Sinónimo de actual act


Something done
deed action exploit feat operation performance doing move undertaking achievement accomplishment step gesture maneuver manoeuvre effort enterprise execution exertion stroke venture blow stunt something done activity exercise work procedure project process pursuit affair endeavor endeavour proceeding movement task measure attainment caper implementation campaign thing programme coup program motion handiwork triumph engagement scheme adventure job business initiative plan play course of action stratagem trick assignment realization tour de force crusade success attempt mission fulfillment fulfilment realisation antic master stroke technique consummation routine deal actualization try charge production carrying out expedient strategy number tactic shift course shot escapade cause fruition post coordination gesticulation quest enactment creation happening acquirement actuality mechanics mechanism expedition fling romp conquest commission duty game brief concern function essay responsibility purpose conclusion form style approach matter positive result stroke of genius aspiration tack means proposal workings fashion artistry art gambit chance démarche victory idea development agency delivery doings shifting suggestion experience stir detail do ballgame transaction proposition gest winning completion result event product masterpiece bit proceedings baby plunge experiment stake flutter exploration lark conception follow through big idea investment gamble setup hazard speculation errand trade crack go risk ambition chore contribution contract ground plan game plan trial role application locomotion obligation heroic act stab stint pet project burden leap in the dark aim province intention convention acrobatic ploy occupation drill dodge pass finish stirring opus ruse dealings deployment maneuvering maneuvers manoeuvres machination time bid progress labour opportunity masterstroke bringing about moves episode method flier flyer emprise spree manoeuvring signal sign labor feats exploits machinations operations assay throw peril wager jeopardy crapshoot voyage geste successful manoeuvre complete success act of genius outfit interest manner test spec gestures deeds enactments methods approaches position capacity wheeze business enterprise behavior conduct behaviour control whack bash taskwork devoir tour of duty piece of work care rendering processes daring act practice part bag striving exercising plan of action actions strokes undertakings drive office place effectuation goal push inning stopgap resort device makeshift blows prosecution engineering objective lobby happenin' byplay securing employment close discharge concluding effecting finishing reaching perpetration reification procurement pursuance closing fulfilling mantle putting into practice wish habit custom hope pretension tradition use ideal ritual piece of business racket holy grail discipline target enjoyment desire gig intent demonstration completing gaining legerdemain hand situation appeal organization mobilization legal action polishing off successful resolution winding up carrying through successful completion successful consummation successful fulfillment successful finalization sewing up successful execution successful conclusion acquisition contrivance hit negotiation go-down dedication battle bandwagon struggle commitment prestidigitation juggle magic posture job title piece guise station bargain design promotion fight war impetus end product juggernaut organisation mobilisation output brainchild handicraft invention feather in cap agreement magic trick innovation sale arrangement pact bond compact treaty sleight of hand hocus-pocus smoke and mirrors article origination concoction formulation genesis occurrence settlement set of tactics finished product end result outgrowth final product aftereffect yield outcome consequence fruit by-product corollary upshot final result aftermath derivative offshoot offspring purchasing disposal intercourse covenant buying selling business deal purchase


A rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority
law bill decree enactment statute ordinance resolution edict measure dictate dictum fiat ruling canon command commandment constitution judgement mandate proclamation rule stipulation direction legislation pronunciamento requirement ukase Act of Parliament amendment announcement clause code commitment judgment order subpoena summons verdict warrant writ legislative document piece of legislation regulation directive pronouncement injunction precept diktat demand instruction prescript by-law behest decretum imperative promulgation charge bylaw guideline prescription motion reg covenant proposal proposition assize criterion word decretal rescript principle guide bidding do ratification manifesto foundation authorization authorisation standard lawmaking declaration bull irade firman precedent project ipse dixit sanction rap charging say procedure the word the riot act propriety decorum brocard etiquette no-nos ground rule Bible numbers book parameter no-no court order petition chapter and verse standing order creation establishment custom requisition exhortation request draft law proposed legislation act of parliament imposition ultimatum hest obligation will proposed act written law interdiction ordering exaction dictation call briefing notification say-so devoir adjuration statement instrument of government projected law instrument formula tenet credo belief creed maxim ethic decalogue practice institute doctrine fundamental postulate cause notice convention axiom reason equity divestiture garnishment generalization decision generalisation mitzvah exigency ground principium truth caveat base acts charters regulations statutes rules rulings bills enactments charter ordinances measures codification jurisprudence due process guidelines laws lawgiving legislature kaupapa body of laws body of law legal code assertion permission publication communication broadcast okay green light enjoinment ban licence public statement authority license consent bulletin report accreditation message advice go-ahead carte blanche process document encyclical memorandum commission memo desire embargo recommendation invitation wish restriction papal decree penalty prohibition dogma boycott approval permit endorsement official statement empowerment agreement clearance allowance sentence support leave sufferance action concurrence granting right credentials written order verification thumbs up coercive measure punitive measure affirmation guidance insistence suggestion admonition prompting solicitation enjoinder saying information monition working principle byword motto ordainment beck bar preception teaching signal prompt cue code of laws official sanction delegation appeal plea expressed desire spreading publicizing transmission propagation circulation dissemination calling bell cry invocation beck and call divulgence reporting release broadcasting prediction intimation publishing advertisement expression revelation news annunciation disclosure exposition recitation narration tip-off high sign blank check programme policy program dispatch communiqué exposing arraignment indictment punishment deterrent advisory article interdict policy statement penalization exclusion discipline retribution correction public notice security citation TRO paper replevin tariff barrier publicising papers pledge warranty official document punitive action coercive measures testimonial passport certificate guarantee credential authentication claim form habeas corpus subpoena ad testificandum temporary restraining order assent acceptance acquiescence dispensation access countenance blessing backing approbation privilege freedom power entitlement exemption prerogative validation confirmation tolerance discretion admission avowal concession liberty acknowledgment condonance impunity blank cheque pass acknowledgement endorsation green-light stamp of approval no objection all clear free rein condonation seal OK admittance sanctification rubber stamp latitude run nod seal of approval free hand toleration O.K. say so imprimatur passage


