one-horse calm difficult stern earthy flat tire gross grim unfunny severe slack run of the mill enervated long-winded unidealistic droning cold-blooded slow-moving uncomedic unwitty matte clean unproductive clear mindless mat unsmiling terrestrial nitty-gritty off-putting earnest non-stimulating harmless unadventurous overlong disgusting stereotyped serious-minded constant restrained repeated familiar undistinctive ineffectual well-worn stoical nauseating glassy savourless rational sensible yucky unromantic unobtrusive white-bread clichéd loathsome revolting faithful stoic institutional ineffective tepid garden-variety peaceful desolate frigid long-drawn-out nasty foul commonsensical backwoods iterative benumbed placid lackadaisical standard unexcitable unseasoned unmoved ceaseless reiterative insistent continual languorous understated heavy going dispassionate spineless impassible wimpy savorless outdated lacking in vitality sick-making old-fashioned lowly a dime a dozen unostentatious affectless watered-down dead-and-alive corny irresolute old hat unembroidered undistorted unaffected exact lukewarm intense sullen straight-thinking repressed lazy droopy archaic antediluvian humble out of date antiquated unflashy low-keyed languishing mournful elementary dour sour outmoded passé unconcerned hard-boiled cowardly down behind the times homely dowdy austere out of the ark low-key with both feet on the ground toned-down folksy miserable long steady slow but sure literal-minded unidentified unspecified prosing usual thing pompous dry-as-dust indistinct unmodulated unlively unpassioned earthbound shiftless annoying irritating bummer moth-eaten bomb drag cloying drear menial sickening clinical uninventive unartistic wordy unfulfilling disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing crude meagre simplistic meager vexatious boresome glassy-eyed not fun unpoetic least Milquetoast repugnant formal derived over-serious trying frustrating workday unspecial logical unprogressive useless duplicative backward vile poor inadequate garden variety general futile comatose unnoteworthy unfateful noneventful inconclusive cautious in the doldrums generic without variety bleak raw dispiriting wintry wintery oppressive sorrowful damp windy mortal poky snooze profitless vain unambitious noisome circumspect fatuous tenuous nebbish slight unexpressive unexcited monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song reiterated samely unchanged fishy half-pie OK so-so endless standard-issue cut-and-dry cut-and-dried reserved prudent demoralising unrewarding uninflected hack trivial puerile chary whitebread blind devoid of feeling devoid of emotion waterish nerdy truistic fruitless worthless overused hard to digest lacking personality lacking charisma overworked attentive flat as pancake not so hot thin accustomed mainstream valueless unprofitable purposeless aimless actual practicable yawn diddly prose puts one to sleep timid diluted halfhearted unmotivated catatonic effete glazed subtle incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent run-of-the mill gingerly wary considerate careful heedful calculating lead balloon unavailing bootless otiose unsuccessful inefficacious abortive neither one thing nor the other light discreet backwater boiled down without punch wet limp-wristed weak-kneed sobersided bovine unflavoured drawly regimented dense unreadable unfruitful unfilled unprolific unenterprising matter-of- fact unsympathetic inconspicuous puritanical douce strict supine obsolete wimpish weakened nerveless frail invertebrate weakling unnoticeable unkind indolent coldhearted not amounting to much anaesthetic insensible anesthetic unflappable defunct unpleasurable leery badly written governmental utilitarian rudimentary corporate functional ugly extinct innocent twangy imitative twanging callous numbed stony asleep inhuman po-faced unhumorous repulsive superannuated desensitized groggy disinterested tranquil uninvolved uncompassionate lymphatic hoary uncharismatic cliché-ridden timeworn senseless anesthetized yucko along for the ride desensitised detached without spice big zero peaceable unoffending vacillating wavering antwacky played out time-worn worn out cut and dried retiring drawling brackish detestable yukky abhorrent anaesthetized paralysed paralyzed still frequentative standard issue unrefined robust unsophisticated rough natural grody unenticing stinky icky forgettable innoxious nonprovocative meek direct uninhibited slavish inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented rustic your basic modest unelaborate uncomplicated undecorated submissive melancholic dispirited despondent mopy low dejected melancholy white non-aggressive non-violent benign non-combative hurtless stark nameless blue disconsolate gutless dopey broken sad drippy inanimate downhearted withdrawn tempered pensive fogeyish out-of-date backward-looking crusty gentle friendly pleasant frank chastened creaky mouldy old-fogeyish controlled home folk basic homey funky lowbred easygoing lusty down home outdoorsy dated antique fusty moldy past it old-time inobtrusive down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down lacking originality naked accurate impersonal feasible truthful


(of a person, animal or material) Able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure
tough strong sturdy durable hard resilient rugged stout firm resistant solid hardy inflexible rigid hardened toughened vigorous hard-wearing leathery seasoned sound substantial unbreakable indestructible inured brawny fit robust stalwart strapping cohesive conditioned dense healthy lusty mighty moulded molded steeled tight cast-iron heavy-duty long-lasting well built withstanding hard-bitten made to last tough as nails hard as nails muscular athletic powerful hearty hefty burly thickset stocky Herculean well made hale husky solidly built powerfully built able-bodied forceful secure shredded meaty staunch beefy chunky ripped jacked iron buff thewy well-made well-built stark flourishing decisive enthusiastic strong-arm strenuous bulky hulking hale and hearty in good shape in good condition in good health energetic stouthearted powerhouse built to last fit as a fiddle sound in body and limb unfeeling desensitized case-hardened hard-boiled callous indurate acclimatized heartless uncaring obtuse acclimatised invulnerable desensitised benumbed hardhearted coldhearted hard-as-nails enduring impenetrable unflagging fighting fit tenacious able indefatigable capable well fresh in rude health in fine fettle physically fit insensitive impervious unsusceptible stolid pachydermatous affectless unsparing insensate uncharitable slash-and-burn pitiless merciless remorseless armour-plated inhuman stonyhearted ruthless unsympathetic compassionless inhumane stoney take-no-prisoners obdurate unmerciful ironhearted hard-hearted soulless cold-blooded stony thick-skinned unbending accustomed habituated stable steady reliable safe invincible impregnable unassailable deadened experienced reinforced heavy established tried-and-true well-founded immovable with a hide like an elephant inviolable imperishable everlasting armoured rock-solid storm-resistant unattackable well fortified fast stormproof well defended unyielding bombproof well-armed strengthened dependable well-protected fixed lasting concrete steely impassible airtight knockabout armored fortified well protected coarsened used indurated irreverent hard-edged unsentimental inaccessible prepared contemptuous cruel cynical unrepenting disdainful impious unsubmissive unashamed uncompassionate unemotional


Unpleasantly rough or jarring in smell or taste
harsh pungent piquant sharp acidic acrid bitter effluvial sour spicy stinging tangy acerb aromatic biting fiery hot overpowering peppery poignant rich spiced stinking strong tart vinegary zesty zingy distasteful rotten unpalatable unsavoury unsavory yucky yukky sharp-tasting acid acerbic acidulous acetous acetic unsweetened astringent acidulated unpleasant tartish sourish vinegarish amaroidal tasty salty appetizing flavoursome flavorful flavorsome appetising highly seasoned lemony citrus burning acetose savoury sharp-flavoured nippy fresh absinthal absinthian zippy briny seasoned sweet pert savory flavourful highly-seasoned flavorous sapid with a kick snappy zestful brusque critical well-flavored severe delicious delectable palatable fragrant toothsome racy ambrosial mouthwatering luscious scented perfumed scrumptious dainty redolent odoriferous suffocating penetrating acidy succulent delish odorous yummy keen tasteful caustic smarting effluvious toothy highly flavoured lush savorous strongly flavoured exquisite full-flavored industrial-strength lively pointed cutting acute nosey whiffy picante sarcastic piercing colourful witty aromal herbaceous curried soured green dry highly-flavoured highly flavored strong-flavored gingery humorous vigorous spirited sparkling punchy red hot well seasoned full-flavoured pervasive stifling powerful colorful moreish good scrummy offensive nauseating irritating sickly nauseous yummo choice nummy active strong-smelling austere nectareous ambrosian gorgeous nectarean fetid cloying mephitic inviting peng heavenly delightful magnificent foetid finger-licking mouth-watering yum-yum lip-smacking wholesome respectable salt acceptable mellow relishing decent aperitive tempting perfumatory scentful balmy perfumy sweet-smelling olfactory flowery odoriferant olfactive honeyed heady scent-laden sweet-scented


