Sinónimo de a tiger by the tail


An obsessional enthusiasm or liking
mania obsession preoccupation fetish fixation passion craving craze desire enthusiasm thing compulsion rage fad fascination fetich prepossession urge cacoethes idée fixe partiality yen bee bug craziness disorder fancy fashion fever furore furor grabber hang-up infatuation love monomania tiger fixed idea ax to grind bee in your bonnet bug in ear something on the brain complex neurosis hobbyhorse phobia attraction addiction crush delusion monkey case phantom must ruling passion consuming passion pet subject one-track mind concrete idea captivation yearning fondness enchantment lust affection weakness longing zeal need hankering ardor adoration drive ardour interest liking enthrallment penchant predilection besottedness thirst inclination pining want amorousness appetite aspiration wish strong interest impulse engrossment adulation taste ache relish motivation puppy love mash propensity proclivity fanaticism admiration jones hunger pet topic fervor dream absorption pull keenness soft spot burning yearn will concentration necessity appetency hobby preoccupation with mania for obsession with intentness beguilement involvement bias engagement occupation pastime raptness prejudice leaning deep affection fervour pash thing for hope rapture King Charles' head immersion ambition feelings passing fancy white whale pursuit itch care favorite subject preference devotion goal calf love aching hots eagerness thirstiness concern fixedness paranoia feverishness obsessiveness hobby-horse attention keen interest worry niggle susceptibility demand single-mindedness tunnel vision regard doting hungering determination panting letch emotions sentiment distraction lusting envy affinity holding needfulness covetousness excitement entanglement overenthusiasm obsessive compulsion irresistible impulse amour reverence devotedness lovingness enamoredness charm objective requirement allure intent magnetism lure disposition purpose temptation urgency requisite appeal magic attractiveness glamour adoration of folly devotion to foolishness penchant for regard for fondness for feeling for love for desire for madness passion for predisposition essential motive aim endeavour endeavor fire in the belly whim impetus seductiveness glamor charisma oomph pizzazz allurement pizazz spell intrigue duende witchery impulsion fixation with thing about hang-up about craze for addiction to crush on idolization endearment draw sorcery animal magnetism piquancy trance witchcraft force field power pzazz veneration eros flame torch beguin romantic feelings love affair


Compelling or being compelled
compulsion constraint force pressure coercion duress obligation arm-twisting demand enforcement intimidation oppression pressurisation pressurization urgency craving driving duty engrossment exigency hang-up monkey preoccupation prepossession force majeure have on the brain threats exaction harassment influence violence insistence persuasion threat extortion requirement strong arm impulsion strong arm tactics spur necessity hardship control provocation entreaty badgering pestering nagging goading harrying foul play conscience sway power pains conscription goad blackmail shakedown impelling bullying menacing extraction rapacity browbeating threatening squeezing squeeze entrapment menace strong-arming strong-arm tactic strong-arm tactics demanding money with menaces administration imposition application prosecution implementation execution discharge fulfilment administering carrying out pursuance reinforcement effectuation whip necessitation lash enforcing putting into practice martial law prescription fulfilling compulsory law fulfillment terrorization hounding scare tactics terrifying scaring tyrannization subduing railroading steamrollering cyberbullying reign of terror warning ambush terrorism fulmination commination domineering fearmongering thunder scare tactic maltreatment victimisation mistreatment victimization pressuring pressurizing unnerving cowing tormenting frightening persecution plaguing menaces terrorizing daunting fear bulldozing demoralizing demoralising terrorising pressurising

Antonino de a tiger by the tail

Music ♫

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