A display of behavior, usually meant to deceive
front show pose pretence facade fake posture sham affectation charade guise masquerade feigning appearance attitude bluff counterfeit display dissimulation performance disguise façade hoax posturing pretense semblance shamming stance subterfuge veneer airs dissemblance fabrication falsification playacting posing chaser con dissimilation feint hamming phoney phony ploy simulation stall a put-on a put-up job false display false front make-believe soft soap sweet talk play-acting put-on shuck and jive mask veil cloak face cover air deception fakery pretension look illusion faking exterior imitation trick smokescreen impression simulacrum artifice gloss pretentiousness false show acting window dressing image ostentation insincerity hokum mien camouflage color screen colour outward appearance parody false colors deceit expression bearing travesty schtick carriage aspect cover-up attitudinizing role demeanour false pretense mannerism demeanor pretext dumb act false appearance pageant showing impersonation humbug trickery public image manner affectedness misrepresentation invention routine artificiality shuffling stunt garb evasion snivel countenance disguisement phoniness coloring double-dealing window-dressing figure imposture colouring ruse snobbery pretensions inflation grandiosity superciliousness exaggeration side likeness covering aura snootiness uppishness dress self-deception fig leaf red herring airs and graces going Hollywood put-up job smoke screen showing off assumed manners putting on an act unnatural imitation putting on airs farce pantomime mockery presentation shell outside layer mimicry parade stand excuse character falsehood suggestion comportment blind light deportment mummery claim effect forgery personality identity part profession personation revel costume masking jive lie dissembling flimflam outward show portrayal presence false colours burlesque sell spoof fiction smoke address form self beard regard approximation fakeness frontage personage person arrogance name resemblance set persona public face assumed role port similitude alikeness seeming mood similarity affinity feel feeling snow job shroud smoke and mirrors curtain mantle scheme manifestation hood wraps manoeuvre stratagem shield maneuver whitewash machination cast outward shape blanket coverture penumbra pall cope concealment outline shade surface pretending bluffing hoaxing visage profile false face robe outward display mere façade coverup envelope spectre specter spectacle mode fraud attractive appearance PR delusion device contrivance move codology kidology disguising closeting jiving snow avatar depiction expedient dodge wile smoke-screen mere show quality public perception public conception external appearance outward form varnish showmanship eyewash property public impression characteristic flavour flavor feature surface show packaging essence trait complexion atmosphere ambience tone attribute stamp smell spirit


A set performance
routine performance number piece show turn presentation sketch bit production gig schtick shtick skit song dance entertainment item playlet curtain gag introduction play spectacle drama concert staging burlesque matinee recital trick composition cabaret comedy stage show public performance theatrical performance line scene recitation party piece spoof travesty parody tragedy feat stunt exploit farce take-off pastiche takeoff satire opus work deed tune track entertaining extravaganza send-up sendup pasquinade squib comedy sketch musical theater event exhibition performing opera theatrical acting consummation caper execution melodrama theatre attraction curtain-raiser tour de force show business show biz revue showing review rehearsal ceremony offering prosecution enactment pursuance commission fulfillment appearance house public presentation fulfilment floor show variety show masque dramatization vaudeville theatricals allegory screenplay dramatisation musical performance theatrical work theatrical piece stage play music hall movie afternoon showing film live performance spectacular lampoon vaudeville show engagement job employment solo program broadcast programme series sight representation live music sketch show solo performance musicale prom festival rockfest music festival jam session musical entertainment teleplay soapie pantomime promenade concert pop concert rock concert potboiler soap opera dramatic piece mask television drama radio play one-act television play flop turkey smash hit smash hit


An occurrence, or something that happens
event affair case circumstance incident outcome episode eventuality occasion occurrence happening situation conjuncture development phenomenon appearance milestone time turning point adventure escapade matter consequence deed issue phase exploit hap proceeding thing experience fact business activity encounter ordeal feat instance story chapter tribulation scene manifestation incidence set of circumstances action transaction fait accompli turn of events goings-on interlude caper stunt antic venture fling romp contingency undertaking moment quest chance transpiration accident change juncture emprise campaign gamble result revelation surprise crusade hazard exigency upshot trial stage gest speculation condition crapshoot twist concern enterprise flutter position state of affairs point fortuity geste state pass go-down evolvement cutover innovation movement unfolding instant spot topic risk to-do sight reality aspect actuality exploration doings instalment installment happenstance coincidence hanky-panky carrying on trip jeopardy endangerment flier voyage flyer what's going down revolution transition onrush transubstantiation newfangledness novelty improvement eventuation turn turnabout materialization conclusion denouement convolution materialisation intricacy complexity confusion complication detail background environment context picture cause element means particular factor score state of play lay of the land lie of the land set of conditions set-up how the land lies how things stand prank trick frolic gag jest dido lark roguery waggery knavery rag capriccio jape shines monkeyshines shavie mischief game rib skylarking shenanigans spree rollick mission antics scrape jaunt vagary folly practical joke high jinks fooling around


A religious or other solemn ceremony or act
rite ceremonial ceremony observance ritual custom form formality liturgy practice procedure sacrament service solemnity celebration communion convention mystery office order ordinance performance tradition usage worship habit institution occasion routine Sacrament formal procedure festival praxis protocol tikanga lockstep cultus schedule prescription stereotype show decorum solemnities commemoration propriety parade function formal courtesy red tape mode fashion way rule manner wont consuetude precedent habitude matter of course mores proprieties mass characteristic grind groove into beaten path hang-up daily grind method formula customariness trick etiquette style rubric policy system use norm pattern precept canon regulation second nature shot addiction p normality normalcy ordinariness prevalence pomp practise habitualness rituality pageantry services vow baptism confirmation matrimony marriage confession oath formulation solemnization proceedings holy orders formalities officiation business ado rigmarole religious ceremony church service form of worship palaver festivity regime moeurs treatment currency acceptance management rote control thing swim usance behaviour rules manners conduct decency how approach social practice tack tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology convenance proceeding behavior channels setup law ropes process modus operandi right practice set formula lore folklore by the book kawa do's and don'ts by the numbers done thing legend legendry belief principle myth doctrine culture birthright customs ethics wisdom fable mythology ethic mythos established practice heritage dictates conventionalism folkways shibboleth vogue design mould character attitude mold type observation kaupapa sacred cow unwritten rule unwritten law established way way of doing things


A gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction
sign gesture signal gesticulation cue action expression mime motion move nod pantomime signaling signalling wave deed indication indicator intimation kinesics movement demonstration display exhibition illustration manifestation wink body language motioning high sign signing waving gesturing salute beckoning sign language arm-waving hand movement mark evidence communication proof beckon prompting testimony body English signals signs shrug curtsy gestures bow reminder token genuflection activity maneuver manoeuvre shift shifting locomotion exercise stir operation step procedure performance process stirring stroke execution implementation mechanics mechanism style technique form undertaking work workings proceeding method working manner approach functioning machination exploit routine measure handiwork fashion venture artistry art agency program programme effort delivery initiative play fancy footwork adventure course of action swing running employment course behaviour transaction manoeuvres maneuvers happening moves sweeping sweep go-down feats exploits machinations operations manipulation behavior exercising function application deeds methods approaches enactments usage use interplay interaction processes way actions undertakings strokes methodology doings blows system engagement affair campaign endeavor pursuit project task job practice tradition mode law idea mission enterprise assignment drill ploy scheme business stratagem tactic trick detail dealings deployment charge post maneuvering brief dodge tack proceedings event coordination expedient means manoeuvring endeavour gambit ruse attempt progress feat enactment realization rendering carrying out realisation doing


A thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form
record account report chronicle document file annals documentation register archive diary evidence journal log annal dossier minutes note transcript catalog catalogue history memoir transaction transcripts almanac data deed instrument registry script transcription chronology commentary entry information inventory list memo memorandum narrative proceedings writing certificate directory logbook manuscript memorial narration trace yearbook blog casebook inscription legend muniment scorecard scroll story case study case history written material paper trail swindle sheet procès-verbal listing statement summary paper schedule index book roster article roll calendar archives table description review ledger write-up item checklist notes tally bulletin minute daybook tale biography autobiography testimony notebook profile recital version transactions contract communication relation piece life canon records menu essay text jotting letter testament detail brief rundown dispatch compendium life story chronicles commentaries message outline study scoop announcement roll call documents exposition résumé digest saga magazine news treatise gazette database weblog docket vlog proof publication record book novel epic voucher serial official document agenda bio analysis broadcast form confessions wire communique cable reminder picture anecdote memoirs sketch credentials release authorization word thesis periodical charts column encyclopedia certification dissertation testimonial yarn life history synopsis feature newspaper discourse facts newsletter sitrep folder store annual papers romance tabloid copy warrant encyclopaedia rag fiction editorial novelette legal agreement daily weekly zine novella mag coupon organ card moblog sheet myth verification short story allegory parable affidavit authorisation reference book accounts paperwork legal document folk tale declaration opinion repository scandal sheet address pronouncement proclamation tidings enumeration handout telegram handbook reminiscences census syllabus delineation portfolio journals précis lineup itemization jottings files experiences muniments tabulation notation vita data bank atlas manual guide hot wire intelligence gen composition blow by blow album impressions notice pass critique communiqué licence chart print case missive epistle permit aide-memoire guidebook draft official paper legal paper legal form chit charter opus ephemeris workbook title attestation prose written communication diurnal letters adventures draught agreement witness personal account e-mail return official documentation follow-up press spiel license proceeding memo pad conte monthly blook fantasy authentication daily record quarterly covenant adventure drama metropolitan broadsheet trade credential head count compte rendu day-by-day account annotation urban myth urban legend biweekly extra potboiler cliffhanger ticket marginalia fictional account nose count warranty receipt news-sheet exposure news coverage reporting mention coverage registers thing submission computerized information storage data processing recollections fable particulars pages reportage poll rota job sheet memorials survey update long list details observations entries recountal chronicon regular memories classification breakdown overview laundry list registration day-to-day account official list policy written account flash deets precis bulldog gazetteer summing-up element recapitulation red-top case notes books cartulary specification slate indenture commonplace book news flash self-portrayal experience confession tickler muster programme program recorded information prehistory blotter literature balance sheet directive support public records transliteration portrayal depiction paperback bestseller hardback financial statement personal history volume work biog hit list overall picture pad work of fiction best-seller pot boiler blockbuster yellowback worksheet piece of fiction three-decker cliff-hanger journalism oeuvre ode portrait historical account monograph account book memory jogger notepad datebook FilofaxTM scrapbook rough draft apostil backlog deposition CV prosopography close-up internal life personal life tome theme substantiation data warehouse stock list translation corroboration validation confirmation deed of covenant lease bargain conveyance title deed compact security recollection memory tractate reminiscence assessment stock book newssheet book list pamphlet poem play demonstration gazeteer scratch summarized record scribble obiter dictum datum gloss thank-you scrawl definition comment mark observation line remark binder jotter diploma acclamation tribute recording yellow pages post appendix curriculum vitae personal narrative personal anecdote personal record endorsement pocketbook cahier application questionnaire evaluation criticism praise judgement recognition newsprint treatment exposé who's who blue book white pages social register microblog belle-lettre shorthand dictation correspondence stenography accreditation little black book written version e-book memorandum book booklet scratch pad exercise book Filofax disquisition uncovering paragraph discussion exclusive revelation section source book bibliography list of books ammunition clincher little magazine medium channel fanzine semimonthly pictorial newsweekly triweekly mouthpiece eveninger bimonthly slick vehicle agency semiweekly voice newsmagazine tab written copy website forum blank straight stuff averment establishment reason exhibit goods grounds reasons smoking gun argument token appreciation rating judgment crit printed version guarantee reading list list of references slip recorded material piece of writing inside story press report editorial column news story think piece webcast podcast site vodcast acquittance info advices stub tear-off slip check counterfoil carnet language treeware sequel comedy apologue tragedy nonfiction beat critical analysis chitty ducat pasteboard firman comp data sheet affirmation pro forma entry form application form shingle sheepskin testification sheet of paper old saw rain check season ticket list of suggested reading badge rover laissez-passer invite raincheck board complimentary ticket travel document chatroom personal website long and short of it professional organ comic book