Affectedly grand, solemn, or self-important
pompous pretentious imperious affected arrogant grandiose self-important overbearing supercilious haughty magisterial pontifical ostentatious uppity bloated conceited domineering egotistic hifalutin highfalutin sententious uppish vain assumptive bumptious cavalier chesty condescending high-and-mighty high-handed high-hat high-minded huffish huffy important la-de-da la-di-da lofty lordly masterful overweening patronising patronizing peremptory portentous presuming presumptuous proud puffed up self-asserting self-assertive showy sniffy snippy snooty stiff-necked superior toploftical toplofty vainglorious exaggerated flatulent flaunting flowery grand highfaluting magnificent narcissistic overstated puffy self-centred self-centered selfish snobbish spectacular splendid high and mighty cocky opinionated self-opinionated forward full of oneself puffed swaggering swollen-headed pushy vaunting pontificating strutting impudent brash egotistical overconfident boastful self-satisfied cocksure smug loud obnoxious prideful offensively self-assertive full of yourself pleased with yourself insolent audacious stuck-up bold disdainful immodest brazen impertinent cheeky brassy saucy self-confident sassy bigheaded nervy hubristic hoity-toity swellheaded rude bossy contemptuous fresh confident wise toffee-nosed self-assured egoistic egoistical scornful blustering self-conceited snotty bragging flip snobby assuming biggity biggety contumelious assured pert smart cool complacent unabashed overbold egocentric know-it-all malapert big-headed self-affected self-promoting self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed self-congratulatory fancy-pants stuck up aloof smart-alecky brazen-faced procacious bold-faced inconsiderate barefaced boldfaced elitist unblushing dictatorial officious brassbound too big for your boots arch rash autocratic familiar authoritarian self-righteous self-serving arrant assertive orgulous blatant aggressive holier-than-thou blusterous flippant forceful disrespectful puffed-up mocking impetuous consequential scoffing sneering swanky braggart smarty pushful bombastic self-applauding dismissive wise guy sure jumped up off-base foolhardy ambitious crowing thrusting pushing discourteous hotheaded uncivil tyrannical shameless inflated bullish impolite impulsive impolitic despotic indifferent cold-shoulder careless heedless self-aggrandizing persnickety hasty precipitate snippety full of hot air on an ego trip too big for your breeches too big for one's boots too big for one's breeches putting on airs self-loving braggy self-complacent self-pleased unreserved self-flattering self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery dominating extroverted extraverted uninhibited cute smart-aleck smarty-pants facetious perky arbitrary offhand oppressive posh poncey windy free self-opinioned overfamiliar highhanded boasting high refined throwing one's weight around remote tony curt casual undemocratic heavy-handed previous premature overhasty irreverent presumptive lippy unconcerned insouciant uninterested above oneself willful rigid wilful inflexible anti-democratic repressive honourable gracious honorable improper inappropriate insubordinate high falutin temerarious madcap daredevil reckless reserved distant detached blowhard unceremonious unmannerly high-flown throwing one's weight about mouthy insulting commanding airy wiseguy aristocratic standoffish riding for a fall overoptimistic abrupt brusque glib terse cursory perfunctory off ungracious effervescent brazenfaced trashy incautious thoughtless bright vivacious headlong untactful maladroit big-mouthed swanking on your high horse on high horse ironhanded dominant take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish big loudmouth windbag exultant obtrusive as bold as brass sure of yourself brass-necked bad-mannered offensive driven ill-mannered ill-bred positive hotshot bold as brass heading for a fall hot stuff certain go-getting high-pressure enterprising fierce militant in-your-face jaunty on ego trip insistent strident sharp-elbowed loudmouthed too big for one's britches smart aleck smart guy smarty pants


Showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour
punctilious correct careful conscientious meticulous diligent exact nice painstaking precise scrupulous thorough accurate attentive fastidious fussy particular strict studious ultra-careful detailed finicky mathematical methodical perfectionist persnickety religious rigorous ceremonious decorous demanding exacting finical formal hair-splitting nitpicking pedantic pernickety proper starchy stiff-necked stilted laborious overnice assiduous civil conscionable conventional courteous formalistic heedful observant overconscientious overscrupulous polite punctual seemly good eye right on courtly dignified stately traditional orthodox rigid genteel official mannered elaborate ornate ceremonial ritualistic solemn uncompromising picky inflexible choosy discriminating imperial imposing deferential stringent prim ritual regal sticklerish tough priggish prissy choosey fixed scientific puritanical measured affected deliberate majestic imperious pompous grandiose nit-picking nit-picky slow-moving just so decent respectable befitting right standard suitable fitting moral fit approved couth refined mannerly civilized accepted well-mannered apt appropriate customary usual diplomatic kosher OK okay acceptable becoming done conforming de rigueur civilised comme il faut right stuff close industrious sedulous searching hard-working persevering minute pinpoint delicate fine hairline loving spot-on unflagging exhaustive unerring thoroughgoing dedicated strenuous faithful cautious by the book by the numbers inch-perfect earnest fussbudget stickler microscopic orderly provident judicious calculated thoughtful circumspect intensive full duteous stickling solid regardful concerned reliable complete dependable upright selfdisciplined chary discreet in-depth playing safe hanging in hanging tough white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's walking on eggs going to great lengths minding p's and q's heart and soul into persistent swotty tied-up active untiring engaged hopping indefatigable constant employed unwearied bustling busy working steady occupied zealous plugging tireless grinding whiz eager beaver


Calm, dignified, and unhurried
sedate calm composed tranquil placid serene serious dignified earnest unruffled collected proper sober cool demure imperturbable staid unflappable decorous quiet seemly steady grave serious-minded coolheaded equal formal level limpid peaceful possessed prim recollected self-composed self-possessed smooth solemn stuffy together undisturbed unperturbed unshaken untroubled unworried boring starchy stick-in-the-mud deliberate dispassionate somber sombre stately cold sober cool as cucumber unexcited businesslike grounded pacific down-to-earth hard-boiled self-controlled imposing distinguished august portly proud relaxed unfazed unflustered equable at peace unmoved unagitated poised cool, calm and collected nonplussed at ease unemotional laid-back chilled unbothered still unexcitable even-tempered controlled cool-headed nonchalant impassive easygoing equanimous level-headed phlegmatic undismayed stoical stolid levelheaded easy unconcerned as cool as a cucumber halcyon stilly temperate hushed assured sensible easy-going self-assured even restful casual rational resolute confident lown detached carefree balanced stable cool as a cucumber constant unanxious unstirred unaffected gentle stoic peaceable clearheaded happy-go-lucky devil-may-care reserved patient sleepy relaxing regular soothing insouciant moderate blithe uninterrupted unbroken undemonstrative blasé untouched retired mild contented disimpassioned comfortable trouble-free keeping your cool without a care in the world urbane reliable dependable unimpassioned fair content reasonable unshakable calmed realistic mature free from interference free from interruption free from disturbance commonsensical practical unflurried sound philosophical wise reposeful secure passionless self-confident centered centred mellow well-balanced in control sure of oneself full of common sense well balanced determined undaunted unchanging unvarying fine firm unalarmed uniform unflinching undistracted unvexed consistent invariable measured not moved nerveless elegant suave bovine civil complacent unfluctuating unaltering unalterable breezy good-natured docile irenic unperturbable blissful unhurried calming settled sure of yourself neutral stress-free mild-mannered pragmatic prudent circumspect sure sanguine quieted soothed repressed suppressed pellucid reconciled resting satisfied quiescent conciliatory sane judicious thick-skinned smug self-satisfied immovable easeful pleasant leisurely arcadian languid tranquillizing responsible low-pressure straight at rest anxiety-free in repose assertive fixed leisured soporific inactive motionless unswerving good calculable resigned keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on roll with punches hard as nails stiff upper lip unrushed having both feet on the ground self-restrained tranquilizing good-tempered well adjusted with one's feet on the ground well-adjusted restrained logical tolerant long-suffering accommodating forbearing fatalistic indulgent emotionless accepting enlightened philosophic profound deep deep-thinking learned uncomplaining moral ethical apathetic callous impassible indifferent cold-blooded aloof self-contained affectless inscrutable numb unfeeling insensible poker-faced unimpressible insusceptible indurated unrevealing matter-of-fact reticent hardened taciturn cold heartless inexcitable spiritless dry


Dead or apparently dead
lifeless dead deceased cold defunct extinct departed late gone demised unconscious asleep breathless comatose exanimate fallen inanimate inert low perished insensate insensible brute desert faint limp motionless no more passed away passed on unmoving unresponsive waste in a faint not living out cold out for the count dead as a doornail dead to the world as dead as a doornail lost lamented buried with God at peace pushing up daisies six feet under bought the farm expired nonextant done bygone vanished bypast in the grave laid to rest slain insentient slaughtered still murdered killed wasted unanimated down mortified spiritless erased cadaverous offed reposing liquidated silent not breathing bereft of life not existing resting in peace out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward checked out under the sod pushing up the daisies having breathed one's last past former finished forgotten earlier ancient olden long-ago disappeared foregone at rest old-time gone by of old wiped out died out of yore passé done for dated invalid concluded lapsed old out-of-date destroyed obsolete outmoded primeval primordial prehistoric nonexistent archaic exterminated immemorial antediluvian extinguished ended primigenial abolished void snuffed out terminated vanquished superseded primaeval no longer extant no longer with us dead and gone long gone dead as a dodo irrelevant casualty bitten the dust disintegrated retired faded missing kicked the bucket bit the dust stone-dead gave up the ghost ruined over turned to dust outdated redundant kaput demolished effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated dear departed much lamented late lamented no longer living run had it devastated crushed frittered out of commission down the drain inactive at an end doused quenched out dead and buried a thing of the past ancient history in the past over and done with unknown inexistent no longer existing remote no longer known pristine long past long ago long departed previous antiquated one-time completed erstwhile sometime quondam old-fashioned belated forepassed long-gone oldfangled past recall in oblivion out of date sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge


Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
callous case-hardened hard-boiled heartless insensitive soulless unfeeling unsympathetic harsh cold cold-blooded hard hard-bitten hardened indifferent indurated obdurate uncaring affectless hard-hearted indurate ruthless stony-hearted uncharitable bloodless brutal cold-hearted compassionless cruel desensitised desensitized hardhearted inhuman inhumane insensate insensible ironhearted merciless pachydermatous pitiless remorseless slash-and-burn stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners thick-skinned unconcerned unmerciful unsparing unsusceptible apathetic careless impassive impenitent inflexible insentient inured lacking compassion marble-hearted spiritless stubborn torpid tough toughened unaffected unbending uncompassionate unimpressionable unresponsive as hard as nails blind to deaf to with a heart of stone cynical hard-nosed unsentimental hard-headed realistic shrewd practical down-to-earth matter-of-fact sturdy hardy vigorous strong cast-iron stout world-weary rugged uncompromising compact firm concentrated solid consolidated impenetrable compacted rocky hard-handed adamantine packed rigid set hard-edged iron compressed lacking sentiment toughened by experience as tough as old boots hard as nails unforgiving implacable strict stern unyielding rigorous fierce rough headstrong hard-line unrepenting hard-shelled unemotional casehardened unpitying savage unkind obstinate avaricious unregenerate murderous indefatigable grim vindictive greedy uncontrite forbidding sour bloody sanguinary tyrannical intolerant barbarous severe adamant flinty hard-hitting drastic authoritarian cool exacting stringent draconian austere intractable resolute ferocious refractory desperate pugnacious immutable ramrod hardheaded two-fisted heavy-handed accustomed habituated deadened seasoned experienced coarsened used acclimatized irreverent benumbed inaccessible prepared coldhearted contemptuous acclimatised steeled hard-as-nails resistant disdainful impious unsubmissive unashamed obtuse


Insecure with oneself
self-conscious awkward bashful diffident embarrassed nervous uncomfortable edgy tense unnatural blushing gauche inhibited insecure modest shamefaced sheepish shy strained timorous uneasy affected anxious artificial aw-shucks discomfited ill at ease ill-at-ease mannered retiring shrinking stilted timid uncertain unsure out of countenance unsure of yourself like a fish out of water apprehensive reserved introverted withdrawn coy hesitant troubled reticent constrained unassertive uptight unconfident meek fearful worried restless jittery nervy perturbed unrelaxed antsy doubtful disquieted abashed quiet unassured unsettled ashamed disturbed jumpy upset on edge unquiet self-effacing demure hung up discomposed recessive repressed reluctant out of place fidgety backward wary tongue-tied hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter self-doubting wooden humble suspicious mousy bothered het up twitchy guarded vexed subdued restrained forced unassuming on tenterhooks restive distrustful cold laboured blushful unpresuming contrived agitated keyed up unpoised fazed discombobulated fraught unobtrusive afraid silent fretful tormented chary mim lacking confidence distressed shaken perplexed lacking self-confidence not self-assured passive labored in turmoil stressy introvert withdrawing socially lacking rough-hewn blundering graceless geeky inelegant nerdy socially awkward socially anxious nice socially incompetent maladroit socially inept difficult frustrated discomforted flushed reddening humiliated flushing undemonstrative unforthcoming distant passionless unresponsive attention-seeking validation-seeking permission-seeking disorientated lacking social skills turning red red-faced controlled cool stand-offish aloof vague Delphic questioning touchy choked rattled bottled up wired disoriented bewildered overmodest doubting faint-hearted verecund recoiling easily embarrassed overwrought impatient alarmed mild media-shy docile apologetic angry annoyed galled chafed strange high-strung lost unrestful touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice submissive lacking assurance not confident weak lacking in confidence wimpy irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky up in the air unpretentious all nerves on the qui vive rabbity dubious blenching flinching unboastful discreet temperate approval-seeking proper seemly ungraceful mincing rustic rustical laborious clumsy raw unrefined unpolished uneducated indelicate callow unsophisticated lacking in social grace unworldly ill-mannered lacking in social graces oafish ill-bred chaste lowly moderate unpretending resigned prudent simple faltering on pins and needles dorky soft-spoken cautious reclusive standoffish concerned toey frightened overstrung stressed flustered scared highly strung in a tizzy worked up strung out ruffled spooked sensitive excitable in a state unstable strung up disconcerted neurotic unnerved hyper hysterical skittish spooky squirrelly windy in a state of agitation flurried all of a dither like a cat on a hot tin roof excited in a state of nerves in a stew in a flap angsty in a tizz brittle all of a lather shook up like a cat on hot bricks panicky trembling adrenalized confused unglued shaking wrought up taut in a sweat in a twitter a bundle of nerves having kittens in a twit febrile fluttery quaking distraught thrown irked wound up beside oneself bundle of nerves under stress in a cold sweat bricking oneself stressed out all of a doodah nerve-racking nail-biting irresolute spasmodic skittery creepy careful wavering fretting discountenanced overanxious shivery in suspense fevered turbulent nervous wreck hassled inconvenienced irritated worried sick quivering unsteady white-knuckled unpeaceful beset riled muddled tortured plagued angstful solicitous bugged clutched a wreck hot and bothered worried stiff put out with one's stomach in knots shot to pieces with butterflies in one's stomach with one's heart in one's mouth twittering stuttering stammering stumbling indecisive tentative dithering vacillating precarious swithering trepidatious flighty caught up under pressure curt under a strain disorderly frisky unbalanced prim pressured frazzled all of a flutter wreck moving moved shot watchful fussy easily frightened easily agitated aghast dreading having butterflies in the stomach in a spin a basket case in a flat spin sweating bullets up the wall white knuckled afflicted asea tetchy unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting distressful agitating distressing nerve-wracking irrational exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed provoked terrified strict conventional testy crotchety prickly hurt short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered ill-tempered grieved oversensitive moody critical active hurried transient unruly wandering intermittent changeable fidgeting itchy inconstant borderline footloose roving sleepless fitful nomadic bustling gutted sad unhappy saddened old-fashioned on the defensive distracted frantic offended angered disappointed fretted shocked low worrisome verklempt blue unzipped wounded cut up in disorder amazed tossing and turning come apart psyched out bummed out broken up at sixes and sevens all torn up in a dither stressful feeling anxious shaking in one's shoes nerves on edge


