Sinónimo de an circumstance


The state of affairs of someone or something
situation condition standing lot outlook position prospect state plight predicament scenario station status surroundings crisis lifestyle phase place point rank scene setting sphere times state of affairs station in life status quo order capacity shape circumstances nick footing estate level form echelon health grade fettle stratum degree division ranking kilter rung class stature reaches caste case fate esteem quality context background shoes set of circumstances spot basis juncture nature way environment mode character posture gradation primacy stock hierarchy supremacy rung on the ladder paramountcy point on the scale authority slot title pedigree seniority pecking order trim repair destiny keeping fortune doom break kismet predestination foreordination breaks karma category classification reputation Moirai way cookie crumbles hand one is dealt distinction rating nobility privilege walk stage caliber calibre tier set group notch standard folk gentry worth mark step repute grouping prestige grading importance eminence rate league dignity measure size social class social status placing consequence bracket position in society influence arrangement merit estimation lineage honour honor pigeonhole cachet significance value kind extent amount magnitude quantity height social order intensity social division proportion varna cultural level volume pitch standing in society how things stack up peg benchmark excellence reach relationship string tribe plane sector office line terms remove dignification achievement virtue relations race post occupation appointment evaluation chapter ordering measurement sorting foundation degree of competence level of achievement calibration cut inch designation score estimate assessment appraisal categorization social group number portion fame note figure total prominence weight name prestigiousness regard clout valuation judgement judgment brand celebrity image account ranks quantum aggregate mana renown superiority report kudos degree of proficiency degree of merit degree of quality type laurels social standing good name social position izzat circle way things are how things are way things shape up how it goes where it's at lay of the land descent sect clan clique origin extraction high point club company moiety coterie connection genealogy ancestry derivation standpoint social hierarchy social stratum sitch instance ballgame affairs social rank societal group bargain picture dilemma event ball game set up size of it like it is


That which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event


An uncertain course of events
chance luck accident destiny fate fortune happenstance hazard kismet misfortune providence casualty coincidence fortuity the times contingency hap doom lot serendipity karma stars portion predestination what is written in the stars predetermination break way the cookie crumbles fluke way the ball bounces destination adventure horoscope cup dole divine will Lady Luck good luck toss-up handwriting on the wall wheel of fortune future condition expectation freak conclusion Moirai foreordination orlay occurrence occasion twist of fate bad luck the stars a twist of fate lucky break stroke of luck Dame Fortune mozzle circumstances probability fifty-fifty hand mishap cast happenchance fortuitousness haphazard haza gamble advantage possibility afterlife breaks unforeseen event peradventure divine decree Norns Fates what is written Parcae heritage roll of the dice long shot lucky hit inescapableness wyrd hit or miss a bit of good luck good fortune a fluke a piece of good fortune turn of the cards a happy chance a bit of luck heads or tails throw of the dice opportunity edge astral influence mere chance lot in life happening turn happy chance even chance start bit of luck calling purpose piece of good fortune chance event bit of good luck call vocation inevitability due deal objective constellation finality prospect design hereafter sentence decision intention ordinance nemesis certainty intent decree verdict condemnation judgment world to come Moira judgement cataclysm opinion tragedy calamity trouble Judgment Day fixed future handwriting on wall lap of the gods preordination Providence predestiny end what is to come writing on the wall one's dole quirk blessing incident risk contingence contingent twist likelihood event eventuality luckiness happy accident fortunateness tossup luck of the draw oddity emergency godsend uncertainty accidental happening case Fortuna odds unusual occurrence a stroke of luck windfall strike chance occurrence stroke Lady Fortune stumbling upon dumb luck happy coincidence peculiar turn of events fortunate divine intervention flukiness God's will outside influence one's lot one's portion odd chance piece of luck lucky chance lucky stroke stroke of good luck piece of good luck quirk of fate advent run of luck stroke of good fortune freak happenstance good break streak of luck