The action or skill of imitating someone or something, especially in order to entertain or ridicule


(in a play, film, or television) To perform a fictitious role
play perform impersonate characterise characterize do imitate interpret personate portray appear enact mime mimic personify burlesque dramatise dramatize emote parody rehearse represent star stooge strut ham mug play a part take part act out be on go on go over make debut masquerade as play act play gig play part play role be an actor do a turn ham it up play the part of pose as put it over tread the boards be an actress be one of the cast bring down the house put on an act depict present playact execute stage render produce mount show put on take the part of ape play-act give caricature mock satirize travesty lampoon copy role-play spoof star as monkey fake appear as play out ditto take off satirise feature take the role of pretend to be send up make fun of do an impression of play a role costar feign work out imagine work through manifest exhibit display evince strut one's stuff appear on stage reenact adapt come onstage come on stage take part in achieve appear in discourse picture image improvise mirror make like embody headline pass oneself off as purport to be represent oneself as profess to be double as assume character act like act a part pass off dress as exaggerate overplay offer carry direct be open overdramatize overact carry out act the part of play a gig read a part bring out put before the public collaborate entertain lead express emotion emulate ridicule copycat play the lead take the lead be showcased head the cast figure top the bill parrot sham pantomime make believe do like go like do an impersonation of


To behave so as to appear to be
feign fake sham assume bluff pose pretend simulate affect counterfeit dissemble masquerade posture profess dissimulate kid posture as seem to be pass for play-act pretend to be put on put it on put on an act make believe playact imitate play impersonate put up a front make like put on a front put on airs purport lie disguise make out front let on give the appearance of make out like make a pretence of go through the motions of mimic deceive fabricate reproduce ape make-believe make as if play possum play at fake it put on a false front go through the motions make a show of mask hide conceal veil falsify cloak do cheat portray camouflage mislead represent invent claim malinger act as if dress up act like do like be dishonest four-flush pass off as assume the role pass off shuck and jive pass oneself off as hide one's feelings do a bit play the part of allege hoax mock adopt obscure strike pull suppress contrive fool beard take on aspire to lay it on thick swing the lead put up a front of let on like act as though play the part imagine make a show make a pretense ditto delude present a false face present a false front claim falsely fake out be deceitful be hypocritical mimeo defraud suppose showboat grandstand attitudinize peacock go like make up forge show off devise resemble lift parrot mirror pirate feature copy prevaricate suggest misrepresent borrow create exaggerate steal phoney favour phony equivocate crib concoct favor fence assume an attitude behave affectedly mess strike an attitude take off knock off conjure up act out gloss over mock up strike a pose cop an attitude disguise yourself take off as do a take-off phony up give appearance of put on a false display put on act make show of whitewash stonewall shroud doublespeak cover pussyfoot cover up double-talk put up a smoke screen echo follow match look like emulate be like take after correspond to remind one of mime be similar to reflect smack of bear a resemblance to parallel come near be the very picture of bear resemblance to look a lot like parody repeat duplicate embody copycat bring to mind do an impression of follow the example of be not unlike have a look of put one in mind of bear semblance to appear like spoof caricature fib approximate show travesty depict personate epitomize personify misstate typify epitomise double hatch pose as monkey masquerade as model yourself on send up trump up profess to be take as a model take as an example take as a pattern have earmarks of come close to follow suit tell untruth pattern yourself after tell a white lie be the spitting image of be the spit of be a dead ringer for have signs of follow in the footsteps of be the image of take a leaf out of someone's book have the look of be the picture of create out of thin air pretend to have profess to have scheme orchestrate replicate clone dream up exhibit construct manufacture design stage assume the role of affect the role of coincide relate style oneself on display ham play to the gallery put on a pretense approximate to be consistent with coincide with adopt the style of model after pattern after develop sound like seem like have the hallmarks of be not dissimilar to have all the hallmarks of remind you of put you in mind of make one think of reiterate image fudge become satirize lay on burlesque symbolise signify exemplify glass symbolize correspond illustrate come to have double as turn into lampoon have on the appearance of take on the appearance of minimize veneer varnish downplay rip off pattern oneself on sugarcoat airbrush secrete extenuate screen follow in someone's steps take as a role model model minimise guy incarnate hoke satirise de-emphasize keep quiet about hush up keep a lid on draw a veil over sweep under the carpet keep dark keep secret be dishonest about soft-pedal sweep under the rug disguise as follow example make like a pass as purport to be assume the character of represent oneself as disguise oneself as assume character pass yourself off act a part fake being take the part of play a role mask as behave like take leaf out of book


To outwardly look or be perceived as
appear seem look feel sound come across as come off as make look to be have the air of being give the impression of being have the appearance of being appear to be seem to be strike as being give every indication of being look like strike as present as being look like one is show every sign of being give every appearance of being look as if one is make like one is resemble strike you as being look as though one is give the idea look as if give the impression strike you as occur to one as come across as being have the appearance voice vent express raise state give expound ventilate air create the impression that strike someone that create the impression of being give the impression that give every indication that give the impression being convey the impression look as if you are sound like be suggestive of have the earmarks of seem like show signs of being have the qualities of manifest being make a show of being give the feeling of being show every sign of give the feeling of have the look of being look like you are give the idea of show signs of have the aspects of make a show of create the impression being convey the impression being have the appearance of give the idea of being display signs of being have the look of give someone the feeling that one is sound as if you are exhibit being create the impression have the features of exhibit manifest make clear display communicate reveal declare utter give expression to give voice to make public make known proclaim publicize discuss debate circulate articulate verbalize assert broadcast publish verbalise moot put publicise bring into the open come over come across come off come out with give vent to put forth come disseminate divulge tell announce disclose expose spread promulgate submit impress propose speak give an impression have your say take the wraps off have signs of being have the hallmarks of being have the earmarks of being correspond to being be the very picture of being give impression of being register lodge examine scrutinize sift bring up free scrutinise talk about broach talk over advertize introduce discourse deliberate advertise put into words give an airing to talk of take up thresh out go into bring out into the open find expression for