Anticipating something with anxiety or fear
apprehensive hesitant afraid alarmed anxious concerned fearful nervous uneasy worried agitated edgy jittery restless uptight antsy disquieted doubtful fidgety foreboding frightened jumpy mistrustful neurotic panicky scared strained stressed stressy suspicious tense terrified trepidatious troubled twitchy shaky uncertain weak frozen angst-ridden on edge having butterflies on tenterhooks hung up in a dither lily-livered worried sick in a sweat running scared in a cold sweat having a funny feeling having cold feet having stage fright biting nails nervy perturbed upset disturbed ill at ease insecure unquiet wired overwrought fretful keyed up timorous unsettled distressed dithery bothered het up aflutter queazy queasy discomposed timid worked up unnerved atwitter spooked in a tizzy hinky goosey dismayed restive overstrung strung out toey hysterical strung up on pins and needles uncomfortable shy windy shaken in a state trembling spooky like a cat on a hot tin roof cowardly ruffled squirrelly skittish in a stew in a flap in a tizz excited spineless intimidated disconcerted rattled flustered daunted in a state of agitation all of a dither all of a lather shocked high-strung self-conscious pusillanimous in a state of nerves hyper in a twitter shrinking petrified wrought up in a twit distraught vexed like a cat on hot bricks quaking gutless annoyed startled scared stiff highly strung yellow excitable flurried weak-kneed diffident having kittens aghast bricking oneself all of a doodah faint-hearted retiring in suspense mousy adrenalized angsty craven embarrassed scared to death unrestful frantic unrelaxed a bundle of nerves tremulous discomfited horrified cowed fainthearted chicken shook up soft wound up fazed febrile affrighted discombobulated confused impatient panic-stricken wimpy fearsome beside oneself awkward irritable spiritless fraught sensitive scary shaking recreant unsure unglued cowering wet irresolute unconfident terrorized horror-struck tormented taut feart wimpish yellow-bellied perplexed terror-stricken thrown irked terrorised choked like a fish out of water easily frightened with one's heart in one's mouth brittle mousey out of place unheroic pigeon-hearted chicken-livered in a panic meek irrational creepy hot and bothered chickenhearted bashful hysteric nerve-racking nail-biting sissy quivering browbeaten feeble flighty under stress solicitous unmanly anguished poor-spirited stressed out unassured chicken-hearted funky afeared frit discountenanced in a funk waiting for the axe to fall muddled irritated in a blue funk waiting with bated breath overanxious inconvenienced shaking in one's shoes nervous wreck frenzied bundle of nerves careful distracted have cold feet shivery fluttery emotional fretting dastardly distressing provoked poltroon fevered inhibited unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting distressful agitating nerve-wracking nerveless milk-livered boneless discouraged lacking courage white-knuckled hurt unassertive scared witless irascible pigeonhearted in turmoil grieved tentative introverted angstful bullied unstable wavering terror-struck frightened out of one's wits agog withdrawn sad horror-stricken scared out of one's wits aroused bugged submissive peevish unhappy saddened touchy overwhelmed overawed harassed clutched abashed candy-assed turbulent beset riled a wreck shaking like a leaf stunned worrisome fractious tortured plagued hassled passive unsteady self-doubting shot to pieces disappointed lacking confidence unpeaceful gutted phobic not self-assured lacking self-confidence angry angered worried stiff up the wall blue with one's stomach in knots in awe with butterflies in one's stomach put out broken up cut up ascared frightened to death fussy disorientated hectic faltering unnatural gauche weak-willed desperate flushed intense blushing under pressure aquiver disoriented bewildered panicked half-hearted easily scared weakling unreluctant under a strain strange lost frisky distrustful overactive hot under the collar hyped-up heated wrought-up overexcited afire atingle hyperexcited frazzled reserved fidgeting fitful pressured blanched disheartened disorderly overcome exercised coy wreck moving moved shot stressful feeling anxious unbalanced palpitant wrung jerky sheepish goose-bumpy rabbity quivery discomforted zipped up hot juiced up galled chafed white knuckled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting trying disillusioned deterred reluctant tetchy squirmy wiggly wriggly nerves on edge eagerly skittery self-effacing all nerves afflicted asea spasmodic itchy unforthcoming offended fretted run scared difficult tricky overemotional lacking in confidence lacking assurance not confident testy crotchety prickly all agog avid open-mouthed fixated obsessed paranoid exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed low traumatized traumatised abject cringey unruly short-tempered crabbed hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous quick-tempered ignoble milksoppish on the qui vive dispirited demoralized downcast in fear and trepidation numb with fear recalcitrant ill-tempered verklempt come apart psyched out unzipped bummed out wounded at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails lacking social skills tongue-tied white-livered sookie emotionally charged histrionic with bated breath restlessly moving oversensitive moody critical refractory Milquetoast capricious vacillating gentle cringing dishonourable dishonorable vague Delphic questioning unpoised sissified caitiff base perverse ornery obstinate stubborn unyielding pathetic easily agitated watchful impotent falling apart dreading cowhearted backward worthless limp-wristed squeamish demoralised put off champing at the bit characterless touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice in a spin a basket case sweating bullets in a flat spin paper tiger no guts having the willies having butterflies in the stomach apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at in a fluster strict conventional cautious old-fashioned on the defensive sorrowful heartbroken mournful depressed inconsolable disconsolate miserable dejected despondent doleful down heartsick heavyhearted cheerless woebegone forlorn downhearted grief-stricken despairing brokenhearted melancholy crestfallen joyless beleaguered glum gloomy desolate heartsore down in the mouth down in the dumps tearful wretched broken-hearted low-spirited woeful nonplussed cast down sorry droopy devastated melancholic hangdog morose grieving flummoxed bereaved fuddled sullen in pain dismal broken mystified dolorous at sea hurting bemused befuddled heavy-hearted regretful confounded hard-pressed sombre somber agonized floored baffled stumped rueful preoccupied aggrieved taken aback agonised in the dumps bad dumbfounded affected hounded crushed sorrowing bamboozled teary oppressed bedevilled tristful bedeviled down-hearted bushed mazed wildered stupefied thrown off balance at a loss addled injured shook persecuted distrait careworn dazed astounded haunted astonished wistful hag-ridden clueless weepy dragged suffering sleepless mixed-up lugubrious shot down shaken up in grief in doldrums maladjusted raving in tears dreary put upon insane crazed crazy foxed beaten pessimistic solemn under the cosh up against it destroyed out of sorts bowed down peeved wrecked listless fed up tossing and turning flapping unhinged wakeful intermittent insomniac absent-minded engrossed bitter messed up mourning weeping long-faced violent weighed down surprised frayed unsleeping stricken mad insomnolent hurried funereal chapfallen all of a flutter grim heavy with grief overcome with sorrow bleak shattered hunted down-in-the-mouth black befogged shell-shocked fogged hard put active pensive racked with suffering worn out down in dumps sick at heart dull ruthful uncomprehending at the end of one's tether gray grey mixed up down and out languorous triste saturnine languid comfortless singing the blues sulky in shock twittering overloaded burdened badgered ripped undone indecisive burned sore contused dithering unconsolable basket case damaged swithering scunnered narked exasperated lamenting remorseful caught up impaired frustrated constrained stilted anxiety-ridden ground down pining inflamed nonplused feverish hyperactive grievous haggard besieged downtrodden stirred up emotionally unstable emotionally unbalanced worn down emotionally damaged emotionally injured depressive hopeless heavy luckless teed off put out of countenance dumbstruck in a lather discontented painful downbeat blank in a bad way in the pits elegiacal crummy cast-down elegiac emotionally defeated ailing racked grumpy lachrymose pressurized defeatist staggered flabbergasted mirthless rebellious alienated changeable roving bustling transient wandering inconstant footloose nomadic in despair in low spirits rushed piteous on a downer bleeding wild sunk as sick as a parrot brooding mopey sick as a parrot awake pressurised dolent in sorrow heartrending full of sorrow in mourning tear-jerking affecting troubling hapless morbid down in mouth bowled over blown away speechless let-down not happy delirious worked-up alert undermined reproachful besotted had their heads messed with unscrewed deranged swivel-eyed nuts at the end of one's rope with one's back up against the wall vigilant with one's back to the wall disgruntled stung piqued languished negative dysphoric crabby beside yourself dysfunctional disordered got caused to be at a stand made to scratch their head beat graveled buffaloed thrown off gravelled confusticated abstracted without sleep wide-awake attentive wide awake out of one's mind at the end of your tether like a chicken with its head cut off very upset out of your mind absent diverted at wit's end discontinuous disconnected interrupted inattentive visited by preyed upon distant absorbed faraway shook-up emotionally scarred emotionally disturbed erratic incomplete fragmentary heaving struck hit possessed psyched-out sorry for oneself chap-fallen not best pleased absentminded gripped cut to the quick bumpy messed-up consumed caught off balance out of countenance in botheration dolesome emotionally confused screwed up ill-adjusted dominated controlled miles away dreamy sidetracked unfocused wailing aching bewailing bemoaning cursed seized jouncy raging choppy disrupted sporadic dogged overpowered surrounded smitten devoured held bewitched rolly rough punchy dopey pixillated silly spaced spacey zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out punch-drunk dopy addle pixilated muzzy addlepated raddled zonked slaphappy dizzy spacy not with it fiendish racked with pain storm-tossed deeply affected driven to distraction harmed fuzzy taken over under a spell in the grip of herky-jerky struck down laid low


Appearing decisive or cheerful but unstable or nervous within
brittle edgy nervous tense anxious excitable hysterical jumpy neurotic sensitive skittish unstable curt insecure irritable nervy on edge uptight wired highly strung prim stilted jittery unsettled uneasy twitchy fidgety restless high-strung agitated troubled apprehensive queazy worried antsy upset perturbed dithery queasy flighty skittery overstrung spasmodic stressed fluttery touchy temperamental irascible restive unquiet hinky aflutter goosey ill at ease atwitter chippy snappy testy keyed up moody easily frightened easily agitated adrenalized hung up peevish stressy hyper impatient excited hot-tempered quick-tempered het up unnerved nervous wreck nerve-racking feeling anxious overanxious stressful nail-biting wound up in suspense beside oneself in a tizzy nerves on edge bundle of nerves emotional mercurial volatile hasty passionate fiery tempestuous hyperexcitable spooky hyperkinetic tetchy hyperactive violent impulsive fierce agitable galvanic impetuous susceptible enthusiastic overzealous demonstrative volcanic quick vehement uncontrolled inflammable reckless rash alarmable intolerant prickly crotchety captious bad-tempered querulous short-tempered crabbed ill-tempered oversensitive on tenterhooks critical short fused easily upset fiddle-footed hot-headed blowing hot and cold on pins and needles like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks overwrought timid taut concerned shy angsty disquieted trepidatious fretful distressed flurried bothered spooked unglued scared afraid frightened careful toey shivery timorous mousy uncomfortable discomposed shaky disturbed fearful worked up strained strung out strung up in a state in a flap alarmed flustered windy squirrelly ruffled all of a dither shaken in a tizz rattled self-conscious disconcerted wrought up in a state of agitation dismayed in a stew embarrassed panicky in a sweat in a twitter all of a lather in a state of nerves awkward hesitant unrelaxed distraught having kittens in a twit a bundle of nerves uncertain discomfited fazed all of a doodah in a dither vexed unrestful discombobulated unsure fraught annoyed worried sick frantic trembling bricking oneself febrile hot and bothered stressed out shaking like a fish out of water distracted frenzied aroused retiring shook up terrified tormented suspicious perplexed confused unsteady harassed in a panic fractious in a cold sweat out of place bashful inhibited hectic quaking shrinking shocked overactive heated irresolute frazzled wrought-up moved doubtful under stress choked pressured under pressure irritated turbulent thrown unpeaceful fidgeting anguished hassled waiting for the axe to fall irked waiting with bated breath unnatural desperate gauche overexcited wreck blushing unhappy startled weak daunted fevered white-knuckled diffident perverse ornery quivering under a strain fretting wavering in turmoil hot under the collar unconfident provoked withdrawn fitful unruly stirred worked-up clutched itchy inflamed discountenanced shot to pieces introverted aghast watchful affected creepy feverish angstful solicitous careworn bugged unyielding inconvenienced animated frozen a wreck in a spin beset riled active sleepless muddled tortured plagued all of a flutter in a flat spin beside yourself with one's stomach in knots with one's heart in one's mouth put out worried stiff with butterflies in one's stomach tossing and turning stressed-out eager difficult twittering cross complaining indecisive tentative disorientated faltering petulant dithering vacillating miserable highly-strung disoriented bewildered wriggly swithering constrained squirmy frisky strange lost distrustful wiggly grumpy ill-natured caught up reserved flushed intense overtaxed taxed roused exasperated manic fussy cranky splenetic out of sorts whining crabby grumbling ratty aquiver stirred up flapping disorderly all wound up unreluctant irrational moving shot unbalanced agog eagerly angry galled chafed snappish contrary caviling faultfinding carping huffy mean strict conventional cautious in a lather discomforted hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited recalcitrant stimulated stoked jazzed sheepish shamefaced modest white knuckled all agog avid open-mouthed afflicted asea refractory cavilling palpitant wrung shaking in one's shoes up the wall anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting hurt obstinate stubborn mannered artificial ill-at-ease aw-shucks exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated pained mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed hurried transient wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving nomadic bustling lacking social skills tongue-tied with bated breath foreboding mistrustful overstretched frayed all nerves zipped up hot juiced up at fever pitch self-doubting unassertive self-effacing grieved pressurized pressurised old-fashioned on the defensive pumped-up gutted sad meek lacking confidence unforthcoming on the qui vive out of countenance champing at the bit shell-shocked on the rack saddened not self-assured lacking self-confidence passive dreading lily-livered running scared having stage fright biting nails having butterflies having cold feet having a funny feeling angst-ridden intimidated fearsome cowardly terror-stricken discouraged panic-stricken abashed horrified stunned cowed funky faint-hearted blanched petrified disheartened offended angered disappointed fretted tooshie swivel-eyed wakeful unsure of yourself low a basket case sweating bullets freaked-out overwhelmed wound-up crazy high keyed-up fired-up hot-and-bothered weary strung-out worn unstrung tired spent insomniac vague Delphic unassured questioning unpoised verklempt blue unzipped wounded throwing a wobbly cut up in disorder amazed steamed up flipped out out of your mind awake unsleeping having butterflies in the stomach touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice come apart psyched out bummed out broken up at sixes and sevens all torn up in awe scared to death scared stiff have cold feet run scared hot under collar all shook up insomnolent at the end of your tether alert lively rigid disturbing disquieting vigilant unsettling without sleep wide awake wide-awake attentive unnerving flexed tight spookish spirited irresponsible light-headed harebrained skitterish whimsical combustible flappable volative undependable zippy giddy lightheaded peppy scatterbrained wary dizzy frivolous very nervous unreliable distressing hard worrisome agitating hairy solid tensed firm tightened distressful stretched worrying close inflexible snug extended tightly drawn exciting scary nerve-wracking


