Sinónimo de cut into a bob


To cut or trim to a short length, especially hair
crop trim cut prune clip shear snip pare dock shave lop bob nip poll shorten pollard remove mow truncate detach chop curtail barber reduce skive slash fleece detruncate top hew tonsure disengage lop off cut off cut back chop off hack off cut short take off cut shorter make shorter contract cut down pare down abbreviate shrink condense downsize sever decrease compress lessen diminish elide abridge syncopate shape boil down thin telescope restrict shave off nip off trim off snip off saw off hack slice separate strip amputate coppice constrict epitomize abstract narrow limit retrench concentrate slim down whittle down clip off even up epitomise file foreshorten single saw dissever slim skim decapitate excise groom ream scythe neaten cream slice off manicure lower deflate round down waste away stop short tighten thin out take out cut out sickle digest summarize synopsize scrape off file off gash trim down incise nick slit tidy up notch snick shred peel skin summarise flay curb scrape blue pencil excoriate decorticate carve cut into put in a nutshell scalp restrain minify cramp inhibit halt control peel off strip off knock off pare off roll back rein in tighten up put a restriction on break off rein back put the brakes on put a limit on hold back dwindle minimize excerpt minimise get shorter take up cut to the bone turn up ease abate moderate drop de-escalate downscale taper lighten weaken quell attenuate scale down temper mitigate wind down depreciate ebb depress decrement tone down alleviate mark down deplete bring down check dent soften knock down make cutbacks in tail off blunt precis wane dial down decline devaluate axe ax drop off encapsulate sink deaden take the edge off ease off step down dull allay dampen erode cut back on subside dilute impair peter out précis assuage stifle subdue make less taper off edit salami-slice degrade slacken relax downgrade damp wear away wear down shrivel cushion capsulize smother fall off let up mollify mute modify capsule take down damp down take the bite out take the sting out whittle away put a damper on phase down make reductions in fade slump settle waste dry up slow down cheapen wither evaporate palliate discount ration suppress summate make smaller run low narrow down die down sum economize economise inventory couch devalue eliminate undervalue relieve still tranquilize trim back recede calm cool run down deduct placate cut down on tranquillize turn down write down constringe scrimp write off ratchet down get rid of become smaller fall away scale back grow less make less intense put the lid on phase out put damper on soft-pedal grow smaller decay drain quiet droop degenerate rebate mark off tame adjust remit undermine sap muffle repress calm down deteriorate crumble lose edge slack off tail away disempower commute abase squelch soothe fall relent make fewer expurgate bowdlerize plummet plunge shed break do away with outline retrench on subtract recap bowdlerise demote recapitulate make weaker confine omit delete disgrade demerit drive down peter die away die out slacken off become less keep down keep to a minimum keep at a minimum reprise consolidate conflate put down minimalize brief reduce greatly cause to fall ease up on rationalize sum up distill distil make a outline of make a résumé of wrap up rationalise roll down budget cut trim away tune down compact collapse squeeze get smaller take in lose ground cleave dismember abscise remove surgically hew off cut away shear off cast down extenuate amortise whittle qualify amortize

Antonino de cut into a bob

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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