(of two or more things) To combine with to have an effect on
interact react work blend combine interplay merge mesh interface intermingle interreact interrelate join unite have an effect mix amalgamate fuse commix commingle intermix meld incorporate interweave composite comingle compound integrate affiliate immix interfuse marry interlace associate homogenize conflate immingle concrete network admix coalesce pool interblend mingle interflow link up wed throw together come together throw in with homogenise link alloy synthesize knit synthesise unify consolidate put together intertwine braid connect join together weave emulsify fold in tangle stir converge conjoin interlink interlock intertwist entwine lace jumble intersperse cross wreathe lump interconnect bring together twist knot entangle snarl bleed cement interpenetrate blunge inweave couple intermesh conglomerate enlace crisscross interwreathe ply writhe interleave implicate embody hybridize interbreed assimilate suffuse whisk transfuse knead infuse hybridise make up premix agglutinate band weld mix up absorb reticulate harmonize work in accommodate yoke include fold plait mass subsume bind twine conjugate interknit introduce harmonise knit together interwind bracket cohere become one tie up tie in lump together throw in together inmix salt thread dilute dissolve concoct run together physically join stir in compose feather in coagment shuffle bond make uniform convolute insert coil interthread ravel twirl join up make similar treat whip beat smooth glue envelop stick cleave cling adhere melt into one another run into one another fade into one another relate dub imbibe form engage interwork mat cross-breed stir together shift around intervolve criss-cross bunch up spoon add in slot in add to fit in interpose mix together dovetail hook in gang up slip in match up mate add melt stir gently twist together concentrate compact attach interdigitate fasten fit together concatenate coordinate desegregate symphonize get together adulterate instill saturate infiltrate melt into run into instil splice alternate pleach darn bind together


To make jokes, especially for purposes of teasing someone
fool jest joke kid fake feign pretend sham banter chaff fun gag jape jive jolly josh mess quip tease wisecrack yuck yuk counterfeit clown about clown around mess about play tricks make believe mess around play the fool put on an act have on muck around muck someone about wind up rib mock razz make fun of pull one's leg roast ridicule rally deride rag fool around fool about hoax spoof ride taunt jibe jeer gibe poke fun at play a prank pull someone's leg pull someone's chain take the mickey trick pun needle sally retort shuck twit play a practical joke satirize satirise make sport of set up make a monkey out of play a trick play a joke tell stories remark lark frolic gambol slang have a joke with have a joke on somebody lark around make mischief have a laugh lark about sneer scoff be facetious tell jokes rot someone put someone on crack wise flout gird put on hoodwink dupe delude deceive beguile mimic send up jibe at guy make jokes about amuse jeer at flip quiz lampoon laugh at divert laugh caricature be sarcastic about parody make a monkey of scoff at goof on poke mullock at entertain prank haze smoke rag on sling off at cozen con gull bamboozle bother mislead take in flimflam yank someone's chain take the piss out of flout at pillory sneer at bait annoy goad hold up to ridicule harass shoot down put down scorn chiack heckle pick on pan give a hard time scout skewer make a fool of treat with contempt pester badger nudge disturb dog lead on hector torment knock insult rot play with words sledge raz kid around diss contemn slam pooh-pooh fleer make a joke crack jokes poke fun heap scorn on poke borak at cock a snook at call names laugh out of court laugh to scorn crack frazzle disdain disparage raspberry slight dismiss detract denigrate treat contemptuously show contempt show contempt for thumb nose at vilify squib censure dis detract from lout pour scorn on dump on do a number on clown revel humiliate cartoon deflate expose unmask abuse run down make a game of make someone a laughing stock expose to ridicule rail at poke borack show up make a laughing-stock hold up to shame catcall hiss interrupt boo barrack horse around shout disapproval shout down shout at jab shout disapproval at comeback dig hiss at boo at hoot at blow raspberries whistle at hoot snipe catcall at make merry play the clown blow raspberries at give the Bronx cheer to make a crack plague worry hassle harry provoke irritate aggravate bedevil importune vex devil gnaw beleaguer sound snap flirt with swipe at be at