(of a person) Making others work hard or meet high standards
demanding perfectionist trying uncompromising clamorous critical dictatorial disapproving fussy importunate intractable judgmental obstinate rigorous strict tiresome tough cavilling difficult exigent fractious hard harsh imperious inflexible insistent nagging overbearing overexacting querulous stringent troublesome unaccommodating unamenable unbending unmanageable caviling cavillous censuring disparaging faultfinding firm hairsplitting hardheaded hypercritical needy obdurate overscrupulous possessive quibbling sticklerish stubborn unflinching unreasonable unsparing carping censorious cynical demeaning serious tyrannical high-maintenance fault-finding hard to please hard to satisfy over-exacting hard-line over-censorious over-particular over-rigorous over-strict unrelenting grim recalcitrant picky boorish rigid hard-nosed argumentative pigheaded fastidious finicky pitiless dissatisfied bearish inexorable irascible opinionated resolute perverse immovable oafish discontented obstreperous refractory grumbly snappy irritable temperamental irritating set in one's ways cantankerous impolite unyielding uptight quarrelsome testy negative choosy dogmatic strong-minded intransigent single-minded rude indomitable wrong-headed bloody-minded opinionative headstrong stiff-necked sour pertinacious steadfast oppressive overcritical delicate disobliging prickly captious sensitive ill-natured crotchety ornery crabby contrarious thrawn uppity touchy finical huffy stroppy froward disputatious chippy obstructive feisty vexed unpredictable balky particular hard to handle invidious bolshie disputative bull-headed contrary cussed ungracious fiendish pedantic pernickety niggling hair-splitting rejective nit-picking pass-remarkable nitpicking pettifogging overnice exacting severe exceptive sarcastic persnickety nice deprecating judgemental criticizing criticising nitpicky trivial thorny unfair unjust peevish very critical petty acrimonious petulant cross tricky punctilious overparticular meticulous scolding humbling diagnostic calumniatory belittling discerning biting discriminating derogatory analytical lowering critic judgy reproachful trenchant sharp cutting penetrating contemptuous choleric condemning withering satirical stern uncontrollable ungovernable unruly incontrollable willful untoward wilful wayward awkward complex insoluble burdensome impossible to cope with out of control out of hand


Lacking energy or alertness
sluggish lethargic inactive dull inert listless lifeless slow torpid unresponsive apathetic languid sleepy unenergetic indolent lazy passive phlegmatic slothful weary dopey drowsy enervated fatigued heavy-eyed idle somnolent tired asthenic bovine dozy heavy lacking in energy neurasthenic quiescent slow-moving sluggardly yawny half asleep logy lymphatic blah comatose down draggy drippy hebetudinous laid-back languorous leaden lumpish mooney off sleepyheaded sluggard slumberous sullen lackadaisical snoozy indifferent spiritless limp slack quiet impassive stagnant stupid supine weak shiftless static flat uninterested languishing stolid sleepyhead yawning otiose moony unconcerned out of it slumbersome unenthusiastic dormant lax dumb thick unintelligent dense witless motionless mindless dim thickheaded doltish nodding obtuse vacuous boneheaded lamebrained dim-witted dunderheaded chuckleheaded exhausted birdbrained energyless fainéant slumbrous still simple unhurried half-witted brainless senseless unsmart cold dopy nebbish asleep dreamy oafish fatuous slow-witted narcotic pinheaded lamebrain bonehead opaque weakened sleeping empty-headed gormless dorky softheaded knuckleheaded airheaded lunkheaded leisurely brain-dead soft bubbleheaded wimpy loafing stupefied numb weak-minded thick-witted feeble flagging dead debilitated lacklustre foolish do-nothing sedentary passionless half-hearted disinterested spent idiotic wooden-headed lackluster blockheaded dotish relaxed insensible vapid laggard soporific easy blahs pining negligent placid out wooden dead from the neck up work-shy half-baked dilatory ignorant faineant dull-witted stuporous blockish pococurante Laodicean lukewarm without energy groggy glaikit divvy unemotional emotionless oscitant droopy unfeeling dry muttonheaded bone idle imbecilic pig-ignorant simple-minded pea-brained moronic insensitive immobile dof latent slow on the uptake somnific benumbed stationary resting faint sickly infirm imperceptive unmoving peaceful hypnotic sedative remiss drained opiate workshy insipid careless uncaring drugged good-for-nothing plodding tedious wearied knackered inattentive tranquil stoical depressed dreary boring sapped easygoing pooped shot shattered beat daft laid back monotonous effete uninspiring vigorless vigourless uninspired hebete lumbering bland tired out worn out silly undemonstrative slow-going somniferous slumbery chowderheaded prosaic crass bloodless somnifacient uninvolved dead tired naive dog-tired characterless cretinous impassible dead beat dispassionate detached uninteresting affectless lacking vitality inane cold-blooded not the full shilling dippy gullible out to lunch lacking energy burned out as thick as two short planks asleep on one's feet subdued dallying lagging procrastinating slow as molasses snail-paced foot-dragging tardy devitalized impaired in the doldrums vegetating stretchy spineless yielding goofy acquiescent submissive servile pliant docile having spring fever bleary-eyed nonmoving imbecile asinine heedless paralyzed sodden paralysed soporous soporose seated desk-bound sitting desk unanimated braindead slumberish plain commonplace unoccupied stale brackish hibernating unproductive slow-paced simpleminded numskulled boorish fatheaded thick-skulled dunce-like fat-headed soft in the head half awake half-awake nodding off unflappable inconscious abstracted anencephalic anencephalous thoughtless tiresome unimaginative wishy-washy unthinking dummy offhand insouciant uncompassionate frigid desensitized deadpan unexcitable shortsighted insensate thick-headed puerile laughable deficient standing aimless vegged out out cold unmoved along for the ride desensitised silent serene smooth unkind coldhearted anaesthetic anesthetic slap-happy casual drony kaput cool uncomprehending dead to the world deactivated slumbering fallow undisturbed calm in abeyance inoperative sentimental romantic slapdash daydreaming incurious laissez-faire halfhearted stoic bear dozing dazed deskbound settled run-of-the-mill easy going restful non-committal bored unagitated gentle unruffled weakening slumping declining unambitious unmotivated thick-skinned spring fever ready for bed half-asleep done in all in at rest log-headed hardly able to keep one's eyes open callous untouched dispirited worn woodenheaded falling failing aweary wasted drab unexciting tuckered could care less don't give a damn what the hell couldn't care less thick as mince rundown ponderous colourless hollow wearisome slow on uptake depleted dead-beat dog-weary ready to drop burned-out worn to a frazzle out on one's feet on your last legs dead-tired bone-weary tuckered out burnt-out out of gas worn-out run-down hulking mechanical expressionless inexpressive pointless cumbersome two-dimensional overgrown lubberly inanimate pabulum nothing colorless lusterless zero prosy elephantine shambling chowderhead lead-footed heavy-footed thick as two short planks


