Sinónimo de bleed someone of something


To extort something, especially money, from someone by putting them under strong pressure
screw extort coerce fleece gouge force milk bleed exact extract squeeze wrest wring skin constrain oppress pinch pressure pressurise pressurize wrench hold up put screws to obtain by force hold a knife to bilk hose hustle gyp diddle shortchange con mulct nobble do cozen beat defraud stick skunk gaff ream sucker fiddle chouse expel swindle stiff flimflam sting chisel rook cheat short pluck euchre victimize victimise thimblerig exploit rip off suck dry tear from shake down do in deceive trick dupe take for a ride bamboozle gull hoodwink fool scam take to the cleaners mislead hoax finagle pull a fast one on clip take advantage of put one over on hornswoggle shaft bunco delude double-cross burn sell a pup to swizzle snooker sharp sandbag sell a bill of goods to overcharge embezzle gazump steal soak string along have rob rush snow take in elicit pull a swifty on swizz beguile chicane short-change take sell a pup rope in stitch up pull a fast one double-deal goldbrick sell illude compel humbug dragoon fudge intimidate trim blackmail demand gip shuck rack lead up the garden path jerk around sell down the river give someone a bum steer run a game on screw over give the shaft sell a bill of goods do the dirty on pull one's leg set up have on obtain by threats blackmail someone for obtain by threat overreach do out of worm something out of someone put the bite on someone for do someone in the eye jiggle fraud surcharge betray penalise punish penalize baulk fine balk forfeit bluff grift misguide rip-off misinform frame bilk of pigeon strangle pilfer outwit spoof gammon buffalo be sold a pup juggle jive catch pull lead down the garden path prey on cross circumvent ruin frustrate thwart foil disappoint lirt blench rogue belirt crib fake out suck in do number on pull fast one sucker into worm out arm-twist inveigle wheedle entrap kid cajole lure coax do a number on fast talk take out give bum steer break the rules sweet-talk threaten blast ravish drag assault plunder despoil pry burst defile twist press-gang bully ransom shake bribe badger use violence on extort money from ice secure get obtain obtain under duress demand hush money from hold to ransom put the shake on make pay through nose put the arm on

Antonino de bleed someone of something

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