To give an account of
rehearse recite describe detail list recount enumerate repeat tell itemise itemize reiterate relate review delineate name narrate present recapitulate specify catalog catalogue chart chime chronicle depict din give iterate numerate ready reel off report restate tick off go over recap run through set out spell out experiment hone rattle off reenact test trot out go through state set forth quote retell particularize communicate reveal particularise give an account of say cite utter express declare explain portray disclose verbalize verbalise retail announce mention relay impart convey proclaim divulge deliver say again regurgitate make known outline unfold note paint ingeminate expound echo articulate speak enunciate spout parrot declaim orate reprise document soliloquize tabulate voice rehash picture inventory spin identify summarize talk vocalize broadcast spill summarise perform pass lay out assert run down indicate go over again play back record put forward vocalise bring out do speak about repeat from memory register redo show reproduce uncover ditto exhibit imitate resay frame instance copy track offer specialise represent share propound specialize submit propose circumstantiate affirm individualise individualize pronounce expose emphasize intone emphasise aver confess clue in set down air asseverate do again break a story give out vent promulgate sound elucidate go through again run through again word phrase denote come again put into words sound out be specific about maintain testify enounce spiel throw out come out with give voice to trace follow monitor log graph number count put tell about sum figure sling transmit unload enter tally check off formulate belabour run off count noses keep tabs posit ventilate publish raise preach spin a yarn shoot the breeze give the word spill the beans couch take account of tell the story of render chant get off your chest let your hair down give rundown chime in avow interpret pitch give blow-by-blow lay it on the line give an account run by again illustrate double-check recheck belabor rewarn bespout say aloud intonate cantillate daven evoke spiel off list rapidly loose off fire off harp on dwell on do over mimic parody reaffirm discuss tell of advance conjure up mirror ape recall hammer away at go over and over paint in words comment on give details of give a description of say parrot-fashion read aloud do your party piece give a rundown of elaborate pass on provide details of give the facts on put in words testify to give details on inform of advise of account for paint a word picture of resemble second redouble reecho stipulate define designate lay down epitomize embellish spread duplicate re-echo analyse epitomise analyze notify produce individuate replicate renew draw up point out rerun reissue replay report on reduplicate recrudesce reconstruct remake rework recast reshow characterize reoccur reform recur refashion quote chapter and verse exclaim descant expatiate discourse get down to brass tacks charge enlighten apprise unmask unbosom advise brief familiarize inform uncloak acquaint bare unveil claim profess characterise revert to opine allege press intimate attest remark sweat details signify display fly speck run over read back return to address mutter publicize contend vouch protest blurt plead chatter cry predicate shout avouch admit argue mouth advertise mumble purport advertize level sketch gossip familiarise verse clear weave voice-over sketch out give utterance to put forth chirp clarify signal perorate make public swear modulate yammer talk about pipe read blab give away whisper get across drawl jaw yak lip gab get off gas make clear publicise stress murmur suggest evince pop off translate pipe up with put across play over show again hold forth sing same old song catch up fill in tell a story give a report of leave word call upon open up let slip lay open tell on keep posted put before give facts wise up break the news let in on let on about spit it out give evidence of be evidence of leak betray instruct let out discover blurt out warn circulate let on release disseminate let know hip tip off post lay bare make aware acknowledge put in the picture bring into the open alert go public with bring to light put wise forewarn clue let the cat out of the bag update prime squeal herald let drop tip hint break trumpet blazon spill the beans about tattle come clean babble cough vouchsafe blow the lid off out educate give the game away fill in on own let the cat out of the bag about demonstrate bespeak moot give notice blow the gaff spill your guts about give expression to edify give the lowdown teach own up manifest confide caution explicate remind clothe blare concede annunciate sing come out clue up illuminate snitch flash insinuate blow wide open come out of the closet squeal about bring out into the open tell all imply come clean about make aware of give vent to clue in on gen up on run by make familiar with acquaint with speak out keep up to speed with put in the picture about counsel coach train make conversant prepare announce to provide details spring blaze placard prompt drill direct guide put out send word to broach dictate put over decipher get over wake allow bring up-to-date connote grant demystify keep up to date go public on pour out take the lid off dish the dirt give information about tell all about put someone on notice unravel give the low-down simplify clear up untangle clue up about fess up speak up unriddle cough up spill your guts shout from the rooftops make plain break down bring forward go into detail blow the gaff on put on guard propagate ground issue impart to explain to unburden school communicate to breathe make familiar trade resolve let fall disburden habituate accustom to table reply insist hand on ejaculate give details leak to carry give the facts spell unearth instruct in teach in educate in crack level with tweet import drop hold bruit report to debate initiate into school in indoctrinate in send word bear apprise of squeak preconize allude to burst out with dish grass fill someone in make known to get up to date exchange information comment give information to spill all confide in construe fink take the wraps off show up initiate warrant blow the whistle on noise abroad confirm advocate diagram gen up alarm give the gen about get together give the low-down on stand for put on to asservate blazon abroad flag reveal all reassert allegate sound off add up to give warning open your heart spread around read out sound the alarm give fair warning to give a warning to raise the alarm lay it out talk of decode point to let cat out of the bag reveal information rat on divulge information tip the wink tip one's hand go into make out make a clean breast of give the details of split on tell the facts reveal to give testimony put in plain English disclose to bear witness compare notes let into give it up make obvious give forth swap opinions grass on give the high sign tell tales throw light on flesh out give the gen trust entrust relate to fill-in unfurl overshare open make knowledgeable blow write send give up slip cover phonate feed make trickle transpire nail debunk undress conduct transfer transfuse ring up get through proliferate diffuse chin go apprive count down reason run with buzz venture look wire cable adumbrate certify open up on declare one's preferences unclothe promote distribute inflect let it all hang out write up get out mean give words to yell roar break the news to shop have your say unburden oneself intend reference give the latest keep informed put up argument infer give the show away get one's tongue round bring word communicate information bring word on return serve vow guarantee move witness propagandize hazard unload on spill to crack to give the skinny on give information breathe a word of give utterance give expression attest to bring to public attention bring to public notice smoke out depose speak coherently speak clearly unbosom oneself out with it run past orient give a report give verbal account rap converse rat hand down bring in volunteer prep validate bring up to date continue arouse give account moan groan emit break silence chat open your mouth agree turn in inform on wise to split stool bring out into open put cards on table get out of your system lay it on share a confidence bend an ear lay the gaff disperse propagandise update on notify of give intelligence betoken put about put on the alert give fair warning groom annotate wave flag shed light disentangle defog paint a picture unscramble make intelligible express in words draw attention to spell it out set the scene put in plain words put on the qui vive give an explanation of justify erupt flow bring up to speed give details to tutor accede accept update about declare to introduce matter recognize give instructions show the lay of the land bring up to date on give the rundown on give the gen on give a rundown discipline throw light upon draw a map of explain in simple terms keep up to date with put on the line explain the situation to explain the circumstances to bandy about bruit about spread about bruit abroad realize assent adduce notice advert enlighten as to offer information put wise about give the rundown expose information evidence mark appreciate issue a statement about call blast give notice of drum yield cop to acquiesce make a clean breast realise go into details recognise 'fess up concur own up to open eyes describe the state of affairs to make reference to symbolize bring to notice lesson indoctrinate upskill to make clear hold up to view crack wide open bring into view add persist advert to touch upon touch on let anyone know of remark on refer to portend jabber tout say further continue to speak state further go on keep going wink be symptomatic of be a sign of amount to be an indication of be a symptom of symbolise sign flag up prime on ground in emerge spout out spew out gush out come spurt out accustom style pass the word pilot inculcate engineer brainwash lecture give lessons to steer lead wise term run off at mouth spread rumors talk out of turn brief as to intro carry on season appraise nudge supply with facts disillusion disabuse din something into drum into break it to give lessons break in give lessons in put someone through their paces habituate to train in coach in inure go on to say gush sneak on communicate knowledge grass up settle knock down fix up show the ropes give two cents give someone to understand make conversant with give a tip give a pointer give the low-down to naturalize condition adapt case prime in popularise adjust popularize use mix introduce to wont naturalise explicitize keep in the loop prod clue up on put wise to familiar with skilled in conversant with knowledgeable about instructed in proficient in informed about acquainted with correct disenchant highlight explicitise utter suddenly run off at the mouth come forth get lowdown on get lay of land bring into common use awaken to bring into use get to know check out get in let down hair get to know about come to know break the ice become aware of become adept in get with it gain friendship let next to make used to hint to help someone remember signal to help you remember shed light on clear the air give someone a cue sort out draw a picture of straighten out clear the air about make simple jog your memory refresh memory get something straight cause someone to remember give a cue to make you remember make perfectly clear keep up to speed make cognizant keep abreast call out cry out well informed about abreast of apprised of at home with undeceive bewray be honest with plugged into well up on genned up on au fait with au courant with in touch with no stranger to in the know about up to date with switched on to clued in on clued up on go public blow the whistle