Showing a lack of emotion
blank expressionless vacant impassive deadpan empty inexpressive wooden emotionless inscrutable unexpressive stony dull stolid numb vacuous lifeless catatonic unresponsive fixed glazed hollow inanimate uninterested inane stupid vague immobile masklike meaningless noncommittal uncommunicative poker-faced straight-faced unemotional dispassionate glassy cold dead unreadable indifferent flat distant undemonstrative stoic apathetic absent motionless unfeeling bland remote unimpassioned lacklustre lackluster inert frigid phlegmatic passionless stoical calm affectless impassible faraway nobody home matter-of-fact toneless colourless cold-blooded dazed impenetrable enigmatic uncomprehending vapid insipid cryptic mysterious absent-minded fishy cool insensitive spiritless colorless detached glacial torpid restrained controlled lusterless aloof fish-eyed reserved heartless nonemotional chill icy immovable impersonal nowhere unaffected imperturbable impossible to interpret pokerfaced cool, calm and collected stony-eyed self-controlled unfocused perplexed bemused reactionless glassy-eyed soulless devoid dumb unintelligent unsmiling serious po-faced characterless withdrawn rigid introspective puzzling dreaming dreamy unmoving thoughtless abstracted idle incurious ditzy unthinking unsympathetic devoid of emotion foolish silly daydreaming witless null asleep inhuman benumbed numbed callous anesthetized lukewarm senseless still anaesthetized paralyzed paralysed unexcitable lacking in character enigmatical uncanny mystic occult arcane deep placid sphinxlike heavy lethargic laid back inactive supine dry passive sphinx-like hidden indecipherable unconcerned unfriendly unmoved frosty sober unwelcoming uncaring formal chilly unsentimental businesslike standoffish uncordial gelid antiseptic cold-eyed unflappable disinterested inhospitable uninvolved unapproachable clinical unsociable cold-hearted clammy stand-offish unruffled brittle collected hard-eyed neutral unbending offish hostile rational level-headed hard-headed listless composed serene forbidding reticent objective thick-skinned impartial unenthusiastic hard-hearted impervious austere equable tranquil haughty wintry unclubbable antisocial asocial standoff prosaic stony-hearted solitary blah hard-boiled wintery uncompassionate buttoned-up logical unloving self-contained coldish frozen arctic insensible unfazed taciturn nonchalant ruthless down-to-earth unimpressed merciless offhand disdainful unperturbed hardened practical realistic plain supercilious pragmatic quiet mundane sensible uncharitable obdurate annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent straightforward unvarnished no-nonsense unembellished literal unimaginative factual sluggish severe hard laid-back uncongenial nonplussed heedless heedless of unsocial commonsensical starchy stern desensitized oblivious to hardhearted hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative unadorned candid equal tough abstract unkind prosy non-emotional insensate humdrum pedestrian desensitised unembroidered undistorted exact unidealistic straight-thinking along for the ride with both feet on the ground sangfroid analytic uncurious reptilian unaffectionate contained enduring resigned philosophic indomitable half-hearted negative tepid ice-cold stone-faced removed close unforthcoming secretive guarded cool-headed bovine off unagitated steely Olympian unenthused unimpressionable fierce groggy lymphatic untouched coldhearted marble muted unstirred unamicable ungenial unimpressible insusceptible inimical antagonistic inapproachable dry-eyed undismayed untroubled false insincere fake unaffable unrevealing sedate indurated inexcitable unworried inaccessible contemptuous withering seclusive unneighbourly uncompanionable stilted oblivious going with the flow rolling with the punches cold-faced ardorless inhibited repellent cold-shoulder loveless impotent unromantic immune unhappy hateful unneighborly depressing bureaucratic resolute unmindful featureless uncolored strictly business straight depersonalised faceless cold turkey unpassioned careful depersonalized gray grey measured nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic immune to impervious to stubborn unyielding feigned unmindful of proof against deaf to pitiless static cruel drab unexciting tedious temperate inhumane dreary slow boring monotonous wearisome nonpassionate brutal harsh unflustered unpassionate mechanical uninspired pointless lacking vitality analytical moderate scientific unpitying compassionless unforgiving indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing sadistic slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted unexcited uninspiring two-dimensional hard-nosed iceberg cold fish crotchety surly cantankerous unempathetic with a heart of stone feelingless exacting unamiable churlish sensationless deadened draggy slothful pabulum nothing uninteresting zero spent self-possessed unconcerned about unbiased equitable cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less offhand about uninvolved with apathetic towards casual about nonpartisan apathetic about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about unprejudiced insouciant uninvolved in careless uninterested in faithful naked truthful accurate feasible frivolous about bored by evenhanded just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of fair careless of cavalier about square pococurante unresponsive to inattentive weary of lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned unenthusiastic about blasé unaroused diffident highbrow scornful silent superior not giving a monkey's


An individual who provides labor to a company or another person
employee worker hand laborer labourer hireling workman personnel artisan employe jobholder representative retainer staff underling workhand agent apprentice assistant attendant breadwinner clerk cog help operative operator resource workforce workhorse dogsbody domestic member peon proletarian salesperson serf servant slave toiler hired hand staff member hired help hired man hired person job-holder member of staff wage-earner blue-collar worker wage earner white-collar worker blue collar white collar member of the workforce sales help company person hired gun human resource working man working person working woman working stiff desk jockey foot soldier pink collar cog in the wheel craftsman journeyman tradesman mechanical craftswoman peasant nine-to-fiver craftsperson trader tradesperson mechanic manual worker machinist supporter helper roustabout artificer technician drudge navvy aide provider driver khalasi rouseabout mazdoor engineer unskilled worker labor labour manpower earner manual laborer machine minder income producer one who brings home the bacon workwoman handler conductor subordinate farmhand talent person man helpmate hack prentice machine operator skilled employee right-hand person factory worker human capital menial maistry meal ticket cottar cottier kanaka labouring man supervisee ganger handicraftsman digger hodman human resources operant mechanician practitioner controller specialist day labourer crusader campaigner workingwoman workingman grunt participant workperson fitter mech mainstay benefactor billpayer rouster dockworker longshoreman docker stevedore dockhand managee insider crewman sailor deckhand engineering officer wageworker staffer wage slave salaried worker factory hand outfit band pool party colleague abettor collaborator deputy mate adjutant partner ally migrant worker one of the in-crowd person in the know plug soldier working girl field hand farm worker sidekick lieutenant junior aid right-hand woman right-hand man man Friday gal Friday girl Friday


A vagrant
bum tramp vagrant vagabond hobo derelict drifter sundowner swagman beachcomber down-and-out itinerant traveler traveller wanderer bagman beggar bummer mendicant outcast pariah swaggie crusty derro dosser homeless person streety bindle bindle stiff floater gutterpup guttersnipe transient bag lady good for nothing black sheep person of no fixed address good-for-nothing slacker no-goodnik no-account no-good ne'er-do-well do-nothing wastrel down and out renegade castaway stumblebum grifter dawdler knight of the road person of no fixed abode skidrow bum pauper loafer knockabout rolling stone bird of passage layabout idler overlander whaler nomad bindlestiff outie have-not wayfarer rover gypsy waster shirker skiver sluggard slugabed lazybones bludger bankrupt poor person street person scrounger indigent cadger slob migrant drone roamer panhandler rambler scoundrel rascal lounger malingerer laggard rogue stroller gadabout loser piker maunderer wino scalawag insolvent unemployed person job-seeker villain pikey poor unemployed needy destitute homeless dropout hitchhiker ne'er do well down-and-outer scally goof-off shiftless incompetent worthless bag person displaced person shopping-bag lady shopping-bag person gold brick beggarwoman beggarman sponger mooch schnorrer freeloader supplicant moocher starveling clochard quandong rustler supplicator deadbeat borrower asker palliard spanger profligate scrimshanker scapegrace rapscallion lead-swinger street dweller scamp explorer pilgrim couch potato bad lot


Someone who believes in or is perceived as believing in rule by an elite group


To treat or regard with rudeness or contempt
snub ignore slight cut cold-shoulder stiff-arm high-hat disdain spurn scorn rebuff cut dead freeze out give the cold shoulder give someone the brush-off give someone the go-by shun blank knock back look right through give the brush repulse ostracize disregard snoot scout misprize ostracise brush off treat disrespectfully take no notice of look down upon not give time of day send to Coventry turn your back on look down on sniff at straight-arm contemn disrespect dis diss look past pooh-pooh steer clear of avoid snout give the bum's rush pretend not to see look straight through someone reject show disrespect for show disrespect turn deaf ear to turn one's back on blink at make light of treat with contempt give the cold shoulder to sneeze at shrug off humiliate insult affront humble shame mortify put down slur chill ice duck neglect upstage scratch offend censure coldshoulder scold snob boycott rebuke cool swank burr act cool pass up ice out look coldly upon kick in the teeth give the brushoff give someone a slap in the face put the chill on keep someone at arm's length look right through someone exclude repudiate refuse blacklist blackball shut out turn down dismiss decline have nothing to do with repel debar cut someone dead cut someone cold expel veto give a wide berth to bar tell someone where to get off ban keep away from embargo disallow jilt desert excommunicate forsake pass by banish leave out in the cold evade discourage resist hand someone the frozen mitt ward off hold off keep at bay eschew bilk fight shy of shy away from recoil from leave alone stave off beat off vote against keep clear of discount keep at a distance keep at arm's length disfellowship stay away from shrink from fend off black cut off proscribe disown prohibit outlaw scoff at cast aside balk at place an embargo on brush aside look straight through sail by abandon walk by leave behind put behind you give somebody the cold shoulder fight off avert keep away rebut deflect deter reluct drive away dodge elude shirk look through give a pain preclude be exclusive of not be inclusive of other not include turn aside keep off parry drive back hold at bay sneer at keep one's distance from hide from rule out turn nose up at turn your nose up at hold in contempt deprecate denigrate diminish deny check refuse to employ thumbs down consider undesirable put an embargo on hit list put on hit list disparage discredit interdict make unwelcome ditch turn up one's nose disclaim discard strike oppose reprove chide cross withhold patronage remove oust stay clear of abstain from leave in the cold tell someone to get lost wash one's hands of impose sanctions hold aloof from refrain from refuse to take part in stay shy of have no part in stand aloof from give the runaround turn back on turn away from put off push back send away tell off not touch give a wide berth keep your distance from have no part of shy from sweep aside nix down negative kill evict cashier drum out not hear of lash out at body-swerve shake off palm off throw out put in one's place renounce get rid of force out shoot down drop abjure abnegate unfollow unfriend despise burn keep out cast out kick someone in the teeth leave off give someone the big E give someone the air not buy break with have nothing more to do with bin off give someone the push swear off give the elbow