A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
predicament dilemma fix difficulty plight pickle quandary jam trouble mess bind hole mire quagmire corner spot crisis impasse scrape muddle emergency box rattrap perplexity swamp strait issue exigency imbroglio jackpot hardship pinch puzzle situation pass juncture state clutch condition vicissitude rigour rigor asperity deadlock soup position drag tight spot hot water tight corner awkward situation difficult situation sticky situation rabbit hole sticky wicket deep water catch-22 problematic situation hang-up how-do-you-do bad news kettle of fish rough go zero hour turning point head stage crossroad flash point crossroads contingency trouble spot l Dutch climacteric urgency straits hot spot exigence state of affairs state of things time point moment conjuncture extremity crunch occasion tinderbox Dunkirk phase period crux point in time breaking point interval status boiling point crunch time instant posture choice moment in time distress pressure panic stations necessity entanglement disaster catastrophe stress calamity confusion stew embarrassment unfortunate situation tragedy squeeze meltdown misadventure trauma depression critical situation dire straits connection combination danger accident concurrence crucial point mix-up jumble tangle comess involvement urgent situation moment of truth tension compulsion desperate straits push climax unforeseen circumstances bad situation point of no return uphill pretty a bad situation bewilderment mystification bottleneck a plight a mess a predicament a sorry condition a difficult situation a hole a fix a jam a scrape a tight corner a bind demand need choke point pretty kettle of fish fine kettle of fish constraint requirement want demandingness acuteness needfulness requisite essential wont criticalness pressingness imperativeness fiasco setback upheaval conundrum adversity cataclysm duress blow complication chaos disarray failure havoc problem debacle tribulation disorder drama crash shambles hell mishap misfortune reversal turmoil collapse horror scourge ruin blight reverse devastation whammy shock monstrosity affliction bomb woe shipwreck disorderliness hassle desolation holocaust apocalypse trial messiness bust spot of bother big trouble vicious circle hell on earth hot potato worst-case scenario double trouble heavy blow stroke of ill luck hard times sorry condition no-win situation train wreck tricky situation reversal of fortune car crash tight situation sad state


A small individual part of something larger
particular detail fact point item specific specification element feature particularity aspect datum nicety regard respect thing article case fine point cue lowdown nitty-gritty picture rundown scoop score speciality specialty story clue gospel bottom line brass tacks what's what whole story chapter and verse facts of life nuts and bolts ABC's matter question topic consideration subject facet characteristic theme issue proposition concern piece of information subject matter component part factor attribute ingredient portion technicality trait essence dope argument statement opinion view affair viewpoint line of reasoning meat and potatoes situation data point dispute controversy contention reference statistic bearing position relation connection information angle perspective data info point of view slant idea gen itemized information low-down bone of contention point in question proceeding point at issue goings-on point of departure business can of worms occasion matter of contention matter in question talking point puzzle minutia side instance count unit accessory member constituent peculiarity fraction circumstantiality singularity structure schedule ABCs minor point problem enquiry inquiry point of contention grievance query complication core meaning nub crux pith marrow import gist meat drift keynote heart thrust burden text essential point central point pivot main point sense centerpiece sum kernel nucleus bull's-eye net signification root substance significance nubbin moral relevance tenor focal point salient point punch line main idea heart of the matter stuff motif name of the game centrepiece most important fact kicker


The occurrence of dangerous or exciting things
incident drama commotion excitement fuss scene adventure crisis disturbance dramatics histrionics peril spectacle tension theatrics affair danger theater theatre theatricals turmoil to-do song and dance dangerous experiences exciting experiences perilous experiences dilemma predicament adversity plight problem quandary mess disaster catastrophe trouble bind quagmire setback trauma upheaval conundrum imbroglio difficulty distress debacle hardship calamity havoc fiasco tribulation tragedy mire emergency jam melodrama blow mishap misfortune occasion complication pickle perplexity cataclysm row affliction pinch business thrill hell fracas entanglement exigency muddle shambles horror sensation farce bad news unfortunate situation sorry condition no-win situation hot water hang-up tight spot tight corner critical situation spot of bother sticky situation tear-jerker tight situation awkward situation train wreck problematic situation sad state difficult situation dire straits hell on earth hard times tricky situation extremity impasse chaos issue disorder disarray strait failure hole crash fix collapse scourge devastation depression apocalypse big trouble deep water worst-case scenario reversal of fortune car crash botched situation meltdown stew pass tinderbox reversal misadventure pressure urgency scrape stress reverse ruin blight confusion whammy shock monstrosity hassle situation desolation embarrassment holocaust bomb woe trial shipwreck disorderliness messiness bust puzzle rabbit hole vicious circle hot potato double trouble heavy blow stroke of ill luck exaggeration storm in a teacup stir tempest in a teapot ruckus quarrel

Antonino de an circumstance

Music ♫

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