To commit or carry out
perpetrate accomplish execute achieve do perform effect fulfil fulfill prosecute commit effectuate negotiate compass make enact wreak inflict pull carry out bring off carry off pull off bring about follow through with put through be responsible for go through be guilty of be behind be to blame for up and do produce complete practice engage in initiate practise finish act out realize realise discharge attain carry through engineer implement consummate succeed in manage conduct bring to fruition score administer conclude cause clinch enforce make happen deliver on secure apply create deliver make it engender get there follow through on finalize fix catalyze reach render work catalyse finalise succeed win impose exact land observe meet satisfy transact strike deal out get done notch up generate sew up make good on wrap up go through with bring induce prompt invoke yield spawn contrive administrate breed beget bring to pass result in actualize gain procure hit visit exercise perfect conquer seize earn survive acquire live up to do one proud serve out mete out chalk up clock up arrive at lay on put into effect put into practice acquit oneself of take care of nail it rack up bring to completion come through do the trick do justice to bring to bear take care of business see through make it through force upon get through transgress nail gain fulfillment fulfill your potential make work have obtain annex bring home the bacon annexe finish off establish bear out make the grade make good dispatch ply serve engage tick exert process work out be successful score a success deliver the goods run with the ball carry to completion go that route dispose of do to a turn be engaged in act upon wind up authorize authorise stage put into action bring into effect put in force bring into play put into operation cut swing present hack grasp honour honor bag wrest net snag play out unleash put on polish off put over do the job sail through deal with vent do to a T earn one's wings get someplace latch onto keep faith with put the tin lid on do a bang-up job fulfill one's potential make hay put it over be true to express bestow indulge gratify wreck force give free rein to give vent to lay mete levy extort require apply to dump on mete out to administer to deal out to cause to expose stick it to bring upon give it to give serve out to deliver to lay down the law subject give to dispense command launch organize put in place provoke arrange for call forth give rise to occasion originate set up start actuate precipitate cause to occur cause to happen run kindle draw on bring on turn the trick organise turn out begin translate into put across


Make a performance of
dramatize exaggerate overdo overstate amplify sensationalise sensationalize catastrophize embellish embroider hyperbolize inflate magnify overemphasise overemphasize overplay overstress aggrandize color colour elaborate gild heighten play-act blow up burlesque dress up enact execute expand on farcialize melodramatize perform playact present produce show splash stage touch up tragedize ham up lay on play up give color to ham it up lay it on lay it on thick make a performance of play on heartstrings play to gallery play to the gallery make a big thing out of make a production of blow up out of all proportion make a mountain out of a molehill overdraw stretch pad overestimate build up enhance fudge puff emphasize expand enlarge blow out of proportion overpitch emphasise make too much of something stretch the truth elaborate on lay it on with a trowel make a drama out of a crisis overdramatize misrepresent boost misreport exalt falsify pyramid pile it on lie romanticize put on make a big thing of romanticise blow something out of all proportion overuse overact make a production out of maximize overwork distort oversell intensify overvalue fabricate brag boast misquote maximise hike over-elaborate varnish overrate add colour overembellish lay it on with a shovel draw the longbow shoot a line make a federal case of draw the long bow flesh out make federal case make a big deal out of something accentuate mug accent make a big thing of it blow it out of all proportion overstate the case show off get carried away point up labor at emphasize too much magnify importance make a song and dance about make a fuss overcharge aggravate emote increase puff up give someone a sob story make a mountain out of make mountain of molehill augment add detail to blow-up enlarge on exaggerate information go into detail about spread on thick make mountain out of molehill distend ginger up overelaborate yeast add flesh to jazz up extend swell pump up express emotion escalate cram surcharge widen fill bloat balloon spread disguise beef up drive up swell up go up pervert garble manipulate misrelate poison misstate airbrush belie bend fake massage strain go overboard with belabour carry do to death pile on cook misinterpret overload overreach camp up overburden overtax overindulge hype fatigue belabor overtire pressure quote out of context talk big strain yourself pull the longbow go overboard drive oneself make a thing about make a thing of run riot wear down take out of context put a spin on give a false account of gloss over go too far wear yourself out make a big thing about bite off too much run into the ground corrupt up overexaggerate caricature scam romance cook up pile it on about pretty up go to extremes loud talk lay it on thick about big up lay it on with a trowel about dramatise overdo it stress chew the scenery tear a cat ham warp attach too much importance to strengthen deepen overpraise twist labor labour promote highlight underline slant redouble consolidate step up dwell on harp on amp up attach too much weight to alter raise travesty doctor change compound spin multiply impress add to exacerbate fiddle tamper with fix brighten over-praise worsen broaden inflame adulterate make worse jack up hike up rouse rise intensate expound on go on about trump up lay too much emphasis on harp on about place too much emphasis on palter prevaricate con go on phony up equivocate drive home chew up the scenery stretch a point theatricalize interlard blow up out of proportion fill out allow too much for overcalculate lay too much stress on forge over-embroider over-embellish over-colour concentrate make something out of nothing acclaim go over the top about go on and on about sharpen reinforce counterfeit dilate overwrite applaud praise fester invent debase mount sweeten vitiate advance quicken gain strength pick up overplay it contravene salt put on an act rig traverse gloss deacon four-flush fake it deceive contort frame up fib run up jump up fan the flames of heat up lighten pour it on set off spike darken add fuel whet point tone up heap on soft-soap camp it up parody embellish the truth sweet-talk give fulsome praise pay extravagant compliments lay on with a trowel conceal make much of blarney blow smoke miscolor pass off cover up skew angle snow cheese give a false idea of cloak bias beard mask mangle pirate confuse dress glorify coat grace overprize foreground deck window-dress adorn enrich sugar-coat camouflage underscore spotlight feature punctuate garnish beautify ornament bedeck press illuminate exceed overreckon overassess rate too highly assess too highly think overesteem italicize accelerate juggle begild engild plate paint aureate overlay wash tinsel whitewash aurify glitter supersize exaggerate the worth of patch stoke italicise supplement focus attention on give prominence to call attention to draw attention to turn spotlight on bring to the fore lay emphasis on put emphasis on bring attention to interfere with think too highly of expect too much of praise too highly think too much of exaggerate the merits of prize too highly tinker with fiddle with lengthen add expatiate turn up make louder soup up