To cheat, con or rob by the use of trickery or threats
cheat bilk con defraud fleece hustle swindle diddle gyp hose screw short shortchange sucker bleed do fiddle flimflam gaff skin squeeze stick sting victimise victimize chisel chouse cozen euchre mulct nobble ream rook skunk thimblerig do in rip off shake down pluck beat deceive trick dupe bamboozle hoodwink take for a ride gull fool mislead scam hoax shaft delude take to the cleaners snooker pull a fast one on double-cross finagle hornswoggle put one over on burn beguile string along exploit bunco have take advantage of take in pull a swifty on snow swizzle sell a pup to bluff sharp humbug clip chicane milk misguide have on gouge suck in misinform spoof sandbag rob entrap fake out outwit buffalo gammon juggle catch overcharge gazump lead up the garden path kid pull a fast one rush embezzle steal goldbrick inveigle short-change sell a bill of goods to sell stitch up lead on give someone a bum steer illude sell a pup overreach outmanoeuvre rope in do the dirty on outmaneuver do a number on soak swizz set up extort ensnare take seduce betray screw over jerk around sell down the river take someone for a ride circumvent fake double-deal pull one's leg do out of pull the wool over somebody's eyes wring fudge trim plunder despoil shuck wheedle manipulate pilfer thwart give the shaft put one over on someone pull a fast one on someone disappoint run a game on gip suck dry sell a bill of goods outfox trap jive take to cleaners catch out make a fool of put on do someone in the eye pull fast one pull the wool over someone's eyes throw dust in someone's eyes pull something have someone on dodge duck weasel rip-off cop out worm one's way out of slip out beat around the bush jiggle fraud penalise punish penalize baulk fine balk forfeit extract grift surcharge pigeon frame bilk of filch blackmail pauperize impoverish wrest expel force wrench play dispossess ruin frustrate foil welsh strong-arm abuse heist use put the screws to befool suck the life out of outsmart be sold a pup stump cajole lure coax baffle dust juke prey on charge too much bleed dry lead somebody down the garden path fox throw disinform fix flam take to the cleaner's do number on sucker into sweet-talk extortion pad overtax nick lead one down the garden path get the better of pull someone's leg make a sucker of pull the wool over one's eyes play for a fool take someone in pull wool over double deal hocus-pocus jockey contrive sway hook falsify cuckold play-act play a trick on tear from bleed someone of something wangle impress impose upon take for play away cross up step out lie to play joke on beat out of take for ride bias gaslight rook out of steal someone blind con out of pull wires play games twist around your little finger stage-manage pull strings cross lirt blench rogue belirt crib fast talk take out give bum steer break the rules lie entice lead astray tempt misrepresent fabricate bait distort decoy mousetrap prevaricate manoeuvre maneuver pervert misstate allure outslick confuse outthink defeat impose on misdirect bewilder throw off the scent put on the wrong track two-time equivocate caboodle solicit persuade sell out induce let down outjockey outplay pretend outdo belie steer steal a march on outguess top outgeneral fib goose worst jip cap pull somebody's leg corrupt four-flush mistreat lead down the garden path exaggerate put on an act perjure palter lead up garden path stretch the truth end run figure out be economical with the truth send on a wild goose chase trump up play false be disloyal to break faith with be unfaithful to entangle joke stab in the back fail soft-soap enmesh woo play games with doublespeak propagandize snare give the wrong impression trifle with play with propagandise mock twist banter jolly feign alter slant garble butter up out-think dissimulate cover up double-talk doctor warp change cook dissemble put on false front invent misreport misinterpret massage misrelate bend color colour play trick on bait and switch give wrong information to put up smoke screen talk into forswear tamper with pull wool over eyes run rings round tell stories tell a lie depart from the truth make up a story bear false witness commit perjury not tell the truth fake it tell untruths be cleverer than make rings round wrong steer invent a story put a spin on phony up promote forswear yourself tell a terminological inexactitude put one over mess around deprive impose troll make a monkey of make somebody look an idiot do someone dirty lead off deke tease stretch the rules bend the rules pull something funny stack the cards hit below the belt pull in sell someone down the river slip something over on defy bunk sham flirt trifle dally toy coquet enchant entrance charm attract blag wanton elude rebel against disobey outperform wind up hypnotize bewitch dazzle blind mesmerize captivate spellbind put something over on trip up play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy win over pass off psych out play a practical joke on challenge play dirty give the runaround cuck send on a wild-goose chase best overcome make a fool of somebody catfish toy with dally with hypnotise mesmerise shave finesse fit up go one better than put someone up to something cuckoldize make use of lay a trap for lie under oath swear falsely play for a sucker string someone along fascinate distract toll ensorcell tout shill wile speak with forked tongue create fiction plant shovel concoct tell a fib make up tell a little white lie engineer backstab horn put horns on hornify split come on egg one on draw edge manage work negotiate ease invite pull ingratiate net play fast and loose with bribe yuck yuk jest jape fun josh quip gag wisecrack chaff capture prejudice pressure press spin disguise skew come on to sweep off one's feet rag ridicule bother bag immesh implicate embroil mesh ensnarl entoil tangle wind interfere with tinker with melt decline curve writhe slump angle gnarl put one on collapse deteriorate knot take out of context quote out of context crush whitewash sag make out like deviate misconstrue blandish flatter land blarney involve catch up betrap benet forge patronise capitalize on misuse profit from step on walk all over treat lightly play on take liberties with cash in on maltreat ill-use leverage trade on control target patronize play someone for a sucker use for one's own ends palaver make sport of poke fun at make fun of yank somebody's chain counterfeit urge get round bootlick soften stroke crowd tantalize oil prevail on push influence brownnose soap reel in lay for box in set a trap for misspeak tantalise adulterate bull overdraw misinstruct tell an untruth tell a falsehood embroider debase rub the right way work over make up to suck up to play up to get next to get around lay it on thick build up spread it on hand a line work on sweeten up argue into apple polish be untruthful concoct a story not speak the truth break promise forswear oneself say something untrue perjure oneself be forsworn embellish vitiate BS frame someone perjure yourself lie through one's teeth make believe lack candor put up a front tell a white lie contravene salt dress up rig misquote traverse gloss deacon contort frame up


To kill off or put an end to someone or something
dispatch kill murder slay assassinate execute liquidate terminate croak destroy ice eliminate slaughter whack off massacre butcher exterminate neutralise neutralize annihilate snuff waste eradicate get top erase smoke claim fell scrag take zap do in take out bump off rub out knock off wipe out finish off put to death put away do away with cut down blow away do to death mow down shoot down take the life of end the life of snuff out polish off carry off put an end to take someone's life give someone the works terminate with extreme prejudice put end to dispose of do for decimate extirpate make away with cut to pieces put down cause the death of get rid of finish down put to sleep hit guillotine blot out abolish obliterate wax lynch hang end silence garrotte asphyxiate strangle garrote cancel blackball crucify remove extinguish nix immolate behead shoot expunge electrocute decapitate put to the sword wipe from the face of the earth blow someone's brains out knock someone off wipe off the face of the earth grease vaporise purge vaporize smite suffocate sacrifice efface gun down deep-six discard drop rub someone out blast see the back of ethnically cleanse sweep away send to the gas chambers stamp out send to kingdom come clean up root out black out stone murk send to the chair stone to death send to the gas chamber put before a firing squad send to the gibbet string up send to the electric chair gas send to the gallows smother garotte defeat cool chill do knife drag scratch clear away take down sterilize sterilise exclude drag down dust off take a life quash annul nullify abate delete strike down void invalidate negate abrogate undo rescind demolish disannul revoke repeal raze vacate countermand ruin squash axe avoid scrub null devastate ax reverse smash total roll back dissolve excise kill off retract withdraw crush put paid to wipe off the map wreck set aside vitiate shatter declare null and void nuke recall trash obviate render invalid wash out blue pencil render null and void euthanize desolate bring down take care of overturn overrule cross out cut suppress strike out torpedo bring to an end bag blank out quell X-out cut out put out of its misery cancel out stretch out overcome pulverize choke head overwhelm wrack cream stop abort overthrow pulverise put a stop to scrap blue-pencil tear down neck pull down override veto repudiate trim gut dele score out strike dust ink out make void discharge KO call off put a line through cast aside incapacitate mutilate lop squelch incinerate decollate obscure overpower gibbet put out beat uproot burn scratch out bowdlerize conquer exsect edit out blow take away sink amputate take back renege edit censor discontinue hang by the neck elide bowdlerise launder dispense with dump put the lid on declare invalid backpedal dismantle lift renig cut off the head of give something the chop put somebody out of their misery block out weed out remove all traces of bring to the block X out banish fix cause to die stun stab clear bowstring fry poison depopulate bomb mass murder carry someone off kill in cold blood clobber kayo disable maim vanquish stick torture mangle rout benothing declare plug pot break off redact wipe off worst carry out a sentence of death on disallow get off the hook cut off somebody's head best blank blot scrape off weasel out opt out stand down throw over back out worm out burn away deprive rule against string someone up cork up hush up watergate bottle up shut down put damper on disclaim call abandon renounce recant omit take off douse quench disown dismiss deny black abjure counterorder forswear expurgate pump full of lead pick off put a bullet in ditch drive to the wall move in for the kill junk cry off back out of x out stroke out call back white out cost make swing downstroy hunt down shed cross through counteract blow up disrupt jettison administer the coup de grâce make ineffective countervail rebut give the coup de grâce throw out turf upset level subvert contravene countercheck frustrate ding break with impugn traverse stonewall cross oppose belie turn thumbs down disprove redress turn down fly in the face of counterbalance restrict compensate limit forget it nig bring to naught call all bets off confine offset cull cover ravage check chop blow out dampen exscind slash deracinate cause the loss of result in the loss of cause the sacrifice of lead to the end of knock out wipe off face of earth blow to bits blow sky-high mark out destroy root and branch take apart rub off close down supersede disestablish prohibit put kibosh on inhibit knock something on the head put the kibosh on mop up clear up deal with thin out scissor out cut up lop off turn out detect stub out damp down account for strangulate throttle stifle thin out the population of reduce the numbers of put out of action make an end of truncate offer constrict drown put on the block chop off one's head offer up protest offer as a sacrifice commit suicide make an offering of choke to death kill as a sacrifice


To frighten or cause fear in
scarify scare frighten terrify alarm startle panic shock terrorise terrorize horrify spook affright petrify fright alarum intimidate unnerve daunt agitate dismay appal appall awe disconcert perturb chill cow browbeat disquiet discomfort deter bulldoze astound demoralise demoralize disburb discourage dishearten faze repel unhinge worry silly scare to death strike terror into scare away curdle the blood scare off make teeth chatter chill to the bone make blood run cold make one's blood run cold scare the daylights out of make one's hair stand on end unman shake fluster ruffle disturb rattle throw into panic scare witless scare stiff upset scare the bejesus out of freeze your blood fill with fear throw into a panic give someone goose pimples get the wind up put the wind up put the fear of God into make someone jump out of their skin scare the pants off scare the living daylights out of make your hair stand on end scare someone half to death scare someone out of their wits throw into a fright make one's flesh creep give someone the heebie-jeebies make your blood run cold throw into a blue funk give one the creeps chill someone to the marrow bully unsettle bother distress trouble discompose put off threaten hector overawe confound throw torment harass abash buffalo menace subdue coerce distract badger vex discomfit make nervous freak out confuse persecute get to perplex bewilder harry strong-arm depress shake up mau-mau concern psych out surprise pester tyrannize pressurize oppress throw off balance pick on lean on dragoon amaze consternate bludgeon plague blackjack take aback ail fuss bullyrag frazzle flurry derail distemper bogart hagride undo tyrannise annoy bluster pressurise stun weird out afflict irk push around pressure stupefy nonplus force inhibit give someone a turn domineer compel hound discountenance sicken railroad put the wind up someone frighten the living daylights out of exercise discombobulate enforce irritate make anxious drive away chase off warn off dispirit frighten to death paralyse jolt psych make jump astonish frighten the life out of disgust paralyze make afraid frustrate floor outrage embarrass frighten away disappoint overwhelm warn flummox hassle make someone's blood run cold bug make uneasy fret give a turn pother goad overbear walk heavy use strong-arm tactics on impress frighten someone out of their wits scare the life out of scare the hell out of give someone a fright send into a cold sweat dissuade haunt sadden make someone shake in their shoes make someone's hair stand on end revolt deject ride victimize chill someone's blood make someone's hair curl scandalize flabbergast dash dumbfound showboat fill with terror mystify hinder caution oblige offend constrain puzzle put someone off their stroke grieve victimise needle subjugate nauseate beset daze throw into a tizz scare silly aggrieve nag scandalise abuse tease throw into a tizzy push mistreat stir up frighten out of your wits bedevil issue threats to push about indispose torture despotize intrude interfere try ride roughshod over make waves scare the pants off of talk out of put heat on turn on the heat mess with someone's head repress do someone's head in give a hard time deprecate put a damper on outface stare down outstare put off balance stand up to freeze paralyse with fear insult transfix freak frighten off strike fear into incommode work up spring stagger chill to the marrow chill off make fearful stampede excite psych someone out immobilize unquiet make your flesh creep baffle destabilize unbalance take someone aback give someone a jolt give a shock benumb numb immobilise make one's teeth chatter make restless make fretful spring something on move make someone's flesh crawl scare the living daylights out of someone make someone jump out of his skin mortify blind destabilise knock for a loop gross out muddle derange harrow addle throw into disarray traumatize jar rouse pique complicate arouse pain tire provoke gall put chill on enthrall strike hotdog grandstand dazzle enthral traumatise unstring fill with panic put out castigate distress greatly rattle one's cage put someone off their stride put out of countenance blind someone with something stress burn up repulse take someone's breath away put off one's stroke pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under tax get in the way crush roust strain press disillusion chagrin throw a curve knock props out besiege burden despair beleaguer strike terror in hustle prod brainwash put through the wringer lord it over twist somebody's arm boss around put the chill on boss about disgruntle disenchant persuade influence cast down steamroller heckle bait accost pursue discommode molest encroach obtrude break in interrupt weigh down test importune chafe snafu let down make despondent make downhearted blow away knock socks off maltreat tyrranize tantalize dun tear tantalise ride roughshod fast-talk put the squeeze on put pressure on prevail on put the screws on bring pressure to bear on put under an obligation act on press-gang work on use pressure on inspire panic in disarm make worried knock sideways cause anxiety to disparage dampen someone's hopes prostrate droop cause to lose heart break one's heart dampen weigh beat down give someone the creeps dominate manhandle flush sweat out weigh heavily on one's mind gnaw at lie heavy on be a great weight on put the frighteners on mess up fill with consternation foul up screw up knock for six louse up muck up misuse overpower displease make things hot for someone make it hot for someone hurt anger inconvenience twist someone's arm uncalm undermine weaken enfeeble sap enervate mishandle brutalize brutalise snarl comminate fulminate blackmail admonish scowl forewarn growl be repugnant to make someone want to throw up be distasteful to make shudder make someone's gorge rise peeve put down be cruel to walk all over kick around play the heavy with treat harshly ill-use ill-treat mess over be brutal to venture peril jeopard adventure jeopardize imperil risk compromise endanger hazard wound nark miff throw off bowl over put into a flap set back turn incapacitate flip craze cramp debilitate get at fire up wind up egg on tick off flip out make threats against threaten to harm flex muscles look daggers shake fist at make threat threaten to kill make threats to cause someone to lose their composure get someone bum out get across turn on hack off lay up key up portend jeopardise gamble with impend lower loom bad-eye rock the boat make a scene give someone grief get on someone's wick hurt somebody's feelings prevent whip around utter threats to check scare hell out of curb stop avert suppress obstruct disadvise quiet stave off turn off ward off keep back impede disfavour withhold control disfavor oppose fend off restrain pour cold water on put a stop to hold back divert throw cold water on hold off


To steal
rob burgle loot raid sack pillage plunder ransack burglarise burglarize do mug reave rifle spoil steal from steam break into hold up turn over knock off stick up despoil ravage devastate maraud depredate spoliate strip gut lay waste rape ruin destroy desolate waste desecrate fleece harry devour forage wreak havoc on vandalize grab demolish attack appropriate vandalise rip off smash and grab denude ravish wreck take raze requisition liberate lift loft salvage relieve level lay waste to havoc moonlight requisition pirate annihilate prey foray wreak havoc pull a gun on steal assail assault hit dispossess deprive prowl kip burn freeboot reive depopulate tear apart clean out burst into arrogate invade confiscate embezzle trespass knock over make a raid on purse-snatch boost swipe snatch make thieve clear out do over tip over damage shatter scourge wipe out leave desolate rustle wrest exterminate crush trample cream sweep away seize consume stamp out smash dismantle prostrate overwhelm extinguish disorganize impair pull down sink capture trash disrupt leave in ruins overrun break up total overthrow defile decimate pulverize wrack violate nuke vaporize pulverise vaporise tear down do in rub out abuse compromise flatten deface debase mess up take apart obliterate empty out molest maraud over deceive corrupt betray make desolate empty harass lay low wipe off map raze to the ground do one in go pillaging go looting reduce go on forays go on raids picaroon profane dishonour pollute contaminate mar injure harm blaspheme pervert blemish disfigure scar befoul commit sacrilege infect degrade flaw blight upset blow dishonor treat sacrilegiously prostitute insult outrage hurt vitiate undo bloody crab break endamage cripple crool disfeature treat with disrespect blaspheme against screw up cross up make useless be a blot on the landscape prejudice disgrace put a damper on blot squash make lose face commit sacrilege against

Antonino de a stiff

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