Act as an official in charge of something, especially a sporting event
officiate manage direct preside run superintend chair oversee supervise conduct control emcee head serve umpire adjudicate handle lead overlook referee be in charge be responsible head up judge mediate moderate preside over be responsible for boss command function govern look after take charge be in charge of take the chair do the honors perform official duties carry out official duties guide administer operate run the show regulate administrate steward captain steer pilot be at the helm of rule keep organize carry on organise arbitrate call the shots in care for call the shots be head of take the helm adjudge settle maintain minister dominate rule on maneuver influence tend to manoeuvre pull the strings honcho master sit on top of be in command of take over be the boss of call the tune wield hold down be in the saddle take care of call the tune in hold sway over exercise control over be in control of quarterback deal with sort out minister to take in hand decide determine stand call ref manipulate field address negotiate hack take spearhead front instruct work execute watch treat ply call upon watch over engage in take forward have control of tyrannize order be the leader of drive coach reign over take the reins of domineer be at the helm prevail over have authority tyrannise officer have charge of marshal marshall exercise authority over sway hold office lead the way be in authority over have authority over assume command of be the head of hold dominion over exercise power ordain be chairperson reign advise sit officiate at be chairman be chairwoman call the signals be in driver's seat orchestrate be at the head of tend pull the wires carry out hold the reins ride herd on crack the whip be in the driving seat be in the driver's seat maintain order bully dictate helm use run things order about boss about predominate mastermind overrule boss around rule the roost lay down the law give orders be in power over take charge of hegemonize subjugate order around prevail tell someone what to do monopolize keep under thumb oppress hold sway utilize skipper monopolise engage employ subject overshadow harness exercise overbear discipline play micromanage utilise shepherd rule over set off introduce browbeat bulldoze take the chair of push around conquer subdue start overpower activate eclipse vanquish outshine engineer be in power preponderate implement actuate wear the crown walk all over ride roughshod over exploit take the reins play first fiddle lead by the nose be the boss have one's way wear the trousers have upper hand be in saddle host dragoon see observe commandeer call the shots of assume command over be on duty be accountable for facilitate outnumber superabound corner the market be boss of coordinate reign supreme have control over apply dispose show the way call the shots on lord over dictate terms act on take on be foremost detract from render inspect trailblaze navigate beacon channel coxswain funnel contrive point make go push point in the right direction have the say control the affairs of put on the right track take control of mind occupy throne exercise authority assume command hold dominion eye attend serve the people chaperon railroad pressurize herd have a handle on keep one's eye on be on duty at baby-sit keep an eye on tackle pressurise lean on man occupy lord it over try to control swing spark trigger propel hold power give orders to intimidate throw your weight around impose one's will on throw one's weight about use strong-arm tactics on contend with get a handle on behave toward apply oneself to cope with give attention to grapple with attend to act toward get to grips with outweigh subordinate touch off turn on crank up affect have influence sit in power wield the sceptre be queen have control be monarch be sovereign occupy the throne be king sit on the throne regiment pacify besteer bewield puppeteer override have the upper hand be dominant be in control get the upper hand carry most weight tell carry weight push about have ascendancy over have the whip hand over trample on have the upper hand in have mastery over have under one's thumb have the upper hand over rule the roost in have a hold over hold purse strings have something in the palm of one's hand push buttons have someone in one's hip pocket have someone in the palm of one's hand hold the purse strings have someone eating out of one's hand precede crown cap top overcome defeat be at the front of come first in be first in be at the top of pioneer launch initiate suppress beat check curb quell lick quash tame bring motivate prompt trail-blaze produce spur originate cause persuade move bridle restrain dispatch repress best triumph over surmount be in the van be in the vanguard of lead the way in be in the forefront of lay the first stone put in motion go out in front be in the front line of blaze the trail set in motion bring on be in the van of be the driving force behind get the jump on lead the way for stop overmatch get over skunk gain control of do down get around gain mastery over worst get the better of upend get get a grip on win against

Antonino de actual act

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